Other urls found in this thread:
i dont know what this means
that's gross
Hey, how's it going?
It's going.
How are you
This is used to identify a specific person or thing close at hand or being indicated or experienced.
I'm fine.
show akari tits or i'll curse you
Up to anything?
Maybe gonna watch some anime later, what about you?
Work.. work...
I'm at work right now
Oh yeah, of course.
what kind of work do you do?
user I do not understand
ohioos hows frens doinssssss!!!
saw birbs again today
they were hopping around
nu bunnies in sight
that concludes todays bun bun birb news
hows doin!!
am gonna draw tsunderes for robo user soon!!
woops forgot adorable nanachu!!
Doing good, you?
morning wasss aawfulll
arm hurtte real bad!
it doesnt hurt anymore so can draw for robo user!!
walked around lil bit and saw hopping birbs
they were the caw type
i wish i could see more bun buns around here
but i dun think there are any
just foxes
those eat bun buns
What happened to your arm?
the foxes are meanies
bun bun tip of the day
if youre stuck in the wilderness and alone nu food
dun eat bun buns
consuming bun buns takes more from the body than gives
so leave bun buns alone!!
i think
i played too much skyrim
foxes can be coot
remind me of raccoons and red pandas
then what can I eat when stuck in the wilderniss?
i recomennddd
and like
berries some plants
and something like
dont get stuck in wilderness!!!
no worris
I don't go out in wild anyway
too scari!
Fuck, that's how it be sometimes
dun worrys!!
lets go togethers!!
bun buns gonna protect you with wildbunbun skills!!
master of all elements and animals!!
forest whisperer!
Okay, sound good!
When u want go?
uhhh i dun know where you is...
What have all of you been doing?
i was doing this and now i flashed android phew hard workss
now it done
i draw tsunderess
mabs make meatybals an eat them
hows you does
at home
nothing really
sniff sniff
cant smell food
cant finds you..
maby adventure other time then...
I spent all day yesterday and a bit of today reading Vinland Saga. I fortunately finished the series today so I ended up taking out the garbage and bought groceries.
Also was checking some stores to see if they sold new tablet styluses.
oki thennn
how fishy taste?
Hey muffin do you want me to talk about my Manga?
it taste..
what you but in my fish!!
yes pleas!
today i stay awake lil longer
wanna draw robo anons tsundere promis
Who's robo user?
So the setting of the manga has become saturated in magical power. Some places are more magical than others, those are called the Wildlands by the people of Arslasia.
The wildlands have so much magical power that it is very impractical, difficult, and dangerous to live in, consequently they are most often avoided by people.
This magic, had many properties, but what I think you would like is what it does to living beings.
this is very early today, friend!
Hello is this I love you all chan?
hello seras! are you well today?
i named him robo user cause he posts robots n stuff so
robo user
what it does to magic to peplo?!!?
Better than yesterday. I actually got some groceries and tried to find new stylus tips.
I see! what are the stylus for?
I'm Chinatsu
Anyway drunk again, feel like literally scum. Made my little sister who looks like Mai eat a sandwich which I had secretly put my cum into. I’m so fucked in head
i mean its just bunch of like atoms n stuff it will go away someday anyway if that helps at all...
Did you draw that?! That's great I wish I could draw that good.
When animals are exposed to alot of this energy, it Grant's them greater strength, and a faster metabolism. It also will cause mutations, corresponding with the creatures genetic traits. The mutations, can help or hinder the creature, in its survival.
If one animal eats another they will absorb their magical energy, consequently animals at the top of the food chain, usually have the most of this power.
Drawling, I'm trying to work on a Manga.
Oh now that I look closer she does have a different hairdo, and color.
The lighting made it hard to tell the colour, and Aki is shown wearing a hood like that sometimes.
This Mai guy is a fucken creep....soz
nu uh!!
peplo stop rising the thingy of skill!!
im not that good!!
so much presure!!
uu that sounds like Elonas etherwind
but it was just evil wind that mutated you and other people every now and then
like you get big head +1 intelegences
cant wait to get to read entire story!!
Wow Madara...
did she know there was Cum in it?
Been told I'm a racist. Not racist, just don't like nogs and pakis. Know what I mean? Anyone else been called a racist for no reason?
Am I in the right place?
I want to herald the times of meat and mirth.
I bring images of Hex Maniac and on occasion, cursed things.
Got a cup of tea and a cigarette to restore my mana points.
Let's me put magical Creatures into the world.
Even have something like a Kaiju.
You could say that some creature grew 30 feet tall, because of some mutation, and some kind of body enhancements due to the magic allows them to support their massive weight.
Could even have some creatures gain a form of sentience, and stuff like that.
I'm just talking about my (to be)Manga's magic system, with Bunny Muffins.
