Ylyl you lose yl lose laugh you laugh
Ylyl you lose yl lose laugh you laugh
faggot soldier is probably going to whine about this moment for the next decade until he dies of liver failure or offs himself.
Fucking post faggots
>post faggots
I both admire and hate you
This is the worst ylyl thread I've ever seen
>literally in the name that its all about women
>already a word for wanting everyone to have equal rights
>no one uses it anymore
Nope. Sorry, hun, that shit does not add up.
But you have seen it.
dogggo smells stinkky used kunnttttt
>>modss are niggger faffggogogogtot jewwwww cococckckckc succckkkinggggg twiwnwinknknie
wow top quality comment
You okay my guy?
Same, fren.
It gets worse
This one isn't completely /pol/luted, so....
But the two guys on the bench are aggressively man spreading.
Skeat skeat esgitit nigar
Are you pirateposting my nigga?
seeing shit like this would be exciting while high
At last, I finally found some memes after a shit ton of porn
This is fucking meta.
Good mtg post
thx. my 10 year old made it
OC brah
lost to op.
Is he hot?
I just bought one yesterday. Fancy that
The captcha was more entertaining...
more kid oc
Artists name?
Too soon... literally
I always fucking lose to these
can you kys
post these on tg,good OC kid.... and nice dubs
Tell your kid he's funny
I never knew that image had more panels
Accurate but appropriate for any kind of 'extreme' music. There's a lot of hiphop and metal that's like that as well.
Lol fat loser
hahah lost
Nigger speak isn't funny
Taco taco burrito jajajajajajaja
My what is taking a piss?
That just shows how japan is taking care of its citizens while usa dont give a shit
Thumbnail kind of looks like she's about to suck his enormous dick while fondling his gigantic balls.
No I think it just shows the effects of niggers
The GF model is a qt.
i like how kanye is being fucked in the ass with a taylor swift
Jet memes can't feel soy beans.
>sociopath lvl 1
>spot fucking on
lol what did he do, glue some bangs on?
That's the truest fucking statement every
Thanks kanye, very cool
same fagging
Cindarella looks fukken nervous
doggo looks like hes bout to an hero any minute now
dumb redditniggers
how many
fucking fingers
does that bitch have
thats cuz he keeps tryin to stick his pinky finger in her asshole
thats the gear you spawn with, you gotta loot for the better stuff.
excuse me, wheres my obligatory fortune?
Nice fucking catch.
Got a snort out of me. Do i lose?
dad looks so nervous. hes scared of how other people will see him and his son.
probably built up a soy tolerance. better up the intake.
that fucking jaw
lobsters are psychic
Gotta love how they tried to keep the fingers the same in both panels. It's not abstract, it's methodical.
Knee pad on his ankle haha
Pippi looks like she's a hellcat in the sack.
This reads like the straight men are faggots.
I always keep my starter gear and wear it in non combat areas.
I tell ya....before i found Yea Forums I was incomplete. Now Im finished!
This thread is fucking dope, thanks for all the memes new friends.
got me
istp gang
Not funny but very true. Whenever some nigs start chimping out I always look around and see that all the white people in the area are all shaking their heads in unison.
He's come to accept that his son is dead
Thank you for the good times...
Don't do it, bro
Wtf is this
I wonder how many showers ariel has to have a day kek
Make some pasta like a real big boy instead of the faggot end it all.
What can you even do
I have actually gone a week without showering or going outside. Good to know
Saved so I can view it in 56 years
Where's the joke?
wen day is dark alway rember perl horber
cant believe I lost to this one. It was the parole officer line that got me dammit
Fucking teletext fuck yeah.
gee bill
poor guy is dead inside :(
even the dog is disgusted with him
lost to this
congrats, it's a faggot
>dogggo smells stinkky used kunnttttt
>>>modss are niggger faffggogogogtot jewwwww cococckckckc succckkkinggggg twiwnwinknknie
you'll probably off yourself first so why care?
Someone post the extended version with all the mothers smiling and the fathers displaying dread
First laugh I've had in awhile. Here's a (you)
story of my life
Nevermind, got it.
UnIronically kill yourself. It's not samefaging just because you post several times in the same thread you mass replying newfagcancer
i like reddit more than Yea Forums, fuck off to your adopted mother you fucking subhuman scum
Then go back
Anyone else have funny green txt saved?
what is it with autismos and walking/hiking shoes
someone explain, its a common phenomenon
Is this someone "famous " or do randoms seek so much attention that they have to validate themselves on youtube or whatever.
Lol, this...
