What would you do with your $1000 a month starting 2021 Yea Forums?

What would you do with your $1000 a month starting 2021 Yea Forums?

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Buy an assault rifle.

With a chip in it?

weed, coke and hookers. hopefully I’ll have enough user

"Be a colossal faggot"

Heck yeah! Legal weed.

I pray this situation doesn't happen but if it does, I'll save my money and laugh at the retard commies when the money runs out.

Buy a gallon of milk cause that's what it will cost after yang dang sweet poontang hyper inflation takes hold.

rent and weed, amen

>Be a colossal faggot
You do you, user.

you're not very smart, are you?

You and millions of others I'm guessing.

what are the odds his team posted this?

Move to Panama before the American Dollar tanks against other world currencies.

But a new firearm every month. Or ammo. Honestly probably wouldn't notice an extra $1000.

No more money gets printed, so no inflation

Save every cent and donate it to trump 2025

Buy a DeLorean and go back to 1985.

Get a nicer apartment

He'll be in prison

Smart enough to know that there is no free money. Someone pays for it and after the tax the rich shit forces the rich to move to Australia, that someone will be me, Joe taxpayer. Tax corporations and guess what? They raise their prices. Fuck you commie fag. Cut your hair and get a job you worthless beggar.

Use it to cover the increase in taxes hopefully

Put it toward the enormous debt that I've accumulated thanks to the faggot fucking boomers

nothing fun. Groceries + utilities + petro + misc = 1000/mo and that's not even getting to my mortgage.

Cause that's the only catalyst for inflation. AOC is that you? Either that or you got your economics degree from the same trailer college that she did.

"hookers and blow" - Ian carter

Go buy some $15 bread?

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>Move to Panama before the American Dollar tanks against other world currencies.
What currency do they use in Panama?

Yes. It's called VAT (Value Added Tax).
VAT will be on every receipt. 10% of VAT means as long as you don't spend over $10,000 a month, you will benefit from this. Anyone who spends more than $10,000 a month will contribute to this fund.

So, in theory, your taxes are not going up at all. Rich people will not go anywhere because America has the most relaxed laws over businesses. They only outsource factories because no labor/union.

Boomers made you spend more than you're worth?
How'd that happen?

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Wow, You dont understand economics, geopolitics, inflation, taxes or communism.

hes not gonna win so its a moot point, besides, this broke ass country cant afford to give everyone 100 bucks a month, only fucking retards think that it's a good idea

I don't think you understand how vat tax works. Your definition of only over 10 grand will kill the housing market by adding a 10% tax , cars, boats,campers and many more things that us middle class folks buy. That also puts millions out of work, including myself who works for an auto supplier.

Fuck yeah

Buy 1 assault rifle per month.

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I know minimum wage was increased here and prices everywhere went up and lower paid service jobs where replaced by help yourself kiosks everywhere.

>implying you'll still have the right to own a gun

Reminder that Asians are the worst of the liberal left, even worse than negros and jews.
Furthermore they're autocratic in leadership, which is why in Asian nations democracy is symbolic at best.

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Max out my annual 403b contribution. Spend the rest on ammo

Save up and help co fund a fascist monthly meetup, where local fascists and anti-semites can get together and plan a civil war

Get an AR, with a hellfire

nothing because everything would just be $1000 more expensive

Are you buying houses and cars everyday? Dang bro. You can be 1%

Australia is lovely, user.

A house is a little over 10grand in my hood, bro. In fact a house on my street lists for 300,000. It's a normal house here . Your version of the vat just added 30 grand to the house. Buy a normal 20grand car and pay an extra 2grand will stop many from buying a new car, bro. And again, your definition of vat tax is different then what it really means. But you don't care, you just want your free 1000 bucks a month so you can buy better weed to smoke in mom's basement. Get a job and work for a living and tell me if you want to pay higher taxes.

Do you consider the fact that it's $12,000 a year? You will pay it back within months.

>your $1000 a month
Where, exactly, would the money come from?

Didn't the democrats say that he would be in prison before his first year was up???

I'd start my own busin....

Oh wait, it's fucking socialism. I'd do nothing and let everyone else do the work and watch the world go to shit and more more and more people don't do shit.

That Mueller thing didn't work out, did it?

From you.

Just pretend you don't know, and that it's really free.

Us contributing vat tax

Save it. Invest it.

No you wouldn't. You'd sooner commit suicide.




Assuming I don't have to quit my job and it doesn't leave a substantial tax leech on my income, I'd literally just pay my rent, maybe even move into a better complex. Then just use my actual income on stuff I care about, might even consider going back to,but After the initial novelty of having extra income wears off I'd probably just save for up for a small house.

So.... Take money out of left pocket and put it in right pocket = win?

You should look in a mirror sometime.

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Failing programs that should have had their funding pulled decades ago like social security and welfare.

I don't know what the fuck your talking about.

For someone who has money, yes. For poor, it's a win.

>businesses don't react to negative changes to their ability to do business

I would support that.

>I don't know what the fuck your talking about.
That's his point retard

I'd sit there and wipe my ass with it as it ruins the economy.

