Serious question: why are white people so scared of Jews?

Serious question: why are white people so scared of Jews?

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nice trips
because they rule everything

they need to scapegoat someone to cope with their own lack of success.
>inb4 kike, I have a loooooooong floppy foreskin

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If you don't treat the rat infestation, it doesn't matter how superior you are, the rats will take over your house.

wow retard
being evil doesn't make you noble but it may make you be able to control shit
thats why they are inferior, because they resort to shitty evil ways in order to control, never a fair fight.

homeowner here. If you are stupid and lazy enough to let rats take over, and too stupid and lazy to then get rid of rats, I'd say you've submitted to the rats.

and you goys keep falling for the same ruse for centuries? I think that makes YOU the inferior ones.

Now imagine you tried to get rid of your rats, and PETA broke into your house and stopped you.

>letting a bunch of hysterical bitches stop you
every excuse you make just makes you sound like more and more of a weak beta who deserves to be ruled.

Asleep at the wheel. Waking up and pissed. Stand the fuck by.

Lol who fell for it?

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Because whites are smart enough to understand that they're a serious issue. And we never said Jews were inferior, we said they were evil.

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lol you ain't gonna do shit except piss and moan on a dying imageboard like the beta cuck you are

ikr? Fucking hilarious

>never said they were inferior
>damage control of epic proportions

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Absolutely massive lol

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I hate goys to the core. I see goys as vermin insects of lesser existence. I only speak to the goyim to manipulate it. Goyim neefs to be enslaved and exploited for the sake of judaism. I see only jews as humans

>trying this hard
show your circ or GTFO "Noah"

They are smart but physically weak, never fight their own wars and always play the victim card

So how do you feel about Donald Trump as your king of israel?

It makes sense that Trump constantly sucks their dick then.

>physically weak
keep telling yourself that you beta goy

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Because all incels are white and all incels need someone to blame for being useless and find the first answer on shit sites like this is “jews are bad”. Also, edgelords.

This seems right actually.

thank you, that made my day!

>never fight their own wars
>literally been fighting a war for 1000 years now
>Israeli soldiers and pilots are top tier
Even as a Jew hater, you can at least appreciate what they can do with a limited military and population

Me personally like jewish people they are cool guys but somewhat reserved and not always honest when talking to me. They seem to really have a fetish for money though even pennies they pickup from the sidewalk. But otherwise i think theyre cool n chill guys.

Though but i got a question cause im longtime Yea Forumstard and read much. Is it true that jews promote racemixing with blacks so that jews have an advantage in intelligence over non jews?

Lol are you retarded

no he's a filthy foreigner

Not scared, Just never met one that I liked. Only filthy thieves and dishonest swindlers.

And how much money and aid do they get from countries like the us?

Don’t know or care? Other countries get foreign aid but don’t create over qualified soldiers with it.

You’re going back in the ovens soon kike.

>Jews do 911
>Murica bombs its neighbors and kicks ass
>Jews killing off stragglers
>Jews feel tough

Not with Donald "netanyahu's fleshlight" Trump in the Whitehouse buddy. See you in 2024.

$3.1 billion a year from the us and how do they repay them?
By killing their people

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? What does any of that have to do with anything, holy fucking kek

Also the president is their chosen one remember.

>USA offers Jews money
>Jews take money
>USA citizen mad at them for taking offered money
You retarded?

I never forget it

This is THE GAME buddy. You got a brain do you, use it wisely. Im tired of scapegoating jews just because goycattle fears our excellence in commencing for the benefit of Judaism. Its getting really frustrating to repeatedly tell scared goys that if you are a good goy then you dont have to fear us.

Im not a us citizen. And israel just takes and takes and takes and then bites the hand that feeds

Because you have an entire race of people who's basic principles are fuck everyone else, we're the chosen people, and that the law and morality only applies when dealing with fellow Jews, so if you can con, lie, cheat and swindle any non-jew and be held in esteem for it. This leads credence to the stereotype that Jews care only for their own financial position and personal comfort, and the rest be damned, literally.
This is compounded by their ability to masquerade as white and infiltrate organisations and governments in order to push their own agenda.
This isn't even a tin foil hat conspiracy, it's reality. There is no real attempt to hide it. The only comfort the ignorant propose is "well, we don't know what they're end game is"

On a side note, inferiority and popularity aren't mutually exclusive. In fact when it comes to people and religion, the more ridiculous and unfalsifiable the better.

