My daughter is dating this kid. Is he a nigger, spic, or kike? I want to be sure of the racist things I call him

My daughter is dating this kid. Is he a nigger, spic, or kike? I want to be sure of the racist things I call him.

Attached: DB4581AA-7B35-4DE7-B7A9-5CC53D5E6BAE.jpg (1536x2048, 713K)

looking like nigger or kike if you ask me

you're daughters' a pollak?

Dont care about the guy. Show us more of your daughter

He's a disgusting unwhite parasite

tits or gtfo?


I just came to your daughter

He look white

He is a poor kid dating a chick whose dad is an alt-right, terrified piece of human filth who can't comprehend that his race isn't just the best good old race on the planet. Poor poor kids, luckily, they just have to wait for your ass and the rest of your jurassic people to hurry and die off so your ideals can stop being passed to the more idiotic and low brain-powered members of their generation. Either that or their both idiots. Facts she is dating him in the first place shows she doesn't subscribe to your tiny, short sighted, and fear sustained ideals.Have fun being you, you fucking mongoloid, mouth breathing waste of human colon.

Hard to tell
I'd need to see more pics of the daughter to be able to tell

Goldstein faking liberal outrage.

That’s some serious ideology you got there. Bet you don’t live anywhere near black people.

TBH think its time you stop surfing Yea Forums.

Is he cut or uncut?

He's human, just like you. So any name you call him, you are insulting your own race and that of your daughter's

Looks like a Jew from this pic

maybe he is nice and all you know grow up loser

Attached: deepnudeA14.png (512x512, 468K)

not jew hair. that's mixed white/black hair.
jew hair isn't as wiry, plus jews don't have that jaw structure

He looks Jewish maybe kike.

my friend had this hair, he was italian. funny story, we got our ass kicked by the predominately black cross town rivals, after the game we're walking away and someone behind us says, "fucking niggers". my buddy turns around and says, "hey, my dad is black" and based on his hair, the guy believes him. then, my buddy says, "no prob, he's a fucking nigger, too"

nice work

Old pasta is old


definitely black but seems like his family tree always had a white person in it thats why he looks like a bleached negro

Sand nigger, fukin obvious to a blind man

He looks like a quarter black or something.

Either way it’s a low enough percentage that your grandkids will be pretty much white

no judgement but do you actually talk like this in real life