Will white bois ever recover from Tay Tay getting blacked?

Will white bois ever recover from Tay Tay getting blacked?

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I have learned to accept it! Another big L for us white boys.

this triggers the wh*teboi

Let them have her. She's a pretentious sjw skank anyway

She's annoying as fuck. I hope it hurt.

it was bound to happen


Nights alone I jerked. I jerked until I couldn't jerk anymore. Just imagining a life with Taylor. Taylor was a beacon of hope in this world of black cocks. Everywhere I go -- black cocks. TV -- black cocks. YouTube -- black cocks. Porn -- big. black. cock. Years upon years I've spent battling the black cock. Resisting. Fighting. "Never submit." Every girl I know, even the innocent ones, submit to being BLACKED. I was fighting for the cause. The cause of my race. The cause of my dick. I refused to lose. In a world where every celebrity promotes the BBC, I commended Taylor for refusing to give in. I was supposed to be with her. It wasn't that crazy of a thought when you think about it. I live in Los Angeles, maybe one day I could see her in Beverly Hills and strike up a conversation, from there we could eventually start a relationship. She could save the white race from being BLACKED. Then I turn on YouTube. Taylor is with a black man. PROMOTING INTERRACIAL TO WHITE GIRLS EVERYWHERE. GIVING IT HER SEAL OF APPROVAL. Are you fucking serious? Taylor Swift promoting black cock. My goddess Taylor... this can't be real. But it is. The war is over. My girlfriend submits to black cock... and I do too.... I submit. This new world belongs to big black cock.

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it's better to accept it user.

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that actually really pisses me off

Just give in my white cuck brother. I use to resist to, then I started fapping to blacked.com and I've never turned back.

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mad whiteboy? Billie Eillish doesn't fuck white boys. Bhad Bhavie hates white boys. Clairo doesn't date white boys. The Kardashians don't date white boys. Taylor is promoting IR. This is the next generation of women xoxo stay mad

okay can you not though? its bumming me out seeing this thread as i scroll through and im actually starting to really like this website.

what's bumming you out?

kinda sounds like youre mad bro. you actually took the time to make up a bunch of shit about some random white celebs you think i might have a crush on for god knows what reason

>"Make up"

user I...

I watched a Taylor Swift deep fake video. It was amazing.

post a link

just how lazy this whole thing is, and how long its been going on in exactly the same form with literally no evolution whatsoever

Is funny how niggers think we actually give a shit about stuff like this. But hey, whatever makes them feel better. They already got dealt the worst hand in the deck, so i guess its alright to let them think they win sometimes.

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New generation. Take the L white cucks. All your women love black cock. You have nothing besides your virtual hentai/ jacking it to your crush’s Instagram. Serves you right. Let the racemixing begin.

lol pics or it didnt happen buttdweller

This is kike media doing the dead cat bounce. Trying to stay relevant through outrage. I have no idea who any of those 'celebrities' you listed are and couldn't care less.

Dubs of truth and wisdom!

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It isn't blacks. Its jews and ducks. Anyone of reasonable mind realizes that women arnt driven by sexual desires like men are and in reality the white women who date black men are either fucked up on drugs( these are usually the hot ones) or morbidly obese. There is very little in between.

She’s been a coal burner for a long time


>post a link
Afraid to, just linking to a deepfake these days is dangerous. I ain't kidding.

Gas the ducks! 14/88

Yea Forums acting like you care but you don't.

The white boys really act as though they don’t look around them, and almost every single one of their “white queens” isn’t already snatched up by some dude named Jaquan. Get over it you virgins. Keep masturbating to the girls you can’t have anymore.

Sorry, but who? Who? Who, and who? Not sure who they are or why anyone should be mad about it. Although, i do know of plenty of fine assed white women that dont wanna wake up to black skin flakes on their sheets in the morning.

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>so i guess its alright to let them think they win sometimes

this is how it starts user

no idea how you wouldnt aware of who taylor swift or the kardashians are but im assuming thats hyperbole. clairo is literally not even a real thing he was just making up names there, bhad bhabie is the cash me ousside girl and yeah she does only fuck with black guys im sure but that was just added to provide legitimacy i guess

story of my life

Go away, Jew.

lol "white queens" who has ever said this?

>Taylor was a beacon of hope in this world of black cocks

oh no no no no

Doubt this would ever happen, she’s racist and known for liking white guys

>dead cat bounce
>stock market idiom

stop being a faggot then

Don’t act ignorant of what’s around you. You know too well the only white women that wouldn’t want a BBC next to them at all times are the trailer trash ghetto rednecks. You can keep those.

excuse me?

Why would I give a fuck what someone else does? I'm not insecure

Once her looks fade, and they will fast, she will go back to being trailer trash with nothing left, probably whoring out for her black pimp.

White guys can live with other people fucking girls they can't date. It's niggers who act self-entitled with that.

This thread is full of small dicked black guys trying to “have a Dream” when all they can really do is smoke crack and yell loudly.... Fucking crackies still don’t know Jews enslaved them

>I'm not insecure

sounds like something an insecure person would say

where the deep nude at though?

“iM nOt iNsEcUrE” the white boys feel threatened already.

