This retard tried to buy greenland and is now throwing a hissy fit at Denmark's President for not having it for sale...

This retard tried to buy greenland and is now throwing a hissy fit at Denmark's President for not having it for sale, and somehow people still take him seriously?

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jew say what?

well he has access to the fucking launch codes so I'd take him real fucking seriously if I were you

he is a jew, everyone takes jews seriously

All he did was cancel a meeting because the pm of Denmark said things that he viewed as rude. It has nothing to do with not being able to buy greenland retard. Letting the news decide whats real for you or something? Or did you actually listen to what Donald and the pm of Denmark said? Willing to bet the former.

Lol. Remember when America commanded respect.
Now, because of one man, the entire planet (well, except North Korea and The Phillipenes) is laughing at America

Today he's ordering American companies to find alternatives to China, even moving back to US. He's way over the top with this one.

She said his idea to buy was ‘absurd’

He found this language offensive (say what now) and cancelled the visit

Not so sure how you’ve turned this into a fake-news conspiracy but you know, good on ya champ. And all that

I know, right? We should be going after Svalbard instead

How is that "throwing a hissy fit at Denmark's President for not having it for sale"? Its not. Retard. Its him over reacting to semi-disrespectful language. Trump isn't even the first president to try to buy greenland.

Of course its a fucking hissy fit!
Thats how people are seeing it, hence the news coverage.
You struggle with simple logic son?
You’re right, and its no secret, Trump isn’t the first president to try and buy Greenland but he is the first to have a hissy fit about it on Twitter.
Whatever happened to behaviour fitting of a public figure?

You said yourself ‘over reacting’
Over reacting is the definition of a hissy fit.

That sent the market tumbling another 400 points. The US dollar will lose international reserve status. Game over.

Literal racist nazi who regularly outright supports dictators and models after them
and you pick the fact he's upset about not being able to buy a country?

The fact people don't take him seriously is exactly why he's so dangerous

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he meets with Kim Jong Un, where anti-american propaganda is told in schools, but the danish pm telling him his offer is absurd is too rude
what a snowflake


America never commanded respect save for a very brief 10 years post-ww2. It's always garnered favour based on fear, force and money, but usually fear and force.

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boy sure is shareblue in here.
What do you do when you get found out?

He's a child, a crybaby.

God, Orange Man is so dumb right bud? The Louisiana Purchase and Alaska were both bad moves too obviously. Its like friggin' Drumpf thinks land equals power or something. History CLEARLY demonstrates otherwise.

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Nobody gives a fuck. And yes it will be Trump2020. Just stop the faggotry while you still can.


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remind me how are libtards still alive with such small amount of brain tissue?

>everyone i don't like is actually a conspiracy, i'm the only free thinker around

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What in make believe CNN are you talking about?

Is English your first language? You’re not very good at it

Um, that was the last guy dumbass

>if (anti-trump) {
>write "CNN" }

You have no idea what that's about, do u?

obama was way more respectable than orange man could ever be

Lol. No.

Do you smell what The Rock is cooking? He's cooking to be the new President. ROCK2020.


>Denmark's President

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Couple of facts:

>The Danes are somewhat hated in Greenland
>The Danes look down on the people of Greenland, there have been voices of unfair treatment
>The Danes have sold and offered land in trade for what they wanted in the past
>Why the anger from the Danes, if not because their relationship with Greenland is fragile and unjustifiable in the long run?

If I were from Greenland I would be interested in knowing what Trump has to offer to the people in terms of infrastructure and other living standard stuff. Then tell the Danes to go fuck themselves in a referendum approved by a landslide.

Where are the balls, Inuits?

Id be more inclined to vote for Mr. Rock than any other candidate thats up there

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When you are such a dumb libtard you dont know the US bought most of the country from other countries. Greenland would be a great buy for many reasons. Sorry you are to stupid to know that.

He's losing it... he'll be ousted before 2020. Can't have an addle-brained idiot in the Oval Office, though many will say we already do.

as opposed to taking the feminist hero hillary clinton seriously?

obama 2.0 is what america would of turned into.except instead of black people celebrating for the next 8 years,it would of been women

>suggesting murdering american citizens for no reason

meanwhile,if this was would be outraged.go figure from the crowd who calls him "god emperor"

>muh hillary
interesting that the only counter you have is someone nobody cares about anymore

If I were from Greenland I would be interested in knowing what Trump has to offer to the people in terms of infrastructure and other living standard stuff. Then tell the Danes to go fuck themselves in a referendum approved by a landslide.

Are you fucking joking? have you seen the state of the infrastructure in the USA?

also,his redneck supporters have never traveled outside of their own trailer park poverty ridden why should we give a fuck about greenland?

Well, since I read that article and others, I know as much as you do.

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So thats throwing a "hissy fit". Youre an overly sensitive pussy..

As Trump stated Truman had also showed interest in the idea of the purchase, it's not like we didn't buy Alaska either.