Any company ever "Oh americans are getting 1000 a month now for doing absolutely nothing? guess what, a coke now costs 1001 dollars! That new iphone? 2000 dollars, just add your monthly shekels and it's the same price guys!"

Please tell me rich fag, what magic form can a poor fag like me fill out to get a $12000 refund check

No one who owns a modern gun calls it "assault rifle". Only libs and fudds do.

And how is this different from the bums outside the liquor store begging for coin?

I hate to sound alt right but this shit is straight up re-distribution.

Get them off the street?

>what magic form
Form 1040
Seriously, are you truly this dumb or trolling?

Yang's hands are smaller than Trump's...5/10 would not vote

Then yang gang 2020 because that is literally what he is suggesting. Cut out the "fat" from all our bureaucracy and give that money back to the people who paid into it. People who think hes just "giving everyone 1000$" are brainlets. He isnt printing more money he wants to take it from broken avenues and reinvest it back into the economy.

>Signs up for collosal debt
>Blames boomers for offering collosal debt to him
Grow up

>doing your taxes magically generates a free 12000$ return

imagine thinking you're fixing the economy by giving it to people who just buy drugs with it

you're legit sending it straight to mexico

I'm not. I make around 30k and usually get around 1200 in refunds every year.

Boomers caused college price hike.

That's the shit I never understood about raising minimum wage. If people make more money then retailers will raise the cost of products to create more profit... It's a vicious cycle of government dependency.



Cheen Chang Bang Yang: herro, here 1000 dorrar, prease to be making me plesident, oh sank you, sank you everybawdy"

Why do you only think about 5% of the total US population?

I just agreed with defunding Medicare and Social Security,, how the fuck did you get cutting fat from that?

Oh, that's right. You're a Yang supporter. You have brain damage.

f'ng morons

they are just going to raise the price of rent, food etc

you wont get shit, they will

Would they raise money if they are getting the same too?

if you were a white male you would know that every real person pays income taxes.
the govt gives everyone A MINIMUM $12,000 break. so yeah, you are literally getting 12,000 from the govt.

Do you seriously don't understand where tax refunds come from?
You are either 12, liberal, or high

He doesn't know what that is, he's never had a job .

Not directly, the largest part of the increase is due to increased administrative costs, i.e. the massive social engineering human resource departments.

>muh drugs
Piss off. the majority of us will do things like pay off debts, buy more products, or invest in our own homes through services creating more work for other people to do generating even more economic boom.

Minimum wage entry level jobs were designed for teenagers. Adults want more minimum wage because they failed to invest their time into a skill/craft or their own education. It's honestly pathetic that anyone over the age of 20 would work for "minimum wage". Like, my boss would pay me less but this is the smallest amount he can legally give me" have some god damn respect for yourself and go to college or something, take out a loan if you can't afford it.

>an exemption and a return are the same thing
Know how I know you're a non working nigger?
Ibew 441 bitch.

Caused by boomer politicians who only wants to get rich.

Super brainlet right here.

Blah, blah, that's what they all say. How bout the yanger list these loopholes and agencies he'd going to cut enough that he can give us each our 1000 back, wait a minute, that sounds like a tax cut? But I thought the GOP was bad for doing that? Now I'm real confused.

actually start living my life and improving various skills. study.

Explain how. There is no such thing as free money you fucking millenial.

kek sure you will cheech

Yes and no. They cuased the cultural zeitgeist of needing a degree. But the DoE outsourcing student funding to private Jew corps is what cause the hike, cause colleges quickly realized they could charge whatever the fuck they wanted and someone else would foot the bill, dumb high school kids and they're broke genx parents wouldn't know it was a bad deal until it was too late.

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Yang is not really pro Democrats. Some of his ideas align with GOP.

So they can afford to build the wall

I'm a right leaning centrist m8 the GOP and the DNC can both go die in a hole tomorrow and america would be better off.

>the govt gives everyone A MINIMUM $12,000 break. so yeah, you are literally getting 12,000 from the govt.
Mugger: Give me your wallet.

Mugger: Here, I give everyone I mug a $20 break. That means you're literally getting $20 from me.
Anyone with half a brain: But... you just gave me my own money.

OK let me dumb it down for you:

If you go to a restaurant and the bill is $100
The waiter says you get a $50 discount

This restaurant just gave you $50.
Do you fucking understand that?
Did you pass 5th grade?

Point me to a verified source that says this and I'll PayPal you $500 you lying faggot

Peasant $$. Put into retirement

It's not free you retard. You've been paying into it for decades now. If you continue on as normal you wont see a dime because social security is already going bankrupt from boomers that wont fucking die.

My kids state college has 70 resteraunts on campus . They do this to get you lazy fucks to actually want to go.

>verified source

Go to a community college for 2 years and transfer to a cheap state college for the other two. 30,000 dollars in four years on tuition TOPS. If you have a work ethic then you'll work through college as well to minimize how much you take out on loans.

