I don't support Trump so I'm called a soyboy pussy cuck liberal. Go fuck yourself and your cult of personality...

I don't support Trump so I'm called a soyboy pussy cuck liberal. Go fuck yourself and your cult of personality. I swear being a moderate these days is getting harder.

Attached: soyboy.png (1454x930, 1.72M)

Soyboy cuck pussy liberal.

Moderates are cowards and are gonna get the rope in the end, regardless of if the right or the left wins

being a moderate is impossible
there is no moral justification for owning more than $1bn in capital
end world hunger


Exactly. Trump supporters get the rope too.

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Yeah treat politics like sports or you die

What is this meme?

Another tin foil hat thing like Qanon?

You need to start supporting Trump now before he becomes a dictator and your online posting history gets used against you.

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hey gamers, come play with other retards on Yea Forums

But lets be honest, you're actually a soyboy pussy cuck liberal, aren't you?

Visit 08pol

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So another Jewish thing. No thanks that meme is 50 years old.

Jealous of samedubs. Nigger.

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"I don't like Trump"

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>"of course I like Trump!"

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>I have no problem with a jew living in Israel as long as he doesn't try to subvert my people

>of course I like Trump

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Fair enough.

Why do you frogfuckers get so triggered by Jewish people?

you're so silly user.

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I hope your family gets raped by a bunch of Muslims, you are worst than the left. 1488

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yeah but um japanese aren't white
there will be a special pogrom just for you
decided w/computer algorerhythms

Attached: the japanese aren't white.gif (280x201, 995K)

>looks like a man
>fucks niggers

Keep her.

Attached: ed7edb4559a0d296b4bd8c0a1dea7e40d2da94ce4da8bd7551e4a035bdbbc620.jpg (850x1325, 145K)

Well done OP

Aren't Neo-Nazi weeaboos the most cringe-worthy social phenomenon since bronies?

Why're we talking about the japs, faggot. Still, they knew Hitler was right.

l2spell you drunken phoneposter

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I want Jews to take over. It would be a better cleaner world.

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Attached: -you seek black domination-.gif (450x255, 412K)

You can't honestly believe that user.

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Hitler would have sooner or later turned on them/you
They/you aren't white

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>dirty feet
>scabs on arms from meth use

oh no they're taking our very best

Attached: 1549665714803.jpg (476x476, 35K)

Of course I honestly believe that Jews have made this world a better place and continue to do so.

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I'm not a slant eye, user. They're just good at drawing reaction images.

Cuckpilled sharing his interracial porn stash with us?

In what way have they done you good, user?

moderate cucks have no morals. off yourself nigger

The irony is hilarious as every one of your examples would eventually end up in the oven.

Attached: faggot.jpg (510x384, 35K)

You sound like a highly moral driven person.

Higher standard of living, respect for human rights. That's really enough examples.

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>look at me I'm so cool I just think EVERYONE is retarded except me!
pick a side you soyboy pussy cuck liberal.

His mom told him he needs to start mowing lawns again because he's not pulling his weight around the house.

Examples of what...? The cartoons I posted? Probably... after he gassed your mudskin family, at least.

That applies to both right and left. They both think the others are retards.

They're japs. You'd be pushed into the ovens too.

if you are a right winger you are a retard though

Read the Talmud, JIDF

Attached: faggotbat.jpg (1200x888, 95K)

Being a "moderate" means you don't care which side is putting its boot on your neck, as long as they're putting it harder on the neck of someone you don't like.

Fuck authoritarianism, you fucking soyboy pansy piece of trash.

Just going by Jewish activism of the past 100 years. It's left-leaning af. You're the one triggered by anything non-white. You're the one who has to be stopped frogfucker.

For posting animu of 4changs? Your arms must hurt from that reach.

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Trump needs to be given the boot though.
Neo-nazi hate speech should be regulated too.

None of your pictures are of proper white people user. It's amusing watching you deflect from this for what, 5 posts now?

There are morons on all sides. You're supposed to ignore them.

soy boy



Oh..so you really are just JIDF. Get gassed kike.

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It’s probably because you’re a soyboy cuck lmao there’s reasons why they call you that. Your vibe is probably that of a pussy

I'm a liberal, a vegan, and an engineer. I live in Sweden, have a hot wife, and make more than most of you cucks.

yeah fuck american freedoms. america needs to join the rest of the world and understand that citizens don't have freedoms, they have privileges

Trump hasn’t done anything radical. He is a moderate. If you don’t support him, you’re a leftist.

You're right, they're cartoons you autist. Deflect from what...you saying I'd get gassed for posting animu on Yea Forums? I'm sure Hitler's rolling over in his grave, nigger.

so you're very likely an underage summer poster mad because you have to go back to school next week

Attached: portland.jpg (700x467, 102K)

WTF? There are tons of right leaning openly nationalist jews. Like they clearly play both sides.

I don't want to live in the world where you say one thing and defend nazis in the same gesture user lol.

They're not white. I'm telling.

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>.you saying I'd get gassed
I'd throw the switch myself

Not really. Name even one city in America controlled by right-leaning Jews.

