They say millennials are killing off businesses. Honestly, a lot of shitty chains need to be killed off...

They say millennials are killing off businesses. Honestly, a lot of shitty chains need to be killed off. Which chains do you think need to die first?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Salvation Army

Fuck them

Starbucks. Fucking worthless. Shit is overpriced and the coffee is always cold.

consumerism is a cancer. anyone that buys stuff deserves to die.

Best Buy
Panera Bread
Any sort of "bread company" that sells sandwiches for
In fact all coffee stores

Yea Forums

oh wait

So did you steal the pc you’re typing this on, comrade? Caught you black handed.

Those businesses are dying because their prices are too damn high.

> Best Buy
Who the fuck is still shopping there? Needed an adapter for my phone a few months back and the cheapest they had was fucking $30! Same thing on amazon for $8.

someone should probably finish off radioshack

I saw one in a mall a couple months back and asked the clerk "what year is this?!"

Imagine being this dumb.

I didn’t buy it, retard. I just left and did without until my order came 2 days later.

> the mall
I thought those died off

No I meant being dumb enough to not understand who is giving them money. You dumb dumb dumb fuck

nope and apparently that's where the last surviving radioshacks are hiding


Fucking OshKoshBgosh

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I can only think of old people. Even women shop online these days. I just can’t see enough grannies that need overpriced 4K TVs and computer repair.

$80 HDMI cables from BBY are the best!

you know what i meant

i get the $299 ones with gold coated connectors



I work in an office supply shop.
You're right, it's awful and dying.

That you’re an idiot who buys things even though you say buying things is bad. Yeah, I got that part.

>gold plated
I remember the early days of hd tv when I worked in a Best Buy and they would tell us how to trick the customers into buying these. “Well since you’re spending $2000 on this new Samsung you need to protect you’re investment. It’ll help with corrosion blah blah”

Nah man, where else can I pick up cheap shit and take the white trash cashier home for a good breeding session?

Fucking Walmart. Evil ass corporation.

Applebee’s, Logan’s, ruby Tuesday, chili’s, etc. These microwave restaurants that sell overpriced garbage food cooked by methheads.

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Am I the only one who actually likes Subway...?

Walmart. Amazon. Gamestop.

I’m gonna have to stop you right there.

What cashier?

Yes. Subway sucks.

Just wait until they buy Google and turn into skynet. You'll be wishing you supported more mom and pop local businesses then.

Every fucking auto dealer.

Chic-fil-a because of the religious BS

walmart, so the people that shop there will die

Because they close on sundays, want their staff to be Christian, or you just hate christianity in general?

Walmart, Amazon (but it's not gonna die), and McDonalds

but you bought a computer to be here, so you deserve to die too

>Chic-fil-a because of the religious BS

you cant taste religion fucknut. who cares if they are closed sundays and they hate fags...

you still don't see the problem with what you said, don't you

Idk about you but al the Walmart cashiers around here are white trash. When I go in after working with slacks and a button down they all get real friendly. Hoping I’ll elevate them from whatever roach infested trailer they are living in so they will give up some pussy as bait.

I care if they're closed on Sundays that's annoying as shit

you're not the only one user

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>I care if they're closed on Sundays that's annoying as shit

OH NOES. they close sunday. might as well burn the whole city down now because you cant get your fucking waffle fries on a fucking sunday! go cry about it more faggot

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Pizza hut, worst fucking pizza ever.

I simply do not understand why this place is so popular. The food is ok but it’s not that great. I guess it’s jesus’s favorite fried chicken joint and people feel better eating there. That and they basically have cultists working there.

Bruh, society would collapse immediately. The hell you thinking?

Jesus christ imagine taking the internet this seriously

Yes, I'm a chain smoker with zero taste buds and I still can't eat Subway. Their sandwiches are that bad.

maybe because other people like it. just because you dont like something doesnt mean others cant. stop being a self centered cunt.

Found the christfag

But people like you have no issue buying products made from child labor

my man

People love five guys and in and out burger but I don’t see those people jerking each other off over it.

