You are offered a button to press

You are offered a button to press.

If you press it, the population of Brazil will drop dead.

On the upside: the rainforest and the planet will be saved.
BUT...there will be no more of this.

Wat do?

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sounds like the trolley problem
smash the button

Can I get one for India, Israel and Africa instead?

You must be american. You do realize most of those images are fake or old? You do realize there are burns in dry seasom every year in the Amazon? You do realize the USA has detroyed more than 90% of their own natural parks? Now ya'll care about Brazil and shit. But you don't care about "saving the world" if you did, you would've saved your own country. Funny how USA and Europe have destroyed more than 90% of their forests yet think Brazil should save their forest just so that you can breathe. Well, guess what obese white trash american, THE AMAZON IN BRAZILIAN AND WILL ALWAYS BE SO CRY ME A RIVER. And Brazil has the best jungle Army in the world. Anybody, including burger eating incel americans if you invade the amazon you know what will happen? Same FAILURE happened in Vietnam when you lost a war to a bunch of farmers. Want to drop an atomic bomb? You won't, cause that would destroy the Amazon which is what your government wants to save. Not because they give a fuck about the environment (if they did, thay would've preserve their own forests) but because they want the natural resources and minerals in the Amazon. You have been brainwashed by social media ad you don't even know. Poor manipulated imbecile

If I go to Brazil and then I press the button will I die too?

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Americans: OMG thE PLaNET LEt'sSave It

Also Americans: Voted for Trump

shut up, tree.

Where do i push

>brazil is on fire, hottest year on record
>most global draught and forest fires on record
>highest sea level on record



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It is happening, just like it happens every year, but you americans think something is a big deal because Will Smith's son shared an (old) image on his Instagram, now ya'll care about the Amazon, but you truly don't give a fuck about it. You are just being brainwashed and making a mountain out of a Moehill.. some of the images used were from a fire in Montana in 2000, California ia also burning but HeY LET's SaVe The AmAzon By POstinG on Social MeDiA.

Only Amazon the Americans will ever have is owned by an egg-head called Jeff Bezos

Montana, 2000

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I pressed the button before you finished. Brazilians are sub-human.

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Good thing it is an imaginary incel buttom created by a loser to another lonely loser on the internet

you mistake me for someone who gives a fuck about the rainforest, I know the world is going down and I will luckily be leaving it to my kids to watch it burn as I'll be dead before it does

I simply like to point out the climate change deniers because they are retarded

I am not a climate change denier. Climate change is real. And humans contribute to it. To what extent? We are yet to find out. The fact of the matter is there is an ongoing retarted instagram campaign sharing fake images of fires in Brazil so that people feel they are cool and morally outstanding and care so much about the environment when all they want is just likes and attention. Have any of you donated a dime to help reainforests across the planet? Have you participated in events to raise awareness about climate change? Or is your concern only real when it includes getting attention on the internet?

You don't have to be a climate change denier to aknowledge the false morality on developed countries that foolishly believe these fires in the Amazon are actually the Amazon forest (bigger than Europe) burning altogether.

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I'll push it. I don't like fake tits anyways.

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Wait until this fire becomes a untamable firestorm. It will consume all earth oxygen and everyone suffocates.

Hit tye button, just for the lulz and the high score

Sure thing bro. Sure thing

To be fair the Trump voters are generally opposed to saving the earth

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You realize that the oceans process way more CO2 than trees right?

Wont replace it fast enough you dong

>You must be american.

Well, no, so that's 5 minutes you won't get back.

How big is your ass?

>I'll be dead before it does

Nope. I checked your fate. You're due to be reincarnated.

I think it's pretty believable that what's happening is not normal and you're a corporate shill who was hired to spread this disinformation far and wide on the internet.

Climate change isnt real, lol beta cuck

It still stands for all muhricans, and I enjoyed the read despite user's broken capslock key

What is not normal is americans slautering their Natives, destroying their natural parks to build oil pipelines and burning half of California with wild fire

Give me the button for fat Americans, Muslims, Jews, Chinese, and Africans.

Just rucking press it raggy.

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is there no button that every human being dies? damn bro why you gotta make it so hard

Wow no more chubby faced latinas with fake tits and shapeless legs taking pictures in the most basic of "push my ass out" poses. What will we do??!

Fuck white trash trailer park girls

Why dont we just kill the NGO's who started the fires???

>shitty tattoo

press the button

The rainforests aren’t burning because of Brazilians. Their president is a puppet serving American and economic interests

What did Africa do to you?

Does that include the indigenous people too?

>>On the upside: the rainforest and the planet will be saved


bro, the upside is the fucking jungle niggers will be dead...

btw, the rain forrest will never be safe... is just a matter of time...

You want that kind of girl? there are million of brazillians in US and other places than Brazil. Cage them, and raise them in captivity... you will creat better race

greats from bananal

I wouldn’t wait to see what the other options are, that button would be smashed before the words have a chance to leave your mouth

the button on my PhotoChop detector is flashin pink

Don’t you have some natives to murder?

Cite sources.

Imagine that, a country of 350 million people spread over an area larger than the entirety of Europe just might have more than one unified opinion on a subject.

Can I recalibrate it to kill all the Jews?

Corporate shill detected,

take action !

The oxygen in the Amazon is consumed in the Amazon, it doesn’t even matter to the rest of the world. Grow dope, save the planet

>You are offered a button to press.
>If you press it, the population of Brazil-

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Californians keep building in areas that burn naturally and have for thousands of years, fuck em. We also have more parkland set aside than the entirety of the rest of the world combined, so suck our collective cocks.


How CAN you not get this,

YET !? :



Speaking for all americans. No dont press the button as your pic convinced me. Such a hot ass im fapping viciously right now. Fuck the amazon and i dont care if i cant breathe by tomorrow but that ass woah. Got moar?

The Laura of wet blankets enters the thread.

Instead of participating in thread discussion, this Laura just wants to point out that you're currently at the edge of the board and about to die. =^_^=

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