It's really not hard. You just fell into the big lie of "Go to the 30k tuition per year school! You get so much more out of it! Better yet, go abroad!"

"It's all about the college experience!" College is suppossed to be a place where you get a degree for a better job, not an advertisement for Greek life.

Let me dumb it down for you that isnt how tax exemptions work at all.
A 12000$ exemption just means you dont pay the taxes on 12000$ which roughly equates to...3k.

Just a weed fund. That's all

I would slowly pay off my 32,000 dollar hospital debt.

One night in an ICU without insurance and they did nothing a 25 dollar of medicine would have done. They said it was important they monitored me or I could die. They knew what they were doing. And now I'm fucked for life.

$1000 per month for every adult is literally $3 trillion dollars a year. I dont care what kind if math you pull out of your ass- no amount of new taxes can sustain that.

The vat tax will kill more gain then your buying iPhones will gain.

It pretty hard to want to go to a 30k class on lesbian dance theory that I somehow need to complete a degree in biology.

Social security was bankrupt from the start, it's a pyramid scheme. The money you pay into it? It's not saved, it's spent on the current recipients. It only works if there's a continual and ever-increasing flow of new workers.

FDR was basically Benrie Madoff, except far more successful.

Which is exactly why it needs to be killed

You're one of those free riders that Nancy Pelosi rails against, aren't you? You're literally worse than Hitler.

Stop perpetrating this bullshit. Minimum was was set up by fdr so that no man would have less than affording housing, food and Healthcare.

I agree. Political parties are only good at dividing the sheep

This. He's tows the party line because he knows independents get no where, and the repubs would laugh him out the door because they don't understand technology. as soon he gets into a position of power he'll tell all his lefty cohorts and farleft followers to fuck off. Some of the top Dems already know this which is why they try to give as little limelight as possible, but they didn't account for meme culture to spread his message below the radar.

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Funny how the Great Depression dragged on and on, and didn't really end until WW2. It's almost like nothing they did actually worked.

>and the repubs would laugh him out the door because they don't understand technology
The Repubs laughing at Yang took a course in basic economics.

State college - 30k semester
Minimum Wage - 19k a year


Liar. Obama fixed that.

That's exactly why they'd laugh; they didn't go any further than basic, so they don't really know shit.

Shit meant to respond to this

$12,000 is CASH
It doesn't matter how you use it IT IS STILL CASH
My example is still valid even if you don't understand it.

If you get $50 off a dinner or off your wages, IT IS STILL $50 you fucking moron

Based wanna be friends

But user you already are

>this retard is still showing he doesnt understand how taxes work or the difference between a return and an exemption

>Ok kid

Dude, just call up their billing dept. and tell them you can only afford to make $10 payments on your budget. They'll push back, but be strong and insist. Then send them the fucking ten dollars every month on time. They'll eventually get tired of your ass and close out the account.

Of course, it would be better to call and negotiate a final payment, but negotiating 30k probably won't end with a low enough amount.

$30,000 in tuition.
$24,000 in housing

Oh also, don't go to college of your dream because fuck you! Boomers were able to go to college they want. But not you. Because we fucked you hard.

That's the bullshit with this $15 minimum wage they're pushing. I went to college and got a skilled job and make about $30 per hour. But if minimum wage is raised to $15, I'm not getting any raise but suddenly the cost of many of the things I buy has to be increased to cover the extra price of labor. So essentially the middle class gives their money to the poor.

Also, you pay taxes on you gross income.
The deduction is literally a CASH equivalent deduction of those wages.
SO GUESS WHAT? According to the IRS (or restaurant in my 1st example), you paid too much taxes SO YOU GET A REFUND

I'm not an expert on how debt works to be honest but I did know about making small payments. I was sending 25 a month to them for about 6 months but it was sent to a collection agency. From what I've been told once that happens it's already negatively impacted your credit score and it's pointless to keep paying.

I applied for a 500 dollar loan for minor home repairs I needed done (plumbing nonsense) and I was denied. I've never had any other type of debt or loan given to me.

Oh, so you're a believer in Modern Economics? That's not just shit, that's shit steeped in lies and complete ignorance.

"If I'm fucked, then people below me need to stay even more fucked. What, put the blame rightly on the ultra rich for fucking us all? Nah, the impoverished are my real enemy."

Mom always said that if you feed the rats they will multiply.

>have enough income to live off o

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"Doing destructive things that are demonstratively bad is good, and you have to believe me because I just used an emotion appeal and I'll call you names if you don't agree!"

Yeah, if they send to collection agency, it can fuck you, BUT, if you have proof that you had an arrangement and was sending those payments on time, you can fight back. Of course, that means lawyering up...

If your mom didn't mean that in the literal sense, she's a fucking moron.

No, moron, I'm a believer that basic economics doesn't even give you 1% of the knowledge to get anywhere near an educated opinion on such matters.

I could live off that in a cheap area like West Virginia, Oklahoma, or Missouri

So you admit you can't even grasp 1% of what you were supposed to learn? That explains your complete ignorance of economics.

