Why do liberals get all the sex when I’m still a virgin

Why do liberals get all the sex when I’m still a virgin

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because most girls don't want to fuck Nazis who would force them to carry an unintended pregnancy to term and then disappear when the baby shows up and avoid paying child-support like it's the plauge.


why do you fake news articles?

The word you're looking for is Niggers, not Nazis.

Shits fake you gullible cunts.
This is why you believe Russian collusion. You're dumbshits.

have sex incel

conservatives are more likely to wait for a meaningful relationship or marriage. Liberals think whoring around as soon as possible makes strong wymen.

They have no platform, so all they can do is bully with fake news and crying.

I lost mine at 19. I'm 24 and have slept with 4 women since. 2 of which were serious relationships. It's fine pal, you'll have sex when it happens.

If i was an incel, i would simply have sex. Its that easy.

Mass suicide watch when Trump wins 2020
Fucken kek

Aryans are Faggots, they dont want to fuck women.

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sorry heeb, dump is done.



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Talk about missing the joke. Holy fuck you’re dumb.

Well, if there's anything the left and the right can agree on, it's expelling the kikes.

I didnt know getting raped by refugees counted

>What is being black
You can't /thread your own shit, faggot. Try again OP.

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Eat my anus

heres the WOMAN that beat trump last time around. or did you forget this piece of shit beat him?

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The whole Nazi thing is awfully homoerotic. Are you sure you even want to fuck women? Think about a superior, well-muscled Aryan hunk, with a great big hard dick coming out of his black leather uniform. Are you excited yet?

There's your answer. Women can sense it.

If she beat him. Why is he president?
O let me guess "mUh RuSsIA, iLlGaL PrEsIDeNt, HeS a RaCiST"

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I'd like to see Tucker run in 2024.

That would be fucken based if he did.
Tbh I wanna see Barron the Chad run, eventually

Sex feels good for a few minutes but can have a lifetime of consequences
Most libs are pregnant teenagers with bastard sons because the fathers have no sense of responsibility