Most people will lead unfulfilled, uneventful lives

>Most people will lead unfulfilled, uneventful lives

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I am one of them. I work to barely make ends meet and what little money I have left after bills I usually drink it away because of boredom and not having money to do anything else.
I haven't left the county in months, the state in years.

When people ask me what's new, I literally have nothing to say.

I make plenty of money as a civil engineer, own a house, a truck and still I spend my weekend drinking and have not left the fucking MUNICIPALITY outside of work in months.

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I know that feel. I'm trying to finish my CPA requirements but I'm barely paying my bills. And if I work more, I won't be able to study

That's their own fault. If you don't push yourself to make changes they'll never happen.

I found what I love the most, got a job with it, then my own business with it and now I love going to work and have enough money to play with projects on the weekends.

That wouldn't have happened if I hadn't sat back and said I don't like this, I've gotta make a change and get further.

>If you don't push yourself to make changes they'll never happen

You could push for change but some things still need to be in your favor, like money(not rich but enough so you can transition), workplace connections/likeability, family

Dude I just went out and looked for it, I went round every single business in my area that did what I wanted to do, and eventually one agreed to take me on with no qualifications and teach me everything

So likeability

Well they didn't know who I was when they hired me, and if you're gonna tell everyone that you're an unlikeable retard, it's no wonder people think you're not likeable.

Try going into a new environment where nobody knows you, you can be whoever you want, so if you go in with the assumption that nobody will like you, that's probably how it'll turn out. Go in with interest and enthusiasm for whatever it is you're doing, that'll go a long way.

I'm too tired, too lazy. I don't know.

>When people ask me what's new, I literally have nothing to say

same here

Most people have dilusions of grandeur thay keep them from working to achieving fulfilling goals

So it's your attitude and acceptance that stops you, if you actually get off your ass to get something done about it that might change

>Well they didn't know who I was when they hired me,

That's called likeability. People look at you and judge you if your worth hiring or not on the spot

>Most people have dilusions of grandeur thay keep them from working to achieving fulfilling goals

Won't that beore of a motivation than a deterrent

You're still talking about shit being in your favor. Wether it's money, getting someone that likes you or other shit is shit in your favor. You can go on about how you earned it but in the end you just happen to find someone that took your bullshit and liked it. Not everyone has that kinda shit happen no matter how skilled they might be.

What a retard comment. user got people to like him by showing confidence and putting himself out there. He doesn't have some magical stat that makes people like him. Nobody has that, we just put ourselves out there repeatedly instead of whining about how the world isn't in our favor.

After going to how many places? he just found a retard that liked him, end of it.

Okay sure. He eventually found someone who liked him by going out a lot and working. That's just a simple matter of statistics, though. It's not some magical favor bestowed upon the chosen ones. It's a normal situation that everyone enters when they're not crying on Yea Forums all day. You're still wrong.

>user got people to like him by showing confidence

After years of rejection, I'm sure people will still be able to show confidence

Okay, so have that opinion of yourself and stay home and don't try anything. Or go the fuck out and look for it anyway because just maybe it'll work.

You can't sit there and say you have no luck with it, because you haven't tried it in the first place so how can you know how your luck will turn out?

>After years of rejection, I'm sure people will still be able to show confidence

They can and do. In fact, that's the whole basis of being a pickup artist.

Overly eventful lives aren't much better.

>Be me, have wife, three kids, high paying engineering job
>Most time is spent with family or work
>Vacations are spent traveling overseas with family
>Weekends are spent at children's birthday parties and other nonsense
>Half hour of actual free time each night is spent wondering how much better my life would be if I just worked at Burger King and never married, had no money and no family, but time and freedom to do my own hobbies

fuck you faggot

Yeah, I won't hire a faggot trying to sex me up

lucky sobs here with high paying jobs complaining