Help me, Yea Forums, how do I stop being so ugly?

Help me, Yea Forums, how do I stop being so ugly?

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kill yourself your skull will look normal
just kidding dont sowwy

Holy mother fucker you are fucking ugly you need to be entombed and have a wall built around you

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Cut the mop, wear a cap and stand before a mirror and learn to control your face muscles.

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funny face

Irony is that you're probably way uglier then that guy.

If you're funny become a stand up comic.

I like your mouth and eyes but what is growing on your scalp?

I'm gonna go with decapitation

This thread is fake and gay, fuck off

what’s wrong with gay though?

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Have a haircut. Shorter, the better. Your hair has a shitty texture. Leave it short. This is also probably the reason why your forehead is so fucked up in acne: oil from this shitty hair you don't wash every day.
Shower every day. Eat healthy. Hit the gym. Let your beard become a stubby. Smirk, don't smile.

fucking lost

not true AIDS came from Michael Jackson’s monkey

Let Ted Wiggins plant the Thneed seed so they can bring back trees and save The Lorax

those are called faggots
not gays.
remember faggots are terrible people that are gay
while gays are just homosexual

Holy fuck, a real life monster

gay people on average have sex much more often than straight people, and they usually don't give a damn about using protection since they can't get pregnant anyway

1st AIDS case was Forrest Gumps girlfriend back in the late 60s so shut your slut mouth

if they have sex without protection with untrustworthy people then their faggot sluts


Do you have any video documentation to back this theory up?

nice try buddy
I dont have gay porn sorry

if you ever had contact with gay people in your entire life you'd know how they are much less likely to stay on a monogamic relationship than straight people

I beg to differ as the gay people Im friends with are not faggots

Hang yourself

poor dude

I think that applies to all men, and yes I guess gay men are the same as straight men in the area. But I do think the nail in the coffin for gay men is getting a direct shot of semen injected into their prostrate cavity

Let the trees live you kike

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Goddamn. #1 Cut your fucking hair. #2 exfoliate for fuck sake. Or an antibiotic cream or some shit. #3 cut the shit with that dumb fucking face you're making. 4. Brush yo fucking teeth nigga

Get a haircut, a hat, and a pair of tweezers for your eyebrows


>tweezers for your eyebrows
He’s not asking how to be a trap

Looks like a tater, need to be deep fried

be careful of who you make fun on in highschool

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embrace it OP, dye your skin green and become the Grinch. your face looks just like him already

Cut hair very short. Practice normal expressions in front of the mirror, look up “mewing”. See a dermatologist, develop a skin care routine and change your pillow case every night. Go to gym every day, do HIIT at least 4x per week. Kill yourself. Otherwise you’re just fine the way you are OP.

Start an Instagram , a little bit PS and you are done.Nobody gives a fuck of how you real look.