>demonstratively bad

lol Cool story, bro. I didn't even call you a name, and you're response is the emotional one. I destroyed your with logic and rationality.

Do you see a bunch of rats or are rats hidden?

Yes, but to fit in you'd need a sister to fuck, and she can't be one of the cute ones or all your neighbors will be jealous.

So you have a master's in economics and work in the field? What you said is ridiculous, but if you honestly believe it, you have to admit your in the same boat as me--as in, you don't have an educated opinion either, so stop acting like it.

The rats aren't hidden in Seattle

I guarantee there would be at least a 200% increase in drug use.
Would be just enough for someone to justify the heroin/meth lifestyle.

Do you live in Seattle?
Do you see rats where you are?

Don't talk about small % of shit like it's happening everywhere.

Why stop at a masters? Nothing I said is ridiculous, you're just claiming economics is this dark mystery and nobody except the experts is allowed to have an opinion. It's not rocket science, and in the field there's a strong acceptance of many basic principles, which are routinely ignored by policy makers. The destructiveness of the minimum wage is one of them.

If you see rats you have a major, major problem. According to biologists studying urban ecologies, rats are everywhere, they're just spectacularly good at avoiding being seen. If there are too many to hide, it's back to the dark ages.

And I didn't talk about a small percentage of anything. Not everything is about your micropenis.

You're reading what you want, bro. Also stating things as fact that are still up for debate. Everyone can have an opinion, but your non-educated opinion is worth shit.

But by all means, don't stop at a master's.

Imagine everyone getting 1k per month as soon as they turn 18.

How many 18 year old would not use that as party funds?
How many would actually try to get a job or stay in school?
$1000 a month would create a legion of rats

No, I'm reading the opinions of actual economists in the field. You're both demanding unreasonable expertise for a really basic concept, while completely ignoring what the experts actual say. You're very good at denial, have you considered becoming a neo-Nazi?

Just because there's a shooting in a city, doesn't mean it's gonna happen to you.

Think about that.

I'm still 30k less then if I didn't buy a house.

If it looks scary it’s an assault weapon. My car is an assault car, my clothes are assault clothes, and my butter knife is an assault knife.

Are the entire US population made of 18 years old?
Not even 50% is made of 18 years old.

What are you even talking about? Someone talked about feeding the rats in a metaphorical sense, you took that as literal, real rats, and now you're comparing rats to being shot.

That wooshing sound you hear all the time 24/7? That's everything the entire world says passing over your head.

After 3 years, you're still 30k less?

I's there a point you are trying to make?

>Not even 50% is made of 18 years old.
my sides

100% of the adult population was age 18.
The point is that everyone under 18 will have the odds stacked further against them.
$1k per month is just enough to ruin an 18 year old's future

Stop talking about small percentage of shit like it's happening everywhere. That's how Trump is our president.

Monopoly Socialism Yea Forums Edition:

Where do live user? I'll shoot up your nieghborhood for you, wouldn't want you to feel left out

Darwinism happens then.


Exactly how it works.


Monopoly Socialism Yea Forums Edition:

You fucking kike I'll rape your mother.

Blame the rich because you made poor life decisions if you want. I imagine that hasn't gotten you anywhere yet.

Why would you illegally buy firearms when there are great legal options?

I like the cut of your jib.

But I don't want to pay for their bastard children's dental bills.
I don't want to get robbed by one of them.
I don't want to pay to house them in prison.

I don't want to feed the rats

You are doing that now anyways without getting anything back.
Have you looked at your pay stub lately?

So if everyone gets a 17% increase in money.
And the stores raise their prices by 17% because everyone can afford that then who wins?

Wouldn't we have to give people even more money because of inflation?
Wouldn't this create a cycle of retardation???

This I work full time barely make ends meet, mean theres a welfare nigger at my job who makes the same wage I do but she's gets houseing vouchers food stamps and she's always buying new jewlery and going climbing every weekend. It's fucking bullshit

Idea of stores increasing money is because they have to pay higher wages to employees.

If you get $1000, and store owners get $1000, it is not impacting their business at all. In fact, that employee who gets $1000 will spend some in their store.

Why can't you do the same?

Yes you moron. I buy house. Pay 30k in extra taxes. Your logic is I will eventually get it back in yang bucks in three years. If I don't buy house , don't pay 30k in taxes, and still get 30k yang bucks back. By buying a house I paid 30k in taxes extra. You can't be that bad at math.

So, by your logic, you lose nothing but you just like to complain?

>If you get $1000, and store owners get $1000

A bottle of water costs more in Silicon Valley than it does in Reno.
Because they can.
Everyone becomes "richer" and prices will eventually reflect that. Right?????

>if you give young people money you have stacked the odds against them and ruined their future
republican logic lmao

Just 30k. I think you are trolling or retarded. Either way go yang!! He's our man!!! Is that good for you. Not a chance in hell that idiot is going to ever be elected. Tired , going to bed, captcha keeps reminding me that I just may also be retarded since I apparently do not know what a traffic light is.

Wait. If everyone starts at 5, would 10 become new 5? How is that a problem?

