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Other urls found in this thread:


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Wtf? Story?


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kids are dumb post more

TF dude get out of the house

theres a fuckin chainsaw. i dont think it was them

I...didnt say it was...

Apart from the chainsaw it looks more like a car wreck.

It's death by chainsaw

Defensive wounds

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I think it was some dude who murdered them and then left them in the car

hey, why not

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The guy murdered in son to get revenge on his ex-wife

Stop assuming faggot

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if I remember correctly, it was a murder-suicide. Father killed the son, then himself with the chainsaw.

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metal as fuck

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Jesus, body is so bloated it looks like a doll

More hanging please

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what is going on here

Sick sons of bitches, none of you will remain to see the dawn

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Bitches love my swag

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ok retard

>I'm a female and I can do anything!

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WOW just WOW

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nice, very nice

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this is why i hate malls

>merely pretending

The fuck happened?

Shark attack

the fuck you think? I'd probably go off myself if that was my daughter..

Muslim mother texting

not watching young shitskin

Another fight lost to gravity.

Kid climbed over the second floor guardrail.

a waste of prime poon

wtf do you think retard

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I know everyone thinks I'm retarded for asking the fuck happened, but my question was mainly looking for one of two answers. 1) it was some stupid accident, or 2) somebody did that to her

The answer appears to be 1, thank you for answering.

No how about all of you who thought it was so obvious go fuck yourselves because there's literally no way to tell between those two options, you fucking faggot ass morons.

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i dont get human beings

shutup retard.

Wtf is this México style lynching shit

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Nice bobs

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You got me. Oh no.

definitely not, its mind blowing

Poor kid


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for u

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Based, fuck that roastie, some basedboi in Brazil murked liked 12 mfs, his ex AND his kid in revenge, this needs to be a trend ASAP

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Baby shark attack.

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fuck too far

She let it go...

inb4 faggot reddit replies

Don't get what? Someone somewhere got real sick of her shit.

never stick your dick in crazy

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Yo yo yo yo yo fuck off nigger that's too much, let's keep it atleast a bit humane here

That must smell awesome.


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It's fake. It's gotta be.

You’re not making any sense

Clearly fan death

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it is. Dick doesnt get snipped instantly like that.

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What happen, did he ride into a steel wire some asshole put up?

That's my top fucking irrational fear as a motorcycle rider

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Just another arrogant Russian asshole

But also cause you get off to it though, right? Cause you sound like the kind of person who does.

He killed 3 children with the chainsaw and then himself. This was in Germany.

what happened

Good reaction image

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oldfag obligatory

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it's good the little cunt is dead. One future roach crushed.

when you thot too much in life.

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inb4 "Contexst?"

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Ok faggot. Backstory?

I wanna pop a hole with a needle in both thighs to see what kind of juices come out

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Father killed their kids to spite his wife.

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Hits close to home more than any of this gory shit. That pic reminds me of my dad and I after he lost his battle to MS after 20 years. Shit's tough.

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hah, found it

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she fought so dam hard


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nigga, jesus
was this a suicide? how do you miss a plane? he has to get cleaned off the runway with a mop or strong rain

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Best sleep ever

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Still trying to push for equal female rights.

Holy shit, so stupid.

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>the guy in the far back on the right with his hands on his hips
>pic related

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>he has to get cleaned off the runway with a mop or strong rain
fuck no, some unlucky fuck has to document and pick all that up

well Yea Forumsros, it's been fun

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Car accident...with a chainsaw?

This. My mom died a few months back, and holy shit she looked about as sickly as . Looking at her in that state.... I kinda wanted her to die so that she wouldn’t live like that.

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The only people wanting to cross the border illegally so bad are the criminals. This will be america one day.

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I’m so sorry you had to go through that user.

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That's fucked up, glad I'm not the only one who thought that

he listened to Nirvana

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we are cartoon characters.

I think they’ll probably explode with just a prick they’re so bloated

did he killed? can just re-inflate him right

Ive never seen the follow up picture for this
his insides popped right out

and are those plane debris the one that got shot down on russia/ukraine?

She fell from the escalator. Can't you fucks put two and two together?

