I'm 21 and I've had sex with 68 boys, not counting blowjobs

I'm 21 and I've had sex with 68 boys, not counting blowjobs.
I know this is a little high, but exploring my sexuality doesn't disqualify me from marriage and raising kids.

I'm so sick and tired of guys who need to feel special, like only they can give me an orgasm or something.
Why do boys have such fragile egos?

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Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?safe=off&client=ms-android-tmus-us-revc&source=android-browser&ei=AwxgXf3zK6zX5gLZuaKACw&q=scientifically proven&oq=scientificly&gs_l=mobile-gws-wiz-serp.1.1.0i10i70i249j0i10l7.1716360.1726950..1728294...4.0..0.91.779.9......0....1.......8..35i39j46i39j0i67j0j46j0i131j0i131i67.hj_lH5sDVJE

go away whore.

cringe op, cringe.

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In a row?


fuck off you slutty cunt. You would be a disgrace as a mother with your 68 cocks youve taken

Ritz and timestamp or gtfo

I completely agree, my dear. Prepare for vigorous sodomy.

Correct Randall response to this obvious bait thread


I wouldn't tell my kids, silly. Hell, I probably wouldn't even tell my husband.

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Its been scientifically proven that after a certain amount of sexual partners a woman is no longer capable of pair bonding with one partner, therefore leading to a higher probability of infedility. In other words, eat shit and die alone roastie.

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God help the idiot that would end up with you.

Tits or gtfo

Look im a female i can get asked by 100 boys and aceept everyone of them to fuck me
Look im a male i can ask 100 girls and 5 only says maybe and it takes weeks to stuff my dick in


lol, what sort of incel scientist woke up one day and decided he was going to perform that study.

They will both figure it out.
The husband when he can double fist you up to his elbows
your child when it falls out of your wretched womb at 6 months

>I'm 21 and I've had sex with 68 boys
don't worry, I know a few cheerleaders at my college who fucked +40 fratbros just at a frat party at their freshman year. Imagine how many guys they fucked the whole year.

99% sure this is bait, but if it isn't:

"Exploring your sexuality" (being a skank) is fine, but don't expect any decent man to want to explore that cavernous hole you call your vagina.

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And you complain about Yea Forums being nothing but porn these days.

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Well I'm sure you could of fucked 360 a year so 68 ain't that bad.

Most young men are possessive in their 20s, no big deal it passes, they will eventually get sick of you.

Go ahead and keep going just be safe! But stop trying to act like a man, do you really want to keep fucking 3 guys a night? Or would you rather submit to 1 amazing guy who loves you. We both know the answer to that.


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Your dna is probably more theirs than yours

>having sex with 68 guys will stretch out your vagina
>having the exact same amount of sex with only one guy and you'll be as tight as a virgin

Have sex

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>damage control
What kind of roastie woke up ine day and decided they were going to cope with ad hominens without actually looking into it. Infos out there "roast beef flaps" or "sausage down a fucking hallway". Your rancid cunt is no place to raise a child.

post nudes

Anal and gang bangs too?

Do you have HPV?

I'm 21 and I have so many daddy issues and insecurities I cannot live with the fact somebody even possesses an ego to begin with, therefore I let anybody abuse my body as they please because I value myself 0, which is exactly what I expect to count the moment I decide I had enough dicks and I can start leeching a good man and his will to build a life. Of course I won't tell him I'm a vapid cunt, and I'll make him feel special just a little bit, as long as his credit card keeps working.

Well, 1/10 for making me reply to the larp, I just wanted to say in the 1% case this is true that you're actually nothing special and we already know most women are just like you, and we're just down to be ok with this as long as you keep quiet when requested to do so, as it's been for centuries.
Nothing special.

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go larp somewhere else faget

>i am a woman



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Only 68 at 21? You're almost a fucking virgin. Modern sluts have like 1000 partners by the age of 18.

Did someone say #HELCH

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This bread is now a #HELCH bread!