Nope. I remember how dumb I was at 18.
If I got $1000 a month allowance at that age, I would have fucked up my life pretty bad.

Being broke is a huge motivator improve.
You also can't afford dope, booze, and fast food.

I just wish some billionaire would randomly sponsor me 1k a month for nothing..

>How is that a problem?
How is that a solution?

Also, inflation would be an issue.

Inflation is an issue for people who gets left behind.

For example, if everyone starts at 0 but some people start at 5, trying to get to 10 would be easier for people starting at 5.

This is what happens in inflation scenario. When poor doesn't make enough money, they get worse and worse. So, giving everyone $1000 is not the same.

A small percentage of what? You've been almost totally incoherent. If you want to people to be upset by your cunning criticisms, you need to at least make sure they have some idea what the hell stupid crazy thing you're saying.

>trying to get to 10 would be easier
But it wouldn't tho.
You forget that EVERYONE gets $1000 so inflation happens.
Imagine the 1st of the month when everyone gets their government check. Everyone has $1k to spend.
Why wouldn't the store charge $1000 for groceries that now cost $100??
Because they're cool like that?
$1000 isn't that valuable if everyone gets that for free every month.

So we are back to square 1. What's there to lose?

no cunt, inflation will barely occur. since money is being dumped into the market there is no need to raise prices. secondly you have to understand where the UBI money is coming from. taxing automation.... which already happens just not as much.

>there is no need to raise prices

If demand stays the same; but the consumer has more money then prices will raise.

>economy 101

you read that off the internet and think that's how it works. NO, prices do not raise just because demand raises. price will only rise if supply cannot meet the demand. giving everyone 1k a month will only raise prices if everyone is spending it on the same exact shit AND its has to be not heavily available.

>prices do not raise just because demand raises.
sure sport

A rich person is willing to pay more for something than a poor person. That is why prices for just about everything is more in wealthy areas.
If you make everyone more wealthy then prices will naturally go up.

If I'm willing to pay 10% of my income for product X then the price of product X will be determined by my income.

get it?

Know what the taxes on $1000 a month are? $1500 a month.

so you're saying because top 1% can pay 500% the value of some things, that the same thing will happen to giving people 1k.. LOL ur beyond saving

ideally they would only tax automation in companies for UBI, not the average cuck

Fresh baked bread used to cost 10 cents. Now that it can be mass produced, it's $2 a loaf. Why? Because people make more than $10 a week. The more money people make, the more companies charge for product because they need to make back the extra money they lose by increasing wages. Would you intentionally let your buisiness make less money just so you could give employees more money?

>the same thing will happen
Math is used to determine pricing in different demographic areas.
Everything from toothpaste to a loaf of bread.

If every bum gets $1k every month then you bet the price of vodka will skyrocket.
Because they will sell the same amount of units at the inflated price

??? this is because of general currency inflation, we're not printing money wtf. cost of products didn't go up because "people make more money" so many dumb cunts on this board lmao.

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No one will be increasing wages bro. WTF is this increasing wages coming from?

Employers don't have to do shit. Everyone gets $1000. End of story.

> What currency do they use in Panama?

White children.

dude if you give people money it will ruin their future dont you understand economics

I make $250k, I sure can’t wait for $1k more per month to join some more nice wine clubs

>cost of products didn't go up because "people make more money"

They actually do tho.
It's simple supply and demand.
In this case, the supply of money is increased.
The demand for the money aka. price will increase as well.

Print out 1000 Yang Buck Checks.

They are only cashable to yang products.

Recepits Count as tickets for yang bucks. At .05x value to yang buck

All yang products also only are sold via yang bucks. 20 receipts = 1 yang buck.

Yang Bucks are always equal to other Countries 'Dollars'.

Other countries dollars can be exchanged for yang bucks, but only have most valuable dollar availiable, so other countries compete for yang dollar.

Some yang product only availiable through yang credit. Yang credit is 10x valuable than yang buck. Product value is priced cheap but is not high quality either. Essentially 1.25x savings through yang credit. Product quality is 1.10x. Pocket .10x for myself at a time. Always getting .10x of highest valued country dollar.

Make Yang Tax for .15x. Credit now only 8.5x valuable but I get .10x dollar and .5x is covered in Yang Product and .10x covered in savings.

I go paperless now have Yang App. Yang App now store Receipt data. I pocket .25x to every yang buck and now making 1.25x per Yang Exchange. Plus TaxBack with Paperless Receipt I get free credit.

Trade YangSoda for a CocaCola. Now I am essentially a white man.

Your rent bout gonna go up by $1,000 a month bruh, your landlord knows you can afford it

Pay off my debts and get a car in the same year.

Anyone know what his foreign policies towards Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria is like?

Also economic 101.
When demand goes down, price goes down too.

If landlord raises rent by $1000, people will move to a place with cheaper price. Capitalism 101.

Give them $1000/month to behave

You fail at economics.

If the landlord raises prices, then people will move. But if the economy is flooded with additional money, prices will rise.

Get out and stop butting in to other people business and waste money?