I don't get this one
A Yea Forums ylyl and I'm the only one with greentext? I sifted through the depths of google for 90% of mine.... lost a bunch when I swapped phones :(
Daddy pls no ;_;
im confused too
oh wow! Ha ha
That’s pretty dark ha ha
Shame on you ha ha
kek, thanks
anyone got any noob images? pic rel
Kek this
Hail hooray
This is deep
u shouldnt laugh at those, who actually work out to get slim
well - she saw him extend the arm, but she didnt see him bend it to his forehead, so heil hitler
Anons please note that the according to the CIA documents leaked a few years ago, they actually can do this shit. They monitor you through almost anything with a camera/mic attached to it, even when they're turned "off," and they dumped a bunch of money into developing software that can hack into onboard computers to kill your engine or drive you off the road. On top of that, they frequently contracted blackhats to develop this stuff, and did an apparently shit awful job and making sure this stuff isn't just floating around out there for the highest bidder.
>you're not me beep boop
That's all of your faults. If not in use, microphones or cameras should be disconnected. If it's not possible to do it, cover them up and keep them far away from conversation. If you use a car that has a modem and is able to receive commands/updates OTA you brought it upon yourself. These are all simple shit not even full tinfoil REMOVE CAMERAS AND MICS FROM PHONES AND ONLY USE FOSS DUMBPHONE level.
greentexts appreciated, man.
You got my sphincter all puckered...blue eyes is yu gi oh damnit not magic
I fucking kekd, you black bastard
you won't believe number 10
Ya that hammster got fucking crushed
>african space program
I don’t think samefagging means what you think it does, you drooling moron. Are you of the opinion that people only get one post per thread?
Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul,
ash nazg thrakatulûk, agh burzum-ishi krimpatul
>implying card games aren't all basically the same
yes we should, and we should laugh hard at the fat
u shouldnt discourage them from self-improvement
fuck man. this hurts
No user you're retarded, and that's okay
that's not how you spell fabulous
Then fuck off faggot
>i like reddit more than Yea Forums
A pleb calling others sub human. I've seen it all. Go back to your circle jerk you dumb dumb.
Those dads are broken men. F
>posting screenshots from webm
ITT newfag gets cocky
>ignoring how Europe and America doomed Haiti
Still doesn't change the definition
now thats a superhero show i would want to watch
Why did I lose to this? Fak
i agree that you can laugh at fat people but not at the ones that actualy try to change. Do they look clumsy in the gym and mostly have no idea what to do? Well yes they fucking do but let them do their shit
lol, trannylover enabling the fatal denial
Why i lost to this shit
you forgot to add that you’re a racist trump support too
I also ran the seafood for a grocery store, this is painfully accurate
Different person
Suicide rates don't increase post op, some studies show a decrease
40% is a myth
cause they comfy
thats it
>irrevocably slicing up your genitals into an obscene and grotesque approximation of what a pussy is, is actually a good thing. Trust me.
lol, sure, surgical fuckpouch salesman.
I've been looking for the actual vid for years. Anyone got sauce?
"Oh boohoo it turns out my son was actually my daughter" why are cis people always so freaked out by the this shit. What does it matter for someone to transition?
so bad. my sides
subway heroes, in theaters soon
>All these Reddit memes
kek lost
Gots to feed the Niggers.
Hows your wife's son doing?
>"Oh boohoo it turns out my son was actually an anthropomorphic wolf with wings" why are human people always so freaked out by the this shit. What does it matter for someone to become their true fursona?
This is what you sound like.
Pretty good, got a new bull recently :)
The two obviously aren't the same. There is a large difference between a furry and a transgendered woman. You man I used to be what I thought was a normal male and I always had this wierd dissonance in me about my dressing habits and overall appearance. So while exploring this I found I was transgendered and I started reading into this shit because I was like you, I thought it was dumb and like why wouldn't you just keep on being a guy it's super easy. Turns out it wasn't super easy and I ended up transitioning putting all my transphobia behind me
Lost. Contributing
Prove your thing, because I know Japan doesn’t have nogs.
Did you just invalidate all furries and their claim to their true self? Are you a nazi or something?
I'll eat her fucking cookies.
Can't believe I lost to this
Yeah the furries thing is kind of dumb and has no good basis for it. Atleast for transgenders this is some truth to it. Some studies show difference in their brain structure and shit. I mean another thing is the whole furries thing seems to be a way for people to get away from themselves and being teansgendered is embracing your self. Yeah i dress, act, and look feminine but that's really just how I choose myself to look.
Sometimes more makes it less clear.
Look at this tranny, marginalizing those poor furries from a wall of MSM-enabled pseudo-elitism.
Are you seriously implying that your case is different? Maybe, if taken as seriously as this tranny shit, different structures would be found.
in research too, if it actually took place. Are you seriously implying that those people wouldn't grasp at any possibility to become their "true self", if it was somehow technically possible?
>thing seems to be a way for people to get away from themselves
oh boy, are you typing this with a straight face without seeing any resemblance? unbelievable.
It doesn't matter if a child gets bombarded by TV and decides it wants to be or has always been a girl or a robin-hood like wolf, it's the same shit.