A FUCKING ENORMOUS area in the Amazon rain forest is on fire... has been for 3 weeks

A FUCKING ENORMOUS area in the Amazon rain forest is on fire... has been for 3 weeks...

It only finally made the news today when they admitted it's too big / serious...

It's fucking bad... real bad...
20% of the oxygen we breath is rotated by the Earth's "lungs" so I imagine the carbon dioxide problem we're having will get worse (a century of CO2 @ 400+ ppm, pre-industrial average was never higher than 200 ppm) on top of the Greenland ice sheet melting... July was the hottest it ever has been on human record (since 1850s)... I've never heard so many power steering pumps in my town going out due to the heat.

Epstein's connections are so deep, it's proving a true nightmare of reality is upon us.

True nightmare thread.

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Other urls found in this thread:

extension.uga.edu/publications/detail.html?number=B1142&title=Best Management Practices for Wood Ash as Agricultural Soil Amendment

Good. Let it burn. We need a big natural disaster to wipe out a good chunk of the global population

why not neckrope yourself and help the cause?

Your an idiot 99% of the oxegen we breath comes from algae in the oceans.

Nah. I'm pretty well prepared for a shtf societal collapse. We just need to reduce the amount of useless city dwelling leeches. Going back 100 years from a societal stand point us going to be a good thing in the long run for the planet and the people that can survive

Too bad human history goes back longer than 1850 and we also know from carbonate dating in shells that the planet was hotter in the mideval times than now.

Fucking idiot climate alarmists are being used for political gain and never have solutions that wouldn't lead to more coal



I will burn all my plastic water bottles in solidarity

Burn baby burn!
Western civilization is beyond hope.
White people are dying out and stupid and lazy people are breeding out of control. The future is billions of niggers living in a welfare state controlled by a one world government.

Society should nuke itself with atomic bombs or end welfare and sterilize anyone with an IQ under 100 if there's any hope for the future

>the planet was hotter in the mideval times than now.

But its agriculture was NOT stretched to feed 8 billion people.
THEY could afford to be hot. WE can't.

Uhuh righttttt

Hardly anyone lives there apart from a handfull of buttnaked jungle cunts. If you want to save the world build a wall around Israel and fill it with molten salt

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I don't care. I tried for a moment, got nothing.

Fucking lol ok buddy idk what you're going to breathe but I'm sure you have it figured out

This fire will deplete all earth atmosphere oxygen within weeks. I already feel a difference in breathing. I need to breath more air to get sufficient oxygen levels. Its a fucking serious matter you idiots!

Don't worry. All the fish will die and rot, releasing their gasses into the air and feeding the feedback loop and accelerating it.


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Hey at least with the ice sheet melting archaeologists are finding some cool shit

why dont they have pubes?

Damn, I might move to the jungle now

daily reminder that being outraged and distraught about this and then having meat for dinner means you're a certified stupid fuckin idiot

Kek all the oxygen is just gonna disappear you suppose?
Dont be dumb.
Starvation will be the cause of most death. Humans survived when it was hotter, some will now when weather starts getting more extreme, but not 8 billion of us. Faggots around the equator and most city dwellers will be the first to die off

Why dont you?

pubes attract insects that lay eggs in warm places like female vaginas

yeah we fucked

>the planet was hotter in the mideval times than now
I fucking lol'd, I'm sure you did some deep research for this one

Did you know that now thanks to the industrial need, there’s actually more trees in the world than there has ever been? So no I don’t give a fuck if it burns to the ground.

This happens every year. Bolsonaro told the NGOs to fuck themselves. This is just propaganda. When the rains come next month this will be a non issue.

As you were.

This is the end. Everyone will suffocate. Thanks you fucking greedy brazilian farmers. Brazilians are the scum of the earth

Native Americans grow very few hairs almost completely hairless

>amazon rainforest has, since the 60s, been consistently deforested, culminating in the current destruction rate of an entire football pitch every minute, often including scorching of earth
>18% has already been irrevocably lost and left barren, chemicals leeching into earth and water
>some more of it burns, but this time it's on tv and attributed to the actions of one person
>holy shit we gotta stop this guy!!

if it weren't for the greed and ignorance of first world countries, particularly the usa, this wouldn't happen
stop passing the buck

Use your brain pizza boy

Galaxy brain

If you mix white greed with african stupidity you get brazilian farmers. Also itt trump supporters defending it cause bolsonaro is a soulbuddy of trump

You know, while people argue and come out again and again as indecisive certain parties out there don't think, just do.
Maybe, no matter what masterplan you come up with to fix anything, you might be too slow.