Lmfao only black people are trash enough to get shot for whoring around, I laugh everyday when 10-20 black kids kill each other in Detroit on a daily basis cause that just means Natural Selection is working.

share it fags

More like white guys pretending to be black to get replies.

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Its all marketing, like Miley Cyrus. She was all about that "want me some black cock" stuff, but in reality she's dated only white dudes with big dicks.

Oh come one, I swear the only thing you whities even insult blacks with anymore is the criminal analogy. If you’re gonna be racist at least make your statements interesting or funny. “Black=crime, Black=bad” isn’t gonna cut it anymore.


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that was just unabashed racism. funny.

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go fuck yourself loser.

hey its me, niggers. whitebois lose unless deepnude is posted.

blacks = slaves

Can anyone tell me what is happening?

incel black boys and incel white boys trolling each other

Funny how half of the threads on this site are bashing black women for being undateable, and black men for being criminals but the second someone threatens whites the whole community jumps on it. And you call blacks sensitive?

thats because whites ought to be defended

No I mean about the "Tay Tay" I forgot her name

Leave newfag bitch

she used a black person in one of her videos and so now apparently she likes black men and is a part of the white genocide world order

pretty standard stuff, really

this isnt a real blacked video,
if it is, link.
cuz its not.

whites ought to be exterminated

dude, you are so dumb that you literally make me worry

link me the vid, will you?

feel free to try, once white hispanics non hispanics whites, the US will be 75% white again

How? Have i missed something? Is it illegal to or something? Couldn’t it be labeled a parody

ask your mommie

This thread had great political potential yet you all just got offended and insecure and started making bland insults instead. What a disappointment.

My fiancé used to date black guys until she met me. I brought her back from the dark side and you can too if you have the balls to do it. My ancestors were Vikings though so I have a genetic advantage by being one of the master races. When I first met her and found out she was a nigger lover I didn’t want to be with her because imagine hearing a girl say she fucks dogs, you would be revolted and not want anything to do with her. But she was gorgeous and her ancestors were Finnish so I couldn’t just lose such a beautiful being to interbreed with a monkey. Now we’re engaged and have a beautiful strawberry blonde blue eyed 16 month old daughter. I did my part to save my race. Will you?

>great /pol/itical potential

who cares shes not that hot she has no ass at all

Can't speak any language properly, all look the same, all act the same, dress like prison faggots, live off the white man's social safety nets, universally reviled as coworkers, steals everything not nailed down even if they don't need it, racist against everyone including their own, will shoot eachother for the slightest perceived disrespect. Absolute trainwrecks. So bad, they are used AS racism against white people by kikes, constantly. "Look goyim! One of the monkey people you all hate, is with one of your women! How does that make you feel?" Get gassed.

Taylor Swift is dating a white guy and has been for 3 years, so I really don't get this thread.

sure ill help save the white race

im white and hung, let me fuck your 16 year old daughter

>shes not that hot
she is hot as a Hottentot Hot Pot

I'm good. I'm not into dudes since Taylor Swift is clearly a tranny.


Why do some white people think it’s their mission to save white girls from fucking whoever they want? Are you that delusional? “My ancestors were Vikings” Your ancestors are dead and that’s just that.

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i'm not asking to masturbate to it i'm asking for the link, which he obviously does not have because all the images were shopped. nice try but i'm white and not a cuck.

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>Bhad Bhavie
She's like 15, my dude

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these threads are made just to piss white people off

and then you wonder why they respond to you angrily?

you are sooooo dumb

are you like 14 or what?

go back to imagefap, i'm not into interracial right now

are you? who the fuck even are you?

pfft i wish

Ohno! We have to save the white race! Oh god oh fuck, they’re fucking successful black men while we sit around on Yea Forums masturbating to their Instagram oh god oh fuck.

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you can clearly see her pussy in some pictures, literally in this thread there are pictures that you can see her pussy.

yeah me too, wanna talk about life?

no not really, sorry

im just here to troll niggers

and your ancestors buttfucked horses to make a living.

do black men with small penises feel threatened by hung white men?

his ancestors got sold into slavery by their own countrymen

thats sad. i can't socialize with anyone right now.
burntucks m. kortlomschlomtom#8733
im ukrainian so if i mistype something dont go bezerk about it
and i like to think of myself as a therapist

why in the fuck would i add you, i dont even know what you've said in this thread or anything

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that black guys got a huge ass

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>be white
>fucked chicks that were black guys
>didn't measure uo to the footlong
>fuck them anyways
>apparently i last to long and am rough
>multi orgasm on both ends recovery time 5-10 mins max
I dunno man, maybe you're fucking them the wrong way.

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i cant tell if you're trolling or nah

She 16 months old you sick pedo fuck. You’re probably one of the lesser white races.

sorry, i thought you said 16 years not months. my bad.



DUDE stop..
the feds might be watching

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i was just kidding you dunce

im not muhammad

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All real my dude

taytay was never blacked
most of this shit was shopped

this one is actually pretty good except for the blacked part

no shit dumbass

she still fucks niggers on the side guaranteed

I mean I accepted it as soon as I was made aware of taylor swift.

yeah yeah yeah
no sure

jamal pls go

in your dreams maybe

There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Isn’t he just the most tolerant goy around?! Oh my God.

