I want to fucking die because of a girl. She will never love me again there's no hope

I want to fucking die because of a girl. She will never love me again there's no hope.

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The least u can do is livestream it buddy

Fuck her dude.
She ain't worth it to even rape her.
Fuck the slut.
Bitch she is.

Move on. Plenty of vagina on Earth, stop becoing one.

ridiculous. Don't be a simp.

She's not a slut I'm just a loser I know it's all my fault. I hate myself so much.

There's gold in my balls.

Just think of this frog everytime you think of her

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Be a hero, there is no hapiness, you will onoy go deeper into the abyss from now on.

What a fucking loser right here. Man up fuckface, no woman really "loves" anyone.

It’s all right user, we’ll all find love.


Not to be a misogynist but fuck them. Seriously the game is rigged in their favor. The best thing to do is to love yourself (without hating them) and just do you. Go mgtow monk mode. Better yourself and find your own happiness in life independent of women. Everything they offer can he found elsewhere usually simpler. Maintain a healthy relationship with friends and family, travel, find hobbies, and jerk it a lot; no prostitutes though. You'll make it bro.

Do a flip when you jump faggot.

the seas are toxic and filled with fukked up fish. go get another and stop crying. theyll all basically the same, once they drop the front. dont be fooled and move on.


I know.

How old are you, boy?

I have felt like that in the past. I have had two long-term failed relationships in my live. Have two kids.

Look lil nigga, its not the end. She will be fucking some nigga in less than a month while you'll be crying to sleep and fapping to trap threads. ITS NOT WORTH IT. Go on with your life just as she is going to do. Start dating again. Fuck a couple of hood rats. You'll be feelin aight pretty quick. Trust ya boy.

Guess what? Remember those failed relationships I had? I fuck both of them regularly. Be a man.

empty your balls,if it goes away it wasn't love

No you dont, but you will. Edry fuckin day, hoping itll get better, maybe ill go to the gym, or get a job or a promotion or do something that really really means something.
But just getting sucked into that black hole in your psyche that just wraps the reality towards abyss and nothing

You missed out on life by being superficial.

Haha, even better. You cant ever absolve yourself from tht one.

don't believe this shit

Let me tell you a story user, this was about a year ago.

>Be me
>17 year old edge lord with shit self esteem
>new people join discord server
>one was a girl
>we have a group call with the boys
>she joins
>we talk and enjoy one another
>soon she starts solo calling me
>we share the same sense of humor
>she gets flirty
>my dumbass doesn't pick up on it at first
>one night she confesses to me
>Turns out she doesn't live far, only a few miles away
>she has self esteem problems too. I help her out with them when they happen
>a few months pass
>ask her on a date
>we meet
>we watch a movie with a dog shit ending
>buy pizza for us
>she doesn't want it
>nothing else happens
>go home with a box of pizza in my backpack
>Feel like shit
>text her for clarification
>I have a feeling of depression over me
>only few times I've ever said I felt depressed
>I tell her all this
>she says she wants to be friends again
>Be pissed off until the end of time

A girl broke up with me cause I did the same thing she did, only I was honest with her.


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got a girlfriend? Don't want a girlfriend.
Got no girlfriend? Absolutely want a girlfriend.

That's the way the story goes

If i was this miserable depressed id literly give the bitch my chloroform glove.

include me in the screenshot

Weakling scum.

Textbook beta.
>Honest with her

There's like 1.5 billion more vaginas you could practice on, get over it.

ONEitis is a heroin fix.

You do know I was literally in the same position, and said the same things as you before I got a girl.

You will find that the stupid whore did you a favor. Trust me on this. Not bragging but I've always dated models, 9/10 girls, etc. They are all the same, go out with the boys, have some drinks, etc., and enjoy life. Bitches aren't worth it. In six months to 1 year you will have forgotten about her. Stop being selfish and making everyone around you miserable.

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Don't let one one bitch bring you down. Move the fuck on.

Being honest and expressing feelings is a feminine trait feom a game point of view.
Its a turn off coming from a man.

same history for me


kill her and yourself. you'll be together in the afterlife. stop sobbing degenerate cuck



Imagine being a guy and thinking a very specific trait like being feminine is a turn off for ALL girls. Honestly i'd sooner take a girl that could kick my ass before one that's smaller and dumber. It's hot as fuck, and opens a lot of doors for unique foreplay. Bring some variety to your life.


After taking care of a girl for years. She stops regularly fucking me, stops timely texting me, tells me she doesn’t care about me anymore. Obviously break it off, but still can’t stop thinking about her. Go out last night, and get a blowjob from a tinder girl. Still hurts, but definitely turned the volume down on it. Day at a time OP, and casual sex. You’ll be fine, you don’t need a woman to define you

Fellas, we got him.

In todays world all kind of shit works.
But still you are a beta and effminate male.
This is textbook alpham.youtube.com/watch?v=968yNvFiVH0
He might be a piss poor human being, but of all the adjectives to describe him, beta is not one of them.

Op read the book calld the rational male.


Matteo stop

Bitches ain’t shit bruh just get you ass outta bed and stop crying instead put Yea Forums go get a haircut drink whiskey go out and get some botches on yo dick

Shit happens now put down your fucking sad playlist with 200 xxxtentacion songs and move yo ass on

Same dude :))))

It's more of a fantasy, like jerking off on an airplane

Helemaal niet best

I think you got fetish confused with preference

Op is a faggot.

trip on mado

3d girls are incapable of loving, get over it, nigger.

You did.

There was an attempt

Yea Forums is literally made out of beta males, why else do you think we're all here? hell, you're probably one yourself.

Haha just a beta thinking everyone is a beta.
Cuck behaviour is not normalacy.
Its weak and effiminate.

ah yes the ultra alpha has spoken

Ask yourself this.

Is it worthy of my death?

If your going to die, make sure it worth dying for. Think of the afterlife. If your going to hell, earn your place.

“She broke my heart so I killed myself” is a crap story. Live a better one.

And don’t spend too long in the shit. You’ll start to enjoy it and be like the trash here

Once you die, reality ceases to exist for you, so does not matter what story

that fella, it's right, don't kill yourself for a pussy.. for real bro.. my ex broke up with me a 6 months ago,now i have a new girl,so.. the thing is.. never ever be depressed for any one.. I almost put a 40. shot in my head, but the cigarettes and the time helped me..

Don't kill yourself.

My now-ex just admitted (this morning) she cheated on me with her "best friend" back in January. Then she broke up with me in order to try and make it work with him.

This shit fucking sucks, I want to just disappear and I hate this feeling but it'll get better, I hope. Her friends said I'm too good for her and that she's just a shitty person inside and out.

Just hang in there, bro.

Hey man it’s her loss I’m sure you’re a great dude