

Attached: superthumb.png (300x250, 74K)

Other urls found in this thread:


lol cartoons

Outstanding performance.

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Check em

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What's the point of these threads?

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check em

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Luv u Adolf

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Love you too.

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Nice one freddy
Not quiet Adolf

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anim niger

Off by one as we always used to say.

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Cleaned the bathroom, did some running, practiced some foreign languages. Not bothered to work on my OC tonight though, how about you?

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So have any of you found something useful to do today?

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Whole lot of nothin

Finished binge reading Vinland Saga this morning, got some groceries, and layed in bed.

Have a heap of nothing tomdo until I go back to school on Wednesday.

I hate being useless like this.

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I couldn't imagine myself laying in bed. I will go as far as to say I hate sleep, I see it as a waste of time, though unfortunately it is a necessity. I heard about Vinland Saga, is it any good?

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are you the doggo poster?

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I'm a huge history buff so this makes me squeal on delight.


I did nothing but read the manga all day yesterday.

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hello, it's just me

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And what do I call you?

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Akari's friend

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I too admire history very much. Many interesting topics on which one could spend hours upon. I have studied modern history in high school and college.

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I like your eyes I'll call you Amber

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if you want
but i post different characters

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Tell me about the invasion of Belgium in WW1

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How will I know when I'm tf talking to you then?

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i'm sorry
sometimes i post Yuki and Haruhi a lot

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It's ok so tell me about yourself.

Do you have any big aspirations you want to achieve?

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From what I remember back in high school;
It was an outdated maneuver that was one part of a greater operation called the "Schlieffen Plan". That strategy was developed back in the early 1900's. The plan was to quickly invade Belgium which was indeed a great success for the most part. Liege, Namur and Brussels were easily captured if my memory serves me right. The idea was to quickly overwhelm the Belgians, capitulate their state and then quickly push towards Paris and to surround the Maginot Line. It was an alternative to the invasion of Switzerland.

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However that didn't work 100% as the Germans were stuck fighting the Belgians who were aided by the British and the French. This in the end contributed to what we now know as the trench warfare.

Yes but what would it have been like to see the German Army on the March through the Belgian countryside. What songs did they sing, what did they carry, what did they talk about.

My God I wish I could understand the people of the past in the more intimate details.

I wish I could know what perspective they had on themselves and the world around them.

That's why I love this story, I know it isnt factual but it just apeals to that yourning inside me.

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I'm guessing the Belgians were very much terrified, especially when their hometowns became the frontline. A German soldier in the early part of the war would wear a leather pickelhaub helmet, standard german grey uniform and would have been issued with a Gewehr 98. I could guess they probably sang "Schwarzbraun ist die Haselnuß", "Alte Kameraden" or "Der Hohenfriedberger". I was taught the "grander scale of things" rather than small minute details, unfortunately. Though there is a lot of primary source material out there that could quench your thirst for that knowledge.

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I wish I could say the same for something like Alexander's Conquest, or the deeds of William the conqueror

Just hear the everyday life of a soldier and know the struggles they dealt with.

I think that is one of the things I want to do with my work. I want to know what it feels like to be a soldier and i wan to convey that.

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I wasn't to buy a fish tank but I'm terrified to take care of an animal when I can hardly handle taking care of myself

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That indeed is truly an intriguing topic. It would be a treat to learn about the experiences of these average foot soldiers in detail. Though there are some good YouTube channels for that. The everyday life of a Roman soldier has been very well recorded and preserved.

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Way I feel about having kids, but I know my children would mean so much to me I would rise to the ocation and take the proper responsibility.

I already have suprized myself in my academic ability when I take responsibility for my succes, so I know I can apply that diligence elsewhere.

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sorry i didn't reply sooner
no, not really
i'm just a loser
i will be leaving now
have fun, Seras

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Goodbye Amber

I hope you find what calls to your mind to pursue.

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What are the point of these replies

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What do you mean?

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Please don't be hard on yourself. Take care.
The thought of children scare me to death. It's a path I'm going towards and I can't seem to get off this wild ride.

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Just finished chapter 1, Vinland Saga has been rather delightful so far.

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I cant think of anything that would give my life more meaning than dedicating myself to provide the greatest possible opportunity to my children. I dont care about money, fame, or even happyness.

I only want to foster a better future, and raising my children to the best of my ability, and making the world a place worth inhereting.

I just have to find love first, and that is something I struggle with.

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Glad you like it!

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Being a good parent is one of my greatest aspirations, aside from making my Manga something worth reading.

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Bye everyone

Aki is back

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dont leave!

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I cant delete the thread Aki

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Well I'm off, enjoy the rest of the night/day lads.

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why would you want to

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So you could post your thread.

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i could post it anyways :)
but this thread is fine :)
also ive been here this whole time.

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Want me to talk about my Manga?

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we are listening

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Who are you?

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So it takes place 300 years in the future after the human species had nearly been wiped out, by biological warfare.

This great man made plague not only depopulated the entire world, but also facilitated the reliese of gargantuan amounts of Chaotic power that has saturated the land.

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basically some random boy, having shitty circadian rhytm which randomly stumbled to Yea Forums from /g/ and I am trying to write my Python university project at 4:40, because I haven't done anything about it whole summer kek. Thought it be funny to post. And I am genuinely curious.

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Gabriel from Gabriel dropout

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Much like you I am also my own worst enemy

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If I had to answer with at least some truth in it, then I would say that it's hard to care about your projects and ambitions when you don't even care about yourself. I literally don't care about other people, what happens around them and what happens to them, and I don't particularly care for myself (as I said).

