Where are the shells from when he fires his gun outside of the mosque? He fires 21 bullets at 8:56 and none of the shells can be seen anywhere on the ground. He then fires 3 more rounds in the opposite direction and again, none can be seen on the ground.
Why is nobody screaming in the mosque? There's an occasional groan and moan but nobody in there is truly panicking. That makes no sense. I guess the muslims are just happy to know they're going to meet allah soon.
Just because you don't think Mason and Pierce were right about a direct war against the system doesn't mean other people don't faggot. Just because you lack the balls and resolve to fight for your race doesn't mean other men don't. People are going to do this shit faggot no amount of screaming mossad or optics cucking will retcon this kind of behavior. It's real and it's organic and it's been happening among Chan culture and ethno may culture for years. They've mixed movements it's no surprise it's happening like it is. >Tl;Dr if you want to understand what's happening read siege
Anthony Cooper
I'm not OP and I don't think this was fake but there's many reasons. Why did the Jews and the us government fake 9/11?
Op saying this was fake is crazier than him saying it was mossad. I agree shit is orcastrartees
Owen Watson
I ain't gonna do this shit nigger and neither should you
Jack Edwards
I don’t have to do anything, faggot. Your entire life is wrapped up in the 3 sentences I already stated.
Nathaniel Roberts
>chan culture >making fringe failures shoot up some people to feel significant >read siege The USA could have been the light of the world, instead it just got fat and rich and started eating itself over gay shit.
yu think anyone would lay down their life for their race, your the fuckin pussy dude
Daniel Richardson
When you die, the only person who would care is your poor mother. But if she knew what a worthless, disgraceful piece of shit you have become, she would dry her tears and know the world became a better place without you in it.
Jacob Lopez
Extremes, where you go when you run out of ideas.
Or in the case of white supremacists, the first place, because they only have bad old ideas. The problem is the left doesn't have many new good ideas. Bad old ideas look bad and old next to good new ones.
TLDR your gay skinhead shit always and only plays in the gap of liberal failure