If you can guess random things about me, I’ll post OC nudes of a few female friends of mine

If you can guess random things about me, I’ll post OC nudes of a few female friends of mine.

First: What state am I from?
(I will post the nudes after each question is answered.)

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Your acne scars say you're from Tennessee


What acne scars? I BARELY had acne as a kid.

Not even close

You posted a picture of yourself it's not like you can just pretend you don't have them

Michigan. You look like you’re from there.

I don’t have acne scars. I’m looking at the same pic you are. If you mean the scar on my forehead, that’s not from acne.

Closer than the other guy, but no.

I think those are freckles user

I do have freckles.


Not even close.

>What state am I from?

Nope. Lower.


with that face. my guess is florida

VERY close.

Florida. Only thing lower is Hawaii.

Very close.

i'M a ViKinG.

Fucking faggot from the state of faggotstan.

Mississippi? Seriously? I didn't know people actually lived there by choice.

Very close.


It's south carolina you dumb niggers. i know this dude.

I’m not a Viking. Viking was a profession. I’m not even Norse. I’m pagan and I like Mjolnir. Sue me.

Nope. Next door.

Next door.

Close, but no, and I doubt you know me.

I'm gonna say Louisiana just for fun.

Sweet Home Alabama



And as promised, One OC nude.

Next question:

How old am I?

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I wish. Older

>Hillbilly facial hair
>Skinnard length hairdo
>Early onset male pattern baldness/thinning
>Posting on Yea Forums



Older, and I’m not going bald, but it is thinning. I just have a big ass forehead.




A few years off, but close.



On the dot!

As promised, another nude.

Next Question:

What’s my drug of choice?

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Never tried it.

That dank kush



You definitely make less than 70k a year. Lemme see some titties

Never liked it.



Close. Always wanted to try it though.



Opioid painkillers

Fuck no. I hate speedy shit.

Peyote. I’m not a druggie so I had to look it up.

Always been too much of a pussy. Kinda wanna try though.

Close, been dying to try, but can’t find it around my area.






That’s the one.

As promised, more nudes.

Next Question:

What do I do for a living?

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.Org of my brothers are in prison for that shit. I’ll never touch it.

Bro if I could get paid for that...

If you guys can guess this one, I’ll be nice and post the last 4 I have.

Work in the electronic department of a retail store

I used to. Oddly specific...

Tattoo parlor

You look like a dude I used to work with at a staples.

Call Center.

I wish.

You look like youre from Ohio
The Kentucky part of Ohio

Close. Never worked there though.


Never been to either of those. Scroll up, we answered this one.

Used to. Bad back now.

Fuck it, I’ll be nice, Yea Forumsros.

Here’s the rest of them.

I had fun, hope you guys did too.

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Enjoy, Yea Forumsros!

Been fun op

Shut up, Mark.

Jon, actually.

It has! Thanks for playing man.



I see it now.

Your Heroquest review on Youtube was hilarious.

Wrong guy. Never even heard of Hero Quest.

Dead serious question. Is this @miserablebastard the guy who dates zurreal because If not damn you look like him

No, not me, and I don’t really see the resemblance. That dude is a toothpick. Nice eyebrows though.