What do you guys think about Andrew Yang?

What do you guys think about Andrew Yang?

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one more dem trying to buy votes with taxpayer money

he makes a lot of sense. I like his approach. his joe rogan interview illuminated how he plans to accomplish his UBI goals.

it's a shame he'd never get the nomination, but we like to shun good candidates in this country

>think about Andrew Yang
I don't.

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The funny thing is that the 2020 Democrat team will be an old white guy and an old white woman

Raise taxes, gives you $1k. Poor people think this is good.

He did make sense on a lot of things, but now he's just as pants-on-head crazy as the rest of the woke left.

I like Tulsi way more. It's obvious she's a trained killer, because she MURDERED Kamala Harris' bid for power in that debate. Got a bit of a chubby on that one. :D

sensible guy. i like him


>one more dem trying to buy votes with taxpayer money


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No shit, they'll be paying for it

I like him. I donated to his campaign already.

I think he's one of if not the only good and bearable Democratic candidates currently.

Whats fucked though is that the scumbags that are CNN decided to mute his mics, sadly it wasn't only him, it was a few of the other candidates that CNN dislike.

Noone cares about democracy bro

To be honest modern democracy is a gigantic bonfire of bullshit

People called Sanders a communist, and Yang's even more a socialist. Would be cool if he made it, but there's no way he even gets the nomination.

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How is Andrew Yang socialist, exactly?

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A Chink agent who wants to implement social credit

>How is the guy running on promises of Universal Basic Income a socialist, exactly?


I wouldn't say hes completely Socialist, more supports some Socialist ideas. Better to say he wants a mixed government rather then a completely socialist one

>daily reminder Chinese are bug people incapable of showing empathy
Don't trust the Chink

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>but look at those German and Scandinavian outlets! They're doing fine, can't we have that?
>no, because the Venezuelans had their outlets messed up by us in the past I MEAN BECAUSE THE VENEZUELANS MESSED UP THEIR OWN OULETS

>this triggers the leftist

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I'd like somebody to tell me if they have a better plan to counteract the dwindling necessity of human involvement in labor, something that in our current system is what people derive their livelihood upon.

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Don't forget a black woman. Kamel O'harris already got the nominee rules changed to eliminate Tulsi for calling her on her shit.


He's the only candidate we know of that played StarCraft so he's my choice

Easy! Let the useless starve to death. Or if they want to put up a fight, remove them from society.

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In the US, we have a republic. A democracy is what NoKo has.

>German and Scandinavian

So white socialism > brown socialism?

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if everyone on Yea Forums voted for him he'd have just enough votes for one of the other dems to win

This. Our votes are nothing compared to old people in rural states

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Nah, just turns out when the CIA frequently and repeatedly overthrows socialist leaders in favor of harsh military dictators in a certain part of the world, it should be no suprise that those regions turn out to be unstable decades later.

Sadly some people don't think that America has fucked other countries over.

Yang gang

you understand it's not just lower skill blue collar work in danger. high cognitive and creative tasks are also in coming time readily going to be automated. at some point in the future the vast majority or even all of us will be "useless".

He doesn't have a chance so I don't think of him.

>messed up by us in the past
If you talk to an honest Venezuelan, they will tell you the story of how successive presidents kept offering more free stuff and promises to fix the previous guy's mess. They voted for these people and got exactly what they voted for.


The DNC curtailed the superdelegates


Ah right because it's in the name, right

>overthrows socialist leaders
So, Maduro wasn't democratically elected? Wasn't Bernie gushing over what a shining example Venezuela was for the rest of the world and how the American dream was more likely to be realized there than in the US...?

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Can a chink serve white interests? Honest question. I studied him hes a smart guy and seems really to care for the US but as mentioned can he serve white interests?

>the dwindling necessity of human involvement in labor
I remember this FUD in the 80's. Everyone thought the PC was going to put everyone out of work.Instead, it created a whole new industry and hired more people than ever.

Im a libertarian, UBI is a good idea imo, but not really in the way he proposes, if he was to deduct the UBI from other government costs, and just take those costs away and use it for the UBI ( not raising taxes ) i think that would be perfect. Not only it would reduce government intervention/ participation on the market, but also would help to create a more dynamic economy. So, all and all, he has nice ideas, kinda has the right mentality for the solution, but doesnt really get there. So idk

Words have meanings, boomers. UBI has its issues but isnt socialist

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And that's a problem? I thought you leftists wanted less people on earth?

