Let me get this straight. If the stock market is booming, it means nothing and doesn't indicative a strong economy...

Let me get this straight. If the stock market is booming, it means nothing and doesn't indicative a strong economy. But if a ton of points are lost, it means an incoming recession? How does that work?

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Americans in general pay close to zero attention to the economy, ergo they talk shit

Yeah I'm aware of that. What annoys me though is the blatant double standard.

Most americans are worried about the fact that Trump rapes his kids

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That's the media
And that's bullshit b8

>Trump rapes his kids

But it's not bullshit though. Nobody gives a fuck about the economy if we're being honest. The only time people worry is when the media tells them too.

thet are completly oblivious on how economy works, most of them never actualy see the consequences of bad economics decisions because it never reaches them, so they ignore it and just look around at numbers sayin smart sounding stuff

leftist media is pushing recession narrative for the 2020 election. i firmly believe they think they can manufacture it. but their track record on these things in the recent past hasnt worked out so well. guess we'll see.

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Roughly speaking.
When a big company does good they pocket the profits, not great for the average American.
When a company goes down the lay off a bunch of people or stop big projects and investments. Bad for the average American.

this dumbass is creating a short term economic bubble by gutting regulations and increasing the budget deficit

i think the plan is to ensure that the bubble bursts after the democrats take over to sabotage them because americans are too stupid to understand cause and effect

its all a bunch of shit. you do you, dont worry about any of that jazz

now hes setting up the democrats, who btw are assumed to have won 2020, to look bad cuz just cuz

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A strong stock market should be good for the economy, but most big companies don't actually trickle down when they make a lot of money. If they did, it would.

Apple became a trillion-dollar company and they still send hundreds of thousands of jobs over seas.

Hold on, you're saying he plans to LOSE and get the democrats into office by making them look bad? As if they won't import millions of retarded spics while they are in office, who have their hands out for dem gibs? And this makes sense to you?


pick one

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In this case, the stock market crashing is because of indicators pointing towards a recession.
As for who cares about the stock market, there are two major players. One is the public companies. Aside from the obligation to the stock holders to maintain their value of the stocks, the theoretical value of the company is what allows them to borrow real money from banks to expand. If the market crashes, the banks want their money back, the company can't pay, and the business forecloses.
The other interested party comprises the stockholders. Who are they? They are the ones who put their savings into the market in the hope and expectation that the market growth will outpace simple savings. They are also the retirees whose life's savings are in the market. If the market crashes all those people lose the selling power of the stock they have. So they live more frugally. Which means lower cash flow in the economy in general. So there are layoffs. unemployment goes up, etc.
So although blips in the market are actually opportunities to buy, a genuine recession if left uncontrolled can end up in economic disaster.

>In this case, the stock market crashing is because of indicators pointing towards a recession
But yet your team doesn't say the stock market booming is a sign of a strong economy. If the stock market gained 2000 points on Monday, what would your team say?

it is already a couple years late obamab and trump administration did well in slowing the fall unfortunately that might lead to a quicker decline . =bad stuff
your right, but i don't think party politics has anything to do with it, just general real estate market trends ie the 7-10 year cycle
if they did then holy fuck is jerry mandering bad.
how to maintain a stable economy. Don't fucking stop.
we need people the last large migration was the syrian people historic trends show that when a large migration happens the receieveing country experince a sharp down turn followed by an explosive up swing. europe was able to mitigate their downswing with the formation of the EU they gonna be one hell of a country.
meanwhile France is proving that any idiot can run a nuclear power plant Ireland farming in mass again

all this allows Americans to finally have an equal partner in space exploration.

My team? WTF are you talking about?

Yes, your team. What confused you goldberg?

wheres the part when you try to get me to invest in gold satan trips

If you don't suck Trump's Cock, you're a filthy communist liberal.

Right but your heroes want communism in the US. Why did you leave that out?

The retard thinks the stock market was booming and if you don't recognize that opinion as fact then you're batting for the Dems.

do you always randomly screech out like this in threads?

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Except your team, on the daily tells us that DURRRR THE STOCK MARKET MEANS NOTHING HAHAHAH". But when it loses points, then suddenly it's "OMFG RECESSION THE STOZ MEEKETZ LOST P111OTS VOTE DEMOCRAT EVERYONE!". Now tell me, why is that, IF in fact the stock market means nothing?