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This picture bothers me....

Looks like it could be a murder. Why would her nose be bloody?

Is this hanging victim?

gross but it's natures way of keeping the wound clean.

Good thing he wore a helmet

I love how they cut the little notch like a jack o'lantern

is that Hogg?

There are more pictures from this set. Poor guy stood up too soon on the deck of an aircraft carrier.


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Welcome to Yea Forums. The internet's asshole.

How did he get the damage to his head? From the pictures it looks like his tie/shirt was caught

Literally me

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Imagine finding your mom like this because you didn't reply to this post?

There was a guy at my local mall that jump from the third level onto an ice rink. I’ve got the picture somewhere but it’s not very good

So this kid (I knew his big bro) went on stabbing spree (had 3 casualties) just 'cause he can do it. One of my friends almost got stabbed by him and they chased him about 1 mile and they confronted him. He had a driver (probably the one who snitched on him), and he was riding on the back of the motorcycle. And they stopped him. But this kid said "Hey pal I know your lil bro" and they cut him loose. After about a week this kid was shot 7 times, then had a rebar through his neck at 6:50 in the morning. One of the victims of his stabbing spree was a girl, and his father was a Marine. So, the problem is, who killed him? Probably his own gang killed him? or the father of the girl?

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You called that shit

post it nigger

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Never seen the aftermath

Did he try to eat it?

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Worst hangover ever. Whole food vitamins, green smoothie and a cold shower is all he needs

Looks like that guy just had the best fuck ever


I had this nightmare when I was doing maintenance on jets in the airforce.

Someone threw a shotgun out of an airplane

do you think his anime was playing on repeat when found?

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>Le funny reddit comment xD
I swear to God...

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An Army Private First Class was dead on the spot, after he was shot to death by his alleged 18 year old girl friend
When resisted to make a third round sexual intercourse with the victim around 6:25 sunday morning in a hotel of Catbalogan City.

The victim Carmelo C. Batocoy Jr. was found dead by the hotel personnel after a gun fire rang perpetrated by Shiela Alcoy who was immedietely arrested by Catbalogan police.

The victim presently assigned at the 8th Infantry Division Camp Lucban and is also married sustained a lone gun shot wound in chest.

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Damn nice bulge

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Was he desolving his body or is this because his lower half was in water?

clamp the artery, nice

fluid discharge after death

Obviously fake. If you're not a newfag you could easily identify there is no blood splatter, which'd mean she didn't fall from very high, if at all.

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If you can dodge a wrench...


Lather up!


That's how a body decomposes if it's untreated for too long

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what a horrible way to die

this isnt pic related. in fact the above article has no pictures that i know of
but i always wonder what kind of absolute carnage looks like that kills everyone in one of the cars at the scene
car gore pics always fascinate me

Obvious fake blood. What the fuck is up with these retard newfags posting fake shit? Lurk moar retard.

God damn

Ok this is the first time I actually NEED to know the story here, like holy shit, it's weird how much it hurts to see a child hung but children dying in accidents and stuff just doesn't phase me.

Newfag detected

Why did he strangle her anyway. Then he lied about going out in a gun battle. Surrendered like a pussy. Hope he's enjoying his anal rape.

It’s acid I think. Water doesn’t that to the body, at least not in that short amount of time since his upper half looks fresh still.


He was licking cum off his shotgun when his eye exploded.

Muscular disease. It kinda breaks down muscle tissue.


Checked, also this is one of the most based ways to an hero, definitely will do

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Dude you look like you've seen a ghost!

Asian cuisine sure is exquisite

The little girl suicided or was murdered?

Its not rape if you offer it up

Popeye the sailor man

>Niggers in background
Makes you think, doesn't it?

>Water doesn’t that to the body
flesh eating bacteria with a water source and no white blood cells does


Luigi I don't think these were the right mushrooms

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youre thoughts are the truth, niggers raped and murdered her and her new hubby on their honeymoon

At least his helmet stayed on

its an art exhibit. not a real body.