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ITT: beta America AKA the incel of the world using Jews as a scapegoat because they outsmart them at every turn.

>guys, we could fuck the rest of the world but those Jews are standing in our way wahhhhh

Can you please explain why you support Donald Trump when he embraces Jews like none other?

assuming you aren't a propagandist designed to cause descent on this thread, if you look at history closely enough you'll understand there are active secs that have been moving to destroy the EU white race for the better part of 150 years plus. It's all admitted and academically confirmed as being there. They've just brilliantly gotten the earth cuck'd to them. Loads of people are waking up though, most people aren't stupid. This could lead to dangerous times.

history rhymes lol

Where did he say he supports donald trump?

Yeah definitely don't vote for Trump unless you want the king of israel to be king of the United States

Because i'm not American, and a clown president leading a clown nation is hilarious. You laugh at him, we laugh at you.

you can't touch that power and not have handlers at this point, not since the 70's anyway.

You think he's a Bernie guy? lol no. Republicans sure do vote for the "king of the jews" for a bunch of jew haters.

Vote for whoever will cause the most destruction. This world is too corrupted to be reformed. The best we could hope for is total war

Haha nobody is ever American! :D

And if a democrat is elected that kicks off the civil war in the states right? When he tries to take your guns?

Where did he say he was a republican. I agree exactly with what he's saying and know that voting for either makes no difference in what is now an inherently Jewish system

Just be a good goyim ok? Why do you feel always concern? We built you gyms and eateries. We inform you on world events. We entertain you with movies. We give you literally everuthing for a good life but yet you still mistrust us. Why is that im really feeling desperate. Open up what do you want?


So you aren't going to vote then? Or you're going to vote for the chosen one of israel donald j trump?

A civil war like that would never happen. People would just go quietly. No, im talking about total nuclear war for the whole world

The US is only 4.2% of the world population, it's currently 7-10pm across India, Russia, China Indonesia, Australia and New Zealand.

Im not a mutt. I would vote for the irish national party if they ran but as it stands there is no point in voting

And you're American. And so is 90% of this board. You might notice we're all speaking English?

You know where else speaks English? The uk

It's weird how when you remind everyone that Donald Trump absolutely swallows Jew loads daily suddenly there isn't an American in sight. But if you're talking about guns being illegal you're all dock workers in Hoboken lol.

ahhh haaa haaa, You're American, I can tell from the educational system

the world is pretty nice, too. you fucktards are willing to burn down a house because you don't like the paint job.

>90% of board is American because they speak English
Holy fuck you people are just complete retards

Do i need to dox myself for you retards before you believe im not a mutt

And also where you live, the United States of cucked jewlandia with president star of david forehead tattoo.

Posting a picture of a kike who is known to have gotten his ass handed to him every time he started shit backstage with white men half his size does nothing to validate your argument. And I'm talking about actual fights between the boys, not the choreographed bullshit you see on tv.

Get the fuck out of here you leftist glownigger.

We're scared of them for the same reasons we're scarred of niggers, but on a grander scale.

>Trump sucks Jew cock
>Trump somehow wins election

Anytime someone complains about Jews they're actually complaining about capitalism, but need a specific group to blame

no need. we have your inbreeding credentials on file right here

The world is like a mouldy piece of bread. It looks okay on the outside but in the inside its totally rotten and has to be thrown away

Remember. The safest place on earth in worldwar 3 will be Israel.

t. communist fucktard.
people can be retarded about jews without you being retarded about capitalism

Bread gets moldy on the outside first. Try again.

Just because you're upset that everyone calls you a sister fucker for being a yank and you didn't even get to 3rd base with her

This is correct and good luck.

>you didn't fuck your sister!
A very well thought out insult on par with
>actually my parents are dead!