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Wow, those are rookie numbers, I'm a dude and by the time I was 21 I had 20 bastard children


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Cheers for originality though

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please do describe the best and worst dick you have had

Not her fault she's fat an ugly

marry me

>fucked 68 "boys"
>sucked a LOT more than that
>this magically doesn't lower her value as a person and/or disqualify her from marriage or raising kids even though she has absolutely destroyed her chances of ever forming a strong and loving bond with any one individual
>somehow this useless ultra low value cum rag deserves our respect and adoration
>men need to "man up" and just accept this used up heap of diseased trash as the goddess it feels it is
Big yikes. Probably the biggest of yikes ever. Yikes

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Worthless whore

What is a whore, a miserable pile of meat

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Girl that's gross, have some respect for yourself. Either try to minimize exposure to diseases and find stability or attempt to find love outside of sexual pleasure(it may be fake but it's better than being a lustful wretch.)

i am like that with women lol

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>scientifically proven

Boys? You're not a teacher are you?

I have sucked a lot of dick, I'm not going to lie. I lost count. If I had to guess, It'd be at least a hundred. I remember a spring break where my girlfriends and I had a competition to see which one of us could suck the most dick in one week. I won, but only because I went into the public boys bathroom, hid in a stall and offered a blowjob to every guy who walked in alone.

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I got u fam
google.com/search?safe=off&client=ms-android-tmus-us-revc&source=android-browser&ei=AwxgXf3zK6zX5gLZuaKACw&q=scientifically proven&oq=scientificly&gs_l=mobile-gws-wiz-serp.1.1.0i10i70i249j0i10l7.1716360.1726950..1728294...4.0..0.91.779.9......0....1.......8..35i39j46i39j0i67j0j46j0i131j0i131i67.hj_lH5sDVJE

I know right? I hear about ppl who think 4-5 partners is a lot. Bullshit lol fuck as much as you can, just don't catch nothing

>I've had sex with 68 boys
Come back when you hit 69 and can say something funny about it

LARP or not this sounds exactly like 3 of my most recent exes (ages 19, 22, and 34). Borderline is a terrible thing which is being inculcated in children and the general population via smol hat domination of the narrative. People are being deliberately lead down a path to personal and societal destruction. That's called judaization; whereby groups are being encouraged to feel that they are special and important simply by virtue of existing, and they're always right and good no matter what they say or do. Females and black/brown people are the easiest to manipulate and that's why all media is geared toward them.

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why? almost like you think it is something you aren't meant to do

tbh I'd feed this girl my cock, balls, and cum. I know this is a LARP thread and all. But I really love getting my dick sucked and have been "friends" with cocksuckers before where we just hang out, drink, smoke, and they suck my dick\. I'd never in a million years date any of those girls. But they're a gift from God when you need your dick sucked off.

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It's not about boys though, is it? It's about the fact that you are a whore and you realizing that you are a whore. Whether it's a boy or girl does not matter. No one wants to start a family with an slut.

Get the fuck off Yea Forums

Tits or gtfo

I don't feel guilty about my sex life. But I do realize that I live in a world were society expects us to be ashamed of our sexuality and I'm not so naive as to believe that most guys out there can't handle it when they discover that we don't worship the ground they walk on.

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your numbers do not add up, if u ask 100 girls u are bound to ask atleast 2 or 2 of those girls that fuck everybody, right?

Nice copypasta

NYPA dude. Sorry this bitch hurt you but we're not doing your dirty work for you. Fucking take this shit to /baphomet and see how it works out for you.

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So much strawman and falsehood, so little time

Fatass larping in his basement...

Boys? Boys?? You fucked boys??? You sick pedophile


going to need better bait OP

TOP cringe

OP looks like AOC. I'd smash

Aren't tired already? I mean, larping sooo hard makes one feel sleepy...

I'm 21 and I've had sex with over 68 women , not counting orals.

I'm so sick and tired of women who need to feel special, like only they can give me an orgasm or something.
Why do women have such fragile egos?

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stfu you filthy bitch, no guy will want to have kids with a woman that had been used more than a public bathroom. You just should killyourself, women like you do not deserve any right

>what angry gay boys sound like

Do it like me, I'm 18 years old, W virgin, and only have your first sexual experiences with someone you know will bring something relevant to your life, your ego is fueled by the fact that I feel special for never sitting on a dick

This post XD eventually people will realize that sex is a workout (if you both PHYSICALLY move around) and it TIGHTENS muscles. If it makes u feel any better, am male, have had 3 partners, am 27, am currently trying to avoid my instincts of fucking everyone. I dont like chatting with people unless it is nerdy shit, so I just avoid most people :)

Every human is fragile, sadly.

how can you be so terrible at selecting a mate


>my only marketable skill is being a whore why dont men want me?
Sorry ma'am the position you are applying for has already been filled by someone with more qualifications and self control. Kindly leave the premises or we will have you escorted by security.