Those are no where near the same thing. Also most people don't give a fuck about child labor because it's so cheap and convenient and the rest of us would have to actually work harder for the things we want.

>Found the christfag

hardly. I dont "worship" any god or read any "ficticious" bible

Yeah user. I’m sure you really LOVE children, huh?

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Yes it is the same thing. You throw a bitch fit over someone having a fucking religious view point, but you don't care that children in 3rd world countries work their fingers bloody so you can buy your lastest overpriced iShit and Air Niggers.

>It's okay because it makes my life easier
Great argument fag. I guess if someone breaks into your house and steals all your shit because it "makes life easier" for them, you'd be cool with it?

Get with the times boomer. You're 2 decade old technology is no match for 2019.

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>air niggers
I lost

>pretends to care for kids
Willing to be you have lots of shit in your house made by these kids. Whatever you typed these messages on surely made in some Chinese sweatshop. Kys you hypocritical nigger.

dont care what you say those chicken biscuits are fucking amazing

stop pretending. you bought the pc you are typing on, plus you paid the internet service you are using to be online and you will continue buying. unless you want to stay on an isolated island living off of bananas and coconuts then shut the fuck up

>Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki

something about being a bigot must make you real good at making chicken sandwiches

Haha found the faggot
Does the Salvation Army upset daddies little queer????


The culty vibe in that place makes me hate it. It’s decent but I can’t deal with all that fake happiness and “my pleasure” bullshit.

This isn't about me is it? It's about people like you that love to pretend you have an issue with Christianity over some sort of moral superiority. Meanwhile actual detestful shit happens in this world everyday and you don't say shit about that. I'm just pointing out the double standard.

I wonder how many brothas are bustin' nuts in his bitchass cornhole?

So deflect and redirect. Sounds pretty typical of a christfag. You can’t claim some one is wrong for something you participate in.

That’s like if we both rob a bank then as we are running out with a big bag of loot you turn to me and say “nigga you a thief!”

fucking commie

>all these faggots getting upset over chick-fil-a's business model of being closed sundays and being religious

who cares. they are open 6 days a week and have great food. all these faggots are just jealous because their employees are guaranteed 1 day off aside from their other day off where as McShits are open 24/7 expect you to have open availability and never close on holidays and have even shittier food than chick-fil-a

Chains closing down is not a good thing. Best Buy, circuit city, blockbuster etc weren't perfect, but they are a hell of a lot better than amazon.

Any of you have the "pleasure" of being served by amazon logistics for their shipping? Hope you enjoy paying for free same/one day shipping when they actually mean 3-7 day because the lazy niggers on AMZL will claim they can't access your building if they are running behind.

Amazon is satan incarnate. We need to support t he lesser evils, otherwise terrible things are going to happen once the great satan has eliminated them all.

First off I'm not a christfag. I just think it's funny how you have a problem with Christianity but turn a blind eye to actual bad shit that happens around the world. You're crying about a fucking chicken restaurant being closed on Sundays, but then you turn around and buy products made by child labor. So yes, you are a fucking hypocrite.

go to a brick and mortar whenever you can. you're just putting your neighbors on unemployment by buying so much shit from amazon.

Without the salvation army retards like you wouldn't have jobs. Get rid of them.

>Cap-P-Toe-Lisim is da best thing they ever wuz!
>if a bidness cant be making money it dont not dererve to be around!

Also Boomers
>Gerd derm MILLENNIALS!!!!
>They aint not shoppin at my stores i like so rather then change bidnesss practices day just gonna close!

If a business closes down its not the fault of the people. Its the fault of the business for being a shitty business.
Walmart are Amazon are damn near slave drivers but they are making money hand over fist.


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>but they are a hell of a lot better than amazon
No they are not. Overpriced products, rude and/or un-knowledgeable employees, "hur dur we're out of stock because i can order it for you", driving down in crowded parking lots and malls filled with smelly shit skins. The list goes on and on. Amazon is far better and that's why a lot of people prefer it.