A booming stock market means high profits for shareholders.
That's it.
Whereas a crashing stock market is probably happening because faith in the economy has been damaged and a recession is predicted.

I have no idea what you're talking about.
To clarify: The initial crash was because the short-term bonds were becoming more popular than the long-term: their value was going up, and a few days ago the long-term (10-year) bonds yielded less than the short term. People are less sure about the future of the economy, and the potential trade war is a huge factor in the lack of confidence in the future. That sparked the drop in the stock market. But China responded fairly levelly and folks thought it was a good time to buy, so the market ticked up for a couple of days. Then Trump exacerbated the fear of trade war by jacking the tariffs again in September. So those who thought, "eh, maybe" are now "Oh, shit, no." and we have todays' big drop.
Again, this isn't a sport. It just is.

Oh I get it now. Kids these days. Gotta love 'em.
Very nice, sonny.

In other words

>It means the economy is good if we say so
>It means the economy is bad if we say so
>Btw vote democrat

The AOC Left fucking sucks too, but clearly the Trumptards can't handle the idea of someone being even remotely moderate. It's always "My Team vs Your Team."

trump was responding to china raising tariffs on American appliances by $75 billion a few days ago

▲ ▲

>Good thing happens.
It was all me guys, give me credit.

>Bad thing happens.
It wasn't my fault guys, but the person before me.

This is politics. Literal manchildren

>T. Sped needs crash course on the stock market before he hurts himself.

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▲ ▲

Wrong picture.

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Yes, and China was responding to Trump putting tariiffs on... and on and
That's a trade war. That's what happens. Trump is right, China is becoming a major powerhouse and something needs to be done. But he's hitting the dog, and that doesn't train it to come back. He's an idiot with no long-term vision. He does not see the effects of his actions. Now he's trying to blame the head of the Fed Res for not dropping interest rates. ??? To where? It's absurdly lows now. And that too is an indicator of stagnancy and lowers economic confidence.


The market is essentially voodoo my man. There are far too many macro variables out there to accurately predict the economy. The new tariffs could easily go away in a month. If there is more selling tomorrow I will probably buy.

Take a look at the inverted bond yeild.

People are not looking to keep their money in and tied to the US economy long term.

Everything is everyone's fault but Trump's. Admitting that you were wrong means you're weak, so just kick and scream and lie so everyone thinks you're a big man.

Hes lowering the rates to spur economic activity. I know I'm accelerating 2 year out plans to buy a home to possibly this time next year because of the interest rates.

>If there is more selling tomorrow I will probably buy.
Or Monday, but yes, I will too. I'm cash heavy right now. Word of advice: get back out before November.

well how much more does the man have to give them for christs sake? Ivanka converted. shit.

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Did your Mom not give you ice cream tonight?

>How does that work?

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Well maybe if the fed would stop acting like a fucking moron we wouldn't have this problem? Is that not on the table for you?

I get why. I'm trying to say that there isn't much room to move. The economy doing unwell is not the fault of a high interest rate.

Those are different points, look at it like the people who effect it directly. Rich people who own large amounts of large corporations. Good points means more dosh, for them to distribute, which they wont/dont do. Less means less to hoard, and instead of dealing with it, its easier to put that burden on the masses of people who aren't high earners. Which translates into less jobs and less money for those people.

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Are you waiting for your team's next talking points?

>Greatest economy ever! Done such amazing things, I'm the best President of all time
Also Trump
>Fed cut rates you faggots
>US companies stop doing business with China pls

Trump has always been talking out of both sides of his mouth, but the real doom and gloom is that a potential global economic slowdown is completely out of his depth. He can't even understand the basics of tariffs.

Who said the economy hasn't been strong? Thanks, Obama.

Literally everybody was saying the budget, economy and tax plans are trash and this is short term gain in exchange for long term stability. Now we get to see the crash that don the con built.

Are you waiting for your mommy to breast feed you again?

The chinks keep ripping us off, which apparently your team is fine with. Now why is that? We have lost millions of jobs to China. Do you love losing jobs to China? Is that why you're so upset?


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>The chinks keep ripping us off,
How so?


Zero chance you'll see American companies employing millions of Americans to make fucking shoes, shirts, and basic tech assembly. Impossible for executives to go home with a nice check in their pockets if that's attempted, no one wants to be bent over further in price gouging either. Try again.

