This is a man. how does that make you feel?

this is a man. how does that make you feel?

Attached: bf8a04df70f552dc47f8e7ae87aa8e67.jpg (1024x1280, 91K)



Makes me feel like I wanna see more! Source?


No way

i feel like...'post moar'

Not even remotely surprised.

Viky is not a man though

Vicktoria D btw
Hides the buldge so well

Attached: 628d20f7aee67777c7b386e0d30c2664.jpg (170x212, 7K)

men are better than women at being a woman

Not a man. Lies clearly you can see a dick

Attached: 56468354_640235343088847_6114916544321449290_n.jpg (797x958, 101K)


Post her site

Sauce please sir.

...that's disappointing...

Not a man

Confused and aroused

Bullshit. My dick never lies, and that is a girl, born with a vagina.

Attached: Rc2eQ1iAo6i-1152x715.jpg (1152x715, 172K)

I would like to fuck that very much

please explain

i want to fuck it, whatever it is

Not gonna lie even if that was a trap I'd wank to that, porn made me a degenerate

Who is she faggot?


As user said, Viktoriya D.

Attached: 57110033_1181385198706715_7255563232631103820_n.jpg (1080x1351, 111K)

This is a dog.

Attached: Dog.jpg (920x460, 93K)

makes my dick confused

Attached: Becalitheconfused_o_71932.jpg (700x743, 52K)

I do not care if it has a male in it ID.
What i care if it has a dick or female organs.
If it has felame organs then it all right if it is a male just after xyz operations he is still mental ill even if the WHO did take it of the list via VOTE in the 90´s. Not that there were some high grade studies on this field just a pure SJW move.

Might be the best trap I've ever seen.

That's because she's not a trap, she's a skinny real teenage girl. This isn't complicated.

I would worship her body and worship her cock


Why did OP lie to us?

Sad. I'd prefer beautiful and graceful guy with some feminine traits to love him forever.

Its very uneasy for me perceive a man as a woman and if its a woman then I’ll think about her in a completely different way - I may like her, but in terms of romance I will never experience the feelings that I can have for a guy

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To try to make others insecure in their sexual orientation because he feels guilty about being so attracted to traps, I assume.

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sauce pls

Why is OP such a fagg i wonder

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I’m just amazed at how well she hides her dick

eastern european girls are the best girls

Disgusted that science developed the means to let this happen

horny af?

pretty fucking good op

Well maybe because it's OP... :)

Boy oh boy that makes me boy-pussy tingly.

Is this her? From her patreon?