I wonder if he was every rich / popular enough to spend some time with epstine?

>t. Never read the communist manifesto

and you think amazon isn't going to pull the same shit when their competition is gone? Their prices are only good for now. When they are the only option they'll turn your ass over and shake all the change out of your pockets and chuck you in the trash when you run out.

No clue what you’re taking about. I get my shit on time without an issue. I also found they are far more lenient on returns than most stores. It’s not their fault you live in some project building. Best Buy goes outbof it’s way to trick you into buying things you don’t need. They aren’t satisfied with some of you money they want every last dime they can con out of you. Try looking over the terms of their store card that is designed to trick people into a loop of never ending payments due to deceptive wording about interest rates.

Stop being a contrarian and kill your self.

for now. Don't come crying to me once they are the only game in town and start pinching pennies at your expense.

Man, you’re self awareness is non existent. How can you condemn anyone for something you participate in?

Right, because those are the only two choices for your retarded brain. Either we all put up with overpriced shitty chain stores or Amazon becomes a monopoly. There is no between at all. I bet you're one of those faggots who flips out over your oreo cookies costing 50 cents more when the sign said.

I saw a radio shack, and i thought to myself Radio shack? And i turns to the mall clerk, which is an actual job title, and i says “ radio shack what did i step into a machine machine and get out in the year 2002 or somethin?”

millenials aren't saving up all their dosh under their mattresses, it's the hidden inflation that kills businesses

People used to say the same exact thing about the big department stores. They got all fucked up and a better solution came along. If amazon starts pulling that shit then people will start shopping on a different site.

> I bet you're one of those faggots who flips out over your oreo cookies costing 50 cents more when the sign said.

Don’t get him started, user. He’s gonna start talking about how he saves with coupons.

probably why he got busted.. he had some of those kids nudes on his computer

>his self-awareness is non-existent

Nigger, he hasnt taken the moral high ground like you tried to, then you openly admitted you are a hypocrite like what the fuck.


McAllisters Deli is pretty fucking delish tho

> hasn’t taken the moral high ground
Sorry, wtf? Have you not comprehended all that shit that he wrote?

I am not 2 decades old technology

>t. associate, going to school on the side
170b walton family can't afford to give anyone more than 32 hours
also,they only promote women now. not that I would want a career out of this place, but looks like I'll be stuck in this shithole for a few more years. there's nothing else around

That's why I didn't bother replying to him. I proved the point I wanted to make.

They are doing you a favor. Nothing worse than being a lifer in retail. Go to school and move out of that shithole town.

Is this better for you? 16 feet for $700

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Amazon is better. 15 an hour. enough to support a single individual. just be in shape (not insanely overweight) and you'll be fine at a DC.
Walmart pays 11 an hour. scraping by at best.

>170b walton family can't afford to give anyone more than 32 hours
Why should they? It's not a fucking charity it's a business. Nobody is forcing you to work there.

All box stores, fuck them

The Walton's sold Walmart buddy lol

Underrated post here's a you

You literally tried taking the high road because somebody doesn't like Christianity. “HuR DuR tHeRe Is WuRsE tHiNgS iN Da WuRLd” so nobody should be upset about this because you deemed something else more important. Things you yourself participate in. You proved less than nothing.

>Go to school
I hate hearing this answer. over and over.
I live in the US. we pay for our college.
I have no parents to cosign a loan, so I'm on my own.
I'm looking at roughly 80k to save. I want to be a commercial pilot. Wells Fargo and a few other banks offer financing and it works exactly like a student loan. Only I don't have a cosigner so I have to save. that's all I can do for now.
>inb4 get better jerb
If only you could see my email

Applebees. Agreed! Took the wife out for dinner there the other day. Got Salty as fuck grilled chicken with shrimp on it with dried potato cubes on the side. I'm glad we had a salad first because that food is shit.

That's a long ass cable!

I really like Logan's, but I agree about them microwaving my food to make it hot...

Best buy is the RadioShack of old shit. I can respect that.