>I'm not embarrassed
>I just keep it a secret
Lmaoing at bimbos who think they have a brain.

I'll make you question why God gave you such a fragile face.

>doesn't disqualify me from marriage and raising kids
good luck.

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Just dont expect a traditional relationship from me. All you're good for is dick so that's all you're gonna get. If you want more than just dick then stop being a whore.

Humans are a very erratic and unpredictable species, none of us should be fucking. Humans are too weird and different. We should all avoid each other for the good of the other!

I want to be a whore like this, but has penis. Go try to build a community bitch, and just fuck whore men. I'm tired of being bored and unfufilled.

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Some fat beta having a Larp

>smol hat domination of the narrative

Just stfu and take this dick you stupid bitch

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Since you're so proud of being a slut, wanna fuck?


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It does disqualify you whore. Kill yourself

Why are you such a whore?

Anyone who is mad about someone being a whore, if they do not fear STDs, they themselves are envious of the delights of the person who's humping. Ever since high school, I've been appalled at how retarded people get about sex, it literally made me want to avoid all of you, the way you behaved and treated each other. I'm glad I'm alone and dont have to deal with this type of drama. Fucking teenage angst everywhere.

1 other dick or 1000 other dicks
at the end of the day she still will never be truly yours

your love will me of mere convenience

no hymen no diamond crew

No tits no timestamp
100 replies
Yea Forums is no moar

Fucking this

Nah, you're good. I've had sex with about 70 women and I'm 29. I'm even married and I still get around. It's stupidly easy to have affairs with married women if you're married yourself.

This I just don't get. Are you actually monogamous? Do you actually think, if you got in a relationship, that you wouldn't wanna fuck other people. Retarded hypocrites suck for others. Learn to love yourself for reasons other than sexual purity you faggot.

>mfw a dude DOESN'T walk in alone so you just have to sit their awkwardly hiding from the others while he takes a big shit.

Never want to and never actually doing it are two different things. The difference is we've got the integrity to be loyal, and you don't.

Literally had problems like that in my college tests

>have sex
Found the actual retard that fucks frog women

Nobody fucking wants to be owned or tied down like that. You're mistaking need of ownership/trust that you wont do things I dont like for loyalty.

Most people are simple animals. Their bodily functions and status within their little ape tribes are all they have.

tits or get out, bitch.

OP, the second paragraph of your post is kinda a non sequitur. Like, what does your past history have to do with men feeling special, or with only them being able to bring you to orgasm? Nevermind, I'm leaving the thread.

Sex is never a privilege, it can just be occassionally acquired. People dont always want to fuck, hell, that itself killed my sex drive permanently. I love DIPLOMACY, but humans fuck for vanity it seems anymore.

The fact of the matter is that you’re easy to sleep with. And that means there’s a chance of you cheating on me once we’re married. That’s the short answer.

Pammy baby I told you, you can talk to me stop going to the chan with our problems. You're mine forever honey

Why dont humans actually revolt until rape is legal again?

Not ashamed of your sexuality. That's fine. Society is asking you to be ashamed of being a whore. Spreading HPV, ruining your kegel muscle memory and turning what should be a sacred thing between you and the one you choose to spend the rest of your life with into something cheap.

Stop using larp out of context

why are you LARPing here faggot?

Would you tell your mom how many dudes you’ve fucked?

Then dont ever get married bitch. Even you could be seduced in ANY relationship. You can still be RAPED once you're married. Hopefully neither of those super bad bad things happen to you, or you won't be worth anything after either of those events. Die single, please.


Not to rain on your parade, but you realize that every girl is a degenerate cocksucker for some guy or another, right?

That cute, seemingly chaste an principled girl you spend your time and attention on, and view as girlfriend material? When Chad the 6'4 college baseball player textss at 1am, she'll pay for her own uber to come over and suck his dick, as long as he doesn't tell people about it.