No...anyway I better sleep too drunk. Saying stuff I shouldn’t.
i made joke about gypsys
how they are called here
romaani meaning novel in english weird right?
and like i told my sister
why are here so many romans this isnt a libary
and my sister called me racist
hello hex maniac seller
i would like your best hex maniacs
thank you
ya big guys sound like fun
and fast too
and spoopy too
and mysterious too
chapter about exploring one of those zones sounds like fun
i bet those zones will bring alot of
"he was a good stalker" moments i like em
Oooh, interesting. What does that entail?
Are there different types of magic?
Been trying not to talk about myself because it's a bad habit I have so any conversation point is good for that.
Magical Girls Best Girls.
Would you like your Maniacs EXTRA THICC?
You'd think /x/ would love many Hex Maniacs.
That would be one (You) and I got change for a Bun too.
I got called racist just because I recognise differences between human subspecies. Like Sub-Saharan Africans have lower IQs than Caucasians and Orientals. Know what I mean? How is that racist? It's just basic science and everyone knows pakis are the ones throwing acid and stabbing people all over the place.
I think an Ark will be about Skyler venturing into the Wildlands in Ottawa, along with Warren's Mercenary band, to hunt down the Great Beast(thinking it would be some kind of Giant Sentient Lion or Wolf)that had been rumoured to dwell there.
One type of magic, but two different ways it is used.
Wait I meant Toronto, sorry dont know Canada
It isnt clear that those studies, are reflecting racial differences, or cultural ones. Also it is laughable you would call them subspecies, considering humans are one of the least Genetically diverse species.
Cool. Lemme guess, defense and offense?
Do youtube links automatically embed or do I have to do some typey shit?
Eh no
To be honest I still havent decided alot on one of the methods.
Basically chaotic/Magical Energy can be used to enhance/change the body, or be channelled to do things like spells and stuff.
Most of the first few arks focus on body enhancement, because the MC was Born one, but I hope to flesh out the Magei at a later point once the setting is better established.
Sounds cool. Sorry, gotta go to bed. Nervous of my neighbour.
I don't know my friend, you're telling me that a german shepherd and a chihuahua are a two different subspecies but a Negroid and a Caucasoid are the same species? Come on now. There are clear differences, the skull and the brain shape, different body muscle development, etc. Just like there are clear differences between a dachshund and a corgi, we are related but we aren't the exact same species.
Also, pic related presents a pretty clear pattern. I don't want to get into a debate, just making a point.
no thank you
1 regular Hex Maniacs
hmmm thats different from my case
ooo hunting!
i was about to say stuff
but i was just thinking about it
then i yawned and workotted what i was about to say
ill try think of it again but really tired
maby just go sleep...
Well I don't think that you were racist, cracking a joke once in a while is not racist.
A map of civilisational development would look the same.
I think most of the differences in IQ are due to Cultural attitudes.
I hate niggers as much as you probably do, but blaming it on race is an oversimplification.
Get some sleep Muffin, I can talk more about it tomoro. Still havent spoken about how it effects people.
>A map of civilisational development would look the same.
Indeed, while Europeans were exploring the world and further advancing science the common Negro in Africa still had not invented the wheel. The Orientals too somewhat stagnated in their development, though they too greatly contributed to science, engineering, etc. But, I do agree that cultural attituteds have an impact on IQ, but I would say that only to a certain degree. You see there are certain genes that some human subspecies are more or less likely to inherit and that can help and explain the differences in IQ. Negroes in the USA have a higher average IQ than negroes in Africa, why is that? Because an average negro can trace their heritage back to some white ancestors down their family tree. I believe IQ differences come down to nature not nurture, but nurture can indeed have an impact on IQ development.
I don't hate negroes, just don't like them, they are an annoyance to me. I wouldn't mind them living in Africa.
why muffin...
Because you are my fwuffy lil bunny Muffins.
Now go to sleep.
am not!!
a fwuffyy!!
or even a muffyn!!!
Yes you are muffin
Now get some sleep
I fucking love Joel
l-lazer chan sayd!!
i-i shouldnt be bullied and should stand up for myself!!
s-so stay back or ill stab you!!!
God... I'm so horny
I no bully muffin I just wuv you too much to not give you a name as cute as you lil muffin.
Come on muffin get some sleep you know you need it.
I don't know... spoon me. ;(
What are you going to do about it?
okay but no homo
fine ill sleep
but not because you told me to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My weeb level is too low what the fuck is going on lmao
Go on
You keep cutting the wrong way dumbass
do you like my knifes?
im gonna stap the bully with these
You like this huh?
me too get's me really hard
Hello friends :)
Do it the other way it's more fun
Hello we are bullying Suicide chan
whats that suppose to mean
ill stab you too if i have to!!!
dont threaten me ill stab you!!
i knew it youre a bully!! ill stab you!!