His fit isn't that they won't sell or discuss to sell but the manner in which the idea was dismissed is unbecoming of how to foreign diplomats should interact with each other.

basically saying lol no isn't how they probably turned Truman down.

Owned that trumptard

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You are missing the point. His "hissy fit" isn't about not being able to buy greenland, its about the semi-disrespectful language of the pm of Denmark. This is my point. Thats what I'm saying. Retards.

Imagine if your brain commanded to keep sucking somebody's dick whatever he says and whatever he does, even if he farts in your mouth, on the double, your brain commands to suck even more vehemently.

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Are there words in OPs comment that are too big for you?
Thats the point of the thread you illiterate oddball

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What a snow flake bitch

Hey man, I'm with you. I'm just correcting the statement in the OP. I'm an Anarcho-Communist.

They were laughing at us even harder when Obama was apologizing to terrorists in the Middle East for being American so no big loss there.

No doubt. But my point still stands. The OP's statement was innaccurate and misleading.

Obama opened the doors for the rest of the world to take advantage of America. Just look at the Iran Nuclear Deal, that shit could have been way worse hadn't it been for Trump putting and end to it.

America comes first this time, my friend.

Lol. No

This. America is actually the laughing stock of the world indeed.

>muh fake news narrative
>I'm an Anarcho-Communist.

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>remind me how are libtards still alive with such small amount of brain tissue?

Remind me how you are able to type actual words in English with an IQ so low you couldn't even read the post let alone reply in a meaningful way to it.

just to be able to afford a shitty studio apartment in Berkley...

Journalists are retards. I don't have to subscribe to your nonsense belief that people who doubt the validity of the media are somehow automatically on the right. I just assumed the OP was a brainlet. Brainlets typically can't think for themselves, and the job of the news is to feed brainlets a narritive that supports their economic interests.

>in a referendum approved by a landslide.

There would only be a landslide referendum for autonomous independence, why bother substituting one foreign leader for another?

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Game of Thrones made so many autistic kids believe they're skilled tacticians I seriously hope the next crack tv serie will be about gardening, so nobody will feed us with their uneducated kid shit.

This person doesn't understand the strategic value of Greenland or potentially, any country. He may be very low IQ. I'd avoid this post.


>Trump isn't even the first president to try to buy greenland.

Which other retards have you yanks elected over the years?

As was foreseen.

He's not winning the Republican ticket let alone another election

Greenland would just look and see all the help we gave puerto rico

I agree with this post, except for when his includes journalists. Journalism today isn't simple reporting of events in an unbiased way. Its all sensationalized opinion peices pushing some general worldview with a set of ulterier motives. Journalists might report something thats true, but in a way that makes something seem bad or good when it isn't. Or they could leave out details that are important for the whole picture. Another factor is that the editors of certain publications will only publish a small selection of storys. Editors work closely with the corporate end of news agencys to ensure nothing the corporate leaders don't want published is.

As if purchasing a country is out of the question for other countries. Low IQ detected. Kill yourself.

When are you going to bring up Russia? Maybe it's a Russian Conspiracy. You ever shove that dildo up your faggot ass?

Atleast we not in worldwar 3 now so give him credit where its appropriate. Better trump than some warmongering democrat who just itches to nuke the shit out of everything only to take first supersonic flight to israel to hideout as of we jews have absolutely not started ww3.

Stop with the fake Russian conspiracies. Vladimir Putin is a very good man. Donald Trump even said so.

True, it was a victory for everyone not to have Hitlery as pres., and this comes from an actual communist.

There was no evidence of collusion, and if there was we would already know about it. We don't need evidence of some grand conspiracy to know the Trump is a bad president. In fact, every president we have had has been bad, and every president in the future will be too.

its closer to other places it was probably a strategic never know till you try

I hear AOC is going to make your country great again if she ever figures out how to come up with however many trillions of dollars she needs to put her golden plan into action.

AOC is an idiot. Like I said I'm a communist, but she makes the left look really stupid with the shit she says sometimes. I agree with some points he has, but I wouldn't trust her to write sound policy at all. Especially with regard to the economic factors of any of her plans.

Assuming she could magically come up with the trillions of dollars she needs, do you think her golden plan is a good idea (money aside)?

You mean the help the Puerto Rican libtard gov. held and wouldn't give out until they got pay outs?

This is not a typical Trump quirk. He actually thinks he can 'order' American companies to leave China and return home. He's crossed a big line with this one. Emperor Trump.

You mean the Green New Deal? I haven't read the specifics of that plan, so I have no idea. I do believe in climate change, and also agree that something needs to be done to slow, and eventually stop the primary causes of it. I have no idea about her plan specifically.

It probably is though

Yeah and that crazy sumbitch Andrew Johnson buying Alaska. How about that retard Thomas Jefferson and that Louisiana purchase!

I voted for him and I have traveled on five continents. How many for you sweetie?

No the OP was quite explicit in his thoughts when he began "That retard".

Yeah that's the one. I couldn't remember what it was called so I was just calling it her golden plan, but you're right, it is the Green New Deal.