Women don't have honor, or principles, or any real concept or fairness when it comes to men. I've seen it borne out through their actions time and time again: they think that men of different should be held to completely different sets of standards based on how attractive they are. It's part of the reason we didn't let them vote for 3000 years lol.

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WE ARE MONKEYS, YOU FAGGOTS. If you care so much about the future of man, go get a tech degree and do research faglord.

Only the immoral view it like that. It's not ownership, it's commitment based in love. You can't develop love by fucking every guy you see.

Wow I leave Yea Forums for a few years and come back to attention seeking femanons getting what they want without posting tits? I am disappoint

>Tits or GTFO

Men doesn't care about your past.
Boys have fragile ego.


They go find an honorable boy to love, you queero.

Sounds fucking gay, bro.

What in the fuck does rape have to do with anything you stupid cunt? Rape has nothing to do with this conversation autist. All I want is a girl that is loyal and respects me enough to not cheat, and a girl that has had more partners is objectively easier to fuck. Besides I’m not a cheater. I’m a sucker who falls in love with his girlfriends every time, I’ve never cheated on a girl.

kek skank advice to skank

Start cheating, then. Get what you are owed.

So what's the point in being in a relationship at all if none of it is special?

You'll change your mind by 30, mark my words.

No you dumb bitch, society encourages it and your conscious realizes that something is amiss so you try and nullify your guilt by blaming society and pretending to be ashamed. Why didn't you stop at number one if you're so ashamed? You see, you're a typical attention whore and as you age, your value will decrease. Perhaps you could change your life because you do, in fact feel guilty which is why you felt the need to justify yourself by posting here.

who doesn't?

A key that opens many locks is a master key. A lock that gets opened by many keys is a shitty lock. Sad truth.

tits or gtfo

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honestlly good bait op

Im trying to understand this post but it sounds like OP was having a stroke while writing the bait

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It's important to note responses like these are pretty much the only ones that are ever made to a statement like mine It's never "hey no, you're wrong about x, y, and z". It's always:
a) you sound angry and bitter about women
or b) you must have a case of teh gays

It's a good life lesson to mindful of:
When you say something and people don't respond by refuting it, but rather immediately try to attack your character, it usually means you've hit a nerve and they're upset.
Or you're arguing with a 14 year old anonymously on the internet.
Or both.

We want the video

rp truth bomb

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We won't feel special until you fuck our brains out too. You've got to fuck EVERYONE to make us happy.

Is that Brie Larsen? She looks like shit here.

>tfw sister used to think it was hilarious to get naked and roll onto her shoulders with her ass straight up in the air, knees by her head
>tfw I thought she was being gross and always looked away
>tfw all I want is to go back in time and tell my kid self to soak up the image

>strangely masculine
>flat voice and chest
>rectangular body
It's just a tranny mate.

Humans are fucking whores, you! Are you still butthurt that your perfect Disney fantasy relationship isn't going to be real ever?

> is has been

>ut I do realize that I live in a world were society expects us to be ashamed of our sexuality
This is bait but also you’re fucking dumb. Never in human history has this kind of degeneracy been more celebrated.


>Male microchimerism was not infrequent in >women without sons. Besides known >pregnancies, other possible sources of male >microchimerism include ... sexual intercourse.

you're tainted every day a little more and more. It can and will permanently alter you.

ITT: Virgin dudes who dont know how the vagina works.

Lol nah man. I'm letting a bunch of guys who are attacking a whore for being a whore know that its a huge waste of time.

Women like attention; doesn't matter whether it's negative or positive. Whores doubly so. Make a man a victim, and he'll be chastised as a pussy. Make a woman a victim, and she'll leverage it into sympathy from people around her. In many ways, victimhood is strength for them.

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That's a tranny, not an "emcel".

only incels care how many people you've slept with. but if you're dating someone and fucking other guys, you're just a whore and you are disqualified from marriage

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listen here nigger

i had a handful of girls wanting to fuck. good looking girls. literally saying hey lets go fuck after work. guess what? i chose not to. why? because i got something called self respect, im not about to go fuck some rando just because. if i meet a girl and she is the type to fuck around then how do you think she ended up fucking all those people? by having zero self respect.

having zero self respect for yourself bleeds over to other parts of your life. people arent meant to be fucking left and right. it ruins you mentally and can give you all kindz of diseases, all kindz. to each their own do what you want i dont care. if i am one who values sex im going to find someone who also does.


