Let's say I give you a $100 note, to spend on whatever 'extra' you want. What would you spend it on?

Let's say I give you a $100 note, to spend on whatever 'extra' you want. What would you spend it on?

Attached: $100 Note.jpg (1200x505, 124K)

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My bills.



Not much I can get for $100 dollars, but probably spend it on either scuba diving or food

Dinner and a movie for my fiancee and I.

Been working ourselves into an early grave bc we want a nice honeymoon after our wedding. She deserves something nice once in a while.

My bills are taken care of so id probably just pay down a card a little faster.

save it for bills next time


Fake Rolex

Probably groceries for the month.

You posted this yesterday nigger

My amazon debt

Dual gigabit NIC for my FreeNAS box.

A repost, here? I am shocked.

A fair bit of pot

Devil May Cry 5 and a 40 dollar payment for my new PS4 Pro because my PS4 is broken.


Id buy a gram of molly, 7g of some AAAA giggle bush, and some food for munchies. I got a problem

This thread again

Attached: 1566218849999.jpg (250x200, 9K)

medication or off set the cost of fixing my dryer.

Vidya games.

Nah this picture is more fitting for this faggot

Attached: 9695282-2.jpg (960x520, 65K)

Buy a Black Lotus

Blackjack and boipucci

Attached: 1562450386441.jpg (900x900, 166K)

A hand made single tail or bull whip. It's fhe last thing missing in my collection and I bet my sub would love it.

Paying all my bills tomorrow so would probably use it to buy a 20 bag, household stuff, a haircut, go see a movie, and probably go somewhere to eat.


Pills and bud


with 100 I'd buy a few copies of that one multiplayer game I have for my friends so we can talk more often

cocaine or xanax

weed and beer

Attached: 404.jpg (500x375, 53K)

Classes ao i can get a better job, or the girl i like...whi is arguably just as important if not more



I'd get a new tire for my bicycle and probably a new chair, or just some pork to put in my freezer

I'd take my dad out to dinner.

I haven't been able to keep a job lately, been screwed over so it's kind of hard to make ends meet.

My father is getting old and I realise now that every moment I have with him is worth gold.

I take care of him now as he took care of me as a kid. Mom passed away a while ago.

I'd take him out to dinner at his favorite restaurant. To do something nice for him.

godspeed user



Donate half to charity. Steak for me.

What charity?

The another steak for me foundation.

(Which reminds me that I have to register for the run this year. Thanks.)

Id give it to my friend who is gonna model for my next album cover.

I've got a deal with the almighty that when I win money (lotto, raffle, etc.) that I don't immediately need, half goes to charity.

200 jelly bracelets with some garbage on them, sell them for $1 each to dumbfuck college kids.

i would buy another 100 bill for 99.86 from the government

I'd buy car parts to finish my build.

It's a star note, so I would save it.


The what? You know Bruce almighty was a film? Thats not real Yea Forumsro!

Another copy of pokemon platinum and maybe another ds lite or some nice bourbon

The copy I have now still works, just doing a shiny badge quest and if i had another copy i could beat it, get the pokeradar and pick the shiny i want for the dream team in the badge quest

Here's to another couple thousand soft resets for that shiny cranidos

somebody send this user $100

Food and Fuel

Juul pods

I'd make a joke about that being what I call my wife. But I don't have one. :-(

Furry art

Couple rounds of golf

credit card debt, I am already paying it down but $100 is $100

Same thread as yesterday. Fuck off foreigner

beer I ran out and need to get more

Same thread as yesterday.

I'd throw $100 at Realm of the Mad God and get myself a shit ton more character slots and vault chests.

Attached: 0J20aRp.png (591x600, 169K)

>not much
>scuba diving
Pick one

You can't get much scuba gear for $100.

Nigger that's like $7

100 tacos.

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Stock options

I will turn that into $30 in 2 minutes baby

Looks like we got a trump tier investor here.

Yeah, right.

Give it to me. I'll get into -$300 marigin calls in a minute and a half. That's what a real man does. Pussy

stop posting this shit faggot

Hookers and blow.