Educational thread! Make an argument and discuss. Have preconceived notions detroyed by fact...

Educational thread! Make an argument and discuss. Have preconceived notions detroyed by fact. Gay marriage should have been legal from the start. Black people were kept down by the government. Fluoride in the water is most likely bad for any developed country.

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Evolution is real. The earth is roundish. There are differences in races, but they're generally not major differences.

What do you mean by "start"? How long ago are we talking? You could say the same of a lot of people, but sure. Doesn't fluoride clean the water?

like from the start of the US government. Gay marriage was illegal because of religious reasons mainly, but marriage should've been a union recognized by the government firstly, and then marriage within the church should've been seperate. Like when the mormons were doing polygamy. Should've been legal, as long as they didn't get legally married multiple times, and just kept it within the church.

Fluoridation of the public water supply started around the 1950s or 60s. It may clean the water a bit, but so does filtration, like what most public water supplies use.

Andy's logs are creamy dreamy and steamy. They are delicious and good for you.

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Legal =/= moral


Black people were held down by democrat governments to keep them a welfare class, then mislead to believe that republicans were the source of their woes

Incest should be legal but not procreation between siblings. The minimum requirement should be consent.

Based on google. Yes. That's true, but really morals just get in people's way. It's not really a thing that any person should have to decide. It carries too heavy of a burden for a non-disposable human.

That's true. Democrats today fight so hard for a welfare state so that blacks will never gain their own wealth and therefore their independence from their masters.

No one should go to jail for fucking another human, but there needs to be some kind of penalty because the risk of an incest baby is too high. It's disgusting to me that two brothers would want to fuck, but at the end of the day, if its two consenting adults, I don't see a legal issue with it. Same with sisters obviously.

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So the other chemicals that are used are okay? Because as far as I'm aware, regular filtration as the common people know, isn't enough.

No hard moral code exists across cultures. Since america has no monoculture, there aren't any hard morals to codify into law. All laws resulting from one culture's morals generally oppress another group. However, things like murder are generally accepted across cultures as immoral and should obviously be illegal.

Humanity is a virus that needs to be eradicated.

Kill yourself, literally nobody loves you or your shitty memes

Iodine is always useful and as far as I know, apart from acute exposure, there aren't really health risks associated with iodine. Fluoride isn't necessary and multiple countries have banned adding fluoride to the public water supply. These countries coincidentally often have higher average IQs than the countries that have kept fluoride in the water.

Depends on how you view in from what perspective. Biologically, viruses are something quite specific. Not even really sure if viruses are life or not either because they're not even cells.

Incorrect. There are little to no known benefits of ingesting human faeces and there are, in fact, multiple diseases and health problems associated with the act.

Culture isn’t real and was made up so people could feel special

Humanity is more comparable to a cancer that spreads and multiplies at an alarming rate, while also killing whatever source they attach themselves to. It is indisputable fact that the Earth would be healthier if all humans were eradicated. At the end of the day, however, there's no reason to keep the earth alive or care about its health.

Culture is made up of ideas, norms, morals, and customs. All societies must have these in order to be coherent societies. Without culture, there are no tribes or nations, only groups of people that have little in common.

Good deal doggo!

Interesting. I feel like I recall a discussion about this before, but things just go on because it's not big enough of a trend. Although, what are some potential long term effects?

At the end of the day, I always hope there is still an earth there, so, not exactly. Keeping Earth alive and well is probably a good idea. If it turned into ashes one day, not good.

What kind of evolution are we talking here? As a species or individual evolution? I honestly don't know if the Earth is roundish or not, just take other people's word for it. Like who really cares if it is or not. Aside from people who fly planes and whatever higher more complex sciences need to work with. On a day to day basis, whether or not the Earth is roundish or not hardly matters. Major is relative, but I feel you.