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Who cares were all dead soon anyways.

Would colonize.

Theres often fires in the rain forest but they put themselves out after a few days so theres no need to report on them some even stretch out to a couple weeks

Definitely no agenda here,nope. Just let it burn. Nothing to see here. It happens all the time therefore it is good actually!

>Your an idiot.
No, your and idiot you Moran

Fucking pine trees
Bit different to gigantic old growth forest you idiot

An hero then...

>Amazon rain forest
74,000 fires 2019
40,000 fires 2018....

meanwhile no fires in non brazil forests...
wow brazil must be greedy..

Farmers have setting illegal fires to clear for more farmland. This has nothing to do with climate change.

>carbonate dating in shells that the planet was hotter in the mideval times than now
too bad thats no climate for advanced primates or living people with proteins...

Dang, you learn something new everyday.

Hey thats great

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Amazon got some freaky shit goin on with it in general

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We have our own nightmares to handle.

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Good thing for all the CO2 in the atmosphere, then, to help speed plant recovery.

Hotter means that cropland can be extended further north.

what's this showing?

everyone thinks the aliens are deep in the ocean but they are really deep in the rainforest. that soil is a product of radiation. wake up people

You know I really wish people actually think before they type out some stuff

Lol dude the majority of the food produced is simply thrown away. World hunger wouldn't be an issue if that wasnt the case. Not that im saying it doesnt matter that the planet is heating up, just saying dont make false equivalencies like the other dipshit did


Why shave pupes and why she got digital watch? Native wannabes.

The soil in the amazon is different from soil anywhere else in the world. It has properties similar to man made mulch, and is as if the entire Amazon rainforest was actually an incredibly large scale garden. Scientists have been unable to recreate the soil using more advanced techniques.
I'm not saying it's aliens, but there's evidence of older civilizations in that region possessing agricultural capabilities surpassing our own.
If you're interested in more information on the subject, geologist Randall Carlson, and anthropologist Graham Hancock mention this area specifically in one of their JRE podcasts. They've both been on there a few times.

Look at this george carlin wanabe

Im assuming its a comparison between two controlled depths to see which forest has had more fires. The Amazon is on the left, and clearly had had more fires due to the amount of “biochar”. Keep in mind im not an expert and this is my first time seeing the picture

>actual wannabe calls out perceived wannabe to cope with his own wannabeness

>Thinking eugenicists are only that recent

Uhhh doesn't it assist climate change? You understand the earth is a system and not a collection of individual biomes like minecraft right?

Climate is always changing regardless of what humans do.

You mean like how you didnt think before you typed up that grammatical pile of shit you call a statement?

ITT trump climate deniers desperately trying to ignore and excuse everything so they can live their lifecycle and whatever happens after will not affect em anyway.

You didn't answer the question. Experimenting on the planet to verify your proposition is probably not the best idea. Aren't we trying to terraform the planet for our benefit? Destroying the rainforest is in no way beneficial.

Apocalyptic prophecy faggots fucking their own children and their friend's children in the ass figuratively because although they want to, they're too scared to do it literally. The biggest pawns on the planet are solipsistic doomers.

Yes the Earth is a system, and one so complicated that we can't begin to extrapolate what some quantity of farmers burning some quantity of farmland over some quantity of time actually does. Don't panic. We want a warmer planet so that plant life can flourish further north.

Some tribes have recently won a trial vs big companies trying to use their land for resources. And then the amazon begins to have almost double the fires it had last year. I know brazil also signed a deal to conserve the amazon and received money, the president hasnt done shit to help the fire situation. Where is that money going? Brazils government has a long history of corruption. Something is going on.

