Why don't incels just man up and take responsibility for themselves...

Why don't incels just man up and take responsibility for themselves? Why do they blame other people for their failure instead of blaming themselves? Also, how do they expect women to ever like them if they hate women and walk around saying women should be lobotomized at birth and stuff?

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The census between them is the blackpill; self-improvement is ultimately useless and women will only go for those with the best genes

People have a hard time accepting when they are wrong. But trust me most of these incels will one day realize what the actual problem has been. They’ll realize they were the ones in the wrong the entire time. I’m not saying there aren’t shitty women, because they’re definitely is but as a guy you should recognize beforehand if a girl isn’t for you. These incels go after a specific type of girl, a girl who so far out of their own league they can’t even realize it. And then when they aren’t able to get them because of “Chad” they complain and look at the girl as a complete and total demon. When in reality they were at fault the entire time. Stay away from crazy women, and stay away from girls you can’t feel a personal and emotional connection with. Heartbreak can happen with anyone though. Girls can cheat on you no matter how connected you are with them, but it’s up to you as the guy to take the signs and realize beforehand. And it’s up to you to communicate your feelings openly with the girl. Guys have a tough time doing certain things because they are diluted by politics, religion, and social views.

tfw have a stalker if i get a gf she might get stalked too

It's hard to take responsibility for something that's not your fault. They didn't choose to be born the way they are. They didn't choose to live in an era where women have all the power in the courtship dynamic, basically deciding who gets to have sex and who doesn't. It's this flawed system that keeps creating incels, and it's not going to stop any time soon.

I agree. All of these incels are only going after 10/10 girls. They need to realize that they don't qualify for them, and set their sights on more reasonable goals like 4-5/10 women. That's really their problem, along with bad hygiene from a neglectful upbringing.

But I don't want to date women. I don't want to date at all. I just wanna play Vidya. Leave me alone, user.

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>They didn't choose to be born the way they are.
We are all born with weaknesses, and it's our job in life to recognize and address them.
>an era where women have all the power in the courtship dynamic
You mean, any time after the days when women were bought and sold as property?

The key problem with incels, and the above post, is that they view woman as property, something that can be acquired. They ignore the idea that women have their own interests, and resent and resist the idea that maybe they have to do something that's actually attractive to someone else.

You don't have to act or dress nice to buy a lawnmower, and they want "winning" a woman to be just as easy.


Because incels are lazy pieces of shit and expect a woman to just fall into their lap. They can't fathom the idea of self-improvement whatsoever

>Why don't incels just man up
there's your problem
incels are not men

Because the constant rejection they got from adolescence killed their self esteem

>killed their self esteem
the dumb jocks got their esteem killed pretty early when they found how shitty they were in school
that didn't seem to hold them back, did it?

>He thinks trust fund kids ever cared about school

C'mon now dude

Well then they're left with a decision. Quit being a pussy and adapt, or sit there like a sad little cuck and do nothing

I have always blamed myself.

I don't hate women. They should not be lobotomized.

>trust fund kids
>I sabotage all my own efforts by just pretending everyone else is magically better than me without having to work for it

an incel lacks the interpersonal skills to cope with the stress of personal responsibility.

/Thread. Move along, folks

>self-improvement is ultimately useless
this is true

>women will only go for those with the best genes
this is not true

Ok Elliot Rodger

I'm pretty sure they do blame themselves. Ultimately, they're not incels. They're vocels.

If they actually wanted to get laid, they could. It's no big accomplishment, really. They've just convinced themselves that shoving their pecker in some slimy hole is something monumental. When it's anything but.

>I sabotage all my own efforts by just pretending everyone else is magically better than me without having to work for it

>Be a rich dumb jock
>Father owns a successful business
>Be guaranteed a six figure job after high school

yo user is it an incel thing to say "woman have a monopoly on sex" ? my friend told me this and im a little worried.

Look at this fucking incel lmaoooo

Incels are treated like shit in our society (see: this thread). But I think they'll most likely find someone compatible and live a relatively normal life as long as they don't neck themselves first.