Panera on the other hand is food and coffee I can enjoy.

does anyone remember circut city before bestbuy became big

What is there to be upset about exactly? That you can't buy a fucking chicken sandwich on a Sunday? Is chick-fil-a the only source of food in your town or what? You're just throwing a bitch fit over Christianity. If they were closed over Islam or Judaism would you care? No you would not even though tons of businesses do exactly that. This has nothing to do with anything else except your hatred of Christians. Of course it doesn't surprise me you don't understand why you look like such a faggot over it.

Are you rapping my man?

Bennigan's baby. So we can put shittier gayer bullshit on the real estate instead.

college is more and more like high school. the advice to go to college for increasing your probability of climbing the income ladder was valid when few people went to college. as a college degree becomes more common, has less cachet, and even the simplest of low paying jobs requires credentials, that guarantee of improving your income merely by going to college is definitely disappearing.

Best Buy was always big even when circuit city was around.

Where the fuck am i gonna buy electronics Walmart?


Dude wtf, fill out a damn fafsa, apply for scholarships. You probably make shit money so you can get grants to go back to school. I’m literally doing that right now with pell grants and some federal loans. Applying for a school loan at a bank is retarded.

Department stores are an outdated model and their shutting down is reflective of that

Penny's is on the rocks, too bad, i like those seventies stores like Kmart, sears, pennys , A shame to see my childhood go away to Fuckers like Walmart and such. Oh well, Can;t stay in the past forever.

damn the monte crisco sammich at bennigans was the shit also i drank my first guinness at my local bennigans

Actually as much as I dislike Christianity, Islam is worse. I wouldn’t give a Muslim business a dime.

But that’s beside the point that you are arguing in the face of being wrong, yet again. Go look at some trap threads because you’re not doing so well in this one.

Sorry paw paw. They have this new thing called the internet where you can buy things and they come to your house.

Fuck eBay man! A guy can't even buy a cool old muscle car for a realistic price because eBay fags have everyone believing that their car is worth a fuck ton of cash. So I'm reduced to driving a corolla instead.

bestbuy shut our circut city in my shitty small town. i remember going to the closeout sale and buying a home stereo and some other stuff at a cheap discount

>Where the fuck am i gonna buy electronics
How about the fucking internet? That's a thing now gramps

I like how the economy is fucked and it's our fault when the fact is that we graduated high school when the 2008 resession happened and graduated college with a huge debt to pay to student loans. Because we are not as well off as our parents or grandparents were, we are at fault because all these chains are suffering because we are not shopping at them any longer. Excuse us for trying to budget while living back at our parents place paying of the loans whilst in a shoddy job market. Seriously, fuck the baby boomers.

I get the meatball marinara with spinach and tomato because it's the only thing that can be called food there.

I still have a nostalgic feeling about school serving us a catering of half sandwiches, but 7 bucks is 7 bucks.

Chick filet should show thier support to the faggot community by serving less hens and more cocks.

>why do nice things in life cost money

Fuck you faggot.


My nigger

But people have money for $1K smart phones?

>realistic price

Not free. Idiot.

They could show their support by having a "free rainbow dildo" day

I fucking love white trash man

Who gets to determine what is "realistic"? Let me guess, what is considered realistic is EXACTLY what you can afford, right?

Most people don’t use computers these days so their phone doubles as a computer.

Aviation school doesn't work like that. user is not pursuing a college degree, nor do you need one to be a commercial pilot.

>Most people don’t use computers
That is not true at all

Join the fucking Air Force then. They’ll teach you for free. It you have what it takes, that is.

I like Subway and I've never seen that many people bitch about them until now.

Aside from gamers, who has them fro recreational use?

knowing they also hate faggots makes their food taste that much better imo

Now that I think about it, you could be right. But a lot of people own consoles, which are just stripped down PCs anyway.

I'm not giving the Bezos faggot a goddamn cent.

Who? Only retarded hipsters trying to live above their means and women buy iPhones and shit. Not all of us has a 1k smartphone. I'm typing this on a $200 Android that will last me for 3 to 4 years.