>no one addresses that the Amazon has extremely fast growth rates and can recover from a disaster like this with no problem, or that fires can actually encourage newer seeds to germinate even faster than normal

Lol no. You're thinking of pine trees. They're going to clear the land and plant cows there. That jungle isn't coming back retard.

I'm 12


Entirely wrong. Hope you like immigrants because they're coming for you and it's your fault.

literally retarded shilling

Not to worry, millions of morons worldwide are praying for the fires to stop. Humans...

So if I'm entirely wrong then you're saying the result of every human action on the globe can be easily predicted. And that we don't want the useless tundra to become productive.

Now who's a poopy-brain



roses are red, violetts are blue, fires are natural in forests you fucking retard

most of the standing plant life dies and the seed bank in the soil wakes up

read a book ya moran

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Who fucking cares. I will still eat my steaks, will wipe my ass with rainforest wood and still will drive my car to buy icecream and you cant do shit about it haha. Im american and i know before america burns, the rest of the world will burn first so kiss my fat ass hemorrhoids and just die you subhuman.

This is serious, but what does Epstein have to do with it?

Its not actually global warming causing the fires. Its a political cover up from their shit president

you realize the amazon is a rainforest right?

unironically this

you should grab a bucket of water and hop on a plane to go put that out, faggot

No need to worry if you're one of the elite that can retreat into your underground reptilian bunkers. See you in hell retards.

its not global warming fires are NATURAL without human assistance

You know it rains in the desert right

i mean i get it, its fun to think of the what ifs

but guys


dont be fuckign retarded

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lol who actually thinks it's global warming?

oh yeah, all my friends on facebook..... :(

no actually all of our oxygen comes from the pollen of all the bees we kill, why do you think people add honey to things instead of sugar

Lol this was way too predictable, smh son. you got jebaited

I hope you are not bait but i genuinely think this way. Also when Trump says theres no climate change then it must be the truth as i think he is smarter than he sometimes act, much smarter. All i want is to have a good life, lots of money and fap in my bed and cum on my hairy belly. So whatever gonna happen in the future i just hope its happen after my death so its perfect timing.

Inverse, converse, contrapositive. Learn what they are and why your conjecture about what I'm saying is clearly inaccurate.

I will just be there laughing at degenerates who decided to procreate on that retarded planet and will be leaving kids to strive for survival in the shithole run by jews who would rip you apart for one shekel.
Good luck morons.

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you guys realize its not some wildfire right?

So when they plow it and put cows there the forest will regrow under the fields? Got it.

when the forest is immediately replaced with soy farms it doesn't really grow back hth

Brazilian farmer here and let me say this. IM GONNA BURN THIS MOTHERFUCKER DOWN UNTIL I OWN THAT BUGATTI

>Bio char soils
Ooee. That's some really nice soil. Made from thousands of years of microbial decay.
Biochar is a different process.
T organic farmer.
Stripping that land (probably for cows) isn't going to be good for that amazing soil, or the environment for a few different reasons. Once of which is increased local temperature of grass lands vs fucking rainforest.

good burn the fucking lot down , humans need to die , fucking parasites


This cucked. A+ pawn. Would oppress again.

>Native Americans

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Nope. You gotta tell me, poopyface. I'm clearly not smart enough to figure it out on my own.

Kek gj mods


See Is this true?

oh you becha
even if theres only a couple generations of good lumber from the rich dirt after they genocide the forest theres probably delicious natural oils under that dirt for dessert

saying that brazil is a retarded shithole fells like kicking a dog nowadays. the politicians and shills really out themselves as unhinged, stupid, uninformed

the happening with the collapsing dams really illustrate this. there are a bunch of those dams in the same situation in the entire country, the first to collapse dated back to 2015. they downplayed that to hell, like 20 people died but no one was arrested or charged for anything, no precautions were taken, they ignored literally everything, even the death toll, some called it "too small". they acted as if nothing had happened.
it destroyed a bunch of land, fauna and flora. the losses were invaluable and the damages irreversible

and surprise surprise?? fast forward to 2019 and the same happened again. this time 200 people died for something completely avoidable and that everyone knew would happen

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So you're saying nobody on the planet can read?! Yeah lol ok

Nope, still don't get it.

i dont even see a dam that just looks like a big ole landslide
remember that big itallian damn collapse with like 2k dead? now that was a dam worth a damn

cause they were made out of dirt to cut costs
that's what makes them so dangerous, they don't survive the test of time

It’s ok. We’ll just buy more air with all that sweet oil money from fracking the American Midwest until the ground water is undrinkable.

oh well that completely explains is
basically asking for a mudslide its like when cheap levies break they do more harm than good

This nigga knows what is right

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>pre industrial average was never above 200ppm


The fires were not started/increased/fueled/etc by climate change. Why do you ecofags havento be like this?

