Anyone on here into chemistry? I started as a hobby a few months ago and I've been mostly focusing on tryptamines

Anyone on here into chemistry? I started as a hobby a few months ago and I've been mostly focusing on tryptamines.

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Never watched/listened to that dude. Seems like a weirdo

Plant around where I live called acacia longifolia, has a high amount of DMT in the bark and roots. Probably could Google it but know any basic methods for extraction?

React a specific tryptamine (mexamine) with an acid (HCl) and an aldehyde (actetaldehyde) to form psychoactive beta carbolines. Arrive at the conclusion that most obscure drugs are obscure for a reason, (they're trash.) Dump chemistry set and find a better hobby.

What kind of equipment or chemicals do you have access to? The best I've found is acid/base extraction. You can do a quick Google search for it

Mexamine is pretty shit anyways. The only reason I have it is to try to synthesis 5-meo-dmt

I can get my hands on just about anything, pretty resourceful :) I'll do it right now, thanks ^_^

Patience is key for acid/base. slow heating and thorough mixing without forming an emulsion for best results


Difficult to find a step by step method but I'm a patient person so that sounds doable! How would I test a batch? Not sure I trust my chemistry skills and not sure I want to risk anyone else's mental health or life testing it for me.

Yeah. Either way, it's the route to things related to harmaline. Except the ring is in the most potent position. The most potent of beta carbolines is called harmalan. It's literally the "wake up" chemical of the brain. Ultimetly though you shouldn't be messing with the balance of the brain though.

It's similar to acid except the peak is seconds long, gone in an instant, and it is a hormone which means it's less user friendly, and basically the whole endevour was an experience but ultimetly whatever, now I can see why the market won't go for new things, all money is in addiction which is a shit thing to spread. Just my two cents. Peace up.

how's this look OP?

I'll type up a quick step by step.
Get 100 grams of dried bark, leaves, whatever.
Freeze and thaw a few times to help break the cell walls.
Cover plant matter with distilled water, then acidify with vinegar or hydrochloric acid to ph2.
Bring the plant shit and acidified water to a boil for an hour or two.
Drain water off plant matter, keep water.
Do the boil and acidify step two more times.
Combine all water into one vessel.
Basify to pH 12 with lye or whatever you can get. Water solution should turn dark brown or black.
Add naphtha to the water. About 25 percent of the level should do. Say you have 100 millimeters of water, add 25 ml of naptha.
Mix slowly for about 5 minutes, let the naphtha settle to the top and extract the naphtha with a Sep funnel or turkey baster.
Do this naphtha mixing step 4 times. Each time put into small mason jar.
Put all 4 jars into freezer for 24 hours. Dmt should precipitate out.

That's a straight to base method which is fine for mimosa hostilis. Acacia strains are known to contain more plant fats and other shit you don't want so I'd go with the acid base for acacia whatever. You could do the straight to base tho, just to test it

I've done this procedure, its pretty solid. Only thing is to look out on contaminants on the naphtha.
It's usually pretty clean but in my first runs i recall to have problems with the evaporation and being all sticky shit

That's very true. I forgot to add that after you basify and before you add naphtha you can add unionized salt to get rid of some of the plant shit

haw is the toxicity regarding traces of naphta? there is few extraction methods that i stay clear of due that that. am i being paranoid?


The toxicity of naphtha is way lower that you may think, but anyways most of it (95%+) gets evaporated

Yeah you're being paranoid. If the crystals don't smell like naphtha, there is no naphtha. Just let it dry out overnight or under a heat lamp

Zoomers these days...
Its all DMT this and THC that.

I just want some god damn dopamine and serotonin so i dont feel like i want to kill myself.

you mean higher?

ok thanks

You can also do an ammonia wash if you're very paranoid, but may lose a bit of your yield.

If i recall correctly the toxicity of naphtha is not that high, it's corrosive and it's definitely not good, but it's not as bad as you might think.

