Why haven't you eaten your Zaxby's today?

why haven't you eaten your Zaxby's today?

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

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because I'm not a turbonigger, Zaxby shill. Their chicken is inedible, and only a nigger from Georgia would think differently.

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just look at how cute she is

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I just had some for dinner, wings & things boneless hot honey mustard

hot honey mustard is my 2nd fav sauce my first tongue torche but I always get hot honey on the side to dip fry in

I dont like zaxbys
They don't even have regular chicken dinners Just Wings and crap like that.
What's there fucking problem anyway?

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this is my wife


that's a man

you're a man

you're a man


You must be an obese soyboy

nooooo it's not

Man, I could go for some wings right now.

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a Traditional Wings and Things, I see. excellent choice. might I ask which wing sauce you are indulging in?

me too

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What happened to veganposter? Did he died?

yes he's missing since a couple of weeks

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all that healthy eating couldn't save him