Are you voting for Trump in 2020?

Are you voting for Trump in 2020?

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Now i am

I was going to write in Brad Pitt from Troy again. We need strong leadership with long golden locks of splendor

Neo con Christians

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no i am not america



Nice more pedos

Are u sure you wanna make it to 2020?

Andrew Yang or Bernie tbh. Hope they win.

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LMFAO... Why?

gibs 1000 dollars or gibs better healthcare, better wages, better education tbh

Im voting for the logs genius

Get a job, problem solved

If I have a job or not have a job I still want gibs 1000 tbh. If I have a job or not have a job I still want better healthcare, better wages, better education tbh. Orange man gibs that? No. Orange man gibs dumbass twitter rants. Orange man gibs dumbass interview responses. Orange man gibs tax cuts for the rich, more military spending, and reduction of environmentally conscientious policies so big corporations can have easier take making their products. Orange man gibs no wall, no deportations, no manufacturing jobs back to middle class.

Orange man a shit. Maybe bernie and yang will be shit, too. Still, time for somebody else. Go away Orange man.

Do you seriously not see anything wrong with giving every American $1000 dollars every single month?

Yes, because fuck the annoying, worthless ass, cunts on the left.

If u believe free marketâ„¢ will correct itself, then why will this be a problem?
>how we gonna pay for it
Well he wants 2 reduce the cost of already existent welfare system. If u gets the 1000 gibs then you can't leech off other shit at the same time, so that's good cause the reduction in size of other welfare programs will safe money which can be poured into the 1000 gibs. Also he wants a VAT, so that is how it will be paid for. There's also reductions in other areas that can be made, but I don't know all the details off the top of my head
>muh automation
If they say its true, then better safe than sorry tbh.

Youre not reducing the cost of the welfare system, you're increasing it dramatically. But the idea itself is so radical, in practice $1000 for everyone is only going to be for the lower class. Along with increased taxes on the working class, you can charge a VAT to corporations, but it's always going to be charged indirectly to consumers.

Hey whatever floats your boat just make sure, when you go out and do your pedo shit it's with a white girl or your daughter fool

My god. You're barely literate. Who cares what you think?

Let's do some quick math.... # of Americans x 1000 x 12 (per year) = roughly 4 quadrillion. Even if this applied to an eighth of Americans, this is retarded. Maybe he shouldn't say "Make America Math Again". Oh wait, but VAT tax.... I'd opt for an Automated president before this guy.

You sound like my father

Not sure yet. As planning to but that buying greenland shit and the trade problems with China worries me. But in the other hand, there is no anti muslim anti immigration alternative.

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>Youre not reducing the cost of the welfare system, you're increasing it dramatically
>But the idea itself is so radical, in practice $1000 for everyone is only going to be for the lower class
Everyone gets 1000 gibs, whether u rich already or poor.
>Along with increased taxes on the working class, you can charge a VAT to corporations, but it's always going to be charged indirectly to consumers.
Not if u maek it so da corps can't cut corners and find loopholes that let them get out of paying tbh.
Nah, it will only costs 2 trillion a year or something. A lot yes but reduction in other areas + the VAT will cover the cost. VAT will work because corps will benefit from automation, meanwhile the average joe will have no job cause it was taken by robot, which means now large percentage of working class out of work, which means corps have a fuckton of money but they wont share. Make them share tbh.

The combination of all welfare programs is 1 trillion already. I dont know where you pulled 2 trillion from if its applying to all Americans. That's basic math and cant be disputed.

Make them not cut corners? Actual quote from Yang: "it's up to the corporations if they want to make the vat tax they charge consumers visible or not." Something to that effect.

Nah. He loves the Jew too much. He'll hand our shit straight to Israel.

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You like Israel a lot!

never heard of him

>meanwhile the average joe will have no job cause it was taken by robot, which means now large percentage of working class out of work, which means corps have a fuckton of money but they wont share. Make them share tbh.
This sounds like fear mongering propaganda used as an excuse to punish and plunder the successful. Automation has always been a thing.

More pedos? What the fuck are you talking about?

Retard detected.

Your healthcare, wage, or schooling is not my financial concern. No taxpayer should be forced to give handouts to lazy fucks like you.

I stand with Israel
I stand with Trump

Orange man GOOD

welcome, the other living Koch brother! Are you enjoying your taxpayer handouts today, sir?

I shouldn't be forced to pay for any of your needs. Wages are already fine, big companies already pay 15$ and hour because they can afford it. Making the minwage higher will just put the small buisnesses that cannot afford the wages out of buisness, destroying competition and worsening industries overall.