Thats what I thought of Trump at this point in time in the last election cycle. And Yangs whole campaign boils down to "Hey Trump voters, I can actually help out your everyday life"

Considering how he isn't for the upperclassmen he sadly probably doesn't have most of Americas elite interested

Better than trump better than hildawg better than bernie Sanders because he actually has a plan for all his """free shit""" instead of just yay free everything. Best candidate in the running but the democrats are so far up their own ass theyll rig the primary against him which means lol trump wins again. Then they will all act surprised when it happens and start using it as an excuse to eliminate the electoral college.

naw. the people in rural states understand this. it's why trump got elected. he had a major platform of "bringing back the jobs". andrew yang understands those jobs aren't coming back.
naw, venezuela was retarded. they had a bunch of shit that stemmed from their oil money. chavez kept introducing a costly litany of social programs derived from the money from oil. venezuela didn't diversify their assets. that's why they're fucked.

definitely not socialist, but the way he proposes it certainly doesnt reduce the size of the government ( i think thats what the anons think its socialism kek )

i'm not a leftists. i'm right of center. this shit coming is gonna be a mess.

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Who's ready for black mirror to be life because that's what's gonna happen

>Maduro wasn't democratically elected
first time, maybe, last time, definitely not democratically elected, far from it

>UBI from other government costs, and just take those costs away and use it for the UBI ( not raising taxes )

It's pure delusion to think this would be a zero-sum change. This would create a massive new bureaucracy and add significantly to our already spiraling national debt.

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It would create a boom in economy and give people that have been living pay check to pay check a little room to breathe. There is literally no down side because it will be taking money from useless programs like social security and turning them into cash in everyone's pocket. You realize you are paying literal millions so grandpa can use it all up before you ever see 65. Plus people are living even longer now yet the retirement age hasnt changed. The current model is unsustainable.

oh yeah, no doubt about it. All im saying is that i would be 100% in favor of a trade-off between all the public expenses and just a big UBI. Like, even delete public schools, kek. I think thats way more efficient than government spending

America will not put a ching chong in office, period.
>in before America will never have a black president

You are an idiot.
Supply and demand would level out until $1000 a month in Yang Bucks is the equivalent of like $1 now.

Giving people more money is only a very temporary fix to poverty because prices adjust automatically.

it will be partly an added tax for big tech companies my man. Plus, huge government deficits basically dont allow a boom in economy, because the government has to get money from the banks to pay the deficit and when that happens the bank interests go higher and higher on a spiral, just look at brazil's situation with their deficit, almost no going back on that.

Chairman Yang is pussy. AI and any form of robotization should be banned before it destroys us all.

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Despite the shit we throw at Asians its very clear just looking around that Americans have no issue with having them in positions of power. The vitriol isn't there the way it is for blacks, arabs or latinos. People think asians are funny looking, they don't see them as a threat to society

so, i agree that user idea wouldnt work, but this isnt really the case of supply and demand imo. Because he isnt printing more money or anything like that ( maybe he would do that and then you would be right ), so there isnt more money being introduced in the economy, just being relocated. But, it would prob create huge government deficits that would rise the bank interest

>and any form of robotization should be banned before it destroys us all.

The trucking Industry is already talked ng it in. I'm a decade or so it'll be mostly AI

Incorrect. The rise in automation will continue to reduce price, or at least keso it similar. For example, would you go to starbucks for your $7 cup of coffee, or use the automated coffee robot that charges $3? Competition still exists and the invisible hand should push us toward the latter. Yang is not a socialist for this reason, he believes in free market capitalism, but also a safety net for those ablout to get fucked by the changing market.

sure. did you ever see that Friedman story about the workers in China? Look it up. Plus, you cant ban progress, that isnt how it works

Why the fuck we call it AI anyway. Lets just call it smart programs.

His policies are entirely unsustainable.

yup yang running troll farms

yeah, definitely. But that safety net could be implemented without raising tax costs, that would be way better, just reduce governments costs and use that money, dont implement more taxes

its just more deficit kek, we can live with it

jesus, plz study a bit of economy, thnx

>It would create a boom in economy

Wrong. Our generation has become addicted to the artificial booms fueled by politicians pushing cheap money solutions rather than any substantive improvement in the economy.

Each round of stimulus is a shot in the arm aimed to "keep the party going". Each shot means more borrowing and less savings, more spending and more consumption - more excess, while eroding away our valuable manufacturing and capital investment capacity. Combined with misguided attempts to "rescue" failing banks, automakers, etc. during the financial crisis, we have effectively transformed our economy into one filled with unproductive businesses, preventing that capital and labor from being freed up and employed elsewhere in the economy.

