Why would someone NOT want to support the legalization of marijuana?

Why would someone NOT want to support the legalization of marijuana?

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because benis :DDDD

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Here in Canada after they legalized it, they also passed a law where police don’t need probable cause to pull you over.

cause its a gateway drug.

For weed or for everything?

Because they own stock in beer companies.

The smell.

A Gateway to the fridge

because they enjoy you not having it more than you would enjoy having it

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since when has it ever been a gateway? the only gateway it could signify is as user previously suggested a gateway to the fridge, or a gateway into drugs period. in my 15 years smoking this shit, i have never once desired to do other drugs. many others will say the same.

tldr nice bait

also a leaf, you can still have weed in the car. it's only a criminal offense when it's within arm's reach. so i leave it in the other corner of the car if a cop asked me to grab it or something, you're not allowed to. if there's four people inside a car, put it inside the trunk

That's a fair argument.

They think it's the government's place to determine what an adult may or may not do with their own bodies.

Fuck authoritarianism.

But not all stoners look or act like that.

I know a man 52 years of age, who smokes on a daily basis yet has a well paying job, highly conservative world views and is the absolute last person anyone would suspect of smoking pot.

very interesting user

Because nobody has ever laced weed before.
Because nobody makes weed (THC/Cannaboids) in different concentrated forms to compensate for changes in tolerance
>relying on anecdote to dispute facts
Did 15 years of smoking pot make you this retarded or where you always this much of a faggot?

thank you, now to play devil's advocate
the gateway that marijuana presents to teens and young adults is a well documented phenomena, many drugs including alcohol are used as a means of escape or exploration, after having experimented with the relatively minor consequences of smoking Mary J many will conclude it safe to consume other harder drugs with a seemingly more satisfying reward.

Because drugs are Bad mmmmkaaaay

When you see it with knowledge, both sides are retarded.

The smoker who shit on every other psychoaktive Substance and the drunks who shit on every other drug than alcohol or prescripted benzos/opioids

Every Substance is poison only the dosis make a Substance no poison

When you smoke 2g joints every day its probably not Good for your mental Health, same with Drinking but with both effects on the body and mental Health.

My opinion, in a World where the most letal and harmfullest drug is legal and accepted every where, every drug should be legal.
You need to make a drugdriver licence to proof that you know what youre doing. You delete the blackmarket for adults and there will be only Dealers that sell to kids, those Dealers get much more Punishment..

Sadly something like this will never happen in the next 100years.

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i don't know bro if u slap enough warning label's on them i think that would be ok.

They should start with alcohol + Weed + Sugar + caffeine..

Everyone who wants drugs can get then, when you ask someone why he doesnt do meth he doesnt answer " because its illegal"
The Government needs to educate about drugs, lying doesnt work the "reefermadness" proof this, people just Take more drugs, just because they dont Trust the lies they heard anymore

Never saw a Warning label on coffeine products.

No idea

Because it is yet another profit over people situation. Soon as the multi-vehicle car wrecks happen with children dying, then the, “Well, maybe we jumped into this too soon” rhetoric will start. If people could get high off of their grandmothers ashes, they would sell them. So why now? Weeds been around and illegal for decades. What’s different now?

Your Argument is shit, people drive even Safer when they under the influence of Cannabis, with a normal dosage!

Alcohol is the drug that kills million every year just in car accidents.
And you are even allowed to drink and drive here in Germany.