I'm not a fan of him either, but I keep all my political opinions to myself seeing how both sides are loaded with shrieking retards

kill yourself faggot

Being a moderate is fine. So long as you're not an SJW.

>I keep all my political opinions to myself
because most likely you'd be loudly mocked
>both sides=the same
I don't think so Spingo

>So long as you're not an SJW

I'm a conservative, I eat what I want, a capitalist. I live in the American South. I have a hot wife. And i make more in an hour of work than you do in a year.

I also pay a fifth as much taxes, a tenth as much cost of living, have access to far better imports with no customs, probably the most food variety anywhere in the world, and spend half of every year traveling with my wife.

The weather's always nice. I can do what I want on my own land. My internet isn't censored. I'm buddies with the police and 2 sysadmins. I host parties and have a full 92 bottle bar.

I even donate more to charity than you, both in time (because I have the time) and money.

So, tell me again about your standard of living europoor. Because I've been there. Its an overpriced overrated hellhole and I'd rather go to Cairo.

There's no such thing as a moderate.

"Moderate" just means you either lack conviction or lack the spine to stand for anything.

kill yourself faggot

I mean, that's a synonym for SJW, yeah.

You mean there aren't always both sides to a story?

Can we start by naming right-leaning cities? I thought cities by their nature were full of niggers and leftists.

I'd rather watch you be retarded

No. You're a snowflake bitching about SJWs everywhere. You ought to get your fucking ass beat.

>because most likely you'd be loudly mocked
I would be mocked for avoiding programmed talking heads? I'll gladly let myself be mocked for that
>I don't think so Spingo
Just the other side of the same retard-coin

So nothing. I have everything. We established that.

False. It means that you agree with the Liberal position on some things and the Conservative on others.

You probably have some cringe-inducing political ideas nonetheless.

>Neo-nazi hate speech should be regulated too
by who? the state?

Oh it's this faggot.

Attached: 2019-228.jpg (887x499, 154K)

Ooooh I'm sorry Johnny but snowflake: Snowflake is a 2010s derogatory slang term for a person, implying that they have an inflated sense of uniqueness, an unwarranted sense of entitlement, or are overly-emotional, easily offended, and unable to deal with opposing opinions. Common usages include the terms special snowflake, Generation Snowflake, and snowflake as a politicized insult.

Thank you for playing though, love you long time.

Yes. Through the Court System. Someone complains that you and your Nazi buddies are a threat to their existence and you'd better believe there could be restrictions.
That means back off before that case reaches the Supreme Court.

Nah, that scooter's too nice for me. One day though. #lifegoals

You're right, I remember when Hitler said animu posters would get gassed.

I'm sure you would.

You first, nigger.

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That's a nice projection, but nah. I keep to myself and vote for the person who seems to have the best grip on reality

So ... no more First Amendment?

No, you're a snowflake who can't handle "SJWs." You see them everywhere. They trigger you practically to the point of where you need meds. Which I would recommend.

Attached: 2019-279.jpg (960x990, 97K)

That's better. At least she looks white.
No more Jap looking Gestapo shit ok?

so don't be a moderate, op. be a leftist like a normal person

I swear, it's like have to pull out a dictionary for you. You so far haven't known what 'snowflake', 'bitching', or 'trigger' means. I'm not offended cupcake, I'm laughing my ass off and fucking with you.

No faggot, Your only proving their fucking point about the jewish conspiracy when you immediately arrest them the second they mention it.

The president is controlled by right wing Jews. Sheldon Adelson for example.

you hide your ideas because they're probably really dumb, like "taxes are theft." That's probably in your top 3.

Attached: spingo.jpg (259x194, 11K)

The Supreme Court has already reviewed the 1st Amendment a number of times. We still have it.

>like "taxes are theft." That's probably in your top 3.
No, it's not. Taxes are a necessary evil

No Jews on the Supreme Court user

>Taxes are a necessary evil
So you're still kind of a faggot about it

I said "right leaning cities controlled by Jews."

Jews in America are by and large are left-leaning. That's why the political right attacks them.

Fag detected, worthless statist cuck.

So do we kiss now...or..?

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Nice shit flinging. This is why I refuse to get in political debates in real life

Your President attempted to ban an entire religious denomination from our country. You have no place bitch about "statist cucks" user. You are one.

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Only if you have the body of an anemic 12 year old boy.

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>This is why I refuse to get in political debates in real life
Because you probably actually do support some aspects of this current President and are a total hypocrite.

You are a statist cuck user.


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I'm not a nigger so I don't have anemia...I hope I didn't disappoint you user...

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Solid defense.

my ad said "no dopers beards or fats"
I can't make exceptions

Your President believes he has the power to send American citizens "back" to countries they don't come from user.

>I swear being a moderate these days is getting harder.
I feel you man.
I have friends who are big time SJWs
I have friends that are honest to god right wing militia bros.

If push comes to shove I'm siding with the militia bros.
They actually stand a chance of surviving and I'd rather deal with the tiny percentage of skinheads in their midst than all the bitching winging beta cucks and trans whatever personality disorder riddled failures.