There are a million other websites that sell this shit.

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You're bitching about religious food and saying that's not as bad as fucking child labor. You're so stupid it's actually painful to read your responses and acting as if this guy is agreeing or something. Like what. The guy you're arguing with hasn't even made a point against anything

agreed. hit 38 this past week and still haven't ever felt the need to visit a dealership, even used. Just find the car you want, shop listings for a few weeks, even months holding out for that one seller who actually gave a shit, hand the man $5-8k and dump another grand in it per year until it shits the bed. rinse repeat.

Sorry at what point did I say it was worse? Really sick of this bullshit where if it isn’t the worst thing in the world then you’re not allowed to talk about it.

Subway chicken is gross. It's a fucking overpriced sandwich. Can I get both pepperoni and salami in my sandwich? That costs extra. You have to order one of our shitty menu abominations before we rape you in the ass with chips and a drink.

Money is not an objection. I will have 2 footlongs and I brought my own water and chips from Walmart. Is there anything that doesn't taste like shit? Ok I'll have the extra tomato with the all good deli meats sandwich and the oily ass tuna i can eat at home. I will also add pepperoni and salami to my meatballs.

That'll be 50 dollars for your subway.

My point is Irish and Italian immigrants put good restaurants like bennigan's I think was the last one and now it's all getting replaced by SJW shit.

Not them but I enjoy chikfila's blessed food. KFC comes a close second.

FUCK McDonalds & KFC

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Old fucking navy.

What? What sjw restaurants?

I like radio shack. fuck you nigga

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but where would rich white people buy their clothes at?

I think YouTube needs to die off. To many faggots making videos, just listen to this guys voice

Your children are watching filth. Pray now

Radioshack went to shit 15 years ago. Can't even get a soldering kit there anymore. It's just a mini Best Buy.

You must be an absolute poorfagg wagecuck if you unironically think this. Probably target.

>calls me a poorfag because im not some stuck up rich honkey

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Fuck that. Tj max and stores like that are way better. You can get good quality shit for next to nothing.

>comeback post further proves my point.

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>old navy
>rich white people
found the nigger

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There should be 4tube, basically 4chans version of YouTube.


Then you haven’t spent much time on this board

not a nigger,i doubt you've ever even seen an old navy store before

>Gramps needs a computer to access the internet
>user: "Use the fucking internet to buy one, gramps!"

I agree, which is why my original post says I think old navy should fuck off. I was merely pointing out someone else’s retardation.

you guys are just to poor to shop at decent quality stores

Gap, creative kidstuff. Overpriced cheaply made bullshit

Old navy is fucking stupid. All their clothes make you look like an beta neck beard.

> oh vey! My shekels!

Found the Jew. Not going to pay three times the price for the same shit.


gap is just old navy 2.0,its another stupid rich honkey store

I shop at Tilly’s btw get fucked.

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And where do you buy real nigger clothes? So I can look like a purpose nigger of course

except they aint sellin the same shit at the poverty stores you shop at.keep being poor kid

My hero...

Tilly’s, underground shoe stores and my own hand made clothes, get fucked jewcel.

The ones that put semen on your food.

They sell name brand shit, rabbi.

>Who shops at best buy

People who can't afford to invest the time/upfront cost of building a PC so they finance one instead. It's pretty retarded dude. Financing an asset that depreciates is so stupid. I'm looking at you new car owners!!!

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Oh yeah jacking off to the Sears catalog was the best.

Found the redneck


I think this is where my fetish for those support pantyhose came from.

>all this bitching about walmart
This happened to me the other day:
>buy a chicken wings plate from deli
>go to self checkout because it's literally the only thing open
>wait 5 minutes for one to open up because the line is fucking long
>thank god we don't have to wait on a cashier anymore!
>total is $4.91, give machine $10
>spits out nasty $5 bill
>remember they have soda machines out front that sell cans for .50c
>ask the cashier/self checkout supervisor/whatever for change
>"oh idk if I can do that, ask the Money Center©"
>Money Center tells me to wait for a CSM
>five minutes later they radio her
>"Yeah sorry we can't make change anymore"
Seriously, the store looks like shit and the parking lot is full of garbage and campers. I just go anywhere else or wait until the next day if it's late at night.


