Ancap is based and redpilled

Ancap is based and redpilled.
But how do we remove government (those 2,5 anons that prevent other people from doing certain things)?
Obviously, it would be really stupid to have a leader, because it will basically replace those 2,5 anons.

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start a business that sells nuclear weapons to everyone

states exist in anarchy with respect to each other

if everyone's an individual state, then anarchy reigns


Those 2,5 anons don't allow that to do anymore.
But getting uranium is not rocket science...

Hm... That is the hardest part of anarchism, really.

lol it's the most retarded ideology there is

Nah, it is the only ideology that doesn't really contradict itself.

start a business that makes enough money to buy the government

Anarcho capitalism isn't real, just go back to calling yourselves libertarians. Anarchism involves a rejection of all vertical hierarchies. Such hierarchies are an implicit part of capitalism. Now fuck off.

It is entirely contradictory, as I just pointed out.

autarchism is the redpilled anarchism

Can I sell people?
Um... not necessary.

That is not anarchism because again it involves capitalism.

>Um... not necessary.

society require the use of capital unless they are hunter/gather or foragers

I see the problem.
Anarchy won't happen if we concentrate on specific flavors.
Just fucking remove law enforcement, and this jewish bible "one rule them all" order.
Define capital.

That is not correct, a functioning, complex society without money is possible. Even with capital, it needn't involve vertical hierarchies necessarily.

Basically this.
>Grug pisses in that forest it belongs to him
>Zug pays Grug to use forest with percentage from food he found
>If Zug not pay, Zug gen arrow in rear asshole

>Zug no like it
>Zug insert arrow in Grug asshole
>Now Grug pays in food

capital is just assets from producing goods or services.

I see. So in that "grug shitty meme", forest is asset, right?

Incorrect, capital is money invested in labour time and means of production in order to produce.

Full communism is one of many examples of complex economic systems that would operate without capital.

Communism is "everyone owns everything" and because of this idea it doesn't work, because people don't care as much if they don't own anything.

I know.
Don't think about stuff, just do it.

where does the money to invest in labour time and means of production in order to produce come from?