I’m only 20 and I already feel that way.

Brie Larson always looks like shit

nobody who is in their right mind will marry you, let alone get kids with your slutty genes. sounds like your fragile ego is only held by the miles of cock you're accumulating. it's primate instinct to not choose a woman who spreads their legs to any fucker available. woman like you will always just getting used by man, not more.

Well you were dumb.

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I guess enjoy not having sex, despite having options others do not. Seems kinda suspicious to me though...

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I dumped my ex gf because her body count was too high.
Whores aren't good mothers

shave, whore.

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loose lips sink ships

is this chick like 70 or something?

Because sex with girls is enjoyable unless they're ugly, which they obviously weren't because you're sitting here trying to justify it.

>Live action role playing
>Live action
This is the internet

you're a complete whore then.
you don't need a husband and children.
just get a job as a prostitute.

some people are attractive/charming enough to get sex whenever they want, but also have low sex drives. Not everyone is a sex crazed freak who needs to put his dick in any girl that moves.

go back to where you came from. faggot

the older you get the more you value sexual relationship as something to have meaning and cherish unless you intend to stay a whore forever which under the assumption of you mentioning marriage and children is unlikely.

Assume you're out and meet a guy today and you magically fall in love. would you have any problem telling him that at your age you've slept with 68 boys?

Yeah but such an enormously high percentage of people are that it's a safe bet you aren't an exception to the rule and are just talking in circles.

Complains about boys having fragile ego's, while preemptively defending yourself from being called a slut.

why would i fuck some chick who is hot but dumb as bricks? that shit can lead to kids, std's, and a bitch obsessed with you. i care about my reputation i dont want some girl talking shit about me because shes salty i fucked her once and stopped talking to her.

yeah i get horny, ill just go jack off. i bust, clean up, move on with life. dont have to worry about anything from above coming back to get me. id rather share sexual experiences with someone who actually gives a shit about me

You hate me because I speak the truth.

no. because you need to lurk more before you post here, redditfag.

>I'm 21 and I've had sex with 68 boys

nice try, Fedora fat guy

The other two are valid concerns, but they aren't nearly as common as people perceive, particularly STDs. And kids are avoidable if you're responsible. But having a bitch obsessed with you is one of the best things that can happen to a guy, particularly if it's public knowledge. Women go apeshit over a guy when they find out other girls are after him.

girls will know if you can get girls based on talking to you. STD's as in AIDS and HIV sure they are rare. however i have friends who hookup and makeout with all kinds of chicks, anyone that comes their way.

all of these dudes have complained to me about having shit growing on their mouth, dick, etc. multiple friends who sleep around and got the clap

i thought like this long before i found out about Yea Forums.


Impressive numbers. I'm 30 and I've fucked 324 women.

You don't have to feel special, but you know the metaphor with the lock...

Pic related

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21 looking like 30 I bet, dont fuck all your life force away, sex is a spiritual exchange. Sounds like you just let men dump their frustration into you.
Good sex come from knowing each other a bit. My girls 10/10 technique comes from my feedback :)

So is she collecting their life force if it's an exchange? WTF are you talking about?

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This trips

Tits or gtfo...

Checked. Blessed thread

Even for being a fag, taking 68 dicks is quite a lot. Op probably has aids. If you want to one day settle down with a girl and have aids babies by all means go ahead. We wont stop you.

He's a gay black man? I didn't realize this.

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You could say in a partnership the energy is exchanged not taken away, theres studies out that suggest women take on some DNA from all past partners, whether or not they nut in her or not. Nobody wants to marry a whore.

This is a bait thread but fuck it I'm bored.
Women that give their pussy away are like doormats, a thing that people wipe their feet with, and do you honestly think anybody is going to respect you for being a doormat? I know I don't.
Men give their dicks away all the time, dick is so worthless nations start wars for the sole purpose of getting rid of dicks. Knowing this, it's up to a woman to pick which dick is actually worth keeping around or more than 30 minutes, and it's a man's job to make sure that pussy doesn't hop on other dicks. If a pussy does hop on another dick, the previous dick will either get pissed and club the new dick to death or say to himself "If that fickle pussy thinks I'm not the shit, then forget about it, I won't take care of her ass when she's 35 years old and barren".
So yeah, your temporary fun will last you about another 14 years or so, but once dicks don't want to come around anymore, the only thing you'll have are cats and bills.
And that, is why monogamy is good.

