Guys, I have a problem with noise

Guys, I have a problem with noise.

I rent a room in an apartment in Moscow, it's nice, but there' a problem. The apartment next door is occupied by some middle eastern family, and we basically share a balcony. There' no wall separating our balconies, only a flimsy plastic sheet, and there's even a gap between it and the window. I can hear EVERYTHING when those fuckers go for a smoke, I smell their cooking, I hear the awful music they play on the radio, and they do all this shit late in the night as well. And sometimes they fucking party, and that's when they get REALLY loud. They reluctantly react to my complains, but I don't want to wake at 2 AM to complain to get them to shut the fuck up.

What's the cheapest and easiest way to soundproof my balcony?

Attached: pip.png (776x498, 11K)

Not sure how things work in Moscow, but just call in a bomb threat.

Not sure how it works in your country, but in Moscow I get to sit on a champagne bottle until it fits half it's length in my asshole if I call in a false bomb threat.

i dont know how balconies work in moscow but surely even if you sealed off that side of the balcony (green) the sound and smell (red) would just go around it? and a better solution would be to shut the door (blue) ?

Attached: cqqby5vl.jpg (776x498, 48K)

Why do they reward misbehaviour?

>and a better solution would be to shut the door (blue) ?

I wouldn't mind if that solved the problem. The door is plastic and just muffles the sound. I can even smell cigarette smoke occasionally through the shut door.

>if you sealed off that side of the balcony (green) the sound and smell (red) would just go around it?

Balconies have windows. Basically, In Russia balconies tend to be something of a small room, pic related. My problem is, it's kind of shared for two apartments with no proper separation.

Attached: балкон.jpg (600x450, 106K)

>sometimes they fucking party
stop being such a bitch and start partying with them. middle easterners can make some kickass food and be the best hosts if they like you

Fuck off. Their food smell awful when they cook it, I'm not into some pastry cooked in ridiculous amounts of oil.
And by "partying" I mean they get drunk and start yelling at each other in broken Russian. On time I heard them arguing about who's "the REAL man" or some shit, and their guest got angry and broke the door in their balcony. When I told them to stop with all the fucking noise, it took them 5 minutes to realize that "Russian voices" they heard was me. At first they tried to dismiss me, but I told that I'm calling the police, and that instant they became apologetic and quiet.

FUCK those Asian niggers.

nice pic, makes sense that the balcony is enclosed given how cold it must get over there. if you can smell things through the door it cant be sealed and in my experience 50% of sound can get through 1% of space, actually sealing it off makes a huge difference, i tend to use foam tape around my doors and regular duct tape over the cracks (once you tug it open and shut a few times it stops sticking) to seal them properly. i would probably try using tape or whatever i had handy to seal the balcony sheet properly and then buy a second sheet and tape/attach that a couple of inches apart from the other one, air makes a decent insulator if it is sealed on both sides. i fucking hate other peoples noise and smells i feel your pain comrade

you know what to do

Attached: kebab.png (967x807, 664K)

The other problem is, I like to keep the window and the door open, because it gets hot in summer.
I don't mind SOME of the smells and noises coming through, but as for now, if I open the window and on the neighborhoods come to their balcony to speak on the phone, I hear EVERYTHING as if I was in the same room.

So really I need to put some material on the thin plastic sheet that separates out balconies, I just don't know what would be cheap and effective enough.

If only
Russia is a "multinational" country, so we are told by our government, so if you state the obvious you go to prison for 10 years for "promoting hatred".

Honestly they'll probably get louder if you add material. Weather they realize it or not they are likely holding back to "accommodate" you. They'll see the upgrade as a "problem solved" and let loose.

Believe me, they are NOT holding back. Each time I complained to them, they were genuinely surprised that they are eve bothering someone.

And they won't see the upgrade, since it will be on my side.

Hmm I guess they truly are subhuman.

even white people do this unfortunately, my dumb shit friends think if they smoke 1 foot outside the door with the door wide open it wont cause any smell inside and that if they are 1 room away and shut a door they can be as loud as they want and nobody will hear them

The difference is how much they learn for complaints.

That really sucks OP, the best thing is to do as someone previously said and tape up the cracks, and then get a thick piece of fabric to cover that (Google the best one I guess, I'm no sound engineer but you see it in soundproofed rooms on the walls etc.). After all it is a mechanical wave. I'm sure there is plenty of stuff online if you Google how to soundproof a room cheaply.
How is life in Moscow? What do you do?

>How is life in Moscow?

It's all right.

>What do you do?

They do drugs? Get friend to introduce them to crack.. they run out of money and can't pay rent..


Too risky, I have to be involved with drugs, too slow.

Shouldn't you know a guy for soundproofing shit then?

Get some Styrofoam and thick cardboard from packaging ect (many companies throw out a bunch so you could just ask around) and use it to fill in any gaps and possibly tape some to the wall.