Our government does not have a solution for this, and both parties are fully responsible for this mess. We are in the middle of a massive asset inflation bubble that has roots that predate this administration and the one before it. The current Fed appointee (Powell) is simply re-inflating the bubble instead of allowing the market to correct. The present course spells disaster.

What we need is a STABLE currency with minimal inflation. the more the government tries to manipulate the economy, the more it keeps distorting it ... with costs rising soon $15/hour won't be enough, then $20/hour won't be enough, etc... we should be aiming to keep the prices of things as STABLE as possible. that's the best way to stimulate growth, just by keeping things stable and predictable.

Our government must stop quantitative easing (money printing), stop asset inflation, and allow interest rates to rise. Higher interest rates will discourage borrowing and spending, and encourage personal savings. We must restart non-debt financed capital investment in this country - the true engine of a productive, sustainable economy.



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vote drumpf

ge-herro white-deveru! Want wantowsand dorra?

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Remains to be seen, doesn't it? All the Repubs have to do is start a rumor that he's sympathetic to the Chinese and it's game over. Don't forget, people are pretty stupid...

why? that poster is absolutely right. if you can't keep up with the conversation it's best not to join in.

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the other user answered it already Yang's solution isnt to print money, he is getting the money from taxation, so no, he isnt directly rising inflation, if anything, he is creating deflation ( which is prob even worse ), because it would prob create huge government deficits which would make banks raise interest, lowering comsumption

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You are an idiot who sucks the cock of every corporate CEO who does literally fuck all besides ride the office he was given to make free money off of people that actually do the work/have ideas.
This is ancient history economics and it's wrong. Money no longer has any real value and hasnt since we left the gold standard. The only thing that keeps money valuable is the fact that people assign value to it. America will never pay its debt off and the countries we >owe it to will never call on it because its financially more sustainable to let us run wild and buy/consume to our hearts content from them. Hope all you fuckers are ready for a one world government and currency because both are coming

>not blaming the commies
By law you have to pay the medic fees of your victims, so run over them twice; a victim you helped can sue you if they feel you worsened the injury and youll have to cover their hospital bill, guess how often this gets abused. Also even if the victims not an asshole, good luck dealing with the chinese police lmao

Like other democrats, thinks money falls from trees.

>You are an idiot who sucks the cock of every corporate CEO who does literally fuck all besides ride the office he was given to make free money off of people that actually do the work/have ideas.

I remember when I was still in high school...

I'll give you that. People are pretty dumb. But anything could change in a heartbeat nowadays, and I feel like supporting the candidate you feel is best, despite their projected likelihood of winning, is what this process was supposed to be

Except he literally doesnt and explains exactly where the money will come from, you illiterate sack of shit
Piss off nigger I'm 27. Your parents lied to you working a skill job 40 hours+ a week isnt enough any more and it's only getting worse from here on out. Real boomers need to be genocided.

If he was printing the money, this would be closer to true. The money isn't being printed. You gotta stop listening to people that are entirely opposed and hellbent on shutting down X idea. They're bias and will lie and skew to make themselves look correct.

No one thinks about him.

genocides. Isnt just giving people money or printing more. Hes just giving them back what they have been paying into a failed economic system for decades.

Yet he's still standing longer than a lot of others that were supposed to be more known

yeah fucking right you retard

>Except he isnt
No idea how I got genocides out of that

Only the top 25% pay taxes in the US.

>This is ancient history economics and it's wrong.

It's not wrong. It only seems wrong to you because you were brainwashed by your wide-eyed liberal teachers.

>Money no longer has any real value and hasnt since we left the gold standard.

This part is correct.

>The only thing that keeps money valuable is the fact that people assign value to it.

Partially correct. It's also due to the fact that the Dollars are legal currency which is backed by the credit of the US government. That faith among our foreign creditors is diminishing, however, as the rest of the world comes to the realization that we will inevitably default on our national debt.

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Yea fuck capitalism
Btw user, have you noticed how the family names of the top 100 CEOs have weird sounding ends, like 'berg' or 'stein' or 'man'. I wonder what it means.

UBI experiments already failed elsewhere in the world


>da jews

They also make orders of magnitude more than the bottom 75 by extracting a fair share of profits from the goods they produce.

>in 3rd world shit holes that dont produce jack diddly and didnt have the money

who are you voting for then? yang? l o l

>The money isn't being printed.

Yes, it is.

What the government can't raise in taxes, is being stolen from us through inflation caused by the Fed's monetary policy.

Inflation is truly the "invisible tax".

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>jews are smarter than me
>the system is corrupt

You sound like fucking democrats. Change the game because someone else is better.

There was one in Canada. Had to be stopped earlier, massive failure.