Well, I didn't want to trump the tard.

Reminder that there has never been a correlation with tax cuts and GDP growth.

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>Do you love losing jobs to China?
Jobs that have no chance of returning to the US.
Maybe it was the time to set up a new accord with China, but the point here is that Trump nor his admin have no fucking idea what the long term strategy is. They don't understand China is not one to tolerate a loss of face, or that they're willing to make gambles that US voters would never allow.
This is the fight they picked, they're fucking it up, they had their chance. Throw the bums out.

That's your explanation?
That's your evidence?
So you're a sheeple, obaaaaying your fearful leader, parroting him, and you have no idea why he said it, or what it means when you say it.
Good night.

>Zero chance you'll see American companies employing millions of Americans to make fucking shoes, shirts, and basic tech assembly
You mean until up to the point your team told them not too?

So you are cheering the Chinese while they rip us off and employ literal slaves?

They're fucking us on intellectual property, that's totally true. But all this "stealing our manufacturing jobs" comes from stupid fucks who forget that this is why we can get shit so cheaply. No one wants to pay you even minimum wage to stand on an assembly line and do brain-dead work that's even less skilled than a fast food worker. Even they have to at least have customer service skills. Manufacturing jobs are never coming back to the states in full unless we abolish minimum wage, which would be fucking disastrous.

So explain to this me. The same time those jobs left this country, just so happens to be the same time your team demanded open borders. How did that happen. Boy that timing sure is funny. I'm rounding up my guns for your team's gun ban, btw.

>We have lost millions of jobs to China
No immigrant has taken a job from a "real American," nor has a foreing country stolen any. Americans were alid off by capitalists who took advantage of economic opportunities to increase profits, and nothing makes them happier than to hear that you're a fucking idiot who's actually mad at the immigrant or foreign country, rather than a them.

>No immigrant has taken a job from a "real American,"
Wrong. But it's funny you quote "real american". What is a real american to you? A beaner blasting his shitty spanish gibberish through your neighborhood?

I'm laughing at this retarded administration floundering for control of the future.
>and employ literal slaves?
The cost of modernization.
To note, chinese wages have quadrupled in the past decades, whereas US wages have been stagnant.
They're better at capitalism than us.

All but the far, far left retard Libs don't want open boarders. That's like saying all conservatives are rednecks that fuck their sisters and think we should just cut ourselves off from the rest of the world. Open trade and open boarders are not the same thing.

So you love the Chinese and the way they run their country. Why don't you move there if you love it so much? Afraid to walk the walk?

>Open trade and open boarders are not the same thing.
Yup, glad you agree with me. You can leave now.

It's all bullshit. The economy was absolutely booming in the 90s and the DOW just barely made it to 10K and that was celebrated. Now the economy is stale and debt for the 99%, is our currency. IMO, the stock market only indicates how well the 1%'s economy is doing.

what's this comic

....do they fuck?

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You see... there you go putting your assumptions into the person you're addressing. You're not asking and listening to converse and learn, you're just wanting to inflame and argue. Sorry kid, until you start talking like an adult with reasonable arguments, I'm not responding to your childish taunts.
I'm sorry you lost 8ch, because now you're here.

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>We agree on something, so clearly I won an argument.
Imagine being this retarded.

What's wrong, do you need money for the plane ticket? The Chinese are waiting for you, smiling and all. So long as you leave within the week, then suddenly they stop smiling.

>My team is the ones that are making companies outsource labor
>It couldn't be profits

You need to go buy a helmet, like a week ago. I pray eugenics make a comeback.

nah, u can suck my dick for free tho

So your idea of an american, is someone with tilted windows speeding in your neighborhood blasting spanish music, right? Then your daddy can say, "boy i sure do love those hombres and their unique diversity. Oh hey junior, start packing up. I don't like all those late night sirens lately".

Addition of points means that people and the flow of income is in the economy. Removal means that several people have taken their money that supports the economy out of the system.

This is significant because when there is less money operating the economy it will dry up like a vehicle engine without oil.

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Its probably the lack of labor safety laws. I know if they improved those to where you could work without a better than 5% chance of injury or death I'd emigrate if I could afford it. Of course most of the people who would need to/want to can't afford to pick up and start over in a better country so we're stuck trying to make the united states stop being a dystopian hellscape

Your bait Kung-Fu isgood, Ivan.
You Ruskies are getting good at this, but your vocabulary is limited and this exposed you.

