Reminder that ((they)) are trying to destroy people by making them eat shit...

Reminder that ((they)) are trying to destroy people by making them eat shit. They are trying to disconnect humans from nature.
You do not need plants to survive. Kill animals, drink their blood, eat them raw. Ethics are man made, do whatever you like as long as it's natural.

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yoghurt is gay

are diseases good for you?

chill out

fuck off fritz

revelation,and prophets not a thing i guess...
so ethics doesn't come from a higher power,neither civilization

If you eat natural diet, you won't have diseases.
Religions are brainwashing. Human is everything, you don't have to worship something you don't see. You are your god. And civilizations are man made.

Meat literally gives you cancer and causes climate change but okay

>drink their blood
nice try kike

Grains and plant oils give you cancer because of how toxic they are. Only animal fat and cholesterol can save you. All our cells are made from them. Plant agriculture causes way more animal death and destroys the nature.

I have to agree about ethics but that's it, some plants have nutritional value to humans and drinking blood is not good for your body especially since a good bit of animals carry diseases in their blood and due to thousands of years cooking meat instead of eating it raw hunans can't properly digest raw meat

Are you stupid and don't know what to say?
Blood is the most nutritious drink right after raw milk.

Edgy faggot take your pills

Wtf am I even reading? How can human be so brainwashed? If you drink blood from sick animal, of course you can get sick. We can get sick because farmed animals are fed shit and full of chemicals.
Raw meat is the easiest food to digest. When you eat it, it literally diseappers in your stomach. No bloating, no gases. Humans cannot digest fiber.

No, you can do your faggy demon worship all you want schlomo, but remember: you're gonna pay for it all.

Right before milk* Sorry, made a stupid mistake.
Milk is second most nutritious after blood.

Okay sweetie

Reminder that veganism is literally satanism. It promotes human suffering and malnutrition. You're calling me a Jew while I'm trying to help humans to be healthy while you are promoting death and suffering.

You are garbage. No amount of hamburgers will ever make you not be.

I don't eat hamburgers. It's literally a poison. Grains and vegetables which are toxic and cooked (burned) meat which is full of toxic chemicals.

>veganism is literally satanism
I'm not a vegan you daft bastard, nor am I promoting veganism. Pathetic pulpil moishe, but that was to be expected of you. Satanism promotes being a lazy faggot, that's what it is. You're just a kike trying to get people to drink blood like you do, talmudic demon.

Prove me wrong you vegan sheep. Name one reason why humans wouldn't drink blood. All carnivores do. Of course we're getting nowhere because you're a triggered vegan trying to meme trying to hide truth.

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>i'm not a vegan
>you vegan sheep
Just wasting my time with a schizo jew like you aren't I?

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Explain what makes me a Jew? Because I'm not promoting plant based satanism diet? Humans are carnivores, we have to eat animals to survive.
Which one is you?

I keep traps in my yard just to capture small animals so I can go out and snap their little necks. Only faggot leftists don't enjoy hurting animals. I adopt dogs just to kick them around and one time I raped a cat to death

>what makes me a Jew?
Promoting blood drinking, it's an occult and esoteric practice used in demon worship. Humans are omnivores who need both meat and plants to survive. I eat meat, I don't drink blood like some schizo kike.

There's no challenge in killing those animals. Hunting in the forest is fun and natural and you're supposed to enjoy it. What vegans don't understand is that animals are eaten alive by other animals in nature.

Raw meat is less efficient than cooked, your body has to spend much more energy breaking it down.

No you're a vegan sheep. You eat plant based diet. Grains and vegetables are full of anti nutrients and toxins. Humans are not supposed to eat seeds, we can't digest it. If you eat your ''meat'' (which is probably burned and full of antibiotics) with plants, you don't absorb as much nutrients from the meat. Keep living in denial. You crave raw animals, but man made rules make you do the opposite.

Raw meat is the easiest food to digest.

Hunting in the forest is for Jews and liberals. God gave me Dominion over animals they are mine to do with as I please

>''loool xd am i fitting in yet?''

