Level 40 Gnome mage with exalted darnassus

Level 40 Gnome mage with exalted darnassus

what's your plan?

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i don't know anything about WoW but my friends are making me play it

Undead Priest, as always. Shammy and lock alts, to kill gnomes in PvP.

Crashing this plane with no survivors

>Main - Undead Warlock
>Alt 1 - Orc Rogue
>Alt 2 - Orc Warrior

Not playing a terrible game that is incredibly easy and boring

its nickname is warcrack, set some time aside from real life oh and bring a pee bottle.

i am familiar with poopsocking, what is the easiest horde race/class to play?

everything is easy 1 button braindead shit...the game just requires you dump a bunch of time into it

Be honest u never played wow

you wont make it very far with that attitude champ

literally played day 1 vanilla wow

ya cause im not playing the game, ive already played it the first time and like 10 times over on private servers

for levelling or raiding?

I'd recommend Hunter or Warlock if you just want to level and enjoy the game
I'd recommend Rogue, Warrior or Mage if you want to get raid spots

every faggots answer

broke fag detected

played beta too...why would i lie about this?

You play the shit out of it on PS and you say never again, just face up to the fact that you cant bloody wait.

I love Rouge but im thinking about warrior to tank and enjoy cashing peeps for dungeon runs.

i want the lowest amount of engagement possible

yeah i finally came to the conclusion that its not a good game...not to mention its gonna be insanely easy with buffed items and the phases bullshit is dumb...

Undead prot war with a few points in arms
Herbalism and alchemy
Lfg in trade chat all day long
Throw away my 30s the same way i did my teenage years.

tanking dungeons is hella easy with the 1.12 patch, just don't be that guy who doesn't have a shield.

why roll UD tank? you know the only horde tnak is an orc

UD literally worst horde tank race

I'd say hunter, you'll have the easiest time levelling but it will get hard getting a raid spot and any good guild

Classicucks deserve the noose

wotf comes in handy sometimes with no fear ward if you get caught slippin out of zerk stance or whatever

Will of the forsaken in PvP is nice plus no WAAGH!

for pve

so if youre shit and forget to stance dance a fear and you also dont have tremor totem? yeah totally

Rolling a hunter is a solo sport, I will likely get bored of my mage and get 60 on a hunter first just to feed money to my main.

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anyone know if blizz is gonna do stuff to keep classic wow fresh? like, i know theyre putting out raids in phases, but after everythings out, then what? genuinely concerned cuz i wanna enjoy the shit out of classic and am afraid of it getting stale after a couple years

And yet here you are,,,

Guarantee it will get more players than retail. Not a question in my mind. Vanilla and TBC, were the true WoW.

quite likely they release servers down the line, we all want scarab lord

If it does well, why wouldn't they? I hope they keep developing it, with 20/20 hindsight on the 100M+ mistakes they made the first time.

2h shammy ftw!

trolls look dumb as fuck

and the 100M+ new ones they're already making

WOTLK fanboy, loved lfg and heirlooms and the weekly raid boss for frost badges

troll or orc? i don't care about raids.

have fun doing terrible damage and not having anyone want you in their group


Troll but if you just want to mess about then racials wont matter, female orc hunter is best hunter

But muh windfury tho

I remember some asshole did this in classic, turning in that morrowgrain or whatever. Honestly, why would you do this? It's cool for exactly 20 levels before you're just a gnome with a cat. Granted riding another races mount is always cool but its way less impressive at cap, are you going to make it a 49 twink?

On the same idea, My plan is to grind wintersaber again. probably one of the best looking cats in classic.

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yeah, im sure you'll top the meters...not even good for nightfall

Anyone know if this was when shammies were overpowered at all?

theyre fine in raids...or for bg stomping if youre well geared as ele, enhance in unplayably bad

Wrath friend too but heirlooms are the worst thing to happen to WoW.

I was being /sarc

hard to tell, there are a large number of people who think meme specs are playable

heirlooms were ok, we only had a few slots. guild looms added too much in cata and panda

LFG and cross server shit are the worst. Completely killed the community and made it fluoride casual.

even w/o cross server shit you think the classic community is gonna be good...?

MUH is a sarcastic word, are you new here?

It ruined the fun of getting new gear since you already had those slots full but ofc it was taken way too far later.
I have social anxiety and am fine with this. Tried playing in tbc but always ran away from anyone who tried to be my friend. I'm better now, but I still prefer meeting people and dumping them.