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Was great before the jews got ahold of it !

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Like when I was in line a few months back and this loud ass mudshark and her nigger boyfriend were in line. “Dey betta not gib me no trubble wit my wic dis time!” I was thinking this is what happens when you lose all decency and shame in your life.

Too young. I want a big thick fucking bush between those legs.

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place an order by standing in front of a self-serve kiosk and your still standing in line to pay cash. Get your drink.
I walked out of one the other day and went to Carls, none of that BS there.

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Is that what happened? I remember going to these years ago and loving it. I went a few months back after picking my mom up from the airport and it was basically just like Burger King.

Hey asshole, it's all fun and games until you start fucking with God's chicken. Prepare to be smited you blasphemer.

Best place ever.
It's what Fry's could have been if they hired salespeople that spoke engrish instead of dot-head.

>implying they ever had decency
Walmart is going the way of Sears, lets be honest. The internet hurt them and they aren't responding well.

What is really funny is how few really know what that word means.

this thread has become toxic

Nah, they’ll be ok. They sell food and I usually go there when I need something I can’t wait for.

Agreed. When I said it was blessed what i meant was it's free of homosexuality and AIDS.

It's what KFC could have been if it weren't nigger chicken.

It is what it is folks.


At worse they'll just downsize the stores back to the sizes they use to be

Fry’s, it isn’t two thousand fucking nine anymore.

lets Talk about old navy again

Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, and Google

Their clothes are shit and ugly. Not sure what else there is to say.

I'm on a phone that was provided to me by Obama. Try again trumptard.

Dunkin Donuts

Fucking selling the donut holes separate from the main donut. What a rip off just sell the whole donut fucking thieves not steal all of my money selling one product as 2 prices

Donut holes are like the original DLC. Fucking shit

What's a smooth way to get a cashier's number with the understanding that you'll be texting her in a few weeks to negotiate payment for amateur lewd videos being sent to you?

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A restraining order

File restraining orders against random cashiers? I dunno user, I don't think that gets you their number, you sure you're not drunk?

Gibs me dat phone
Somebody else bought you a phone, nigger. The Samsung fairy doesn’t just bring them in the night

>my opinion couldnt possibly be menial and unpopular

Three government provided it, dumbass.

I hate not living near Chic-Fil-A, I'd love to have a way to send continuous subtle messages to obnoxious pridefags to leave me alone just simply by going and enjoying some fast food.


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Just let Canada die it's ruined with immigrants of all types mostly niggers and pakis

I'll give you one more guess as to (((who))) is keeping best buy in business.

Never been a fan

You love mediocre chicken made by a 15 year old being banged by her overweight manger and forced to put on a Jesus smile. We get it

Ok, I’m sure this is bait now

Chic-fil-a is top tier, better fast food than any other place, faster than any other place too usually, extremely kind staff, clean. can't really go wrong.

People dont care than the chicken people are religious. I just want my food and fries and for the fags to stop blocking the door, its just chicken its not that deep.

>He wants to harass other people over their religious beliefs

Popeyes is a better restaurant. It’s full of niggers but people go in and get their food then stfu about it. I don’t need to see Karen posting pictures on her timeline with a fucking bible verse every time she gets a combo.

>march against the tyranny of fast food business owners having opions! rebel!
>Secret cabals and the loss of your soul for waffle fries

man youre so cool

Rich people dont shop at old navy... the people you are hating are normal middle class people who work normal jobs, probably in an office. "The Rich" are rich because they have the mind or ability to cease and lie for the betterment of oneself at the expense of others. Das racist niggger

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Never mentioned the owners. Just mentioned the mediocre food and christfags who brag about eating there.