You think one sided.
If there's a flood of money, there's a chance that price will go up. But when prices go up, demand goes down. When demand goes down prices goes down.

Think logic. Think harder.

>When demand goes down, price goes down too.
But that's not relevant to the argument.
Demand will stay the same.
People will afford higher prices.

Capitalism 101 also teaches arbitrage. If everyone is getting $1,000 more, then all landlords will quickly realize that they can get that $1,000 too. There will be no “cheaper place to go”

>But when prices go up, demand goes down
It's different when people can afford the higher prices.
Everyone will have $1k per month. You bet coffee, toothpaste, and toilet paper is going up.

By that "logic", prices would always be stable, which is nonsense.

If you increase the supply of something, you lower the demand. That applies to money, as well.

Do you know how the prices will be lower?

This is just about the most cousin fucking retard shit I ever heard.

Increasing the money supply leads to higher confidence and higher spending and higher demand. You seem to think that loading everyone up with another grand will lower prices somehow. That makes you a retard.

What’s the income limit on the $1,000 basic income?

You really have no understanding of even the most rudimentary economics, do you?

Literally every economists you could every talk to will tell you that increasing the money supply, for example by having the Fed print more money, is inflationary. Inflation reduces the value of money.

Slightly above Jeff Bezos.

Exactly my point. Thus everything becomes more expensive, cause the money is worth less, so you must spend more to get what you had. Like rent.

This is now a ylyl

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That is not the point you've been making, you tard. But if you want to switch sides, feel free.

so this is welfare for poor?
so it's now: SNAP for food, Sec 8 for house, $1k for fun?

Youre an idiot. Amazon and megacorps get taxed, not you. You get 1k a month so suck a dick

>savings accounts
>wealthy americans
kek, you think the wealthy use savings accounts

Attached: 1513372505495.gif (500x276, 226K)

Dad detectd

12k in a year is just right to start a new small business, maybe an independent food truck

So it's shameless re-distribution.
Take from the rich and give to the poor.

At least they are honest.

Those will be gone.

Buy something that won't crash and burn like the American dollar.

Probably preserved food and bullets.

Everyone paying equally with VAT.
But rich pays more because it's equal.

Current tax system allows rich to pay less than poor. Not equal.

Basic income would be universal.....you get the same amount if you’re rich or dirt poor. People can supplement their jobs with the income.

Automation and technology is reaching a tipping point in which jobs get exponentially replaced.

When self driving cars go mainstream, the most common occupation in America (driver) will become endangered.

You do realize that europe never recovered from the great recession.
You do realize that VAT are a cancer that kills corporations.
You do realize that the financial burden will ultimately fall on the consumer.
You do realize that this text-book liberal circular logic.

That is the stupidest thing I've ever read, and this is Yea Forums.

You're arguing that a highly intrusive sales tax with high bureaucratic overhead like the VAT is a "better way to handle technological progress"? That's crazy, the only real virtue of the VAT is it hides the costs of compliance. You only see the amount you pay for the final leg of a product's creation, and don't see all the incremental steps where someone else had to pay during the production process. It's a way for the state to hide how much they take, it has no other value.

A carbon tax is just another tax. If just spending more money on the social problems solved them, wouldn't that have happened already? Those are deep seated problems that giving people free money has never solved. The wealthy do not pay 21% of their income to income tax, the wealthy make most of their money in investments and pay capital gains. This is "I've paid taxes before" 101. And your whole claim about inflation is just magic thinking.

Every other countries in the world has VAT. And they are doing much better than US.

>Boomers made you spend more than you're worth?
We all do. "go to school, buy a house, dur dur dur".
It's called being an amerfag you retarded piece of shit. Guess who told all of use to do that?
>Grow up
I don't think you quite comprehend what debt is, or why I'm blaming boomers for allowing those who control debt to set up tools to indebt the future citizens of the US

You mean like dumping a lot of money into big corporations because they fucked up?

We do that now already.

>Current tax system allows rich to pay less than poor. Not equal.

But that is 100% false.
You are either retarded or troll or both

Attached: FT_17.10.04_taxes_stats.png (420x400, 15K)

>very other countries in the world has VAT.
[citation needed]

Protip: Europe is not "every other country in the world". It's funny how Europeans always come across as so parochial, while claiming it's really the US. And Europe has been struggling, anyway.

>Boomers made you spend more than you're worth?

Equating spend and "worth" to debt lmao, kid when you get to highschool, you'll understand. Also, this is an 18+ website.

>And they are doing much better than US.
Name one

I don't mean and didn't say anything like that, did you reply to the wrong post?

Nah bruh, we need to allow the central banks to push our country into immense debt. Faggot fucking boomer eat a dick. You'll be remembered as the most worthless entitled class in the history of this country. All good tho, you'll be dead in a few years.


According to your chart, someone who makes 30k or less is paying 11 times more than someone who makes 2 million.

The other user isn't right, but neither are you. The graphic just covers income tax, which only really applies to workers who draw a wage, whether blue color minimum wage, or a highly paid doctor. The truly wealthy often have no real income, or their income is a token amount, because they make their real money by investments, which isn't covered by income tax.