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Depends if you were playing Monopoly at the time

I am what you would call an INcel, however, you make the mistake of thinking I want to get laid. Secondly, the reason I am this way is that I have tried being in shape and up beat and willing to work on myself and indeed have worked on myself plenty. It has nothing to do with that. I simply do not care about sex the way most people do. I've had it up to here with women's bullshit lies and deceptions. Long story short, if there was a woman out there worthy of my love, she would be able to look past a couple flaws. Women are the ones who want only 10/10. This is why so many are single mothers. They caught themselves a 10, who then promptly dumped them for the next 5-6 to come along.

>Women are the ones who want only 10/10
>They caught themselves a 10, who then promptly dumped them for the next 5-6 to come along

this doesn't add up

You aren't capable of reading? learn how words work.

Post pic of yourself, roastie

absolute moron. the GUY will sleep with anything above a 5. just like me. good god no wonder your moronic ass places so much value on sex, you certainly dont have the brains for anything else.

Yeah, a single mom with rosstie flaps bigger than Arby's

>the GUY will sleep with anything above a 5. just like me

get some standards faggot

better than nothing

bad troll is bad. learn how to read faggot

is it really? I don't think it is.

pussy is pussy


You mean conform to societies hypocritical expectations?

did you see el paso?

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eh, you enjoy.

y-you too

In all reality as far as primates go. Incels typically are the "pack". The "alpha" typically dictates which betas / games / omegas get to have sex with the females.

In modern society, anything lower than a step under the alpha doesn't get anything until about 10yrs after the Alpha and his Betas get a crack at it, and even then, she's been passed around by a few others in their rank.

Men work for sex basically, that's how society has worked. Thats why we invented shit like arranged marriage.

If we don't organize some system so incels can get wives, we will see an armed revolt.

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this nigga gets it

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>If we don't organize some system so incels can get wives, we will see an armed revolt

incels don't deserve wives in the first place

I do not believe that I qualify as an 'incel'. I elect not to pursue a romantic relationship out of a desire to not inflict my own damage onto another person.

or want them

>thinking this much bullshit

society conditions men to think that shoving your pecker into a slut's holes is the apex of achievement ... and human biology dictates that reproductive acts is really the apex of achievement.

Currently no amount of non-social skill earns sex, this is a problem.

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5/10 girls tend to be a better fuck as well. Most the 10/10 girls just lay there and expect their looks to do the work.

I think most are retards and "vol-cels", because I get a lot , and I mean A LOT of pussy, but there was a time I didn't get any.

I thought getting good grades and getting money would make me "earn" the pussy. I didn't know how easy girls were if you were just very confident and dominate with them.

We can't have all men running around thinking they're Mike Tyson, but we do need men who are achievers to be able to believe their achievements will get them pussy.

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yeah you're fucking delusional

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Not really, considering the financial hit they'll take with a kid that's not their and a used up mom

Unless of course the kids *accidentally* dies

yeah well incels shouldn't fucking complain if they refuse to get with a single mom, it's not like they can do better

Actually we can, its called being single.


That would likely be too difficult for them.

I don't blame others for my issues, but im certainly not all at fault for them. I just accept it and keep existing, but i still have these issues. For me insecurity led to anxiety and then led to depression after realizing how much I've missed because of my anxiety, my thoughts became invasive and abstract and made me feel like i was mentally ill and or insane in a way i still struggle to convey because when i try to talk to people, my mind goes blank and there's fucking nothing to say because i lack experience and emotion to share and i can't think, at all. I don't expect women to do shit with someone so far gone and isolated in their own mind, i know there's a "game" to be played and moves to be made but i never learned for one reason or the other. If you've never experienced what i have, understand that the way you live is just as curious to me as the way i live is to you. I know it can get better, it is getting better. I put myself in uncomfortable situations now, even if i don't say much but to acknowledge some one, im still uncomfortable and in time i know once im comfortable not saying much, i will work my way up to another kind of discomfort, and then accept it. Small steps man, its what i have to do, but you'll never know just how hot it can get when your mind just fucking ceases to attempt being social.

yeah keep telling yourself that

took the words right out of my mouth