So I caught this guy sleeping at work

So I caught this guy sleeping at work.

there aint nothing worse than a nigger falling asleep at the forklift. making it had for the rest of us...(C)

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Why didn't you tell him to go sleep in his car?

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What are you is manager? You either do the same thing or you're a beta who does his job for him. There's no in-between. He's the one who's got it right

i didn't give a big enough shit.

we are in different departments.

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What are you making? Where do you work? How much do you get paid?

Lol I'd like to be able to give that little of a fuck

Reading this made my night. Louie c.k.

I do it myself...when I am on break or lunch,which are a half hour each. I work nights,so a power nap is always beneficial and sometimes neccessary. Was he in break?

Dude, even took his shoes off! I like his fucking style!

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Hide his shoes


Pour water in one of his shoes, or put poop in it

This!!! But also piss in them.

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Wake him up by sucking his dick.

Turd in shoe best idea

don't know. but he could have been.

none of you got trips so no.

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wy ziper is open?

This shit happens. You never know the dude's situation. If his sleeping directly affects your workflow then let him know. If his sleeping does not affect your workflow, mind your business and he will be caught soon enough.

>or you're a beta who does his job for him. There's no in-between. He's the one who's got it right

you are as retarded as your assumptions.

amplifiers for satellite dishes.

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yeah, i'm not gonna report him