My statement still stands

The top 25% makes 68% of the income and pays 86% of the taxes.

Based Mike Gravel

Oh, didn't realize you were an ignorant cunt. Probably why you still think socialism is possible.

yep, it's basically a "thank you for voting for me" bribe. it doesn't seem wise to invest a thousand bucks a month in a person who thinks a thousand bucks is a lot of money. some people were just born to lose, and there's nothing the government can do about that. except let the losers pull the rest of us down. which is ultimately what they want, but i digress.

>raging leaf


>Being the country where Trump will be re-elected

Id hate to admit it but a thousand bucks a month would be more than im making in my small 100K person town and would pay my rent and bills with a bunch left. Why would I work and contribute to society when I could leech off the system? A lot of people are in my income bracket and would think the same thing except would be happy to do it

Yes, because its a positive for them. And if you arent in like 30% top earners, its positive for you too, cuck.

yep, that's the communist propaganda. why do anything when the government can do it for you? they want to rob people of their ambition until there's nothing left but 4-hour long bread lines and love of big brother.

He is a fascinating guy w/ a crisp, clear, coherent analysis of the role technology & automation have played in losing millions of jobs & contributing to the Democratic loss in 2016 because we failed to recognize & address this crisis. He’s quite amazing.

Platforms pretty based free gibs but backed up by logic. Tweets like Trump yang gang bruv. Won't win though he's only half good enough. If he became a tranny would win though.

user I have bad news
That isn’t what he said

Is this really how brainwashed y'all americans are? Like do you even read political literature or do you just give your vote to the most racist/bigoted person you can find? Like Trump hasn't even fulfilled a single political vow so far and you still suck his dick and lick his balls like he's Crack fucking Jesus

>proving my point
>implying fagdeau is any better

It's argued that humanity is approaching that end anyway, and that most menial labor and administrative tasks will be automated. The form of UBI proposed by Yang would need to be much higher in order for the money to continue to circulate into large established corporations so that Capitalism doesn't kill itself.

The plus side, is that many people would be freed up to pursue things other than slaving away at a 40+ hours a week at a soulless corporation that is paying them much less than the products they're producing is actually worth.

No, because he get 100% turnout and 100% vote. Democracy.


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Buggy whip makers were put out of business by the automobile and if automaton somehow improves to replace the reidculously intricate agility of the human species to replace every single god damn job cheaper than it take to pay some jackass to do something simple then they will move on and work elsewhere

The"Go do a hobby" thing is bullshit meant to justify being a welfare bum

He started off alright but the more popular get gets the more democratic buzzwords and stances he's making to try get the far lefty vote

The workers don't control shit in a Socialist society, the State does.

They didn't diversify because they had one group controlling everything. A free market wouldn't have had those issues.

So welfare is fucking great then, right?

>>free market capitalism
>>government literally giving people money
Puck one.

A decent opposition candidate, even if I disagree with most of his policies. Especially the drug legilization and socialization of america.

This isnt welfare you absolute brainlet. This is optimization. Taking money we have allotted to broken programs that DO NOT FUCKING WORK and putting it back into the pockets of working americans.

>>Government giving people money isn't the same as government giving people money

Yeah, most people would sit around all day. Thinking that everyone would immediately start creating shit if they didn't have to work is naive.

>I'm retarded and shouldnt have a vote because I camt understand simple concepts

CEO with no political background with a vague-at-best and misguided gun policy.

And you can't refute my point.

He's my favorite politician after Trump

so dumpf?


I think the best chances of beating Trump are Gabbard or Yang.

Problem is that in order to win the Democratic primaries, you have to be an establishment left winger with the backing of the party, and they don't have it.

It's going to be Biden/Harris or something for the Democratic ticket and there's no way moderates will come out to vote for them, so Trump will win again for 2020.

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>Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Who needs guns. Who needs money.

This is the exact same thing Bethesda said when they didnt bother explaining the Institutes made scientist plan

Maybe people who thought Trump was a great businessman should ask a real rich guy who should be President, since Trump turned out to be a conman and grifter. Warren Buffet endorses Michael Bloomberg for President.

No shit you dont have one

Yea right a capitalist swine fat bloated cat will know whats good for the people. He has zero experience with it with serving the nation. All he served for was his revenue

My point is that it's another form of welfare, which has already been a disaster. And you clearly have no argument against that. Have a good day, user.

And I've already dismissed this dumbassery

My pay stub says I pay a fuck ton of taxes and I'm not in the top 25%

Another rich out of touch liberal who is trying to get elected by promising gibs and unrealistic bullshit that everyone knows will never happen