Well here is a wiki of most procedures of extractions

The very first extraction I did fucked me up. I don't know what contaminant was left but a few glands in my neck were crazy swollen and I was green after I smoke it. But DMT is worth it

Anyone have info on creating the 2c's?

Every zoomer who reads erowid and develops an interest in science thinks that they'll be the ones to start pumping out DMT, and at a profit. They think that they'll be financially wealthy, or at least wealthy in a personal sense, as they'll be the ones in possession of the powerful thing nobody else has. And if they realize that they aren't going to be drug lords, and their friends don't want to pay to enter hyperspace, that they'll still be wealthy in the sense that they have this esoteric thing that allows their mind to perceive things nobody else can. Whether you travel the conciousness highway through drugs or occult means, you're going to hit walls where you become existentially seasick. Consciousness isn't a toy that will grant you wealth because you ingested enough smoke. It's an infinite journey and you'll soon realize that grabbing the bull by the horns doesn't give you the wealth you were hoping for when you read that psychedellics were both powerful and rare.

Cringe thread

uhm.... who the fuck expects to make money from psychedelics? if anything people do it to get away from money

If you're making DMT with the intention to make money then you fucked up. You're better off using your skills to make meth and actually do some good in the world

Yes, as I was saying, if the zoomer realizes they won't be a drug lord, they think that they'll still be wealthy in the sense that everyone will covet this rare thing that they have. And if nobody covets it, they will still think that they have access to something magical that bestows enlightment on them. They will gnash their teeth and claim that nobody has seen the universe like they have.

It's pretty cringe tbh. If you want wisdom you need a sharp mind that dissects and chews apart ideas until you reach the same points numerous others have reached before you. But inhaling lungfulls of DMT won't just bestow this upon you. That's the millennial in you who still thinks the chemical will do all the work for him. Stupid millenails.

you are cringe, or b8.

Amateur chem fag here. It's possible to make that stuff from scratch.. I worked it out on paper. Not sure what catalysts I'd need.

I made tryptamine from tryptophan and spearmint oil as the catalyst

Lol explain what exactly is spearmint oil catalyst?

This entire thread is cringe.

And what else? Not sure the difference between those without looking them up.. what's the ingredient in spearmint oil? Wintergreen?

Spearmint oil contains about 50% carvone which is the actual catalyst, my bad. I refluxed tryptophan in mineral oil with a splash a naphtha under a stream of nitrogen. The solution became a clear dark red after a few hours. After removing from heat, the tryptamine will settle out as an oil, and from there you can recrystallize and purify.

Methyl ethyl ketone, not naphtha. Oops. You need a ketone for the reaction, acetone may work but I didn't try it

Your so full of it.. stream of nitrogen? Nitrogen is inert.

I meant a steady stream of nitrogen into the flask during the reflux

At any given time, there are metaphorically speaking only about 5 or so youngings who are eager to get into psychedellics before something bursts their perception bubble about them. Fast forward a few years and a new batch of chemistry kids will be making the same threads, and they will be utterly puzzled as to why their thread isn't alive with activity. Doesn't anyone wonder about drugs? They wonder aloud. Why isn't anyone on top of this drugs thing?

The truth is that psychedellics can warp your perceptions. Mind expansion is a real concept but idolizing chemicals is either a profit driven or ideologically driven idea. You either think that you'll be making easy money or that you will have the keys to the universe in your lab kit. Truth is, you're just overenthusiastic which is why I am CRING at your hobby, even though science and curiosity is good, your perception of how lucid your thoughts will be shows how CRING you are in not understanding why there are so few of you who are enthusiastic over something that has been known for a long long time already.

I'm a chemical technician, and i'd recommend you are a retard and yeah, keep going, you are doing great
Cheers from JAMAICA

On the topic of LSA/LAA (Lysergic acid amide)

Been trying numerous different methods of extractions. I get that LSD is hundreds of times better in every way but LSA is something you can't buy that easily and whenever it is encountered it's always the same extraction: Morning Glory seeds, grind, naptha wash, discard naptha, dry seeds, everclear pull, evap, scrape goo in gel caps. I would like to get better purity. I tried this method but it didn't quite seem to work, my guess is because I didn't acidify the water enough to keep alkaloids in the water layer and some was lost to the non polar naptha layer. That, and it was left to dehydrate the water a bit to reduce the volume and it probably exposed the alkaloids to excessive oxidation (O2). I will detail in a new post...