Shut up you incel cuck

>obvious bait
>200+ replies
oh Yea Forums..

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You're overlooking the shear ball posting potential of the situation.

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What do you call a key that opens any lock? A master key.

What do you call a lock that opens for any key? A shitty lock

Guess which one you are.

>ball posting

Show us your tits or get the fuck out

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Please have sex with me.
I'm a 39 year old virgin.

Dude, tits or gtfo

True, who doesn't? About half of the sexually active population has HPV.

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"boys" are children, surely you meant men, you fucking pedophile

You probably have every std known to man

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Begone thot. I curse you to hell...

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I'd fuck you still. The last girl I fucked was over 60 partners too. That's just the life of a sex addict. We love the high!

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She's a sexual goddess and you virgin fagots are only freaking out because you know the more dicks she's sucked the more pathetic and obviously fragile yours will be by comparison.. you are scared because her sexual experience trumps your toxic masculine bullshit.

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If your so sex positive then show us your tits you dumb fucking hole.

>I hate myself: the post

Slut material =/= wife material

i have sex with a very submissive boy at least twice a week, it's great, specially having him try to resist me and overpowering him to "rape" him

Its not a bout feeling special but about your feminine energy. You gave it to so many men that theres nothing left for a serious commitment. Keep fucking, and thats how youll make many guys feel special and watch your eyes slowly lose their spark and darken fuck by useless fuck

Both would figure it out. Someone who took so many dicks cant hide the fact. Everytime youll sneeze rotten semen will fly out of you

Yes! Same here. It makes it more exciting when you have something to lose too. Taboo. I want to try to fuck one of my wife's friends but havent gotten the balls to try it.. just hoping I find one of them on Ashley madison lol

Im into fisting and I fist all my bitches open. Then next guy doesnt and will find the pussy lose so yeah 68 guys make a difference

u whore

Such narrow minded little boys. Go find some prude and have a sexless marriage.

Girls that like sex and enjoy their sex life are the best recipe for a happy and sex filled marriage.

But if you want a sexless relationship go ahead.

U fucked all them other boyz, but u wont let me have a go, so you are a whore. Everything is wrong with you, nothing is wrong with me. See? This is what ppl really mean when they say the world is run by men.

You're going to have a miserable future.

No idiot. If shows that you can't commit or build a foundation with someone. It shows all you care about is getting dicked down. Don't be a complete retard. Because life isn't about fucking. That's all it seems women are good for. I never see them have any hobbies or interests. If they have a job they go home and sit srojnd until a girlfriend wants to party or walk around a fucking shopping center. And usually it ends up you Fucking someone. It seriously seems as if women's lives are so beyond boring and dull. Granted not all, but holy shit you're not help to the cause. Do as you wish, but you're a complete cunt if you hide that info because that shows you know it's wrong and have something to hide. If you're so sexual explorstive there's nothing to be ashamed of. Troglodyte.

Lmao nobody counts after like 40... i lost count a decade ago. Larp bashes boys for fragile egos and then posts on Yea Forums for attention!

>I'm 21 and I've had sex with 68 boys, not counting blowjobs.
So you're a porn star? Cool.

Totally clueless beta attitude. Oh no's she has had more sex than me that must be bad.

FYI none of you pathetic cucks could ever rock this sexy nymphos world good enough to land such a treasure.

>your child when it falls out of your wretched womb at 6 months

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thot begone

>has 68 dudes cum in her
>wants to be viewed as gf/marriage material.


>your child when it falls out of your wretched womb at 6 months

It doesn't disqualify you from anything. It's your body and your choice. You could have had 68 abortions and it's still your right to get married and raise kids. Your body is your personal private right. Men who fight this progress are just used to the patriarchal past and cannot evolve their thinking past women as subordinate possessions.