I have a pre-exsting condition. I'm I've already thought all this out. but keep it coming

Just go to Jersey Mike's retard

Lol what. If you fly in the military you're not accredited for shit in the civilian world. You still need flight hours
if you're going to try and give advice, know what you're talking about.

Seconded. Jersey Mikes is more better

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>Hates Christians
>Hates Muslims
>Says nothing about Jews

Found the kike

Popeye's in cold, not good, they don't change their grease and feathers came on the chicken, I'll pass. The only reason people of status post about good things is because other people like good things too, that's how it is. Some people don't like things because to many other people like the same thing, that's a pretty retarded way to think about things. That like if all the celebs start saying, "Popeye's is the best" then the people that like those people, that used to go to Chick-fil-a go there. It's human dynamics. Posers gonna pose. If other places made good food that I liked I'd eat there, not let some irrelevant people that like the thing I like influence me.

“Most Air Force pilots I flew with never kept normal civilian pilot logbooks. They don't have to. There is some official pilot record print out that they can get from the military, that will serve as an official log of their time. There's not much difference between how they keep track of time and how us civilians do it. They will have everything you need to know about converting your time. If not, at some point when you get out you will need to get a Civilian ATP. The instructors that work in the flight schools that specialize in that will know what you need to do.”

Leave please

Get rid of McDonald's, now!
>fucking Comcast
>Panera bread
>noodles and company
>chik fil a

Yee haw South Dakota.

Sorry you hate good things and appreciate bland food.

all of the chains on this list!

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Subway sandwiches are cheaper than any other sub sandwiches I've had around.

You get an 8 inch sandwich with fucking cardboard bread if you go to jimmy johns, Jersey mikes is good, but their grilled meats are flavored with fucking water. Their veggies are really good at jersey mikes, but subways tomatoes fucking suck.

That being said, I'll spend 7.50 on a footlong sub and a cookie, toasted with herbs and cheese, and get the shits before I go to any other sub place (besides jersey mikes, they are alright.)

Subway is 2.50 for adding a meal. Thats about the same price as anywhere else.

Get a BMT, pepperjack cheese, toast it extra, lettuce, spinach, tomatoes, onions, bell peppers, banana peppers, jalapenos,

Salt pepper, oregano, chipotle and ranch. And have fun

Go to /pol/ with this shit, retard. you love all of these companies and rely on them and that's why you're so damn fat.

I'm not even Christian, I'm just sick of pridefags and communityfags. The government said you could fuck each other in the ass, now stop going on the news to bitch already.

>Sorry you hate good things and appreciate bland food.
Back at you man, enjoy eating shit covered with feathers. I'd eat kfc before I ate that slop

Ate there for years and haven’t seen the first feather. Been to chic fil a and everything on the menu is a variation of the same thing.

I've at at chick fil a for a couple years now that there is one near by, everyone in town avoids the popeye's like the plague. Ate there a handful of times over the years since I was a kid and never had an experience that would save it. Cold tenders that where fried twice to rewarm, chicken with feathers, Cold fries, normal potatoes with underwhelming gravy and the mac and cheese has the texture of soft, grainy, odd and strange, gloppy. The worst part is the greese they use on the chicken that stays in your mouth and you can feel it on your teeth and tongue forever.

Staples, office max/Depot, subway, dominos, Burger King, Starbucks, ihop, Denny’s, Spencer’s, hot topic, all the shit in the mall, macy’s, Nordstrom, dollar general

Tiramisu is a coffee-flavoured Italian dessert. It is made of ladyfingers dipped in coffee, layered with a whipped mixture of eggs, sugar, and mascarpone cheese, flavoured with cocoa. The recipe has been adapted into many varieties of cakes and other desserts

This is highly exaggerated if not an outright lie. The feathers part is a full lie.

stupid people are always really good at arguing

>youll never qualify for mall cop working as a police officer


dollar stores will weather the storm

Why would I lie about poor quality of their food and store? I want other people to know how bad it is so they don't wast their money there, I went to them for quick easy food and it was not what the menu showed. I GOT FETHERS on my food, hard, pointy ends that where crisp and sharp, not to mention the hair like fethers that hang off of the edge of the chicken wings. Eww, nasty, no thank you. The fries where cold, the mac and cheese was like it had been pressure pressed, barely noodles, like it had been mixed again and again for hours. I wish The resturnt was what you said it was but it is not. I wish the money I had spend on the food was not wasted and the food was better, If it was good everyone would eat there, but no they don't.