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No thats only after it has matured and can spread its spores

We should focus on China as they are the real threat. Not some 0.116% of worldpopulation.

>hurr durr he challenged my retarded views, must be a leftist who eats soy
kek fucking autist. People like you give whites a bad rep

They joke is you tried to. And you still get called it, retard

Jews are mostly white people. Your ideology makes no sense.

Uh no?

that's a nice sentiment from someone that has no idea the amount of work that goes into making that bread again.
if we cast down society like you small minded children desire, all the good of the world will be cast away.
revolution does not lead to a better world. it leads to the haves having even more, and no rights for the common person.
the US has a functional division of power that's surviving even mitch's deviance and trumps send aggrandizing. we have lots wrong, but this is a problem of the populace, not the system. people need to care, and you fuckers just throw your hands up and decide it's all too hard and pretend things would be magically better if roving gangs of assholes with guns went around hurting people and millions starved. because that's what revolution is.
anyone that says differently is trying to destroy you.

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the joke is you thinking you have a functional sense of humor.

Fuck off kike. Go vote for Trump again, globalist.

It looks okay on the outside but is ruined on the inside. Jesus Christ

>goy status: triggered
let me're about 5 foot 8 inches tall and maybe 150 lbs with a backpack on.

No, because China gets off knowing American retards are fighting each other or blaming Jews.

Fuck I wish I was a chink

Haha you didn't have sex with your sister! #owned

Trump is king of the Jews.

It’s okay kid, you’re mad.

You're just salty little kike loving sister fucker that doesn't know that people other than Americans can speak english lol

Bread molds from the outside inwards, like cheese. You can just cut off the moldy bit and eat the rest of you're poor. What are you talking about? Basing your ideology on really poorly thought out analogy might be a bad idea.

I told you I didn't vote for Trump because he's a Jew shill. Wtf are you talking about.

you seem to be under the impression only one person is responding to you

Explaining something using an analogy?what a retard i must be to do that

I once helped a buddy of mine move for two weeks (almost nothing packed, throwing it into a truck doing hauls). On the last day as we're going down the stairs, he turns to me.
>hey, I really appreciate your help man
>here's 20 bucks
I said "hey, thanks man, you're welcome" all that BS, but what I was thinking was
>damnit, I should have known
>whatever, it's in his nature (~half jew half irish)
At that point, buy a man pizza and call it good (pizza was promised previously but not delivered)

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it's a poor analogy and you're stretching it beyond what slight usefulness it had.

An analogy would be like you're soft in the middle with a hard exterior. You're an egg waiting to be broken.
Not some made up shit about how bread magically rots from the inside out.

Jew are morally inferior, they are not necessarily less intelligent than us. Although you could argue they just have specific traits, like verbal intelligence and being able to come up with plots.
We weren't easily fooled by them, it took many centuries and two world wars, for jews to finally gain permanent ground in Europe. You do know what WW2 was explicitly about, right? Hilter and his followers realized the Jewish threat and defeated it from within, despite all odds. Many people also seem to forget how different things were then, you couldn't just organize easily on the internet, or have get information about the international jew at a moments notice. It was incredibly hard to understand what was going on at the time, it took a loot of intelligence for that. Nowadays even the greatest idiots can get a better a somewhat understand of the current world, then 90% of all people from the 19th century. The thing is that people don't make use of modernd deviced properly, we have acces to so much literature thanks to the internet. Yet most people these days haven't even read more than the few books that they had to in school, if any at all.

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Wow you could get a pizza and a six pack to yourself. Imagine. How rude.

Looks fine on the outside but is shit on the inside. You can cut off the outside mould, it doesn't mean that it better

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Theres nothing wrong with being jewish. Im jewish and i am an average guy consuming the same shit as you do. Sure no argue that some jews made it to powerful positions but whats wrong with that? So does whites indians chinks and arabs. All that the jews control the world and are evil and manipulative is a stupid stereotype based on propaganda by hardcore antisemites who had simply a economic rivalry with jews. In fact nazis are exactly that what you blame us jews for

Jews are fuckin fine, who cares they're a tiny minority. Israel is problematic. Netanyahu is problematic. Trump is problematic. We'd all be fine though without capitalists basically.

