Let's say I give you a $100 note, to spend on whatever 'extra' you want. What would you spend it on?

Let's say I give you a $100 note, to spend on whatever 'extra' you want. What would you spend it on?

Attached: $100 Note.jpg (1200x505, 124K)

What kind of "extra" we are talking here?

Food or games

I go to the strip club and get 3 lapdances.

My 20 better cover my beer and cover charge. I eat at the taco truck after I cum from 3 hot asses.

Id burn it

Fuck the system

Would spent the money on a nice evening dinner with my brother and my mum. Will do it anyway, just with my own money.

Put it towards my debts. Doing the Dave Ramsey steps thing.

I literally do not have money to eat for the next 5 days.

I'd use it to keep myself living

Then what the fuck are you doing here instead of working your ass off to eat?

Why the fuck do you have a PC/smartphone if you can't eat? Go to the pawn shop you dumb cunt.

Cigs, coffee.

Go give it to a homeless person so it looks like i'm the good guy instead of OP.

I'd buy the special Slayer edition Jagermeister

Buy the expansions for guildwars 2, with the remaining 50 id buy some bomb ass kush

two dollar bills

Maybe more RAM for my pc.

That exists?? Rad

Food and pot

Idiot pothead.

Add it to my savings for a PS5

A Benchmade Bugout

ok smoothbrain

Whatever I “need” at the moment. $100 ain’t shit so it’s not like it should be spent in the most responsible way possible.


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Nice! I have been doing that for the past few years and am on track to becoming debt free in the next 7 months. Feels good man. Keep it up, you will get there.

Yeah the Slayer Jagermeister just came out cause they're on their last tour.

fool, you can just download ram
i'd probably just buy more ram tbh

Oh shit what
I guess I live under a rock or something

This nigga..

dude i would buy like 90 packs of gum hell yeah

Gamble it


you're going to cut yourself with that edge

Attached: burn the money.jpg (539x297, 27K)

probably buy a """""hard to find""""" Super Nintendo game.

Fuck the edge

Id burn my penis

Lego sets

>I buy 10 THC carts from a guy I know
>resell carts at 40 each

I just quadrupled that 100 in under a day

fuck, i'd pay my phone bill and get my dog's flea and tick protection.


Disgusting. Shame it wasn't on a more deserving post.