Welcome to late-stage capitalism, early-stage corporatocracy. It's gonna be a wild ride!


That's not at all what chart says.

Hey guys, I'm a boomer, I just paid for college with a part time job and bought a house right out of highschool with $4k down I made from my summer job!

Isn't life awesome? Why are you faggots so entiteled and going to into debt? We elected the best presidents and congress that allowed us not to intstall a debt driven society. Totally dudes! Boomers are amazing.

4 countries are not "every country in the world", user. Or 3 countries, since we'd already covered Europe so Germany didn't count.

>who makes 30k or less is paying 11 times more
You really think we pay for our military with the tax returns of everyone making 30k or less?

Right? We need to spend 700B on defense for.... reasons.

Gotta make sure those muffins stay $80 a piece amirght?

Which one of those countries uses their VAT to pay for UBI?

I don't think any of them yet. Then again, we haven't hit the automation revolution stage yet. Oh boy, I can't wait for the resource wars and genetic modification vs natural age. Shits about to popoff

yang trolls
yang troll farms

seem to be attacking Yea Forums of late


Won't work, they seem to have prepared statements, but they're fucking horrible at dealing with criticism. They're getting destroyed in this thread.

If we were to give that much to every American citizen it would be about 330billion not trillion but I didn't care enough to find out what percentage of Americans are adults to give you a closer estimate to the actual amount it would be

Do the math. I may be off by a little but do the math.

same thing I'm doing right now, starting a small business

except I'd have more time to devote to it, instead of having to give between 20 and 40 hours a week to my part time job




Pay off my debts
Buy a car
Go back to school.

>I can't wait for the resource wars and genetic modification vs natural age.
Already begun, china has already crisprd some babies, pandoras box is open and the rich are going to hit that shit hard.

Religiousfags are gonna reee

Do your FAFSA it should be enough to cover two years at community college if you're working a minimum wage job

Ok. So let me put it this way.
Let's say, you make 30k, you pay about 10k in tax.
If you make 2 mil, you pay about 540k in tax.

When you do the math, 30k person is paying 30% and 2 mil person is paying 25%. how is that fair?

>I don't think any of them yet.
ya, I don't think the VAT = UBI is possible.
Nice pipe dream tho

jeff bezos can afford it

also that $1000 each person would be getting would go straight back into the economy

can't you into basic economics?

I didn't say they have UBI. I said they have VAT. WTF?

conservatives misunderstand things on purpose for rhetorical reasons

so is the far-rights ethnostate, it's like both sides of the isle are hoping on pipedreams now adays, when in reality families are multi-racial and money doesn't grown on fucking trees

If you are not spending $10,000 a month, you are benefiting from $1000 a month

money actually does grow on trees, because its made of paper and cotton

No, you're way off. For ease of math, say there are 1 million returns filed, and they raise $1 million dollars. 0.1% of that total is $2+ million earners, or 1000. 43.8% earns 30K or less, or 438000. The high earners pay 20.4% of all taxes, or $204,000 in this example, working out to $204/each. The low earners pay 1.4% of all taxes, or $14,000 in this example. When divided by 438000, that works out to about 3 pennies each.

So I did the math. Your conclusions are wrong.


FAFSA doesn't entirely cover any Cal State or UCs. I guess I'm moving to some cheap state and attend state college there. Fuck my hopes and dreams

bushes are just little trees

>30k person is paying 30% and 2 mil person is paying 25%. how is that fair?

You literally have no idea how to read that chart.
Less than 30k pays 4.9%
Over 2 mil pays 27.5%

These are actual numbers from 2015.
Poor people don't pay shit.

>so is the far-rights ethnostate
I know you're high right now

I prefer a big hairy bush to a tree growing out of my gf's crotch.
>traps are gay

there's no such thing as a pure white man

an ethnostate would begin eating itself immediately

>You need to be high to understand that the far right want a white only ethnostate somewhere up in the north west US

either way, money growns on bushes and trees

unless you live in like Australia, then you make your currency out of plastics

Doesn't mean a small minority actually wants it though.. enough to even write manifestos and shoot people over it.

Do you consider the tax breaks they get?
Like how Amazon didn't have to pay tax?

so would you describe yourself as a centrist


FREE speech is bigotry tho

That's obviously the solution to the Great Garbage Patch in the Pacific -- have Australian entrepreneurs turn all that floating plastic into money.

Nope, I'm purely a critic

No, I pointed out the flaws in the graphic. Which is about income tax. Amazon doesn't pay income tax because they're a corporation. That's a completely different type of tax.

wait... so can you criticize the president without having TDS? or is that even possible considering it's an amazing authoritarian tactic.


Math is sexist, too. Barbie says so.

a pure critic would know that "appeals to popularity" are a logical fallacy

Except anybody with nothing will have something

Read the fucking chart. The percentages factor in all tax breaks.
Amazon files tax returns just like everyone else.
They do nothing illegal.