Good argument! You mean before water arrived on the planet? That's relevant lol.

Goddamnit, Brazil

Based pawn. Fully cucked into passivity. Consumer and nothing else. A++ would exploit again.

you now realize that these girls have lost their count of how old they really are and are probably underage by our standards and thus this is cp

The destruction of the rainforest has nothing to do with climate change? I think you'll find that actually it does.

Or you can see they clearly have no pubic hair or access to razors and so it would be very very surprising if they were 18 lol.

This is the way it should be.

send proof retard

>amazon rainforest catches on fire
>fire is caused by massive amounts of deforestation and clearcutting
>clearcutting is done by farmers in order to make room for more land to plant crops on
>the timber that they cannot sell is piled up and left to dry so that it can be burned
>leftover timber is then burned in the open
>the main crop that is being planted is soy
>soy consumption is skyrocketing in recent years leading to more clearcutting, which means more burning of dead timber, which means more fire
>recent drought dried out a lot of the rainforest
>fires caused by clearcutters easily spread into the jungle which then spread outward
>country lacks any real means of combatting this since it has never been an issue before
>it will just continue to burn until there is nothing left
>all because of the SOI menace drinking their soylent and their soi milk and their soil lattes from soibucks
further proof that SOIBOIS are the scum of the earth and are solely responsible for this event.

whatever,i doubt 95 percent of americans will hear about it.since they only get their news of the world from trump's twitter account or their republican blogs

Speaking of cucked lol

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You're you fucking retard

This shit just cant be good, regardless of your views on global warming ect. you must be able to recognize loosing THAT much forest is going to have some very negative consequences down the line. Why the fuck arnt we treating this as an emergency and sending millitary in to help resolve it. We've spent far far far more money and effort in the past dealing with shit that turned out to not be such a problem. This is undeniably bad.

You really think the industries who have trillions vested interest in chopping shit down are a reliable sauce on this being 'no big deal'? May aswell ask a big time crack dealer if crack is going to be a problem....

Jesus fuck usually i can sort of see his 'angle' when he says crazy shit, distracting from real issues, publicity ect but THIS is just borderline psychotic.

How are the trumpkins defending this kek?

humans will burn themselves out eventually
personally im hoping crab people will inherit the earth

Your probably right, its just fucking retarded there arnt more international regulations preventing so many people from doing so much destructive shit. Its too profitable though and money is power i suppose.

I for one welcome our new crab overlords.

Im just not a faggot like you that can't read

kek go on then enlighten us to how hot it was in medieval times and how whats going on now is no big deal

ill get someone to read it out to me

consumer capitalism is bad business
what we need is some kind of parasitic empath to unify people into getting off this rock and get to work burning through the cosmos

July was actually quite average. Almost cooler than usual.

kek fuckin aye user

They are pre teen you mong.

obviously not, probably done for some ritualistic/practical purpose

that or syphilis....

This isn’t a natural fire. This is the president of Brazil burning the rainforest for land use.


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Almost every single bit of the breathable air made by the rainforests is used up by the abundance of life there. Most of the air that we breathe that "comes from" is the food that diatoms in the oceans eat. The rainforest is very important, but not for the reasons that the average Joe likes to tout.

That's a gottem, fam damnily

So almost cooler in fact that it was the hottest month in recorded history!

You're insane. What the fuck. No.

HAHAHAHAHA it's been a long time.

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Ur welcome bitch XD

It wasn’t boomer

It was the hottest month in recorded history. The previous record was the previous year. And before that, the prior year. You're not even trolling or rustling jimmies or pushing an agenda why are you here?