Real life goonies

Is this an instant death or was he alive for a few minutes

When exposed to air blood coagulates pretty quickly giving it a stretchy look

Recipe please

his spiked blood pressure probably exploded every vessel in his brain


Was this taken in the goddamn lunar cheese mines? What the fuck?

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You people are disgusting. This website needs to be taken down. Each one of you will be shooting up schools and grocery stores in a few years. Do yourself a favor, mind your curfew and go to bed and never come back here again.

How would he not get arrested for the stabbing?

It's a woman sentenced to death by starvation in Mongolia. Year is 1913.

When magician shows go wrong.

someone that got lost in a tomb or some shit. they were found pretty long after by these fagrags or something. imagine dying of starvation and thirst in pitch black darkness for days.

>Year is 1913.
lol they didn't even have color back then. Everything was black and white

Eh, I agree with you about people who enjoy these pictures. But take not that some on here just have something called morbid curiosity, which isn't a weird thing. You can look it up. It doesn't mean you enjoy these pictures.

Need details...

Photo looks like a colorized black and white photo.

Bunch of faggots. Of course dead bodies are disgusting you retards.

white people...

this is some of the most depraved shit i have seen in my entire life.

Color didn't even exist back then.

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Imagine all the 10 year olds lurking in here.

maybe you should go back to red.dit then, were not even in the rabbit hole yet

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Gnarly. Looks fake, how can you keep the eyes inside the face like that? They are completely separate.

A simple wiki search shows you're an idiot.

>imagine dying of starvation and thirst in pitch black darkness for days
i generally try not to
once you accept death, how can you even like...expedite it?

>too edgy

Did Jigsaw do this?

Dildo in pants

Hold your breath until you die. My cousin did it sadly.

You realize those are all fake.

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she was a lawyer, iirc, we did a case study

Makes sense

Everyone knows that color wasn't invented until the 60s.

yeah your cousin died of fast-acting aids or something
you'll only faint and start breathing again unconsciously

the absolute state of b

The black clothing and unfortunate circumstance tells me she came right back from a funeral? That immediately popped up in my thoughts

If he was starving he could have just eaten the Parmigiano-Reggiano off the walls. He did not starve. One can easily deduce from his shitskin skin color that he probably got involved in lunar gang warfare and was killed and subsequently dumped in the unfrequented depths of the Parmigiano-Reggiano mines. Elementary my dear watson.

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Exactly, this guy knows.

It's called Yea Forums retard and that's called b8 you fucking summerfag.

She was apparently sad the nigger paying her child support died.

thats an inappropriately flashy watch for a funeral
i think she was just wearing black that day

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You’re kind of an idiot. For thousands of years modern humans have been looking at gore in everyday life and it didn’t make them crazy, it’s just a natural part of life. I understand that you’re completely sheltered and can’t handle it, but don’t put your own issues on us.


Turn the rekt up to 11

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>Unsupported evidence

It's not rekt retard, it's gore and you showed no gore.

pretty solid and funny bait

Damn that’s insane

Nice feet

Return to Reddit.

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Elaborate please. What was the purpose of the study? What’s her reason for suicide?

>newfags posting rekt, not gore, and taking b8

It’s common sense dipshit

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Not the guy you're replying to, but have you ever heard of public executions? Hung, drawn and quartered? Breaking at the wheel? Burning at the stake?

Oh no! Am I going to get banned from the thread for not giving you what you specifically asked for? Shut the fuck up stop bitching faggot.

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re.ported for fuckery

>implying that happened everyday

OK. Obv trolling or stupid, cause come on... That high? Easily could be no blood until it leaked out. People aren't water balloons you tard.

Also. This 8s tolerated but a young girl exploring herself sexually is sick. ?

Yeah. High ground. Keep telling yourself that society. Worst of all you gore fags.

>reddit spacing

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throwing a running chainsaw in the car while you drive by has got to stop. think of the children, stronger chainsaw background checks now!

is this a page from one of them 'learn the alphabet' books for kids?

This. Is circumcision.

no you fucking retard, it's a dead child.

thanks. needed nofap inspo.

playgrounds used to be so fun. thanks for the memories, user

blow up doll suicide?

Anons aren't fapping in here?

Why are you shouting?