Like it? No. But I'm bored. So chop chop. (heh, chop chop)
That's what i said
shut up you fluffy little thing
die already
It's self harm not suicide idiots
hmph why arent you guys afraid of me!!!
no racist just don't like them, simple as.
Let's be frens and kill the bullies together they make me do things like this
and after we got our revenge on the meanies
we do this
Noone Yells at Muffin!
I wouldn't bully you muffin.
no bullying!!
I wish I could join these wholesome threads, but I don't have a primary waifu or anything I identify with, so I just lurk. For ages.
I just want to feel something
What about nepgear?
Cut deeper
im only trying to scare them to stop the bulli words!!
not m-murder them!!
not like i like them!!
just like !!
shut up!!
they started!!
And Nepgya isn't my waifu. There is none. I just currently adore the adorableness. In a week, there will be something else I'm fanboing about.
good post I like it
It's ok muffin, Suicide chan likes it
Bother me, tell me awful things
You know I love it when you do that
Helps me get through this without you
Bother me, tell me awful things
You know I love it when you do that
Helps me get through this without you
Bother me, tell me awful things
You know I love it when you move that on me
Love it when you do that on me
You like attention, I find it obvious
She makes it obvious for me
She feels the tension
It's just the two of us, it's just the two of us tonight
Burn me down 'til I'm nothin' but memories
I get it, girl (I get it, girl)
I get it, girl
Burn me down 'til I'm nothin' but memories
I get it, girl (I get it, girl)
I'm not the one
Bother me, tell me awful things
You know I love it when you do that
Helps me get through this without you
Bother me, tell me awful things
You know I love it when you move that on me
Love it when you do that on me
Don't you turn your back on me
Let your teardrops fall on me
Speeding away, the city in the rear view
Heart racing whenever I'm near you
Goth Boi jumpin' on stage
Carry me away, carry me away
Burn me down 'til there's nothing left
I will scream your name with my last breath
Take off your favorite dress
Lay your head on my chest
Diamonds, rubies and gems
You can have all of them
i dont like that user
it creeps me out!!
why isnt he getting help!!
is he just delusional..
or baiting us all!!
Ask Dyatlov.
anime nigger
i cant he died!!
13. Christmas 1995!!!
I'm still here comrade. And you're just delusional.
Dont worry muffin its bait, or someone with a Gore fetish that's what I'm betting on
You like that dont you.
Hi Aki I'm just screwing around with the fetishists
akari observes anime posters again
what does he see
does he sees bunnies?
i wanna see too!!
dont steal all the bunny attentions akari!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
am tired ok...
lady, where has your love gone
your front part is quite... big
Dey are mine
Now I hide
Satan loves his fetishes
It went with the drugs
so that flute is actually a bong?
we can scare them away with our knifes and they'll never say mean words to us
Ehe yeah
Imagine he does
Hewwo cute Yea Forums uwu
Let me think... YES
You need sharper knives.
they arent afraid of me...
just say..
owcies haha that tickles fluffy one:>
hello messanger boy!!
can you deliver message for me?
Yes, of course I can muffin.
to whom?
Nepgya also don't have a ton of usable pics. But cap is very true.
Kaori Miyazono from Your Lie in April is a strong contender, but don't like using a waifu with such a depressing end.
to robo user!!
if you see him
can you please tell
ohio this bunbun (not muffin in case dum bully says from muffin)
didnt draw today..
got too tired!!
come here tomorrow and you get picture of drawing it ready i promis!!
message was sent
24/08/19 (not na way) 2:09 am UTC+3
thank you!!
Got it.
I no bully, you never told me to call you bun bun
So are we ok bun bun?
ew spider hands
nu uh
he calls me bun bun
i dun have official name here
everyone just calls me variations of bunny
Can I call you Muffin please?
i dont think i can stop you..
you wanted to taste me last time i smacked you...
What do you want me to call you then?
And I was never gonna eat you, I only eat people.
i dunno
call me what ever i guess.....
just dont laugh at me!!
I never would never laugh at you muffin.
did you see the drawing i showed other anons?!?!
wanna shows you
then i go sleps okies
21 day!! Wednesday!!
Its next wednesday?
nu i ment i showed it this wednesday!
yes the bullies are never gonna bother us stupid meanies (>.
I think I remember something from Wednesday. I should have saved it.
pudding ruined...
o oki nvm then!!
ill comit one nanachi from
the great nanachi week of nanachi on nanachi!!
to you!!
what kind of nanachi does you want!!
Now keep sliding it back and forth.
The Evilest one
ill be the one that doesnt get stabbed cause like
that guy is a vampire or something and it doesnt care n stuff
added to list!!
only poke noses
kissings too lewd
Go to sleep muffin.
You need to keep your bunny mind sharp.
Very cool. Always do what you're passionate about, unless it causes physical harm to others.
based nanachiposter
You aren't muffin.
No new thread?
are u a pedo