Sounds like you better find a job that lets you move out your neighborhood. What's wrong? Did Pedro or Lee take the job that would've aided you in not being a fuck up?

Protip: user is a Russian antagonist. You're taking his bait.

At least you diverged your talking points to trade spats. Lord knows you were making yourself look like an absolute sped when it came to the stock market. You're one to talk about vocabulary, Igor.

>I'm proving this is the level I'm limited to screeching at.

Eventually the dim Russian fishermen throw in the whole rod but I see your point

Sure thing, Vladamir.

So you can't actually address anything I said. What's wrong? Tyrone's cock too far up your ass?

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Well... it hasn't really been about OP's topic for pretty much the whole thread. There was a go, but that got quashed by the stupid.
This is bait. Has to be.
/thread RIP

There's nothing to address, if this is what you see around your neighborhood maybe you need to stop being poor and move to a better one instead of projecting your BBC fantasies.

+1 for superb hole.

>If the stock market is booming, it means nothing and doesn't indicative a strong economy
Correct. Cost of living is still going up while wages are stagnant/not increasing at nearly an acceptable level in comparison.
>But if a ton of points are lost, it means an incoming recession?
Also correct.


Oh dont worry. Keep voting your team into office. You'll enjoy that diversity you scream you want so much. And when you finally realize your boomer parent have nothing else to run, we'll see how much they love their pets.

although that might seem profound on the surface, it omits the objectivity of "rich". My upper middle class parents making $250k year have stocks and would be affected just as much as millionaires. Its one of those leftists hoodwinks that trap naive children and adultbabies.

>My upper middle class parents making $250k year
Which is considered 1% to the democrats. I'm sure you're ready to hand over 90% of dat incom to dem poogams, rit wit boy?

Stock market goes up = wealthy dude has enough money to hire you

Stock market goes down = wealthy dude can't afford you and fires you

It works both ways.

If they're making 250k/year from stocks, they are rich in comparison to most americans...so fuck you

>If the stock market is booming, it means nothing
False. If it's booming then there's usually full employment and there's relatively little inflation.

>But if a ton of points are lost, it means an incoming recession?
No. A recession is defined by at least 2 consecutive quarters of decreasing GDP.
If the market loses over 10% value, then that's called a correction.

To put it into perspective: The Dow lost a whopping 2.37% today.
The fear is that the war will escalate and last longer than expected.
Yield curve inverted so there's likley going to be a recession in about a year to year and half from now (statistically speaking)

To be fair it's a graduated rate. So they'd pay the same percentage as everyone else from x to y income cutoffs. There's still incentive to make more money. Hell with write-offs and "bad investments" hiding gains you'd have to be damned unlucky if you paid even as much as the poor americans do. The united states tax collection should look like a slowly rising cliff, instead it looks like a tiny hill that drops into a chasm because idiots don't get the the laffer curve isn't actually a thing that exists.

if i see another fucking trumppost at the top of Yea Forums i swear to fucking nuclear christ that you all will be fucking sorry


oh hey, economic accounting or public?


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>Hell with write-offs and "bad investments" hiding gains you'd have to be damned unlucky if you paid even as much as the poor americans do.

You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

The stock market is a terrible indicator of how well the average american is doing in the economy.
But it can be a lagging indicator that a recession has started.

Investor who actively manages my own portfolio.

to be clear, the stock market and economy are totally different

If you don't mind me asking, what's a good first step on getting the knowledge necessary to do so

The stock market is only one indicator and it really only reflects the confidence investors have in the value public companies.
You can have a rising stock market with average decreasing wages and higher poverty.

The stock market is purely reactionary and isn't indicative of the economy at large. But Trump likes to brag when it's doing well so it makes sense to rub his nose in it when it's not.

>good first step

The only good method is to actually buy stock.
Just pick one stock and buy it. Start small.

You learn real quick about market/economic dynamics when it's YOUR money being made or lost.

this is awful advice and basically gambling
first thing you should do is learn basic economics and research on what the companies are working on and see which are most likely to succeed. buying random stocks without knowing about the company is idiotic

>market is purely reactionary and isn't indicative of the economy at large
The market IS reactionary which is why is IS indicative of the economy at large.

>economy at large.
its indicative of investor confidence, not the economy as a whole.
by the time stocks are decreasing the economy has been in bad shape for several months.