Picking apart the analogy instead the point it's trying to prove doesn't make you look smart

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>be white euro in 1890’s
>Rule most the world
>Then fuck it into the ground less than thirty years later

Shit, hey look what the jews did everybody!

It doesn't though. Moldy bread will appear moldy on the outside. You will never cut into a loaf of bread and find mold if it isn't already covered in mold.

Lets try to draw a line between Jews, Israel, Nethanyahu and Trumps election. Hmmmm. If only there where a common denominator.

Haha this just happened to coincide with the industrial revolution and rise of capitalism hmmmmm

Trump is at the center of that web as far as the US is concerned

Do you have dementia and are just forgetting the point. Its not difficult. Looks okay enough on the outside but is still fucked.

Ok here. The world is not at all like a moldy piece of bread. It is a far more complicated system with all types of things going on. Better?

Bread doesn't look ok on the outside of it is moldy and if you look at the current state of the world and say "looks ok on the outside!" you're fucking retarded.

The point of an analogy is to explain complex things in simple terms. We are living in a fucked up era, simply

>Based user

People think they can cut off the mold and make it fine but it doesn't. Its still fucked on the inside where you cant see it you fucking retard

You can cut off the moldy part on bread and it is fine.

No. The point of an analogy is to compare one thing to another accurately and provide a perspective that someone who if familiar with one thing and not the other could understand. You have done neither. The bread thing was an error and a failure. Try again. If you decided the apocalypse is good because of this bread analogy, you have made a serious error.

jews are not human, and the reason why they rule everything is because they are willing to set morals past their actions, thus becoming worse than trash, literal rodents.

Jews are inferior, and jews rule everything because nazies lost the fight against every other country of earth.

Are you blind? you're just removing the spores

Fine the world is like your head, it looks kind of okay on the outside but in the inside it's completely ruined

The bread is fine. You probably wouldn't want to eat it though. Good video you can see the mold on the outside of the bread!

This thread is for retards. I make one analogy and then everyone decides to debate with me about how its okay to eat moldy bread

There are certain kinds of mold that could make you really sick or kill you.

you are bad at thinking

Jews are evil. They are morally and physically inferior. That's why they avoid any confrontation and only conspire how to use their sneaky ways to subdue straight white men, the only known species to see thru their bullcrap, thus posing the greatest threat for their survival. Exposing them is like sunlight for cockroaches, they hate that shit. And they're not even the real Jews, they're Khazars.

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>and then suddenly, one day, people hated Jews for no reason

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We don't, the shitmunching general public do. Don't be so fucking coy. This has been centuries in the making. It's basically too late to stop them now unless you strip them of their wealth.


>Theres nothing wrong with being jewish. Im jewish
>I am jewish
fuck off kike, everything you say is a lie

How do you feel about the 6 million? Or does that not bother you because you agree it didn't happen?

Not always to each other, they're religion however condones immoral act's to non Jews. You're allowed to lie, cheat, swindle and enslave non Jews, and success is often socially applauded.

well, duh, that's what conspiring means
extreme double standards induced by their superiority complex which in itself is a product of cognitive dissonance

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It didn’t have to go the way it did.
The royal houses and businesses of Europe were more concerned with snapping up every last exploitable piece of real-estate they could.
Then after they cut their own throats they claimed the bankers (jews) made them do it.
Which is funny because there weren’t any Jewish kings and Almost no Jewish generals leading Europe off to war.

>Which is funny because there weren’t any Jewish kings and Almost no Jewish generals leading Europe off to war.

LMFAO why do jews have to lie so blatantly all the time, I just can't

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So the Catholics and Protestants lost too?
The kings, and Queens of Europe, and most European countries at one time or another?
So all those people tried to get rid of the Jews yet somehow they’ve all failed?
Are euros just monumentally stupid?

Or maybe they've always know that if you kill all the scapegoats you won’t have anyone to blame the next time you fuck up!

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