Why is it that men having lots of sex was glorified in the past and it isn't believed that affects their ability to...

why is it that men having lots of sex was glorified in the past and it isn't believed that affects their ability to become good fathers, but women were shamed for having lots of sexual partners?additionally, i've heard a theory that women are promiscuous due to evolution theory, but idk how true that is. thoughts?

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A master lock is a useful key unless that key is some how not functioning

I fucking hate this phrase, because it answers literally nothing about the question, focusing only on outward similarity of genitalia and lock&key.

A key can become master lock but in that case the lock becomes the locker

>focusing only on outward similarity of genitalia and lock&key.
that's only what you see because you're not mature enough to understand it fully

A key that can unlock a lock is a good key. But a key that can not unlock a key is still a key

A key with a combination is a door but what happens to the handle?

Because women can get pregnant and are thought of as pure and loyal and motherly, not as the town bicycle

Casper knows this

Please, enlighten me then.

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Is Casper the key????

Because if a women goes up to 100 single men in a bar and says "come back and sleep with me" she will get 95 people saying yes, regardless on how attractive she is.

If a man did that, he would get 0 women say yes and a few slaps for good measure.

It isn't hard for a women to have lots of a sex, it is for a man.

A man has to be good at picking up women. For a women it just shows lack of restraint and self control.


I think the phrase here is
if a key can open many locks it's a mster key
if a lock is opened by many keys, it's not a good lock.

Are you fucking retarded? Thats not even close. It goes like this, "if you open a key without the Casper the you do the time because crime."

Humans are driven to have sex with as many people as possible because diversity in the gene pool improved survivability. How humans socialize sex has nothing to do with it.

The lock & key metaphor is bullshit because cocks are not keys and vaginas aren't locks. Absolute failure of an analogy.

It’s just not attractive, plain and simple. Anytime I see posts on IG from thots that post shit about getting wasted on wine, fucking ex’s friends, or needing new dick, just comes off as gross and unattractive. The whole guys needing to sleep around a lot is something a little lost on me. I have friends who like panick over this saying they “need to get their numbers up” so they don’t grow old regretting not sleeping around a lot. Me personally I find that stupid, I’ve had a few partners but I never worried about needing to sleep around more just so I can have more fap material for my memory when I settle down, or to somehow brag about my numbers.

both degenerate,sinfull,destructive
but it's too huge bite to digest now


could you elaborate on that? specifically the part about diversity and survivability.

Underage bait

Because it's a man's world and the rest of you are just along for the ride. Man's world. Get mad, still a man's world. Call me names, I'll laugh and it will still be a man's world. Nothing you can do or say makes any difference in a man's world.

>think it's kinda funny, think it's rather sad
>the dreams in which you're raging are the best I ever had
>think you're making changes, I think you're rather weak
>you should get yourself a Kleenex cuz your future's rather bleak

>Man's World. It's a Man's World

A man's cock is the key that unlocks a woman's thighs. The more thighs unlocked, the better the key. Thighs that open for more than one cock are compromised and must be destroyed as they are proven to be non-secure.

That answers nothing about why women need to be secure locks in the first place.

Because sex is a carnal pleasure that men, for our entire existence, have partook without shame. Both men and women...but especially women have put other women on a pedestal above such hedonistic desires. They slut shame themselves more than any man could and will turn their noses up to most sexual advances. So when they’re caught in the act of giving in to their urges it comes off as hypocritical. They act like they’re so above sex until they’re caught. Like maybe just don’t be a cunt to dudes and chicks who want to get their rocks off and maybe you won’t get called out on it when you do the same when you get to college.

Bc mostly to men, sex is about control & power. If a woman “lends” herself to a man, the more powerful he feels, esp if the woman is believed to no have many sexual partners. This notion is incredibly fueled by selfish desire. So men don’t care about the consequences of procreation but simply the action of it. Which is why good, solid fatherhood is rare

tumbltard town a little slower than usual today?

Also hating something doesn't make it a bad analogy. Leave your feelings at the door if you want to have an actual debate. Otherwise it eventually boils down to who's gonna REEEE first, and seeing as that's you, you lost the debate already.

shutup whore
show us your tits

Because men can be cucked - tricked into raising offspring that is not theirs so any sign of a female being promiscuous is a deal killer. If a man is unfaithful his mate cant be tricked into devoting time and resources into raising another females offspring. This basic fact of life will never change and sluts will always be despised.

You can't think of one single reason? One reeeallly important evolutionary reason? They are the gatekeepers

Depressingly true