Can somebody describe the feeling of crystal meth in your own words. I’m curious and want tho try it

Can somebody describe the feeling of crystal meth in your own words. I’m curious and want tho try it.

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Think of all the junkies and lowlives youve ever seen. Dumpster diving for food, losing any self respect, all their money goes to that drug, etc. Its that good. Stay away

Thanks for the advice, i’l will stick with cocain and some ssri’s then

It’s not as good as heroin, but it is good for helping you get through heroin withdrawals

Also what method of ingestion? This changes the feeling

>in your own words
Gwee ersrop ugnrx brevno frlo. Mrxdup haggan tutrif gormndi.

Sugar is way worse than crystal coke but Your body got used to it. I say overdose the shit and you will get used to it

can you come back in a few years and tell us how is san fransisco? I'm curious.

As someone who has snorted crystal meth only about 10 times

Since it seems you have tried coke I can say this

Assuming you get the real deal crystal, (about 4 out of the 10 times I did it, it was absolute crap, it was the real deal but very weak) I don't know what smoking or mainlining it is like I have only ever snorted it but, when it was good, holy fucking dick balls, imagine the best coke you have ever done, now multiply that by 5, no exaggeration here, 5 times better, and your probably still not close. The thing I hate about coke is it never lasts more than an hour at very most, crystal, were talking minimum 4 straight hours (when snorted at least) The high is 5 times better it lasts like 5 times as long, however, if you ever grind your teeth on coke, you better buy some bubblegum or you will grind those fuckers straights off. Its always hard to describe it to people that don't do drugs, but if you have done coke it's easy to describe, it's like that but so sooo much more, It is great honestly would have to recommend trying it (actual strong stuff) at least once before you die. It is was like everything I loved about coke to the extreme in sensation, duration, also its cheap.

Downsides: full day of horrible hangover, 3 total days until back to normal, you can function, but it's like the world goes to black and white for the days after you do it, everything is muted, your exhausted, it sucks, doesn't suck enough to make it not worth it, but it should be considered, again you can function just not well.

Long story short if you like coke you may love this, some people find it overwhelming, out of all the drug buds I've ever had no one disliked it, also don't get addicted, the is a reason it hooks so many people, you really do feel like you have super powers, you are goddamn unstoppable, sleep....unnecessary just do more, everything you do is at least twice as productive, for the first 24 hours, after that things go downhill, idk I could keep going

2 minute rush, followed by being up for the next 25 hours unless you have sleep meds
Good for studying and working
Bad for health teeth hydration and peace of mind

i have dreams about using it still. cravings. its truly evil. stay away

I would also add, if you smoke it or inject it you are probably much more likely to get hooked, from what I understand it is very different, comes on much faster, stronger and has a much higher chance at really leaving an imprint on you ya can't shake, I did it like 5 years ago, haven't come close to doing it again, I would recommend that if you do try it, only snort it, probably have a better shot at not forming a habit (though it is still very likely you will get hooked). Idk I have met like 3 people who were on it 1 year plus, and 1 dude still was when I talked to him, the thing they all had it common was they smoked it, in fact when i asked "when did you know you were hooked?" they all said "after I smoked it for the first time" now most started with snorting it and moved onto smoking then shooting, but the jump from snort to smoke is what they said did it, I would advise against that to give yourself a better shot at not getting hooked, I mean Christ, I snorted it and it was the most amazing "upper" high I have ever got, there really is no need to do anything other then snort if the stuff is quality, although it will burn like nothing you have put up there before

When I first tried it I did a small line, burned so much and the high was amazing. Pure ecstasy and the shit you normally avoid doing becomes the norm. Fapping was hella good. I use it to feel normal now, I always up the ante but the high only last like 2-3 hours tops. Don't do it man

I know this is turning into a novel but assuming you are serious I feel a need to convey my findings on the subject

If you do it, don't stay at home, you need to be out and about, mixing with alcohol is dangerous but advised, however dont drink too much, you will feel as though the alcohol isn't affecting you but it is. Get some strong liquor take a couple shots, wait for it to hit, then snort that shit, then be very aware of how much you are drinking throughout the rest of the night, you want to stay in a state where you would feel safe driving, (don't drive though, bad idea, you can have as much fun in a parked car or better yet bar hopping or hiking) the booze will help with the negative side effects like agitation, restlessness, nausea (hard to believe but it does), and also it will make the experience just overall much better, in fact I would highly advise against not drinking with it. Me and a bud did it minus the booze a couple of the times, we both agreed it was pointless, borderline uncomfortable. now. you will blow through cigarettes if you smoke so come prepared, u will probably smoke twice as many as you normally do. The best case scenario would be if you like bars, get a friend to DD don't do it by yourself get a buddy to do it with who isn't driving and go hit bars, if bars aren't your thing, again get a DD and go for a walk if you live in an interesting city or a hike if you live in the country. That is what I found to enjoy the most, anything where you are stuck in one place is inadvisable, unless you have a lot of shit to do or people to talk to. Music is also a must, anything to keep your mind occupied, good luck OP be smart, try it responsibly, get a DD or a sober friend to be with you just in case things don't go to plan

Pop some adderall it’s low dose meth essentially

There are things in life you shouldn't fuck with. This is one of them...


The absolute state

one god damn final thing OP, if you have a well manged life and you are looking to explore the entire human experience I would advise trying it no more than a few time, if you are depressed and looking for a way out, just know this will be it and for gods sake be prepared for outcome. There is nothing wrong with trying any drug you want a few times, it is incredibly dangerous to try hard drugs at a bad point in your life, always keep in mind what is pushing you towards the thought of doing it and act accordingly

Small chuckle

I shot meth for like 1 year, it was pretty nuts. But pretty fun. Lots of sex all nighters. Good times, but to stay in the past. Would not do again.

People say it's addictive, maybe it is a little, but it's certainly not as addictive as smoking or heroin.

Honestly. I have no
Idea why people like it or get hooked. I have done it about 10 times in my life, all it did was keep me up forever. Yeah there is a rush for a bit, but that was it. After i was just annoyed by the way I felt.

No euphoria nothing for me. I have snorted and smoked.

Just for reference I have done a shitload of come and opiates. Even shot smack(now that is awesome), but meth just never did anything for me. The people I was with doing lost there shit. Loving it, but I hate the shit.

clearly you like downers instead of uppers. heroin is the anti meth