Comfy thread. Get cozy boys

Comfy thread. Get cozy boys

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Other urls found in this thread:

How are you getting comfy?

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Hope you enjoy op, this ones one of my all time favourites

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very nice

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Thanks & also this one also op. Hope you enjoy

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I live in eastern PA AND I AM enjoying the weather. Its nice today listening to music

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that could be some basement dwellers space, just fixed up and kept clean

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I love cityscapes like that one.

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Nice night in.

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I lived in South Korea for a year and one of my favorite things to do was walk around and explore the side streets, which were always more interesting than the main roads. Seoul has such a cozy feeling in comparison to other big cities.

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I’m just browsing Yea Forums while sitting in bed it’s not much but I like this site

But god I would give anything to go on a 2 hour walk around Springfield early in the morning

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5 seconds of that and im finna sleep

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Not my art
Artist name is Tim Doyle


christmas is comfy

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It’s cool to see every user’s preferred version of comfy

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dude u high af

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droppin some comfy music. good rainy day tune. or sitting in a smoke filled jazz bar in the middle of the night

very class

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right on with that

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the lack of a fire pit or any sort of clearing around that fire is making me nervous.

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but no wind?

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fuck that

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more comfy jazz

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Ol’ Bleeding gums Murphy. r.i.p.

where did you find this pic user

>How are you getting comfy?
Starting my attempt right now. Having a drink to start, maybe some music in a bit too, suggestions?

just catch 'em from random threads

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i have blue cheese, brie, chorizo salami, pastrami, crackers, hummus, beer and cider and a tiny bit of weed left.
gunna rug up real comfy after it gets dark, but not sure what to do.
>catch up on a heap of 4cc matches (i'm a fair bit behind)
>play diablo 2
>play minecraft
>play Oxygen Not Included
might watch a let's play or a stream if I decide to go with vidya.

it was my birthday yesterday
a friend gifted me Wallpaper Engine on Steam.
now I have that animated gif as my wallpaper.
anyone got more like it?

I want to breath that cold fresh air in the morning.

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what is this from? love the comfy treehouse

If it has a small shitter/shower and laundry machine then don't want much more.

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this is what we were doing before /b

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Lol, just a sec. I have that.. signed too I think. Just hold the ladder sti...YOU DIED

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Its interesting how different it can be, but it all has some similar subthemes that relate.

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looks very relaxing

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Reading in a comfy chair during a good rain storm that lasts all day is my kinda cozy. Should live in England or Pacific northwest to maximize rain.

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I was gonna post this, this gif is actually my phone wallpaper

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Snow is even better, though the sound isnt as strong

driving rain sustained is what i want

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This is my current comfy space. Pictures don't do it Justice. I think a nice area rug would tie it all together, I just haven't found the perfect one yet.

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I like it! Jealous bc I don't have the space to do something that cool

I want to be there

what is that little lamp thing under the tv? I like nontraditional lighting.

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Just a little paper lantern type thing I got at a thrift store. I like how it shines through the glass shelf onto a couple other thrift store treasures.

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yeah that looks neat af. it's a nice setup you have

Why thank you. I like seeing other peoples real life comfy spaces and sharing a few pics of my own. Got any pics of your place?

Unfortunately I live in crappy military barracks and don't have a lot to work with. It's pretty frustrating because I don't have a lot of space to work with. Basically a college single dorm if you could compare it to something

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I wish I could do something about the horrible curtains, probably the first thing I'd get rid of

Hey at least it's clean and the flowers on the nightstand are a nice touch.

Very nice. A softer kinda light. The opposite of those faggy office tube lights.

I should take some of mine from the years and post them someday. Guess I've always been paranoid of giving away info, even if i know i can remove it safely.

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>this thread

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true. there just isn't a whole lot of room to experiment. I basically can't rearrange anything because of how the room is shaped. just tough to make a space I'd like to live in given what I have

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cute kitty

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>turn light on
>cant see the titles of the books because you're blinded by a fucking wall of light
>turn light off
>cant see the books because it's dark
fucking retarded design

bigger than the last 3 places I've paid rent to live in, user.

>be user
>be really gay
>suck endless amounts of cock
not gay, just like dicks

I miss living on the shore next to the crashing waves

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did you live in a dang closet? only time I've seen smaller spaces was Iraq and South Korea

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i want snow up to my ears


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moar extreme snow

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sounds pretty cozy to me

yeah im not coming in today

I take those days off, not to avoid driving in the snow, but to enjoy playing and watching the storm.

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good thread anons, about to image limit and pass out

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when it's snowing but melts as soon as it lands "pish"

OP here. Thank you all for the contributions. Comfy threads keep me going after a rough week. Keep it comfy y'all

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thanks for posting thread. I bump these if i ever see them, and occasionally post them too. Sometimes hard to get them to stick through all the porn/gay threads, always bump comfy/cozy/relax threads!

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I love a comfy thread.

Diablo 2

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Dude, you need to cut her open. Otherwise the body will start to float and they'll find the evidence.

Yo your gfs hot wanna set me up?

hitting bacci pipe n chillin tryna find jerkin material comfy as fuck


I appreciate it. anytime I start these threads it gains traction after a a bit of me self bumping. Threads wouldn't exist if people don't want them, so it's nice

I got you on charcuterie and bar Yea Forumsro.
Hit me up.

Don't you think this would be appropriate for a bar setup rather than a library? Seems a little odd and entry level-like design idea

You have received approval here.

LOL how can you tell? you can hardly even see her.

when you wake up and have a good reason to not go out.
I am also the dude outside during a lighting storm

anyone got a cozy ultrawide wallpaper?

i know its dead but i love cozy/comy threads

I sat in that chair, greendragon matamata

>oldfag from Yea Forums seeing it die 12 years later

yeah i just finished a good couple of hour sesh in D2. First time playing a Bonemancer after years and years of only ever playing it as a summoner.

No socks!


oh I can feel the smell