Nicki Minaj is meant for breeding, right?

Nicki Minaj is meant for breeding, right?

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Nicki is meant to be worshipped like a goddess she is

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You realize plastic surgery isn't passed on through genes right? The kid world look like her pre-op, a trashy flat mess.

impregnation is just fun in general

My face is meant for her to sit on

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Is she going to be bred by white men?

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She's the only black person I find attractive.


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haha imagine if this was Nicki

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The only nigger that i'd fuck

Cardi B > Niki


No. Her ass is fake. She belongs in the garbage dump.

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Is that the porn star Maserati?

Is that Maserrattixxx?

Hahah broooooooo

Why would you want to fuck a fat nigger? Not getting any anywhere else?
Jebus, the shit children are attracted to these days.

Post cardi b

She’s gross nicki is best slut

Nicki got to be grosser in my opinion she fucked Gucci mane when he was deep in that hood shit man

Don't know about breeding but I want my dick to be deep inside Nicki's asshole.

Why do people find Cardi hotter? Like they have nice features but Cardi has a disgusting face. At least Nicki looks a little better.

I agree with you cardi face is ugly it always look like she just got done eating a lemon but her body is pretty nice

heavy tits

Cardi is latina not black

Very heavy

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What does that have to do with what said? I was just saying Nicki has a better looking face but they both have nice bodies.

I am spanish i hate niggers

heavy and amazing

well I'm not black or spanish

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They definitely deserve more attention

Your face is meant to be punched multiple times


No, she's plastic. The kid won't even resemble her

As much as her ass


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So yes?

Oh definitely.

I typically don't like niggers or plastic whores but I'd jump around on that.

Mmmm nice

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Christ fucking look at them

The fucking bling she wears man. being a queen would suit her

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I'd Genghis Khan both

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Shes fucking proud of them

how many times have they made you cum?

As she should be

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Think anyone would drop down and worship that tbh

Definitely, thats a goddess body.

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She is so fucking incredible...

Fucking godlike

Milk those cocks, boys

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Oh believe me, I am for that body...

Imagine being the lucky one to breed her.

I don't think you can really breed with anal sex though.

she's got nice feet... for a niglet

>Those tits
>Those hips

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Anything for Nicki.


Nicki deserves it for sure.

i'm an ass-man but i hate fake asses, woman always over do it and it's super obvious because their thighs are way too skinny for the size of their ass.




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Get her pregnant.


yes ma'am.

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Her ass is that big now? Damn.

Dude Cardi IS hood shit man wtf you talking about??

I know...

No you don't

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God bless her

I don't even care if her ass is plastic. I'm pouding.

and her big booty

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And her big boobs.

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I hope she fucks white guys.

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I feel like she fucks them but wouldn't date them



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Fuck yes that bounce.

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Ever felt an plastic ass? It feels all hard and you can't spread her cheeks when you want to fuck. Disgusting

Damn those titties.

Love how she's pressing them together at the start.

She knows where we are looking

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This made me want to fuck Nicki.

That bounce cunt

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Curly hair nog. Has to wear extensions and wigs.. needs more white genes

Made me give up on white women tbh

How can other chicks compare with that ass

they dont

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That body man, pretty soon we'll be in a world where people can only cum to nikki

Mass milkings to her...

nicky minaj would look very pretty in an army uniform.

Did she try and flash the DJ and not realise where she was?

I would love to just let her ride my face til she explodes all in my mouth. God damn. Got the jungle fever waaaay too early in the morning. (5:50 AM here)

Only one solution...

Milk for Nikki

We need more Nicki webms

No, she's meant to turn you on so much that you waste all your money on her music/posters/bathwater and jerk off nonstop to her instead of going out and meeting a woman.

I don't see a problem support the queen

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OMG wowww

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Those heels make her feet look so fucking hot

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Mmmm fuck yes they do, making me hardd

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I wanna taste her ass and her feet tbh

why has no one leaked her nudes?

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legit wanna drop down and worship

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Her thighs, holy shitttttt. Would give her all of my cash man

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imagine if she would strangle you with her thighs

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Shes into pressing little white boys faces into her bare titties

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She's ment to be beaten and raped

I'm about to spill my seed on the floor for her

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I would fucking beg her too, wouldn't fight back for a moment

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Imagine her sitting on you until you start suffocating. Wouldn't take long with that fat ass

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Fuck, exactly in that pose. What do you want her to do to you user

Tongue up her anus in the same position

>Kiss my feet user

Wat do

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>Would drop down and start kissing. You heard her user

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No she meant to pick cotton

Spanish love their niggers

Would worship til the end of my days

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She is meant to spread syphilis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, genital warts, herpes and a few other nasty diseases. When she jumos inyo a back alley dumpster, the dumpster gets aids

I think you are furiously fapping to the naked dudes ya homo

Fake tits, fake ass and no talent

Queen of if the dumpster sluts

You forget than taylor swift is blacked

Sure she is. All that plastic surgery to make her fake ass body costs a lot of money. She had to fuck a lot of famous rappers and producers and record execs to make enough money. Bitch swallowed an ocean of cum.

She say slavery you say sorry

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Enjoy yer aids

>>Damn those, fake, plastic titties

There, fixed it for you

She should NOT procreate. No.


How would you feel if you were responsible for this belly?

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i would be happiest guy in the world

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>hop in loser! we're going to get some ice cream

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i'd feel like I would never have to work a day in my life again

Nicki is my American dream

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I bet she smells bad. Like musky butthole masked with "juicy" brand fragrance or some shit.

She should really do porn. It'd be a lot better entertainment than her crap "music".

Cant wait for the deepfakes of her. Can't imagine anyone I want more.

Thats my favorite kind ass smell

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God I want it

pressed against your face right?

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Yea when it produces good offspring. Niggers can only play basketball and rap.

Nikki the reason i married a black girl.

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I hope she dies in a car fire

Post more of her giant ass please

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This is how she looked before being famous

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woah she was better what happened

Ask Quavo or Meek Mill

Breeding? No. Violent anal rape? Yes.

Fuck. She literally has the body of a Caramel goddess.

So, people fuck sex dolls. She's like an advanced sex doll.

Would do that in a heartbeat.

This is correct

I wouldn't even fight back.

>With a nigger

Lol no

That sounds like heaven