I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark, lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room, fapping like a teenager boy as you once again type your little cuckold thread up and fill in the captcha. Or maybe you don’t even fill in the captcha. Maybe you’re such a disgusting CUCK that you actually paid for a Yea Forums pass, so you just choose the picture. Oh, and we all know the picture. The “superior” black guy, isn’t it? I imagine you little shit fapping so hard as you click it that you drop your dragon dildos on the floor, but it’s ok, your wife's boyfriend will clean it up in the morning. Oh, that’s right. Did I fail to mention? You live with your wife's boyfriend. You are a fat fucking fuckup, she’s probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to get fucked in the ass for you all goddamn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on Yea Forums posting about a fucking nigger. Just imagine this. She married you, and then she thought you were gonna have a big dick, or make big cums or something grand, and then you became a CUCK. A pathetic whiteboi CUCK. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can’t even try to talk with you because all you say is "I REALLY REALLY LIKE BLACK COCKS.” You’ve become a parody of your own self. And that’s all you are. A sad little man fapping in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he’s done a million times now. And that’s all you’ll ever be.

Someone post the Billie Eillish pics with her black men, and the video of Bhad Bhabie saying she doesn't date white boys, and the picture of Clairo with a black man, and all the Kardashians boyfriends.

i came so hard to this tbh

If you were a wolf would you want to watch other wolves fucking chihuahuas and pug dogs and watching their descendants become lesser creatures? You probably can’t relate to that because you’re a pug dog that just wants to get with a wolf.

do you like jack off to stuff like that?

its shopped jesus christ man

Believe what you want lol, filename isn't a troll tho

its copypasta you normal fag

yeah totally


damn dude, a girl cant even take a picture with a black guy?

Pagan Meccan Islam Persocution
1099 Capture of Jerusalem Crusade
Aghlabids loss against the Byzantine Empire
Mongol Islam Invasions ; Muslim Loss
Iberian Peninsula capture by Berbers
Forced conversions of Muslims in Spain
Spanish Inquisitions
Tatar Muslims Polonized by the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and converted to Catholic
Asian Minor, Armenian, Turkish, and Kurdish persocution, May 14th, 1919
Southeastern Europe conversion of Ottomen, ethnic cleansings, Albanian Expellation, Bulgarian Insurgency, Turks murdered in Greece.
Cham Muslims purged by Cambodia
Uyghur Chinese Population Revolted against, Khafiya Jahariyya Gedimu, murdered.
Libyian pacification by Fascist Italy, 225,000 of Cyrenaica's population purged.
Imperial Japan raped, tortured, and murdered Rohingya Muslims, in a massacre in 1942. Expelling 1000+ of Rohingya into Bengal.
Lebanon Sabra and Shatila massacre. 762-3,500 civillians purged. (Palestinians and Lebanese Shiites.)
Syrian Ottoman-ruled Syria 500,000 civillian Ottoman murdered.
Myanmar Rohingya Muslims, 200,000 dead.
Russian conquest of Kazan, 1552. ascension of Catherine the Great, 1762.
Tatarstan famine, 5,000,000 civillian Muslim deaths.
Vietnamese Cham Muslim persecution.
Bosnian Srebrenica & Zepa massacre, 199.
Buglarian 310,000 Turks in Bulgaria being opressed.
rance, Charlie Hebdo shooting, & 54 anti-Muslim incidents.
Marwa El-Sherbini shanking, July 1st, 2009.
Netherlands 1/3 of Mosques threatened, attempted arson, vandalism, and other aggressive actions.
Azerbaijan security forces clash with Shia residents killed, 4 deaths.
Chinese May 2018 Uyghur Muslim Re-education camps.
Karamay Islamic Ban, Uyghurs face widespread discrimination.

you forgot the battle of tours

link the wikipedia page so i can add it

Nobody cares Gayli Faggotinstienawitzwics.

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you forgot stein

I forgive you. When she comes of age if you are of a noble race maybe we can join our houses.

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Wrong. I don't even have my waifu now. Even she submitted to the BBC.

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you know whoever drew this is probably white and ran out of ideas, right?

ITT coping niggers

Hi guys. I'm getting old and fat. I need a white stud to make a baby with. Anyone interested?

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You got me

poh pic

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lol some nigger reported that one reply of the girl trying to get white laid,
shows how much you guys wanna have pride in your fake pps.

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Is funny, how a bunch of cyber kosher trash volunteers, pretend to be nignogs, posting shit about a generic, white slut.
First, the aids chimps, had no enough IQ to know how to use a computer, tablet or a smarthphone. They only know about, watermelon, bananas, fried things, steal, welfare, 40oz, and talk shit about hoe's and pimp, like lobotomized retards.
So just ignore and report this threads created by talkings soap bars.

By The way, i love fuck black/brown girls, they prefer date, fuck and marry with white boys like me, than do it with guys of their race or color, even the asians love us, kek.

I really don't know, where you get all that "multiculturalism Crap" but what we can expect, about the gas chambers decorations.

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