I do. The nature of the game promotes it. Far smarter people made Vanilla/TBC/LK, than what Blizzard has had as developers in well over a decade. Nice trips.

if you have social anxiety play fucking candy crush

I really hope so, maybe we can revert all the modern toxic squeeker stuff. i aint an sjw im just an old fag

nah you were just younger and the video game scene was different...game was good for 2005 but is shit by todays standards and you were a kid so you didnt know any better

You'll only get bugged to do things if you're a tank or healer. Just roll DPS, stay out of fire, learn your rotation and you'll get a raid slot.

No MMO has come out that's anywhere near as good as early WoW. When WoW shit the bed, it took the entire genre down with it.

Eww. Irl I talk to people and drop them I have a group of friends and I avoid new ones. I do the same in WoW, not sure why that's weird. I like (hell love) social interaction, I just don't like commiting to people.

You're committed to me now, son. Now, pull that ass out.

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OOH NO, classic is going to get flooded by pink haired freaks that cry to the gubbermint when they get ganked, its going to be a shitshow.

oh no an abudance of noobs who will get upset when i gank them what a terrible shame

my rogue is called firestander and ill be damned if I stop dpsing for trivial stuff like mechanics

I'll always been committed to you, user. I'm ready to receive you, as I ever will be.

If there's fire in melee, someone seriously fucked up.

noobs learn, pink haired freaks make it their mission to break everything

Orc Warrior babby. Fiance is rolling Troll Shaman, gonna be ezpz groups all the way through 60.

my thread blew up, thanks for coming lads.

yea they can break their keyboard when they see 'release spirit' pop up for the 10th time in a row

The fuck is world of Warcraft? That just sounds gay as hell. And you sound stupid as fuck. Please die. Thanks.

god I FUCKING HATE YOU CLASSICFAGS. YOU JUST WHINE AND WHINE AND WHINE ALL DAY FOR FUCKING CLASSIC SHIT. it's SHIT. IT WILL BE SHIT. How can't you FUCKING SEE THAT? IT WILL BE SHIT. God I have never WANTED TO SEE SOMETHING FAILSO BADLY. All that fucking time I've spent in Legion and doing Warfronts, all of the BFA Mythic dungeons. all taken. Do you not understand people have SPENT REAL LIFE MONEY On these mounts? As in that's how rare they are? Its a EVENT to have them. We can't even use them in fucking classic, BECAUSE OHHH WE WANT TO GO BACK. How can we SAHSFGASFHGFSA FUCKING IDIOTS. GOD I FUCKING HATE HOW YOU'RE ALL GOING TO JUST SAY THE SAME HSIT AND JUST RUIN THIS FOR US. PLEASE. God I pray THIS shit gets CANCELLED EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY. I REALLY thought it was going ot be cancelled and then when I saw these TERRIBLE fucking bluepost shits about classic, now we've got all this classic shit. you can't go ANYWHERE in bfa right now, without them talking aobut classic, classic classic, classic in guikld chat, classic in trade, classic, everybody fucknig classic, youtubers, everybody just FUCK OFF. JUST FUCK OFF. what a waste of fucking time I hate all of you SO FUCKING MUCHCHCHSSDASDASD

I cant wait la

FUCK OFF YOU CUNT, wanna join my guild?

People still play this retarded crap? Why?

kill all streamers. that is my plan

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That's really shitty pasta, wanna join my guild?

Glad to be here OP. Nice of you to stop chugging dick for a sec to say hi.

what server?

Bruh they said that about fire mages in classic too. I was and will always be a fire mage. Even on OC Vanilla. Every class has potential, you just gotta understand mechanics

yea honestly. stream snipe.

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Hate to break it to you bud but, the only people killing streamer guilds is streamer guilds, you have to join one.

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Human Priest

exalted with Darnassus

I am going to gank all of you alliance fags! Haha, you are not safe!

>imagine paying for outdated content

My plan is to have anal sex with my hot gf while you're playing some dumb game for kids

you'll get crush by any lvl60 even a healer noob

i hope to make some real fucking friends

i don't care about anything else in classic besides making genuine relationships

hi homo


death to all alliance fags

Skip this piece of trash

You cannot get exalted with Darnassus before 40.

this man where you at

Dont forget a poop sock as well.

Mmos are boring as fuck why would tou spend money to just sit around and press the same buttons. Not to mention the game turns into a loading screen sim with all the spells covering 90% of the screen

>One single realm for PVP Oceania

>easy 1 button braindead shi

tell ragnaros that

If I play 8 hours a day how long will it take for me to reach 60?

about a month

Fire mages rule, both in raids and in pvp even in vanilla. I always loved the mighty crits that other mages cant get

What's the best race for a priest? (Horde)
Troll? For a resto shaman, troll?