I'm agreeing lol, I'm saying it's a literal pipedream that isn't possible with even a .01% chance... or less, but that doesn't mean some retards think it is possible.

If you are against medicare for all or other universal healthcare programs, you are ignorant of basic economics

if you've taken 100 level econ classes, you'll remember learning about "inelastic goods" and "elastic goods"

Elastic goods are those that are optional, i.e. luxuries

Inelastic goods are those that are not optional, i.e. things that are on Mazlows heirarchy of needs

Healthcare is among these. If you want to know more, just read a textbook on Econ 101

You have no idea what you're talking about.
The chart specifically says INCOME tax. That's a tax someone pays on wages. Amazon doesn't pay it, because they're a corporation. The graphic accounts for absolutely nothing of what companies pay, and very little of what the higher earners pay either (the money they make is taxed as capital gains, not income).

>(most of the money they make...

>Doesn't mean a small minority actually wants it though
It's a few thousand tbh. They'll create their little "ethnostate" and it will last a few years. Much like the Amish or the Mormons create their tight knit communities. It will be assimulated over time though. No way something like an "ethnostate" will ever last in this ever-changing meltingpot world. It's definitely a pipedream.

>If you are against medicare for all or other universal healthcare programs, you are ignorant of basic economics
kek, exactly backwards

Right? We're a debt-driven economy, we need to put our citizens into debt any way we can. That's how.. this... wo.. hmm

Actually, I'd support that. Want to go off and live your own little dream, even if its racist? As long as you're not forcing on others, you should be able to live any way you want.

not an argument

go read any econ textbook. pay special attention to the section on Inelastic vs Elastic goods

Only in United States people think universal anything will cause inflation.

Canada has universal healthcare system. Their prices are same as us for years.

Italy has had a universal healthcare system since the 1800s

it also hasn't had a stable government since before the birth of Jesus Christ

It also has the longest lifespan in the world

>Actually, I'd support that.
Oh, it will happen regardless if you support it or not, it's already in the works last I've checked. It's just not a long term solution by any means. Maybe it will be like a zoo eventually?

Oh, you're criticizing debt? How we about start by getting rid of inflationary monetary policy by going back to the gold standard, and dropping social security? The combination of the money you save being worth less and less over time, and the assumption that the government will take care of everything has destroyed savings, and created a society driven by debt. And that's not even touching the costs of those programs, as illustrated by the fiscal gap.

tell you what how about you run for office on this platform and we'll see how well you do

Not an argument.

No inflation.

The point is that the rich pay most of the taxes in the USA.
Corporations like Amazon pay taxes too. Billions in taxes.

Those people making less than 30k pay relatively nothing and shouldn't bitch because they are already getting a free ride on the rich man's jock.

Where is it in the works?

i don't have to answer a non-argument with an argument retard

The lies politicians sell is a really weak argument, user. Giving an addict more drugs is always going to popular with the addict.

I'm sorry but someone making 30k in tax doesn't get free money hand out from government like rich and corporations. They are call government tax breaks. Look it up.

Someone making 15k or less on the other hand tho...

>Oh, you're criticizing debt?
Not at all, I think the people who have installed debt-driven tools that have indebted our citizens definitely deserve the mass amounts of interest they've accumulated.

>How we about start by getting rid of inflationary monetary policy by going back to the gold standard, and dropping social security?
Why? The gold standard was trash, and a horrible backing for currency, not as we have now. We can print money with no backing, isn't that amazing?

>The combination of the money you save being worth less and less over time
Exactly, it's almost like over time fiat currencies lose value and things cost a lot more than they did.. oh wait!

>And that's not even touching the costs of those programs, as illustrated by the fiscal gap.
Are you kidding me? Being trillions of dollars in a deficit the right has put us in is amazing. We are literally owned by china now, isn't that great? I love republicans for that. That dirty faggot bill clinton put us in a surplus lol what a dipshit.

hey don't go crying to me about your problems cause I'm not listening. If you want your ideas to be heard in this world you're going to have to go through official channels otherwise you're just gonna wind up another dumb fuck mass shooter

Not him, but they want to install it in washington. Follow the alt-right people if you want to know more.

That is absolutely not the point, you're just trying to change the topic because you were flat out wrong.

Not that you've switched to a winning argument. For instance, Amazon and Apple effectively pay no taxes, because they've figured out ways around it.

You're finally right about something (that people who make little money pay little or no taxes), but that's the argument everyone else has been making. You can't just jump on our bandwagon and claim victory.

You do have to make an argument in the first place, moron. Misusing two economics terms out of context doesn't qualify.

So? any state in the union is beholden to the US constitution which already has antidiscrimination amendments

ITT: neocon Israeli dickriders and techofags arguing until a neocuck gets butthurt and stops responding or a technofag gets butthurt and stops responding. You faggots are arguing the same thing five fifty different ways if you'd read outside of the (You)'s

You haven't made an argument as to how I've misused these terms nor have you made an argument to the proper use of them

Pretty sure everyone in this thread as agreed it's a retarded pipedream that won't actually work.


wow! thats a lot of buzzwords