ITT: We post facts to put things into perspective

ITT: We post facts to put things into perspective.
>Humanity currently has simultaneous epidemics of obesity and starvation

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Pepsi > Coke

Somewhere in this world there is a cum rag growing mushrooms.
Someone came and begot life in the form of a fungus.

the brain is the only living thing that named itself

Most niggers in America have family lines that go back further in the United States history than the current president.

Some of the most gun restricted states are the ones with the highest crime.
>*cough* california *cough*


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Pepsi and Coke taste pretty similar to me. The only major difference is that it tastes like somebody dumped an entire cup of sugar in my can of Coke.

infant genital mutilation is only illegal for one sex.

Thats why I have sex multiple times with the children before I mutilate their genitals.

We're men, we don't matter, and to say we do would be sexist as fuck

hey gamers, come play with other retards on Yea Forums

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I needed to hear this.

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Pepsi and coke taste the fucking same.


Anyone who has done the Pepsi Challenge and won can tell you Pepsi is sweeter.

That's like saying males aren't allowed to have abortions. Like no shit. Circumcision has Medical pseudoscience at the very least. The other ones just for pleasure reduction

u r dum

>Don’t blame me for slavery
>Give me credit for the good things whites did

>Don't blame me for the violent actions of other black folks
>Time to pay reparations, whitey

75% of Americans can't come up with $400 in case of an emergency.

Lol, Americans are retarded. Most of them dont have $400 in saving but have a 32 inch flatscreen tv, an xbox one and $1000 in debt.

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You got that right. And they vote for Trump thinking it's going to make them rich