So why would someone have fucking carpets in the bathroom? Honestly? It’s so fucked up

So why would someone have fucking carpets in the bathroom? Honestly? It’s so fucked up.

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Come on man, don't you love the smell of pee stains and mildew from shower

Pretty fucked up init.

I don't know. Half of my bathroom was carpeted. Wife laid a log that clogged the toilet and forgot to jiggle the handle. Had to rip it all out so now it's just slab.

So many shit like that bro!

Why do we put fucking oil in car?
Why do wo put ink in printers?
Why so little and simple eternal machine sucide themself after 2-3 years?
Why all of the indestructible shit got engineered weekpoint?
Why do we put sneatch in everithing?
Why do we destroy to rebuld the same shit?
Why do we put trafic jam on hour roads?

Why do we have never enouh space under furnitures to pass the damm brush head?

Why the fuck all food are in plastic in plastic in a other plastic in a carton box?


That include all they way of buying.


That include all they work for and buld to sale.

Just understand that a bathroom carpet is absolutly non-sens, make you a top 20 % supermonkey. You are not happy in this irrational world, i am sory about that they are the 99%.

Welcome to the rational resistance.

it's shocking that people actually do this

Well a few of your points don’t make sense but putting me in the top 20% made me happy so I lost the will to argue the points that don’t make sense.

I know I’ve been in peoples house that I would consider successful and intelligent and seen this in their bathroom. Quite scary to be honest.

I'm not sure what the reasoning could be over just using rugs
strange world we live in lmao

I know you can just chuck those in the washing machine but full on fitted carpet. Should be illegal. I would go that far.

right there with ya
on a similar note fuck padded toilet seats
friend's rich parents had them and they wouldnt stay up which is a fucking pain when you're trashed trying to take a piss

What do you mean like on the bottom layer of the toilet? If not you probably be better off pulling the seat up. Either way. Still weird but there is no sacrilege like carpets in a toilet.

yeah like the part you sit on, you lift it up and it doesn't stay up because of the fucking cushion so you have to hold it while you piss
but I agree, I'm happy that I've never had the displeasure of seeing a carpeted bathroom in person

I know what you mean now. I’ve seen them. I understand now. Having to hold the seat up. Scumbags.

The trick could be to sit on these

Maybe but that’s a bit fucking gay. Maybe that’s what these people want? To feminise ourselves. Pretty fucked up now I think about it. Fuck you user you fell into the trap and you won’t bring me down with you.

a question i ponder every time i see it.

Resist defensive and use sink, or openly offensive, by pissing exclusively on that fucking carpet, showing dominance.

I always piss in the sink if I’ve had a few drinks sort of hoping someone will walk in and challenge me on it. That’s another story for another day, but I couldn’t piss on their carpet because it’s usually in switched on, respectable people’s houses that this shit is done.

This is definitely gay.

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People make me sick.

1. old people afraid of falling down.
2. stingy people too cheap to replace fucked-up sub flooring.

that's what i've found in old houses i bought.

That’s not sitting right with me though user I been in many a house where the owners don’t fit that criteria.

It's a Brirish thing. Fuck knows why they do it.

is suppose this is not an exhaustive list. but it does fit those in my experience.

Is it? Cause I’m British and if this is just done in Britain I feel disenfranchised.

I lived in a shithole apartment for a year that had a carpeted bathroom. Worked about as well as you'd expect; impossible to clean, always smelled horrible. I offered to lay tile for my landlord, but when I ripped the carpet up I found a huge crack in the concrete subfloor. She had to bring in contractors but we ended up with a normal bathroom.