I seriously enjoyed Will of the Forsaken and Devouring Plauge when I played my priest back then but Troll works just as well. Just pick what you think looks cool the racials aren't as important for horde priests are they are for alliance.

Hope so. Just joining a private server and getting that dose massive dose of social interaction right out of the gate from lvl 1 to 40 compared to retail wow was amazing.

Checked and thanks.

Human male ret

sounds like the biggest waste of time in my life. By the time I reach 60 everyone will be done playing classic. The game will be popular for a week then after a month it will just be like a regular private realm. Screencap this.

>The game will be popular for a week then after a month it will just be like a regular private realm. Screencap this.
I don't think so.
Old School Runescape is bigger than ever, some five years after release. Runescape is pretty similar to wow, all things considered, so there's no reason not to expect the same from wow classic.
Never underestimate the autism of the player base.

Thats good because I want to play a game with a sizable player base. I still dont think thats the case the gamers are all crazy autistic like its not going to be that fun because of that. Like in WoW classic there was still some normies holding it together to make it seem cool. Now all those people are gone and have lives.

lol rogues do not get raid sport unless GM is your friend/you

Star wars the old Republic>WoW

OSRS also had tons of new content updates since launch. WoW classic is only classic, no new content.

>OSRS also had tons of new content updates since launch.
True, but to be fair, we don't know how important those updates have been. For all we know it would still be popular even without updates.
>WoW classic is only classic, no new content.
initially, but it's perfectly reasonable to expect them to make changes as it goes a long.

Again, if we compare with OSRS, absolutely no one wanted any changes in the beginning, because they remembered how the devs fucked runescape up in the first place, but after a while the community started easing up and started requesting small, sensible improvements to the game. I think it's fair to expect a similar trend for wow classic. We all know that the devs completely fucked wow up, so right now nobody wants to give the devs a chance to fuck it up again, but as time passes I am sure they will start to request sensible updates.

my plan is not to play it. wow vanilla was the worst wow
the game become good since WotLK

You sucked and never got invites, that's why you're sour about it.

Honestly the game is better with ever new expansion. I never even played any expansions past WotLK just because the game got old and I didnt have enough time to play it. WoW classic sounds like a bunch of people who are just autistic...like everyone knows the expansions are better and most of the player base is still going to play the current version not classic.

human rogue sword spec combat for raiding
orc shaman get sulfuras on him and go enhance pvp until i die irl

most of the player base is not playing current expansion lol theres a massive downshift in players

Most of the player base wont play the game no matter what version it is. The reason there is a downshift is because people just got bored of it and there are just better games to play. Current expansion is what normal gamers play because it resembles actual games made in 2019. Games made 2 decades ago is such a niche market youre not even going to fill each realm with enough players to do anything. The hype will die down in one week and after that classic WoW will just look like any other private realm.

just remember to get a shitty connection and a shitty pc to get the true vanilla experience..
its all shit anyway with all the changes made with patch 1.12 or whatever it is.
some dumb niggers are going for "world firsts" lmao


>with buffed items
>phasing bullshit
Clearly the summerfag needs to put his cellphone down and pay attention in class if he can't read shit. Nigger, nothing is being "buffed". Nigger, the fuck if anybody can only see 1000 people in a phase rather than 1100+.

>i PlAyEd 12 SeCoNdS oF X gAmE, i KnOw EvErYtHiNg
don't lie. it's just the aspergers that prevents you from socializing, so why play a game that requires you to do so? better bash it than just be honest...


Do nothing.
I used to play both retail and vanilla, tbc, and wotlk private servers, and was addicted as fuck because of depressing surroundings, but later on got sober, and stopped. Don't understand, what's the appeal of this game. Vanilla is too much of nostalgia run, and feels too unfinished in lots of terms, I had to force myself to play it until max level and go to raiding with people I didn't even liked. Game feels unfinished as fuck. Only TBC and Wrath got me interested a bit.

Sorry nerd I will be out docking with traps because fuck being a gay gamer.

>bringing a fire mage to MC

bitch, we're gonna give you the gold to respec and kick you from the group until you go to your class trainer and go 31/0/20

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They used to be the most overpowered class in the game, all they had to do was cast frostshock to win. If they remembered to keep reincarnation up it took ten alliance just to take them down.