I've never tried an LSA extraction but if you think you know what you're doing wrong then why not try something else? Maybe use different solvent than naphtha? The guide I just found on Google said to use DCM or toluene


To clarify I didn't try that gel cap method I tried the following and when I say "didn't quite seem to work" means I felt euphoric but had little to no visuals with no eye dilation. Had zero nausea which is amazing considering how gut wrenchingly awful just a ethanol extract of Hawaiian Baby Woodrose is:

This is a deviation from Kash's Advanced LSA extraction on DMT Nexus:

>10 Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds medium ground
>Do 2 Acetone pulls of seed material in a sealed glass container for 1.5 hours each
>Filter Acetone extract, evap
>Take 40 mL distilled water in cup, add a pinch of citric acid (tiny amount), stir well, add to flat glass pan that Acetone extract evaporated on
>Swish swash for like 10 minutes, filter and collect liquid. Odd gelatinous gunk left behind. The gunk glowed when collected, but not much. Maybe this is amygdalin cyanogenic glycoside toxin? Maybe it was left behind in Acetone pulls since glucose isn't all that soluble in Acetone anyway?
>LSA citrate acquired, glows blue under UV. Still afraid of toxins.
>Take naptha, wash it with normal distilled water. This should remove any polar soluble impurities ahead of time. Collect only polar washed naptha.
>Add to LSA citrate twice, each time in a glass container shaking well, collect LSA citrate water layer, discard naptha.
>Put LSA citrate water on flat glass pan, allow evap overnight to reduce a little volume but mainly to allow any trace naptha time to evap from the top layer but I'm 99% sure there was no naptha impurities.
>Collect LSA citrate liquid. Glowed indole blue under UV, clear under normal light. It was however lackluster in effects...Not even dilation of the eyes. Just liquid euphoria...

Attached: LSA_Citrate_vial.jpg (751x720, 290K)

>everclear pull,
why not get the actual ethanol...

Is there any reason you're skipping the ammonia freebase step in Kashs extraction? From what I've read it seems like you need to convert it to be able to get a good extraction from the water.

Also the extraction calls for 100 seeds... So you might just he getting a very small dose

Great larping

Let me clarify what I think I did wrong and my questions:

What I think I did wrong:

>Not allow enough time for Acetone pull, but this shouldn't be the main reason
>I did forget to dampen the paper filter ahead of time with Acetone before filtering the first Acetone alkaloid pull. The problem being that my fume hood works quite well and since Acetone evaps fast the bit that got absorbed in the paper filter dried before I could sponge it out. I should've dowsed the filter a bit with Acetone to recover any possible loss of alkaloids but shrugged it off. This again shouldn't be much of an issue since I was efficient with the rest of the steps and not much should have been lost.
>I didn't acidify the LSA citrate solution enough before the naptha wash. We are talking a little pinch of pure citric acid here. If any LSA remains basic and not acidic like it needs to be it will escape into the naptha non-polar layer. There was also a little yield loss here since I can only get so close to the NP/P liquid separation line, but was very very close and accurate using a flavor injector that I cut at the uppermost hole with scissors across as an improvised metal tipped syringe.
>Leaving it to evap overnight and exposing the citrate to oxidation which the salt itself alone is prone to. Should be better stabilized in liquid tho.


What EXACTLY are the toxins? Only idea I have is amygdalin, a cyanogenic glycoside. The nausea, sickness, vomiting, nearly blacking out, and difficulty breathing despite being able to breathe symptoms align well with cyanide poisoning imo.

Where in the tek are these toxins removed?