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>I'm a snowflake triggered by the slightest shit


Well they'll just think they're controlled by jews you fucking retard.

>I'm a snowflake triggered by the slightest shit
You tag the wrong post user?

I think you anti-semites are very confused controlled people of your own.

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fucking snowflake
can't fucking take it bawwww

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I never defended Trump...every post has been anti-trump. I just hate immigrants & jews.

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>I swear being a moderate these days is getting harder.
>being a moderate
Lets get real OP.
When the fires start to burn who are you going to side with?

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Neither literally did anything to you or has the slightest affect on your being. You're just neurotic user. There are meds for this.


I'm not an antisemite faggot, learn to fucking read you inbred fuck.

I don't understand why anyone can be a moderate with libshits pushing pedos onto kids and screaming how much they hate America on the airwaves.

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The sane people

I bet, it sounds like you're already taking them.

Attached: e0bdfdec21d6ea3268453f85f59944649bc87d56781b5c76e28ee7b94d17f6ab.jpg (480x480, 25K)

you might as well be
we're clearly not on the same side

I don't have a problem with Jewish people. You do. You're the one who needs to be taking meds before frankly you start hurting them.

>libshits pushing pedos onto kids

I think I would like this image a lot more if it was a Buddhist manji and it was a solid black background.

But you always end up voting Republican or some stupid Libertarian crap user. You aren't "sane," you're part of the problem.

Attached: RJmower2.gif (300x180, 582K)

It's not tho
it's stupid faggot nazi bullshit

>you're part of the problem.
And what problem is that?

That you ultimately support the wrong side and can't even admit it.

Because I don't like strawmen and retards? hErR dUrR mIgHt As WeLl Be An AnTi SeMiTe

You are either intentionally trolling or unbelievably stupid if you don't see it

Attached: 1556148445083.jpg (677x1024, 86K)

No, he just didn't know what the fuck you were talking to, I think. Nor do I

Image is for you, fren

I agree, also Check'd.

Yeah, what he said is much better & not Nazi at all, you retarded faggot.

Attached: 50182708e99daf6c180f73dee6b9a64208ad823ae9d4d261ab9f099442965551.png (461x447, 232K)

You should have just shut up instead of making such a clumsy post open to such easy misinterpretation.

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I see that you have a rather unhealthy sexual fixation for kids user. You might keep that to yourself.

It's a nazi swastika. You know that thing you shove up your boypussi

Yeah, I'm pissed that every time some parent sterilizes their kid because they think they are "Trans" or some overpaid liberal opinion piece writer makes excuses for a literal murderer because they are part of their pet protected classes.

"Hurr muslim didn't do anything wrong! He was just expressing himself! You're racist if you don't want psychopaths from third world countries raping your daughter and knifing you in the streets!"

Attached: 1556168533275.jpg (836x439, 77K)

I can't tell if you're legit a fucking retard, baiting, or a genuine 50 year old. Very low effort, not funny nor clever, this one's got me stumped.

fucking snowflake thinking you're entitled to your kind of world lol

One day these people are going to be on the chopping block. And I'm gonna breathe a sigh of relief.

>fucking snowflake thinking you're entitled to your kind of world lol
Okay. If thats the game you want to play, please realize that the conservatives have all the guns.
Its not going to be pretty.

Yeah why would someone throw your own nomenclature back at you?
Oh. When you're acting like the very snowflakes you claim to hate lol

Actually it sounds like you are advocating violence user. You sound like the threat to society, not whatever you're imagining.

How'd you know about my swastika shaped dildo, creep?

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pussy cuck soyboy liberal

Attached: 6VSR34.gif (320x180, 1.26M)

You don't have to be a retarded right winger to own a weapon, user. You're literally on the Stupid Side.

Attached: right-wing-extremist[2].jpg (846x571, 112K)

>Advocating violence
I advocate violence on anyone who would molest a child, circumcise women, or throw gay guys off roofs to execute them.

I made them to send me through college.

>I advocate violence
Good. We're clear. You are the one actually wanting to hurt people.

>durr I got a gun
>that makes me right
fucking snowflake lol
god grow up you fucking faggot and face the real world

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keep crying soycunt

Good on ya. God bless Capitalism.

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>grow up you fucking faggot and face the real world
Okay, how about you go walk through a refugee camp at night?

>I advocate violence
And you only advocate sunshine and puppy dogs right?
What about someone who wants to take everything from you?

Just looking at niggers makes me clench in disgust. Just imagine the smells, niggers don't even shower

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it's probably cause they can smell the cowardice in your breath.

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yep he's waiting for his second term to do anything evil at all

Do you think he's gonna go full dictator if he wins again?

Thats not true, people call you a soyboy cuz you're probably just an insufferable faggot about it and every other subject.

Trump is the counter culture. Part of why youve been getting cucked this whole time.

Being a moderate just means you're dumb enough advocate for a social system big enough to be expensive but not big enough to be effective.
While both sides of the extreme or trying to play damage control you're the ones actually making the decisions.
You retards are the reason 20% of the country can't afford Healthcare.