>shit is getting hotter, its just indisputable now check all this evidence


Lalalala i dont listen. Trump will save us because he is the savior. Just let me get through my lifecycle in comfort and then the world can burn

In fact, you're soooooo right cause that's exactly what India, Pakistan, Best Korea, not Best Korea Japan, Russia and USA are preparing.
Unfortunatly, they choose the bomb solution, not the sterilization...

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Perfect consumer cuck. Thank you for robotically going through the motions and evangelising about how nothing matters. You are the tool we need and you don't even know it. Good sheepie.

It's high but it's not 99%

He actively encourages it's destruction so yeah

I know how to save the Amazon, convert the monkeys into Jews. Then America will be forced to defend it. Check and mate

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Actually it’s pasture land for beef.
>t. single-minded flesh eater


absolute faggotry. kill yourself then.

what did he say other than "wow"?
ya pretty hard to defend the word wow, you got us

They retain heat which cause bugs to crawl in their pussies while they sleep and lay their eggs.

He said he was the chosen one. He said jews are only Jews if they vote republican? He called himself king of the Jews? Lol that enough?

he said thank you for the very nice words moments before he gagged on netanyahu's dong

Tell that to the industries and farms that want it gone, they act like there are no repercussions to their actions

try then bitch oh you can't XD

Really. Pubes attract insects? How so?

His acc got hacked check the fuckin news man update and refresh your sites moron. 26 min ago confirmed hacker attack of trumps twitter you idiot

>A meme photo with stick figures and no source
I take this very seriously.

>when you got nothing

post yours nigger

>when you're too dumb to troll

niggers were mad about the n word because i dont feel guilty, mexicans mad about the wall so t hey burn rain forest because i dont feel guilty. nigger

Could it be that the fact that the forest plays host to several wildfires is why the soil is so geared to raise vegetation like a garden? I mean scientists have found that post fire/volcanic eruption, the soil tends to be more fertile.

Nobody is buying this, you're boring.

everything would grow back except the farmers who set the fires want the shit to burn so they can put cows there so hmmm not really growing back huh

I woke up in a new bugatti

t. Brazilian farmer

It's okay, though. That oil company that started the fire can extract the oil so much easier now. It was definitely worth it to start that fire over some oil. /s

Haters gonna hate; i woke up in a new bugatti EZPZ

kill self and save the planet

Said who? MSM?

Exactly this. Its an interesting hypothesis about old unknown civilizations i really hope we can confirm it and find some cool stuff out there in my life time.

I fucking hate it when people start shouting or THEY MUST HAVE HAD LASERS THEY WERE SO ADVANCED or even worse ALIENS.

Who takes care of those Forrests? Oh yeah, South Americans... Why did we trust them with that again?

Wait what i dont get it. We take care of it we brazilians. We transform jungle into farmland for the progress of humanity. Whats all that whining about? You did the same in the civilization game series and it improved your nation. So what?


Native americans have almost no body hair.

You are retarded.

perhaps they'd be in better shape to take care of shit if we hadn't historically raped the shit out of them

Humans are dumb, what did you expect?

Who did?
Oh yeah, the spaniards, yeah you're right!

You can look all that shit up. Its funny how you global warming deniers scream SAUCE when you have no reasonable ones except TRUMP SAID IT WAS FINE.

Why the fuck do you faggots take the word of some cunts who make 10000x more than you will in your life of polluting&destroying shit.

Is it just because you cant stand to agree with something that is perceived to be a 'leftist' issue even if its blatantly obvious?

nothing true there.

Kek various Europeans throughout and in the last 2 centuries it was undeniably our leaders who raped the fuck out of it.

I'm not saying anyone now should feel guilty but its retarded to go 'LUL WHY IS IT SO BAD DOWN THERE MUST BE BECAUSE THEY DUMB XD' south america has been fucked over in 101 ways.

Look it up

Yep it says right here that you're retarded and also that what you said is a myth.

Also uhhhhhhh America well through the 1980s but go off I guess?

I'm convinced that when conservatives say...
>Humans are too intrinsically evil for society to trust each other enough for socialism
They really do mean they want to destroy the human race.