Attached: c6pckUa.png (500x743, 229K)

Im not familiar with Hawaii baby wood rose but in morning glory the toxins are in the outer shell. The first acetone pull will pull the LSA and leave the toxins and shit behind. You're then converting this crude LSA mixture to the acidic form, then to the freebase with ammonia. Pretty much a typical acid/base extraction at this point. Get some pH papers. Acidify until the pH is 3 or lower, then basify to get the freebase with a pH of 10 or higher.

After the acetone pulls I wouldn't worry about the toxins. You could look up a solubility chart for each one, I'm assuming since acetone is used in the tek the author already did this and this is why acetone was chosen for the extraction.

chem prof here... this is a waste of time and money

A follow up to the above post. If I had to guess, I'd say if wasn't acidified enough. Acetone evaporation wouldn't have anything to do with it because the amount of LSA is low and there's no way that you'd have a saturated solution of LSA in acetone. And even if you did it'd precipitate out which you would've noticed.

The tek did mention something about an amber glass vial which leads me to believe that LSA is light sensitive. So that might've got you too

Physics >> chemistry
Quantum physics = chemistry

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>actual ethanol
I assume you mean 200 proof lab grade ethanol. I don't think that's necessary.

Yes. The next steps in Kash's tek are:

>freebase with ammonia
>pull with Xylene
>evap Xylene for crystals

I assume ammonia is used for two reasons: freebase the alkaloids to allow them to now become soluble in a non polar like Xylene and to later convert the freebase to a tartrate to stabilize the alkaloids from light and air [better than citrate which is prone to oxidation in salt form, but in solution should last quite awhile] for longer storage.

Fuck Xylene. That is a BTX [Benzene, Toluene, Xylene] which are majorly carcinogenic. Does it evap cleanly? More than likely. Does a measly 15 mL make the entire place smell like paint is drying because it's an aromatic hydrocarbon? Yeah. ALSO it dissolves plastic on contact, way more than Acetone. I have no issue working with Acetone, but Xylene is overpowering and a massive pain in the ass. All for what? A non polar that evaps cleanly and fast so you don't have to wait forever for water to evap for crystals? To me, it seems after the naptha stage, the toxins are gone. The only question being is the isomerization of the alkaloids by raising pH with Ammonia worth? Surely any iso-LSA is converted to active LSA but that could be done with sodium carbonate allowed in the LSA citrate solution for a duration and filtered out. That's effectively the same thing besides storage life.

These are HBWR seeds. 10 of these should be a "good" dose at least. The ergine content should be comparable to 250 morning glory seeds which I consider a standard dose, although there is an alkaloid profile difference. Mainly that Morning Glories have more ergometrine content than Hawaiian Baby Woodrose, which might be what makes them more "visual" while the Lysergol content in Hawaiian Baby Woodrose makes them more "body/mind high" feeling.

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I have heard that the toxins are cyanogenic glycosides, supposedly Amygdalin. I would like to know for sure. Basically two glucose molecules stuck to a mandelonitrile group that breaks down to benzaldehyde and cyanide by enzymes in the body. I think glucose is poorly soluble in Acetone (room temp, no water). Being a polar aprotic solvent it doesn't have a OH group to participate in hydrogen bonding so initially nothing should be able to break the glucose mandelonitrile ether bond. Acetone is however polar and this polarity on the carbonyl will attract the numerous OH groups of the glucose molecules. I do filtrate them tho...I wonder if citric acid and water break it down too...Why else would there be naptha stages? Simply defat of the LSA citrate solution? LSA is light sensitive. I kept the lighting as dark as possible.

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You could just as easily do the extraction with toluene, ether, or dichloromethane. Maybe even ethyl acetate if you were quick enough

Not true. Solvents often get occluded into the crystal structure of solids - no amount of heat (short of melting the solid) or vacuum will remove it at that point. This is why you use a safe solvent for the final step if possible.

I agree with the lack of acidity. Some alkaloids likely escaped into the naptha layer. I also did polar wash (normal distilled water) the non polar but don't understand how that could effect it if I only kept the naptha. This paired with minor slip ups like oxidation exposure must have weakened it significantly.

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