I find this the reason, why I am not doing this things. I do not feel motivated, there is not a single thing that motivates me to do something, so I obviously choose the easy way, which is doing nothing (procrastination? passive activities such as watching Youtube?).I just cannot find the reason to care.

Even though there was a time where doing programming made me feel excited. You know, that feeling when you solve a problem and you are proud of yourself, feeling of accomplishment what is I would call it. Even now, I have many cool ideas which don't come to fruition (and will not?). Even when I am doing something, I just can't seem to finish it, I just drop it, uninterested.

Haha, it took a dark turn. I have a disgusting fetish which is wall of texts and (pointless?) ramblings.

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Kumagawa is my favorite antagonist good shit

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I like you we should talk more. I once was just like you I cared for noone not even myself. Mabey I'll tell you sometime how I overcame that, but atm I dont nessessrily want to.

I have found my passions finally and have aspirations that give my life meaning.

My writing is one of them

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Even if that means that sometimes I'll lie to myself that reading manga will help me write. I guess it does, but I dont think laying in bed reading for an entire day is helping anyone.

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Well goodnight to anyone left

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goodnight, Seras

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True. After Medaka Box, I just can't look at anime/manga villains the same. Other villains are just dumb, boring and have no depth. That is why I can't watch stuff like Boku no Hero Academia - for me almost all of the characters are shallow - with the exception being characters like Shoto Todoroki, but still it's dumbed down and shallowed to "ooooh he forgives his father and everybody lives happily even though his father made irreparable damage to his mental and physical health, along with ruining his childhood development, destroying his relationship with mother because he made her go insane etc."

Kumagawa has that depth to his character. Hiding behind a facade of "being a cool guy" and it mixes up with his emotional coldness (which could be genetic and expressed through his experiences from childhood?) and even he is sociopathic (deceitful, callous, lacking empathy) - he shows some care in his own way and tries to "own it up" at the end. It is even stated in the manga - "He never went the way other people wanted him to. And other people never went how he wanted them to". This failure to communicate with other people is crucial to him as a character. The parts where he beats someone down and then offers handkerchief is also something amazing.

But besides him, JoJo villains are not boring either. They have the same depth to their character instead of "I did it cuz im evil lul" or "I had bad childhood man"

I wonder how I will catch you kek

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please, don't call me that

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Have a good sleep

Akari posts a thread around this time every night this is herI'm on there alot

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The artist even wrote a few extra epilogue chapters for him (and no one else). I really wish they would of kept him as the central focus of the series, even after the minus arc I found him to be the most interesting character in the series. Out of curiosity who is your favorite JoJo villain

Time to reread medaka box again.
Jesus Christ what a horrifying image.

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yeah, that image is nightmare fuel, but i like it
i like this one, too...

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Nice poster
At least that image won't haunt me in my sleep. Sakuya has such a cute design.
Hello son how was work?

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Please remember to breathe
thank you

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I'll try to

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long and boring
what about you

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Remember to aim when you pee

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remember to shit before you drink

wrong, kouhai
stay safe please friend
can this pic be us
good night

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comfy night poster
she does, but they all have cute designs

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Brush your teeth twice a day.

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Brush your hair twice a month

i guess it can

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I just left my house and I already want to go home. I requested a vacation.
Is it night posting for you as well?
I wish I could say I knew most of the characters but whenever I try to do the sorter I don't know half of them.

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are you coming back home then?
will i see you?

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Peter up in here?

may it be us?

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go to bed

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no, 2:30 pm
oh, i have no idea who 95% of them are

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fsu1 let it end

Bang your head to this once a year

only because i'm sleepy

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what did i walk into are you furfags or what animus?

this is neither, friend

Aki is a massive lurker and Victoria is the ultimate neet

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We're actually a dedicated group of Neo-nazis, waiting for the right time and overtake the patriarchy.
Yes, we're also feminists.
Let's get married right now.

The vacation is in September. But I won't be leaving the country so no.
I think you told me this once before, but I get confused sometimes.
you don't have to know all of them, just know smol is the best

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>my mfw when dad never visits

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kinda reminds me of proto1
well known anti communist

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i don't know 95% of them, but i think Reimu is the best

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yeah you seem to collect a lot of her

You moved too far away son.
You don't post Reimu anymore why is that?

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i'm trying to not post characters and things i'm not familiar with

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it's saturday.

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its friday

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it's clearly 5:15pm on Saturday 24/08/2019

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it's Robo-chan time

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hey fren, you and anyone else can add me on discord if you guise want. robo-chan#4138

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i will add you, but i'm not very active

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yuss one more discord buddy.

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Oh, but I like when you Reimu post.
Don't be sorry son it happens.

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I send you request Ms robot

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nothing to be happy about, honestly

o-okay, i need to get more Reimu pics with Smol

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robo chan

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discord kills threads

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It does.
But mostly me sleeping kills threads

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We should ghost post at some point.
But not tonight
Tonight I sleep

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what's there to ghost post about?
are you going to sleep right now?

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I don't know bunch of nothing. Another way to circle jerk I guess.
Sleep soon. How should we up the comfy

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by not worrying
but i need to go for now, too
see you probably tomorrow, Aki

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See you fren..
You've been needing to go alot today

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I will too then friend.
Going to work really kills it for me.

Stay safe and comfy tonight/today

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the first belgian town the german artillery & pickelhaub moustache petes entered in 014,was called trois vierges,, 3 virgins,,good german taste on display

what's up yuru yuri nibbas

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