There's a 70% chance you wrong.

titties please

The numbers don't matter, so long as you know what your doing. I'd rather be with someone that I don't have to teach.

in the same way the vagina stretches in the short term to accomodate the penis for sex, it will enlargen overtime if subjected to a large penis or object relatively frequently. i.e., the vagina doesn't become loose because of having many sexual partners, it becomes looser if it's constantly subjected to a large penis or object. meaning a slut could fuck 100 guys who have small or average penises and she will have a tigher vagina than a girl who has only 1 sexual partner who is well endowed, assuming the sex is frequent enough.

oh my, the most gamma male opinion ever

No prob man. She's all yours.


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>(((boys))) have fragile egos
also op
>reeeeee my body my choice only god can judge me feminism means i can have sex with as many people as i want and no man can say otherwise or theyre sexis reeeeeee
try growing up and being mature enough to know life isnt all about sex 24/7/365

>68 boys, not counting blowjobs.
I know this is a little high
>a little high

A male made this thread.

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>68 boys
is this some sort of jihadist fantasy or something?

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When I get a bottle of water I expect it to be sealed. If given the choice, I would pick the one that has only been used by me, not the one that has had 68 dicks in it. simple to understand I'm sure.


Nobody wants your rancid cunt, you slut. Besides, it's not about my performance in bed, it's about the simple fact that your degenerate behavior instills within me a deep sense of suspicion. I want to be in an emotionally and sexually exclusive relationship with one person. How can I be sure that you're going to remain faithful to me in these ways if you've taken more dicks than there are stars in the universe? You can argue that you've changed and that you want nothing more than to be with me, or whatever, but that sentiment holds no weight when compared against the harsh reality of your past.

In short, fuck you (figuratively). You're in no position to complain, you did this to yourself. Go find a beta fag who will tolerate your used-up whore body, or just stay single for the remainder of your days while continuing to ride the cock carousel.

lips. dicks dont go into bottles

Disgusting. Who wants a lock that can be opened by any key? Exactly, noone.

well your not to bright thats for sure and your definately a skank or on your way to being the best skank in the town ... problem isnt exploring your sexuality the problem is your just a pig and thats all most guys are ever gonna see ....you are the furthest thing from wife material.. you will probably be doing some kind of animal porn within the next few yrs and you will play it off as just exploring ....fucking loser.


I'm 12: The Post

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OP is a ho

>sick of guys who need to feel special
>guzzled 68 cocks

Are you sure it's not you who has the problem? Also why not shoot for 69 and at least make this worth it...

larp bait and so fucking lazy.

imagine being you

Newfag here.

I used to hear that Yea Forums was once great but has descended into a shithole over the last few years.

But what does that mean: were poorly crafted posts like this one here more frequent or less frequent back then?

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68 and you have a problem. That’s not a sustainable lifestyle, not to mention the amount of risk you’re taking wrt disease, pregnancy, or even just hooking up with the wrong scumbag. 68 at your age tells me you’ve been spending more time cruising for cock rather than concentrating on being a reputable person that contributes to society.

If you want to be a whore then go be a whore. At least get paid for it.

This tbh
This is just another whore who's forgotten her place.

I totally believe you are both 12 and hate yourself user.

So what? Who abused you?

Apparently the 68 cocks she guzzled down like a happy little whore.

>I've had sex with 68 boys
You sound like a whore who has no loyalty to one boy.

You're a whore. That doesn't disqualify you to have a family. But you're a little disgusting, I have to say. Don't take me wrong. I would happily fuck your butt, but I've found my cock into a trash can.

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because now your pussy is pretty much a bucket of water and you can't emotionally connect with men anymore. that's just what a whore is, and you're a whore. men don't have to like that, and women don't have to like fuckboys that go through girls like socks either

Hey bb you wanna make that 69 boys? Thatd be NICE.

Hey try not to suck any dick on your way through the parking lot!

God bless you guys

>memoire of a retarded bitch

tits or gtfo

shut up roastie

>Your value is determined by the number of times you have gotten your dick sucked!
The projection from these retards is unreal. Same with the "have sex" bunch. They project their values without realizing they are painting their own god as "sex"

>little high

Over one billon sold.

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tits or gtfo

because you can see and make fun of a dick. its small, its thin bla di bla. someone ever told you your cunt is like a well? didnt think so.

This its like them going to a meat section of the market and picking their choice meat.
While we have to buy the type of snacks in a box from what the picture on the box looks like and price of brand we can afford.