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Reminder that during bolsonaro's campaign he encouraged burning of the forest and now he's denying it just like the shill itt.

It appears that the Brazilian government was the one that started the fire


That or they mean "I'm a solipsistic piece of shit and you should toss me in a hole. If you're feeling nice maybe kill me before you bury me."

Not so much haters as people who also live on Earth and like breathing oxygen. The Amazon accounts for a huge amount of the regeneration of oxygen levels every year after winter.

This chico gets it. You all can stop being a hypocrite finally. Most if not all of you exactly did the same just based on a simulation called civilization available for windows, dos, mac. You did let your settlers unit work on a jungle tile to change it into farmland. And you know goddam exactly why you did that. So stop blaming brazil for just doing the exact same turn. Its a noble and humble way to strengthen your civilization PERIOD

Dont be a pussy faggot

Guys you jumped on turtles for treasure in Mario. Obviously real life works the same as video games. Let's go treasure hunting!

>comparing video games to real life

Time to get off the computer for a bit, kiddo.


get out of my forest you gringo motherfuckers

guise, is this it?
have we reached the beginning of the end
i need a fucking hug

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Zoomers BTFO, mods=gods

>Too bad human history goes back longer than 1850 and we also know from carbonate dating in shells that the planet was hotter in the mideval times than now.
I can make up things with mountains of evidence against them and zero evidence for them too
Like that you're a valuable member of society

Using video game behavior to justify real life behavior is even worse XD

>no sauce
>no sauce in image
>retarded Grammer, word choice and syntax in image
1/10 bait

22O replies says otherwise retard

Yes its the end. Wait until this fire becomes an untamable firestorm. It will suck up all earth oxygen and we all suffocate. No algae is capable to replenish the oxygen that will be lost to that firestorm. All that for a new bugatti

Did you really think you were getting out alive? Nobody gets out alive all men must die

This is now a get thread

Natural is not equal to good.

A giant fucking meteorite smacking the earth is 'natural'

A hell of a lot of natural processes are extremely bad... You need to evaluate your logic here

Finally you're starting to get it. Yeah a reduction of efficiency in the oxygen supply feedback network on the planet is bad.

Mars is a fantastic place to live because it's so natural. We should strive to allow the planet to be more like Mars instead of terraforming it.

meanwhile, in libtardia

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I hope the burning of the forests causes a lot of disasters, I don't mind a lot of fucking twats dying.


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Prove me wrong.

Nah. I don't care if you personally elect to remain retarded. Anybody who cares can easily find out it's a myth on their own.

>based cuck
>perfect pawn
>doesn't care
>we can do whatever we want
>be a drone


very nice, good job mods

Not only did they start the fire, they want the fire. They think taking out the rainforest will only help them make farmland. In reality it will just create a dry area where they can't farm, and ruin the ecosystem of the rest of the planet.

>Good. Let it burn. We need a big natural disaster to wipe out a good chunk of the global population
War could do that without fucking up the planet for millions of years...

This needs to happen. The planet is overpopulated.

Thought so

You looked it up and realized you were wrong? Wow I'm actually impressed!

So kill yourself.

Here's what I get about the Amazon that people don't.

We live in the only planet in forever distance time that sustains life. Out of the whole world there is no other region like the Amazon. Try planting that elsewhere. Try to replace the Amazon. I can't go to Africa or China with seeds from exotic flowers and pull it off successfully.

It's invaluable priceless life. You read about the garden of eden in the bible. I think the Amazon is more epic.

It's one of those things taken for granted so it's hidden in plain sight and retarded people don't destroy it.

This thread still going god damn

Considering 99% of the earths oxegen comes from the ocean and diatoms,

I dont care.

Not a single breath you take comes from the amazon.

Source: the cucking discovery channel and google. (One strange rock)

Maybe I should go around the world with Brazilian soil and seeds to desserts and mountains with the excuse to terraform Mars

We get it. You're shilling. Nobody buys it.

This week at your Walmart. A 7 days (1 week)oxygen supply for best value 34.99$. Buy now and get 1 day for free!
Walmart save money live better

Fucking this man, besides the potential disasters to humanity that come with it being destroyed. Its just such a fucking amazing place.