The fuck are you talking about, Popeyes has no teramisu.

millennials are killing them off, the economy is changing. brick and mortar retail is dying. the problem is that's a huge number of jobs. between automation and online ordering, the job market is going to be fucked in a few years.


There is none at popeyes.

Eat the corn from my shit brainlet

Tiramisu Tiramisu Tiramisu

one off dang

Starbucks' actual coffee sucks and they intentionally over burn the beans so it taste the same shitty over burnt flavor everywhere.

Their business model is basically selling the equivalent to milkshakes but making you think they're more high class because they put a shot of expresso in some of them.

Truly terrible franchise that one day we will look back on in the way we look back on leisure suits.

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What about it


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This meme is not very funny.

Walmart. Treats employees like shit. Sustains degeneracy. Intentionally fucks long-time employees out of their retirement.

Fuck Malwart


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Here's why: I can read reviews online both buy purchasers and professionals but when I'm spending $1,000 on something I look at almost every day, I want to make sure it's what I want. If the price is the same, I don't give a shit but I still want to see what it looks like before I buy. Been burned too many times online with shit that didn't live up to expectations.

Line an 8-inch-square baking dish with plastic wrap, leaving a 3-inch overhang on all sides. Fill a large bowl with ice water.
Make the custard: Whisk the egg yolks and sugar in a heatproof bowl set over a saucepan of barely simmering water (do not let the bowl touch the water) until the sugar dissolves. Slowly whisk in the milk and cook, whisking constantly, until the custard is light and foamy, about 10 minutes (a thermometer inserted into the mixture should register 170 degrees F).
Remove the bowl from the saucepan and set in the bowl of ice water; whisk until the custard is cool, about 1 minute. Put the mascarpone in a large bowl. Fold the custard into the mascarpone with a rubber spatula until almost combined, then whisk until just smooth (do not overmix or the custard will be grainy).
Combine the espresso and brandy in a shallow bowl. One at a time, dip the ladyfingers in the espresso mixture until soaked but not soggy; arrange 2 rows of about 5 biscuits each in the baking dish. Spread one-third of the mascarpone custard over the ladyfingers. Repeat with a second layer of espresso-dipped ladyfingers, arranging them in the opposite direction. Top with another one-third of the custard. Repeat with the remaining ladyfingers, alternating directions. Spread the remaining custard on top and dust with the cocoa powder. Cover with plastic wrap; refrigerate at least 4 hours, or overnight.
Invert a plate on top of the tiramisu, then flip the tiramisu with the plate. Remove the baking dish and plastic wrap. Invert a serving plate on top of the tiramisu and flip again so it is cocoa-side up. Remove the remaining plastic wrap. Shave curls of chocolate on top with a vegetable peeler.

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I've never bought a car until the other day and I've owned 4. I'm on the fifth now and got it for 500. No dealer

So you read Rich Fag Poor Fag, congratulations. Are you wealthy yet?


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Dollar generals are fucking nasty as fuck

I liked the poppers pizza but yea hungry howies is better

Typical millennial or Gen X or Z. Piss and moan about the shit boomers do, then cry to get free stuff because child labor can't produce the shit they want cheap.

>enters thread about what chains need to be killed off
>gets upset seeing a list of chains that need to be killed off
What did he mean by this?

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I wasn't aware that any meme is supposed to be funny


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>Post gay porn pic
>uses bad grammar
>likes Jersey Mikes
Story checks out.

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Subway is like the beige of the restaurant world. It's just bland. Not terrible, not good, just really boring.

You can be great, you can be bad, but you can't be boring. If I'm going to bother paying money for food I'm not going to pay for boring food.

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