I wish I had a fucking boyfriend to cuddle and make out with. I'm so fucking bored and touch starved

I wish I had a fucking boyfriend to cuddle and make out with. I'm so fucking bored and touch starved.
Time to go masturbate to music and hentai about rape legalization again. I'm so fucking lonely and awkward

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r u ugly?

feeling the same

Attached: Girlfriend 7.jpg (497x700, 54K)


Go to the gay bar this weekend then.

Same but I have a bf, he just works alot and I sit at home all day like a failure lmao

You sound like you need a discipline to become better at and suffer for in life, maybe get a more challenging job or a degree or get a creative hobby.
You're losing the sense of progress and direction in life thus your average boredom each day naturally bugs you more than others and makes you depressed. You're coded to experience this in your situation, don't blame yourself, just think of things you can do about it ocassionally.

Can you post pictures of you're feet's?

Sure thing
Aw that sucks

Is there anybody out there?
Is there anybody out there?
Is there anybody out there?

Attached: Pink 16.jpg (960x540, 56K)

my boyfriend of 3 years left me for another woman & I feel you. he had a milk fetish and now i got nobody to succ boobie while cuttle :s

Attached: Girlfriend 11.jpg (467x700, 56K)

how hard is it to find a new titsucker?

Milk fetish?

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same bruh

That fetish sounds oddly intriguing. I wish you the best

bruno of consent

he set my standards for men undeservingly high. hes was really attractive & tall & made good money. I guess im trying to settle for one of those.

Where you from?



Fucking weeb.

hmm im a femanon what should i do...?

i should post hentai implying i'm a cute girl and then have beta males fight over me! Perfect!

>pic related

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S T O C K H O L M ?

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Can you pls stop larp for just a min and answer one question,
How’s fat are you irl for realsies?

tits or gtfo

Oh god oh god Ive been exposed
135 and 5' 4"


there has to be THAT ONE guy. fuck off you're annoying


oH hAhA i'Ve BeEn ExPoSeD i'M sO cLuMsY bEtA mAlEs ThIs MaKeS mE sO mUcH mOrE cUtEr PlEaSe GeT yOuR cOcKs OuT aNd StArT mAsTuRbAtInG tO mY cUtE pIctUrEs HaHa I'm tOtAlLy NoT aN aTtEnTiOn WhOrE

Attached: cat.jpg (512x502, 58K)

>That One guy
>not knowing the rules to Yea Forums
Go back to /soc/ and white knight more.

Tits or gtfo
Meetups, cams, and general faggotry are best left in /soc/

OP is male stop falling for bait


im not white knighting, you fucking brainlet. literally every thread has one of these fuckers. it's been going on for YEARS, and i know that. It's become fucking annoying seeing them in every fucking thread. So please fuck off, you retard.

Are you ok

Never said I wasn't

not that user but; newfag get out
"tits or gtfo" is how we prevent 40 year old wizards from cybersexing our sweet anons by pretending to be women in a thread.
If you're a woman prove it or cut your throat that's it, no "trust me I'm female" you pisscunt. Just pretend you're a man if you don't want to post your nipples.
I know but user clearly feels like you're >implying

this is why y'all can't get girlfriends, just saying

i literally posted this
also i've been on here for fucking years, do you think i don't know that?

That’s kilograms right


Kek rekt

Nah I want a gf that can fit through a standard door frame without having to bring special equipment,


then lose some weight. like attracts like.

You’re a tiny person!

>it was a joke u anal bead
Kek I’m married with a kid u dumb fuck