Are you in a sexual relationship?

>are you in a sexual relationship?
>how often do you fap?

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>less than once a week

1. Still a virgin
2. Many times

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I pay a girl from work 100 dollars a week to sit on my face does that count

>once every day or so, skip a day every once in a while

I’ve tried to stop fapping but it’s so fucking hard, even in a relationship. On 3 weeks now. Sex with gf is really good and very often but there’s something about fapping that’s fun

yeah playing with your balls is pretty fun must be why billions of people do it

Yeah just the dirtiness of it is kinda hot.

Once- Two times a day.

I couldn't have sex for like 6 months (my testostorone was basically gone). Now that I can again I fuck my gf and fap nearly everyday.

Usually I don't need it, still doing it just for fun.

>on average 2 or 3 times a week, but every day if I'm bored at home.

>About twice a day.

once every few days

About 1 a month. Same as when I was alone.

Long distance
fap two to five times a day

twice a day

>are you in a sexual relationship?
nah, i'm married

>Everytime she leaves home for a long while (weekend or a week). Also I have been without her and didn't cum for two weeks of pure edging just to do it on her face. Feels great

Currently juggling three girls.
twice a day

I fap all week and fuck all weekend (distance relationship).

Great sex but nothing beats a long fap/edge session and feeding my porn addiction.

Married to a frigid Japanese chick (we're in our 40s). Mismatched libidos. Only get sex once a month. Fap 3-5 times a week.

>Great sex but nothing beats a long fap/edge session and feeding my porn addiction.
Couldn't your fuck buddy and you just watch porn together? I don't understand that needs, I mean: you got a wet comfy warm puasy and instead of it you use your hand? Perhaps you're a bit onanistic gay

>Couple times a week

I see her maybe 3 times a week, have sex most of those times, and usually I'll give it a day and then fap the day before she comes over

Why did your male essentia dropped?

we live together and its hard to meet her needs, but i do it. prolly fap round 1-2 times a months, if that. even before that, i was kinda growing out of it. work & responsibilities and life becomes a higher priority; after 30 you redirect your lust toward your abmitions.

Once a week-ish?
We fuck once or twice a day, keeps me satisfied for the most part


Most days but I only cum for her

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Married, and have sex a couple of times a week.
Jerk off at least once a day, sometimes more, but I think it’s because I’m in my peak.

Fucking yuck.

18 times an hour

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I try not to fap as I'm trying to get her pregno and save up the cum

Aaaah... the days...

When I was 20, I was living with my girlfriend. She would blow me first thing in the morning, then we'd have sex in the evening. I would literally have to get up after she went to sleep and jerk another one out before I could fall asleep.

Nowadays, I can go a week no-fap and not even notice. Time is a bitch, me laddies. A stone bitch...

>4-5 times a week

No, brah. Your testosterone begins to fade. Go get some Androgel and put about 4 squirts on your shoulders. You will fuck the mailman when he pulls up. Trust me.

I read somewhere that it does not matter. In fact, allegedly sperm should be fresh and not old. You should check it up tho

This. A single dude could repopulate the planet in a week if every sperm he made turned into a brat.


Once every two days

Ever do a "trifecta" user?

Yes, 0-3 times a week

Sure. You're performing well above the boards average.

thanks for the tip. ill look into it. the only thing id be worried about is balding... haven't lost any hair or got greys yet and im 39, so i dodged THAT bullet, wouldn't wanna fuck that up. i wonder what foods boost testosterone, naturally.