Anyone have any data on exactly how much of the rainforest these fires could destroy? I know all the shit about how much logging is fucking it but this seems like its on a whole new scale...

I read once it hits over 20% it's a wrap for basically the whole thing and I think we're approaching that. Idk it was bumming me out to hard. You can find it though it was in a science mag with good sources.

The phenomenon I'm referring to is called dieback. Amazon dieback threshold etc. Current Amazon deforest level. Yadda yadda.

Have you literally never seen a female human?

It's fetish porn you fucktard

I dont know i dont get the hype. I mean its just trees and trees are boring. I live in germany and not affected at all by it. Put the animals in the zoo so they dont die. I mean i dont mind and realistically animals go extinct but meanwhile we create new species like pokemons right? I also find that strawberries are really too expensive and since i have a diploma in agriculture i would see that farmland in braxil is used for strawberry cultivation to lower the market price of strawberries.


ITT: brainlets arguing about something they know nothing about

You just used the term “brainlet” and lost any potential credibility.

I really, really, really like this image!

That's just the end guys...

Attached: the end.png (300x250, 16K)

zzzz shill

Me too! Save it, its all yours my friend :)

hahah, great pic!

Thanks, Lori.

Checked, Lori

voting rightists is hazardous to your health

>20% of the oxygen we breath is rotated by the earth lungs
What the fuck are you on about?

But I'm le tired

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It's not like science has made mistakes before.
As we all know, if a scientist says it. Its true.
And as we all certainly know, scientists never disagree about and findings.

You're an idiot.

>It's not like science has made mistakes before.

Yeah thats true but the thing is this kind of shit isnt worth risking, besides its kind of fucking intuitive. THAT much destruction to such a huge part of the global ecosystem cant be fucking good.

I dont understand how people can be so pro huge expensive wars and shit that MIGHT make shit safer (and often goes tits up) when we could be doing something for a fraction of the cost thats almost certainly going to avert major problems.

A webcomics is not
It could be if it had citations. And then those could be verified as independant studies.
I did not see any citations though.
Just so you know, I'm a firm believer in global warming. But you acting like a cunt, with a faggy webcomics is going to change anyone's mind.

Now we just wait for California to hang with Hawaii. Alaska can come too

95% actually, but you're one of the few who have stated this fact. Good for you, user.

>introducing large amounts of ash into the soil will make it hard to grow things
You do know that ash is packed with nutrients for plantlife, right?

I would also like to mention I have observed that there is scarcity in the universe because there are no repeated patterns.

Despite what multiverse philosophical nonsense would have you believe.

>Nutrients for plantlife

Hello brazilian farmer. Keep on doing gods work friendo and dont worry they just hating cause you gonna make money

Batman and the incredible hulk. Today Joe Rogan is getting high on ayahuasca tomorrow you might need an extinct plant for medicine or the advancement of science

OMG's So AOC was wrong ... we will not last 10 years ...It is all over

Expect people to die of suffocation in the years to come because of what they're going to call "smog storms" who are in fact CO2 clouds that have not been purified by those trees we burned in the Amazonia forest.

Floods, Smog clouds, Earthquake, Forest fires… the elements are turning against us it would seem.

Attached: thegamehasjustbegun.gif (312x470, 521K)

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I doubt it will burn for long. They dont want the normies to know there secrets

grasslands provide more oxygen than forests, forests bind more carbon mass though


extension.uga.edu/publications/detail.html?number=B1142&title=Best Management Practices for Wood Ash as Agricultural Soil Amendment
go be retarded somewhere else (((user)))

Here's a better version of that pic.

Attached: g7n9m6g.jpg (2400x2112, 579K)


Attached: 256F4355-AC17-42B1-9C70-96981A0CB2C2.jpg (189x292, 10K)

I agree we’re long overdue







Ocean microbes circulate the overwhelming majority of oxigen


yeah keep working for them

Attached: 69523652_678981905946687_5590637166880358400_n.jpg (778x960, 52K)

Good, about time we all die

It is truly the end times user. Perhaps there is a glimmer of hope that the thread is being derailed by shit posting heros.

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