I know this person whos gonna kill himself how do i stop it Yea Forumsros?

I know this person whos gonna kill himself how do i stop it Yea Forumsros?

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give him $10,000

call him. Once you're absolutely sure, call the police.

He lives overseas atm

so? Don't tell me you can't call him and then look up the number of the local police.

kill him first, then off urself

If it's the first time they are threatening this, talk to them. If it's like the 4th, tell them to do it.

Tell him to eat high meat. It literally cures depression.

kill him first

Especially human meat

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True. Animals mostly resolt to cannibalism is shitty situations. If you eat some fermented human meat, it will make you happy and want to go on and fight.

Kill him. He can't kill himself if he's dead.

Let it happen OP

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Just go to his house with some drinks and hang out with him.

call police have them pass it on to his police

DO NOT tell non-anons especially those close to him he's suicidal. When I was it happened to me and I felt betrayed, I know it's for good reason but felt like they were gossiping about me

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and now youre alive to be a cunt about it, youre welcome

This. If you aren't willing to actually do anything about it then it is clear you don't take them being suicidal seriously and shouldn't bother making a thread on it.

that's bullshit though, in your eyes the only way someone can be suicidal is by blowing their mind out. is your answer to just ignore all red flags and make no effort to save lives.

tell him dont do it

>s your answer to just ignore all red flags and make no effort to save lives.
No, that was YOUR answer. My answer was to tell the friends. not telling friends is ignoring the red flags and making no effort.