How do i make money from home so i can maintain my retarded NEET lifestyle?

How do i make money from home so i can maintain my retarded NEET lifestyle?

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ya dont

Gain 300 pounds.

idk get a wow pro gaymer and sell your 10k hours account also this

sell gay videos of you

just means ill have medical bills we dont get welfare from being fat

wow is dead and i will get like 100$ tops for my account

porn aint an option

have you seen "My 300lbs life?"

Online work is all about skills. If you have something very marketable, you'll do fine. But if you just want to do "general" tasks like typing, data entry or something, you'll get paid pennies.

So, "skill up". Look on places like and see what things pay the most. Then learn that stuff

>wow is dead and i will get like 100$ tops for my account
get an other game
>porn aint an option
lazy cunt sell your ass

If you're actually doing online work, you're not a NEET anymore, though.

wait i got an idea sell drugs by mail growing weed isnt that hard i can send you a recipe for amphetamin

no does it take place in the usa?

ok thank you i will check that out

>lazy cunt sell your ass
who wants to see a hairy naked arab man anyways?

either way im a loser idc how i call it

Go disability for depression. Only right answer.

pretty much these. either learn a skill or sell ass.

>who wants to see a hairy naked arab man anyways?
alot of people here

hmm interesting do you know if i need a psychologist or a psychiatrist to get it?

do you know maybe how can i manage payments? if its easy enough i might be into it

>do you know maybe how can i manage payments? if its easy enough i might be into it
paypal and a lot of advertisement

through chaturbate you degenerate sandnigger scum I hope ISIS finds out the shit you're doing and kills you

alright thanks man

idk chaturbate is more video right? idk if im willing to do video maybe just photos

camwhore your sister/mom

Bitcoin Mining.

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stfu millenial

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i thought bitcoins are worth shit now

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how do i get em?

Colt Steele in Udemy. Buy his course. It's twenty dollars, but that's better than sleeping in the streets once your mom dies.

Write a novel...
...about being a NEET.

it will take you 100 years to get 1 bitcoin from your grandmas laptop sell drugs and buy a nasa pc

Imagine being this fucking retarded

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