Yea Forumsros finish this greentext

Yea Forumsros finish this greentext
>be me

Attached: 1563148681616.jpg (225x224, 8K)

>the end

>Or so I thought

>and then I died

>wake up in Brazil in a Apache helicopter with hitler and 2pac


> Wearing dirty underware

2pac throws a rocket launcher to me
"Time to ride or die nigger. I can use the hard 'r' because im tupac"

>Jungle will do that to you. Hitler was slightly scared of 2pac's 'negro athleticism'

>one man.


>seven nation army plays in the distance

>then all of the sudden

>At that moment I came

greentext you double nigger

>Captain Falcon explodes into the upper atmosphere and heads onto the whirlybird

>inside my own cock

>the mob is high


>The air smells of sweat and burnt flesh


>helicopter receiving fire
>bullets knock off sunglasses
>clear view


>FDR comes In on his rocket wheel chair and saves everyone but makes out with hitler cuz they gay

>No homo tho


> camera pans out to show full scale of the war
>they are overwhelmed by our forces
>but then

>it’s mother fucking O.J SIMPSON
“You thought I would let you guys have all the fun” he then stabs all the female enemies

>where is my katana? the neckbeard shreiked

>having grown a neckbeard in prison on TV

>the war against the redditfags is harder than we thought they’re using weird arrows we call the queer points

>suddening my asshole feels wet

>the smell moldy ass felt and cotton arrives
>moaning and growling grows louder
>oh god oh fuck
>the furries are here
>and the firat wave has eyes on me

>turns out i'm a black chinese ginger

>butt sex.jpg


>OP shows up with a boner