Does this look like a guy's cum to you?

does this look like a guy's cum to you?

Attached: sk.jpg (1634x1225, 317K)


no, looks like pussy gruel

i want to know what /b thinks


wanna shed some light on the situation?

Its vaginal secretions, possibly a yeast infection.

yeah looks like used dude nut

someones definitely blowing loads in ur bitch

she sent me that months before i found out she was cheating on me

gonna need more info. Girls discharge, ya know?

best of both worlds then, this definitely isn't cum but it warms my heart to know she got creamed after all

thats what i thought it was in the first place (and what she said so), to be honest i think its true

i dont think so, at that time she wasnt taking pills so she used condom all the time

Girls are gross dude, they make all kinds of their own batter

excuse the scat, but here's another example

Attached: shit and grool.webm (960x540, 1.73M)

the fuck is that coming from the pussy

dude cmon I'm eating an apple over here

ggrrruuuueeeeellll bby

Ill add to that. You ever looked at your girls black panties or a darker color to contrast? Theres always dried mucusy stuff on em. Vages are like only-sometimes-bleeding constanly oozing stab wounds that you get to fuck. and eat AMIRITEBOYS

discharge - smegma, cervical mucus, other grody shit

Attached: shit and grool asian edition.webm (1288x720, 1.79M)

What race is she?

yeah.. i noticed that a while ago in a girls black panties

BUT if she told you its cum, its cum.

shes from west asia

she said its her stuff, she was masturbating and it came out

We're all agreed on it being gruel but we need to discuss the serious issue here

that scat guy has not apologized to me yet.

then wtf? How many vaginas have you had? Fucks sake man. You gotta get to know da pussy bruh

its hard to notice that shit in sex because your dick gets all wet too, and theres the lubricant, and theres the condoms lubricant too, so

I've gave you fair warning, you didn't have to look

how did she make that much shit

Lubricant? how old is this broad, user? And you only spend time with your womans vagina during sex? Camon man! youre fucking up here.

my dick is bent to the left and they complain it hurts. also yeah, i should start doing other things

oh fucking christ.

I'm with this guy, I wasn't even eating, and I want scat guy to leave, he offends my sense of decency, and I regularly post shota