>without knowing about the company
Everyone has to start somewhere.
It's impossible to do effective DD when you've never done it before.
That's the point.
I studied my first stock before I determined it was "good". I was totally wrong. But I had to lose the money before I learned that first lesson.

Start small and go for it. Like I said, you learn really quick when it's YOUR money on the line and not some hypothetical paper trade.

He's right you know

just buying a random stock isnt smart.
research, see the result, see what went wrong, and learn from your mistake.
if you buy a random stock and it goes south, you learn nothing.

>the economy has been in bad shape for several months.
Not all the time.
Stock prices are also based on guidance from the companies. They may have had great quarters but see headwinds in the future.
Stock prices fall before any layoffs or other cuts are made.
Stock prices and the economy aren't linked 100% efficiently. But that's the entire reason traders trade stocks.

individual stock prices are related to the companies actions.
but when multiple large indexes all go down at once for consecutive weeks, its a lagging indicator that the economy has been in bad shape for a quarter or two, or there is decreased confidence for other reasons.

I never said random. You did.
But my point is that a first time stock buyer CANT do proper research because they don't have that skill yet.
Like I said, my first stock was 'researched' but I realized that my research was laughable once I started learning about that stock and the market dynamics.
I was extremely motivated to find out what the hell I did wrong because it was MY money being lost.

>Just pick one stock and buy it
sorry you made it seem like you suggested just picking any stock willy-nilly.
my advice was to do research even if you're terrible at it, because you'll learn from your mistakes.
of course your research early on will be comically bad once you look back.

The bottom line is that the stock market is an indicator.
Yes, there are lagging indicators but there are also preceding indicators too.

For example: Price of oil goes down = airlines will likely be more profitable in the future.
Flattened yield curve = banks won't be as profitable in the future.

The price of oil and long term interest rates are determined by the market itself so yeah, they are linked more closely than you think

if you are using any stock index as a leading indicator, you are doing it all wrong.

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Did your bitch ass get lost?

oh, sry. This isnt loli beast? my bad

Looks like young Johnny Joestar.

No problem faggot. Can you kill yourself while we're at it?


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Is that a yes? We have anons waiting for that livestream faggot

>and doesn't indicative a

Someone gotta pay for those lost points and it ain't gonna be the rich.
The working man always pays for the wealthy man's losses.

interesting how they come here for "dem gibs" yet keep getting arrested by ICE at factories lol make up your mind you cuckservative.

They collect gibs and work under the table


>hillary still alive
as the cucks say, fake news.

Not fake news. You keep crying. Hence, real news.

t. a methhead gibs queen jealous of wetbacks whom get under the table privileges

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t. a spic gibs queen upset that everyone has realized why his slave masters are importing his relatives and are no longer falling for the bullshit

Is this thread representative of the average political discourse in America? Fuck me dead

cuckservative logic: if opposition crying implies real news, then Communism is the one true system for America.

t. cuck cracker who lost his pathetic job to an uneducated wetback who jumper the wall last night

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Hundreds on thousands

t. a cracker ass cuck who lost his job to an uneducated lazy spic
wonder how long till your homeschooled son shoots up a school he can't attend.
just kidding, he's unvaccinated, dude won't make it that far.

This, probs some backwards alt right sister fucker in a panel walled trailer

Why are you gay

The fed has cut rates several time already, but increasing trade war tensions keeps offsetting any rate cuts. You can’t just cut interest rates whenever you want.

In fact they should be raising interest rates right now.
When the recession hits lowering the rates is a good way to lessen the blow, but they're so low right now there's very little room to drop if things go south.

Do you understand that the United States is not a industrial country but rather a Service, Information, and Consumer economy. US jobless rates are very low and US companies can’t be competitive in a global market if they are paying Chad 15$ a hour to make your Walmart Jeans

It’s more not about 1 day events but rather trend lines over periods of time. There are also identifiers use to help flash signals of recession chances. However big loses like 800pts last week and 700pts this week are big because in a game of averages it take serious time often to recoup those loses. The US is a global economy and between tariffs with China and now possibly EU (whose economy is slowing down), it can’t help but cause a slow down In the US as people don’t invest their assets

It's all bullshit. The stock market does what it wants. It's like a wild animal. So claiming credit when it's up is dumb. And being blamed when it's down is stupid.