How to give my gf an eating disorder? She's pretty and I love her but how do I get her to drop about 15/20kg?

How to give my gf an eating disorder? She's pretty and I love her but how do I get her to drop about 15/20kg?

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Be careful what you wish for.

thats a hard one tbh you either get to keep her or make her look ok

Join a gym and convince her to tag along, that way both of you will be spending time doing an activity together. The only way you can come close to giving her an ED is if you lower her self-esteem to such a point that she takes your word for it. But there's no guarantee that would work because she could just break up with you if she can just find someone else that won't disrespect her. So I'd drop the idea altogether because its success is highly contingent on her self esteem, her knowing her self worth and how attractive she currently is.

Pic related?

She won't leave me, I'm not rich but I have more money than most people our age in my shithole town. Plus she's got nowhere to go. How do I get her self esteem low enough to make her hate eating?

Just give her an ultimatum, either lose 15 pounds or we're done, if you're giving her the good dick she'll lose those pounds quick.


She'd have to believe she's factually unattractive. Unless the only male attention she gets is yours, I doubt that'll happen. Honestly though, if she does get an ED that makes her lose weight, she - or you for that matter - won't be able to control how much weight she loses so she may very well end up becoming too fucking thin, up to a point where you might find her unattractive. EDs aren't exactly weight loss methods so there's no way to control how much weight she'd shed if she got one, she could become anorexic and lose so much weight she'd look like a walking skeleton.

my god you are messed up for thinking about that

if not shooped
thats a massive pig
theyre dangerous when they get that big

That's a real domestic pig. Got it off some hunting sight. My mates pop raises them them and they're all about that size

Honestly she's pretty anxious as is. She's been near suicidal in the past. I was hoping I'd get some tips on gaslighting ect.

You'll faster kill her by making her kill herself then. There's no way she'll get an ED before she slits her wrists. It may also come to pass that her ED progresses to a point where she'll kill herself over it. I really don't see how you'll make her get an ED, have her lose weight and then have her recover like nothing happened, EDs stick with you for a long time and recovery is pretty fucking hard. It doesn't take a genius to gaslight someone who's overly anxious but you won't succeed if she's prone to spiralling down so hard she'll actually become suicidal and kill herself. If you want her to lose weight, start cooking both your meals and sign up for an outdoor activity. 15kg isn't even that hard to lose if you eat well and keep active.

fuck someone who's not only thinner but unbelievably hotter and let your girl findd out about it. Film you fucking her (it could be a prostitute if you want so long as she's not local and you don't tell your girl where you're going ahead of time) and then send the video to your girl and act like it was an accident.

Fuck that's not a bad idea. I wonder if that'd be enough to make her leave me? Hmm worth a shot. Thanks user

You want her to become prettier so she can finally leave your dumb ass and go fuck better males?

OP is secretly a cuck

does she like pancakes with maple syrup? if so, just swap the syrup with ipecac, that should work

You say: HEY! loose 15-20 kg or else I’m gonna kick you in the nuts!

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This is a good idea, because it’s also a major felony

This guy gets it.

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Stop being a lazy piece of shit and go for a walk. Lose wait and she gets that "quality time" too.

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it isnt as long as nobody else knows

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Have you ever seen what ipecac actually does? It’s not just throwing up, it makes you violently projectile vomit to the point where you become dehydrated.

oh believe me , i have, as long as you are not a retard and use reasonable doses, rehydrate afterwards, you are ok,
true in longrun it is not a good idea, vomit can affect your teeth, throat etc because of the acid