Fluoride exposure reduces IQ and leads to thyroid issues. Thyroid issues lead to lethargy and obesity, aka, two of the biggest problems facing most Americans today. There's the trope of the stupid, fat American, and it's honestly fairly true. I believe fluoride exposure also leads to certain types of cancer. The only part of the population seeing any benefit from fluoridation of the water is children. It's been shown they get something like 30% less cavities when fluoride is added to water, but anecdotally, many of the people I know that grew up drinking a lot of tap water now have thyroid issues.

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In the cosmic scheme, the universe will act exactly the same whether or not this planet is blue or red or black. Once the last human dies, there won't be anything left to care about this planet and that's not necessarily a bad thing.

Does boiling tap water rid it of fluoride or does it still contain a %? Obviously steaming probably removes some amount, but in the whole. Does it make a difference? I'm sure tons of people use tap water for cooking and such as opposed to straight up drinking it. Also do drinking fountains contain fluoride? Water is quite complex obviously, so no need to answer if you don't know for sure. Every system does it differently as far as I'm aware. Some even add their own minerals.

Specieal evolution exists. I'm not sure what you mean by individual evolution, but I'm certainly not purporting that a human can be born and then become another being or species within their lifetime.

I'm not sure if boiling water rids it of fluoride. I buy gallons of distilled water and this is what I drink, and what I use for cooking and brewing coffee. Drinking fountains connected to the public water supply certainly have fluoride in them. There are surprising sources of fluoride, such as certain leafy vegetables that soak up a lot of water and especially tea leaves.

Also, when you say that every system does it differently, this is somewhat true. Different cities may use different amounts of purifying chemicals or have varying levels of minerals, but the federal government has mandated the fluoridation of water across the United States.

If you've ever looked out on the ocean and seen a smokestack or the top of a boat before you saw the main boat, you've physically seen the evidence of a curved globe. And Magellan's crew circumnavigated the globe. They went from Europe, past the Americas, and then ended up in Indonesia. There would be reports from Africans of the crew coming through if they had gone to the Americas and then turned around to go to Indonesia just to fake a round earth.

Sure in the cosmic scheme. Now that's something we really shouldn't care about. Life is short, but relatively long. Focus on the Earth and it'll be the best one. The cosmic horrors are too far out of reach to even fantom.

That the experiences a person goes through in a lifetime may provide enough mutation to quicken the evolutionary process. Just hypothetical bullshit, but why not.

I prefer to not be human-centric in the grand scheme of things. We haven't been here long and we won't be here much longer.

I can't buy into that based on my current understanding of evolution as a multi-generational process. I've yet to see someone mutate in any meaningful way over the course of one lifetime. Evolution on a short scale would still probably take 3 or 4 generations.

Do you wash your hands with distilled water too? Do you avoid tea too then? Also does fluoride turn into a gas? I use distilled water for coffee and such, but it's a hassle for heavier water focused recipes like soups and such. Not sure what the cost-value is for that either, although avoiding fluoride is probably worth a life time.

For what reason? Spooky. Might have to do some more research into this.

Of course i wash my hands with tap water. It's only the ingestion of fluoride that's harmful. it's good for your teeth and most people should use fluoride toothpaste. Yes, I avoid tea now. Also, I recently made a stew and it only took most of an $.88 gallon to make a large pot. I assume it's okay to cook with, and I may be overdoing it. I'm sure there's a certain level of exposure that doesn't present the mental and physical problems previously discussed. I'm the type to play things safer than safe.

The only reason I've found is that it reduces cavities in children. When they first tried to implement it, people protested, saying it was unnecessary, but the government started a conspiracy theory that it was a communist plan to help control the masses and then they labeled any detractor as a crazy person that was just paranoid about communists even though most of the detractors just brought up the health issues and unneccesity of the whole program. To be fair, fat and stupid sounds easier to control than smart and active.

drug use is a perfectly normal habbit, the idea that a "war" on them and it's users will somehow decrease use and save lives is insane.
Any logical person would realize that the only way of forcing the young generation to find employment and pay tax is by putting the dealers out of business. If the govenment were to legalize all recreational drugs and tax but still leaving price low enough to put dealers out of profit, then you can simply deny unemployed stinking niggers from buying drugs.