>you're a vegan sheep
>eats meat

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Please don't insult meat like that. What you eat is not meat. Meat you buy in the stores are so bad quality. The animals are fed grain and other shit. They are full of antibiotics and chemicals. That's why you have to burn your ''meat'' because you would poison yourself with the toxins.

People try and hold on to the past as long as they can....

Also not a single word about eating plants because you cannot disprove what I said. Typical sheep.

Implying I don't get organic products.

People need a balanced diet of meat and vegetables.

Tell me a reason why humans need vegetables. One reason.

The same reason we need meat. They contain the vitamins we need in order to stay healthy and provide our bodies with the right nutrition. Fruit and vegetables and their seeds can help prevent the risk of certain diseases.

I feel like I'm talking to a disabled person.
First of all, we get all the nutrients and vitamins from animal products. Second, most of the nutrients in plants you won't be able to absorb because of the anti nutrients and because we cannot digest fiber. If you eat plant foods with meat, you are limiting your nutrient absorbtion from meat as well.

I ain't no nutritionist's son so I ain't an expert. But I'm not going to believe some blood sucking vampire, wanting to drink blood is sick and perverted, that's all there is to it. Just eat meat, I won't stop you.
What else can I say, other than enjoy your cancer in your 40's

I want to drink the blood of a young white girl. Would that be considered pedophilia or something? I dont want to hurt anyone and i will compensate for that blood. It just like you sell some blood for me to consume. Would that be against the law if deal is made and both parties are happy bout the outcome? Asking for a friend

>wanting to drink blood is sick and perverted
How so? Explain how is it different than eating the animal you killed or drinking milk. Milk is made from blood. Your mother's milk was made from her blood. I can't understand why anyone would not want to drink something so nutritious only beacuse the elite has brainwashed us. Wake up!
Tell me which animal in nature kill his prey, eats only it's muscle meat and leaves the rest?
Raw meat will save you from cancer. People who eat raw animal products live well into their 100's

You butthurt fag? I'm gonna snap a birds neck just for you

Since ethics are man made can we go for the lolis now?

Porn is degenerate. Nobody in nature watches others having sex. Pictures are also man made.

>Ethics are man made, do whatever you like as long as it's natural.

I hope rape is a natural thing...

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My nigga. Theres absolutely nothing wrong with drinking blood

How do you fucking know dis

Not really. In nature when females ovulate, they will want to have sex.

Know what? That porn is degenerate?
Because you're a loser watching others having sex. That's all there needs to be said.

I blame discovery channel for show me an episode when a chimp rape his sister, who didn't want to have sex because SHE KNEW that could result in bad offspring

Oh my god!. There are so many stupid statements I don't know where to begin!

>not a single statement trying to disprove me.
I guess this is how vegans debate.

That makes you a nigger

>That's why you have to burn your ''meat'' because you would poison yourself with the toxins.

Imagine being this stupid...

I'm not saying you would die, but It's still true. Farmed animals are full of antibiotics, they get ''vitamin'' injections which actually contain toxins.

heretic scum, ethics are not man made, take your postmodern pseudomorality and fuck off

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There are actually religious people these days... Grains have seriously fucked your brain. Lack of saturated animal fat causes brain damage in long term. That's why it's so easy to brainwash people. Christians were satanists. They enslaved people, made them eat grains because that's the slave food. Just like it is pushed now. Most of the products in the store are made from grains.

Oh, now we're mixing pseudomorality with pseudoscience, huh? Fun concoction. Well, enjoy living life in constant fear of fucking bread, dipshit.

I don't care about man made terms. They have nothing to do with nature. Morality has nothing to do with nature.
Even in early Christianity blood and whine for kings meant meat and blood. For peasants (slaves) it was bread made from grains (slave food)

So are you some kind of anarcho-primitivist or something?

Another man made terms. I don't follow any man made rules. Just like with politics, I don't care about them. I have opinion about each topic individually. It's normal to disagree with someone on something, but you can't deny that humans are too disconected from the nature. You cannot be happy if you don't kill animals.That's why it's fun and we enjoy it.

I am happy, and I don't kill animals.

You don't know what happiness is. It's not just faking a smile, you literally want to live and go on with your life. You will never understand this until you try raw meat. It's like being high all the time. And when you eat high meat (fermented) you will literally feel high, euphoric.