Be me

>be me
> going to bible camp with family tomorrow
>atheist? this is going to be interesting
>what questions should i ask to get the christians angry?
>i want to ruin this for everyone

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>>what questions should i ask to get the christians angry?

>"Mom, if God is real why did he make me a humongous faggot?"

Something about the Babel tower and why it was destroyed

If Jesus was such a great guy, why did he rape new born babies right after they were born?

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Why is your religion based on birthplace?
Why did god create hell? If God is allknowing and he creates someone he will at creation know wether the person will go to hell or heaven so why create someone destined to go to hell? If not, then he isnt allknowing? And isnt hell kinda shit anyways? I mean comeone suffer for eternity.. I mean isnt it a tiny smidge to much?

How can god which is a perfect being create an imperfect world? how can imperfection be birthed out of perfection? this completely contradicts the essence of god

Asserting that god cannot be perfect because he has created an imperfect world is incorrect. By what standard is this world imperfect? Whatever platitude or "natural law" you conjure up as a means of proving this world is imperfect cannot be imposed upon god/the universe. YOU can't judge something to be imperfect and impose that judgement on the universe itself, however, if you are god, you are the measure of all things, meaning that whatever you create is by it's very nature "perfect".

That's the kind of response you'd get from a knowledgeable pastor for that one. That's not even a god issue, it's false philosophically. It shows a misunderstanding of the concept of god.

Oh I'm an atheist by the way

im probably just going to the jesus baby rape argument

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>you are a being of immense spiritual power
>this physical plane is a jail
>you were sent here to learn the lessons you need to control that power
>this is gonna take a long time
>it's impossible to kill yourself
>quantum suicide is a thing
>believe me I've tried

give them the old Epicurus argument

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>listening to a bunch of people about God and the Bible
> not reading the Bible yourself

You and you’re parents are doing it wrong.

I'd recommend not being edgy about Atheism anymore. I know how it feels to want to rail against that hogwash, but you'll look back in a few years and realize that you were just being a jackass for the most part. I'd recommend reading more into shit like Philosophy and getting acquainted with other religions and conceptions of god. It's honestly really interesting when you get into the thick of it, and some of the justifications these guys have come up with are just fuckin' cool. That being said, even if your ultimate goal is to just make theists look dumb, you should still take this route. Repeating old fallacies and being aggressively non-Christian is run-of-the-mill and will usually just make people roll their eyes. However, when you know more about their religion and the concept of god than they do, that's when people start listening.

>By what standard is this world imperfect? Whatever platitude or "natural law" you conjure up as a means of proving this world is imperfect cannot be imposed upon god/the universe.
a world that has the need to balance itself through extremes such as life and death and that reacts negatively to both too much death or too much life is an imperfect world
basically means that a dying world is an imperfect one and that negativity is something that produces negative results and that is the standard of imperfection
also if god created this world than he created an imperfect world and that contradicts the essence of his existence

Kek ur going to a christian echo chamber and u seriously think asking them questions is going to do anything?

What, a proud atheist who actually doesn't care at all about truth, morality or progress and just wants to ruin everything for everyone all the time because misery loves company?
What a shocking development.

i had a vision like dream and a lot of hardships


I have the most luck using the "problem of evil" argument coupled with the Socratic method.

But i am trying to convert them to my religion, not getting them to abandon their own.

You're all gods in training, seek balance.

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How can god judge us for our actions when we don't have free will? And we don't. Will precedes any choice or action you have no say in what you like or want, it comes out of nowhere as far as your concerned. Your brain is a deterministic machine and out of it comes your every will or action. Check out Sam Harris on free will.


muh universe egg is Etika-tier retardation

God is not perfect. Read the Old Testament, the guy fucks up and changes his mind constantly.

But you don't know that your mind is in fact deterministic because neuro-science isn't that far along yet, you just assume it is because for all your petulant whining you WANT there to be a big daddy god or fate predetermining your actions so you can feel validated for choosing to be a whiny emo prick, you dumb slut.

because many worlds theory is bullshit right?

Femanon here. When i was 12, my parents went to a church reunion in Oregon for 4 days and left me home alone. They thought it was an oppurtunity for me to act more "mature." I had a dog (half rottweiler,half siberian husky) named rosco who was getting a reputation for humping random things aruond my house. My parents liked him outside but i let him inside cause i was home alone and was gonna do whatever the hell i wanted. i take a shower and walk back to my room naked cause i felt like it. I COMPLETELY forget he's in the house and he rushes up to me, tackles me, and starts humping away like crazy.

thats petty hot

did he get it in?

But that's your completely arbitrary standard of perfection and morality, which is irrelevant because God's God, God knows things you don't, you're just an imperfect frail piece of meat inside the box who can't understand what's going on because muh Plato's cave
Like holy fuck that's philosophical quandaries 101 just read already, you make Christfags look erudite by comparison
Yes, many worlds theory is bullshit in the same way that Moses talking to a burning bush is bullshit, the difference is that people don't use Moses and the burning bush as some broken misunderstood justification for why they are "living gods"...usually.
Kill yourself pedophile.

Why don't you try to understand the topic you fuck. Google Benjamin Libet and neuroscience of free will. And if everything you do comes from your brain it is deterministic because the entire physical world is deterministic. Even if you involve some quantum randomness bullshit how is that free will?

well imma tell you something you might not like

You're not gonna die until you start thinking like me.

This physical plane is a jail and you're stuck here until you learn your lessons.

You can't even kill yourself, believe me ive tried.

I fucking lost and it’s only the first comment of the thread. Definitely this Lel

>But that's your completely arbitrary standard of perfection and morality, which is irrelevant because God's God, God knows things you don't, you're just an imperfect frail piece of meat inside the box who can't understand what's going on because muh Plato's cave
>Like holy fuck that's philosophical quandaries 101 just read already, you make Christfags look erudite by comparison
This isnt MY standard of perfection because perfection is objectively the state of lacking any flaws and even the fact that we are capable of determining flaws is an imperfection , the fact that contradictions even exist is an imperfection because that means that every way of operating/living/thinking has flaws which are "mended" by the contradictions of said activity.
Morality is irrelevant this world is factually dying and is affected negatively by imbalance of everything that exists in it and religion doesnt contribute to "tipping the scales" to the other side of each extreme imbalance instead it sticks to one extreme side of the imbalance and goes 200% full gas into it.
>which is irrelevant because God's God, God knows things you don't
god is the one that taught humanity what is positive and what is negative the fact that god himself admits in the existence of these contradictions proofs that by christian standards the world is imperfect.

according to Deuteronomy 23:2
"A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the Lord."
So ask them if they are sure that their most recent 1024 parents/grand/greatgreatgreatgrandparents/etc. were all born from a married couple. if even 1 of their parents/grandparents from the last 10 generations were born from an unwed couple they can't get into heaven.

what if they got divorced after i was born, am i still a bastard?

Don't even bother, you'll just make them single you out, and you're not going to be changing any hearts and minds.

Just smile, nod, and wait for the crazies to go away.

You can always bring up 'the problem of evil', but they'll have some weakass explanation, that they're going to see ass an inassailable argument, so i'd just leave it alone.

Just remember that it's up to you to believe in that stuff or not. They're not actually able to force you to do so in any meaningful way.

the counterargument to that one is... oh well it's the best -possible- world, see..

(still seems -awfully- shit imo)

> going to bible camp with family tomorrow
You know, I almost forgot about summerfags

If you want to be an atheist or agnostic, that's fine. But don't be a faggot nigger at the same time. The Meaning of Life, the key to happiness is to ease others suffering.
By using your belief system to ridicule theirs, is an exercise in the opposite.
You don't have to believe. You don't have to respect. However, try and put yourself in their position - and never try to dissuade someone from their faith. No matter what it's in. If something brings comfort to someone in this horrific climate of hate and doom, then please let them enjoy what's left.

Inner peacefulness is the key to a warm heart. You will find yourself at peace and infinitely more happy and fulfilled, when you accept these things. Reject materialism and focus on helping others attain less suffering.

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>The Meaning of Life, the key to happiness is to ease others suffering.

Were here to unlock our true potential.

This involves learning lessons, some lessons are learned by teaching others.

Lessons are not always happy.

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Hit them with a god not real. Works like a charm

"If god is all powerful than he can create a rock that he can't lift, but if he can't lift it he's not all powerful"

God cured my auntie's cancer but He never seems to heal amputees. Why?

Fun fact: one of the books not codified into the Bible had god giving a bit of a nudge and a wink then saying it's not really for eternity.

>don't be a nigger faggot

ahh yes, aristotle's most famous words

If you're Catholic, ask about transubstantiation. There's really nothing they can say but "we need to have faith that this is real"

Oh, this is a good one. Ask how god can be asserted to be perfect despite the Bible proving that idea to be false.

When in the bible is this mentioned?

The King James... King Rick James, Bitch Version.

or that famous aside in hamlet, 'to be a nigger faggot, or not to be a nigger faggot - that is the question"

I had to throw some Yea Forums tardery in there so ya'll wouldn't think it was some copy pasta


how about you stop being an underage summer fag and just tell your parents you dont want to go

pretty sure it was teh doctors user

>consulting the we wuz kangz version

It wasn't, but he did rape babies.

If it wasn't in the bible how do you know?

have you ever tried to rape a baby?

You cant do it they're too small!

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I am an atheist. This is why people hate atheists. Just quietly humor them and don't be an asshole.

Unless they start trying to 'save' you then you can unleash hell.

Because a stranger told me.